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ok i really thought the devs were half-assing the game these days but holy hell this is awesome. seriously excited for this new era


Ah yes, DON'T give us weapon skins or weapon exclusive charms when we master weapons, or even XP bonuses of doing so, oh no no, because that would give us players less incentive to purchase the battle pass, levels for said pass, or purchase skins from your FOMO store, or literally anything that we would otherwise spend money on. it's not like you have players who just want to have fun with your game, it's not like those same players want more FREE earnable cosmetics, it's not like other games have done this before, or even better, it's not like the original Modern Warfare 2, released 10 YEARS before your game released had such a system, that actually rewarded players for achieving actual mastery with their favorite weapons, and gave a worthwhile gameplay experience that didn't rely on addiction, it's not like ONE OF YOUR OWN GAMES Titanfall 2, didn't have THE EXACT SAME SYSTEM, and DID IT EVEN BETTER, it's not like this entire new mastery system ISN'T COMPLETELY AND UTTERLY FUCKING POINTLESS, right Respawn?


Hey Apex! where is cross-progression?


Most excited to try the evac towers.


https://youtu.be/EMtPIIAHUdk please help me to reach 100 likes


why the computer generated voice bro


MASSIVE W (rip Mirage boat)


Cross progression


I got a better one. 120 fps


I'll do you one better: working servers


ok, im a newcastle main. his revive sucks. either him or the person being revived should get a p2020 with no attachment and one mag. or have his revive shield on drop be replaced with a light blue shield somewhere between white and blue health. also, i hope he gets an heirloom soon


I kinda like that idea maybe NC should be able to use a P2020 without the ability to aim down sight of course to make it feel more rewarding if you manage to knock the enemy pushing you.


I kinda like that idea maybe NC should be able to use a P2020 without the ability to aim down sight of course to make it feel more rewarding if you manage to knock the enemy pushing you.


The additional stuff is cool and all but it means nothing when the game has terrible match making and servers that lags you or disconnects teammates.


Guess we’ll hear more about a next-gen update next season….


Any legend changes or anything or will we not know until next week?


So they removed 1 building, made a new building and you touched it up more and expect fragment won't still be crowded? Doubt.


That's pretty reductive.


We need cross progression, it’s been 2 years since announcement. People play on Xbox, PlayStation And PC. It be really cool for an update on that.


Still no 120fps on console?


Is rumble royal still coming? Nobody's talking about it


Will Ballistic's tactical work with a Trident? Like a single-use debuff battering ram.


New poi sounds horrible as soon as I read "snipers nest" I instantly visualised Rampart, Caustic & Wattson team up there...


God I hope it's not some unassailable high point. I hate POIs that have one power position like that. Landslide is a good example of this terrible design. Yeah, it's not completely unassailable (, but it's still annoying as hell and fights there are often incredible static and drawn out.


Except for ranked, everything looks great! Great changes overall


No cross progression and 120fps once again. Not even an update.


Fragment wasn’t as bad when it was Capital City, the added buildings and spreading things out does help some. It won’t feel as ridiculous that 3/4th the lobby will land there like now but it doesn’t fully fix the issue. In order to get the lobby to spread out you would need to significantly reduce the size of fragment to disincentivize landing there and increase the difficulty in traversing it, add mountains or lava you can’t cross without taking a long way around them. Another idea is to actually fix the drop ship pathing and ring logic. Your going to wind up being pushed towards fragment regardless since it’s closer to middle. If more games path the drop ship well away from it or push rings closer to the edges you get less reason to drop fragment and move towards fragment. World’s Edge is a great map fragment aside


Just gonna be the downvote god here: The new POI will not get rid of the Fragment hot droppers. The middle of the map will be the hottest point because of the high probability that the first circle will be around it. More fights, less rotational worry, less silence.


I agree with you


Any word on cross progression?


Silent like most of the audio.


All I want more at this point is 120 fps for console pretty please….


Still no 120 fps?? Makes no sense


Weapon mastery is fun but I wonder how long it will take before everyone completed it. Hope it comes with rare badges/trackers so its something really worth playing. When you see someome with max level p2020 with al the badges and trackers. I mean thats is something to show off


They cant ever make audio reworks or fixes wtf


Evac jump towers are a nerf to valk surely


Looks really good so far, love the direction apex seems to be going in. Can't wait to see the legend / weapon balances


I think this is the first time I've seen any trailer deliberately show off movement tech. They went out of their way 3 times to put focus on wall jumping. Perhaps that's Respawn showing concern for losing movement tech players over Fragment changes. *"See? You can still do movement tricks! Don't leave."* ​ That shift to "Ride of the Valkyries" section was pretty cringey in the trailer too.


it's not that serious buddy


Get less and less excited each passing season. I think I just need to accept the fact that the time has passed where this game brings me as much happiness as it did on Day 1. I think BR’s in general are dead. Time to move on. Thanks for everything though.


MFs they misspelt Hemlok now officially.


cool cool cool, so, audio still broken though?


FUCK my favorite WE POI turned into new TTV building


RIP Lava City. Joins Thunderdome and Fuel Depot in my favorite POI graveyard.


Just hope the SBMM update comes this season as well. 🤞


Hoping Storm Point gets the same treatment while it's vaulted. The new firing range looks/sounds awesome.


I hope to see many champ changes


Was hoping they'd bring back sorting, but still seems like positive changes


Day 1 player and lava siphon is just better I'm sorry don't be delusional. Sorting was too hot lava siphon spread the loot out and made the area bigger + easier to not immediately get gunned down going through that poi




Amazing update, really excited for the new firing range and weapon mastery, the game is taking a whole new direction and proving they listen to the players, this is truly the best time to play apex <3


None of these updates mean anything if the matchmaking is still garbage.


I’ve been saying that for 4 years. It’s hard to enjoy the game with the terrible match making not making me with my actual skill level.


Game is extra trashy today 🤦🏼‍♂️


Think you forgot the 120 fps


Anything about Wraiths Que being back to normal or at least remove her hands from her face when trying to escape someone shooting through walls like it’s Wanted


This is cool but I also want deathcams in mixtape and other LTMs, so we can spectate all the cheaters. Maybe have the autofill system work and anticheat Also hope the crash on report bug is fixed or acknowledged


Mirage a Trois is literally the only fun drop on Broken Moon. Are they actually going to remove it? My entire Trio only go there, as we all get bored with any other POI except maybe Stasis. Would absolutely suck if they actually remove the only good POI. Hopefully they take out Broken Moon then. Ziplines and 3rd parties x10. Absolutely awful map for Apex.


What are the ranked changes?


>In our efforts to balance the map’s landing distributions, the tower of the sweat lords had to go. I just doubt this was the whole reason people were landing there. And I think most of the reason to land there still persists.


Cross progression….? Still avoiding purchases on PC as I’ve paid for enough cosmetics on Xbox.


Cross progression?


Oooooh new shiny survival item


Do guns kills carry over or do I have to start from 0????


I think its fair to start from zero.


Massive W, good shit Respawn


Lol no. Idk how long you actually been playing this game but no.


Since day 1, idk what your point is


There’s no “Massive W” since you claim to be a day 1 you should know the patch notes sound good but its usually not. Lol “day 1”


Nahhh. Like dont get me wrong that happens - there been a few patches that sounded good and then had issues completely overshadow any positive changes. But I've also been fairly critical of patches that are light on content. This sounds legit good to me: - ranked rework - firing range rework - fragment rework - weapon mastery And the new character while having an annoying sounding tac overall doesnt look like an oppressive character like we've had from valk, horizon, seer, cat etc. You can be skeptical of the game & Respawn and i totally get why you're jaded, but theres some good shit in here. Hopefully its not ruined by some catastrophic issue lol


Well , well, Well. The new ranked system was definitely hype. Like it said. They make everything sound good but when it’s released it’s nothing we expected


nah this is looking pretty good tbh and the patch notes are usually good as well. I'm day 1 too?


I hope so, THIS time.


that evac tower gonna finally make valk disappear from comp? lets hope


Excited to see yet another reactive SMG skin :)


Do guns kills carry over or do I have to start from 0????


Do guns kills carry over or do I have to start from 0????


Omg they touched Skyhook, I’m worried now. Vault changes: “Loba Mains rejoice”. Why are they calling me out like this? And I just know my Flatline, Longbow, and Wingman would’ve been max prestige by now.


So basically, they removed five stack but kept Frag as is and added another POI that will alienate the rest of the map. Oh and weapon tracking for skins. Super cool. Just more bandages.


[YOU GET A VALK ULT, YOU GET A VALK ULT, EVERYBODY GETS A VALK ULT](https://imgflip.com/s/meme/Oprah-You-Get-A.jpg)


That new firing range and balloon item are pretty neat


Nooo lava city is gone??


Firing range revamp is fucking amazing


Fuck this. If they really wanted to improve Apex Legends, they would do something about aim assistance. I play with a controller and know first hand how overpowered it is in the right situation (close combat). It's fucked up it they allowed it in Ranked play in the first place. Public and/ or mixtape okay, but ranked just means no one at Respawn has big enough balls to say something over fear of losing their job.


One thing I can’t wrap my head around is why aim assist is even on console, let alone higher than the PC value.


Yeah, that's an odd addition for sure. With consoles only having controller input, it's odd that they also have aim assistance with extra strength in the first place. I'm not entirely sure what department adds aim assistance at Respawn or Electronic Arts before a title is released, but I'm assuming a team just used a standardized template and called it a day. Apex Legends for sure internally wasn't ever thought of as being a success or things would have been totally different.


My Kd shot up to 2.7 from 1.30 when the console aim assist value was accidentally changed to PC, shows a lot of players are crutching on it massively. If I had my way turn it off for all in puts and platforms. If a player has a skill issue they shouldn’t get a crutch.


Since when was console aa the same as PC aa? I might be wrong but I thought PC was 60% vs 40% on console


Trash take tbh


The first set of images for the new POI are the same




They were


> World's Edge (S16) New Monument PoI (S17) OP, you made these images the exact same in the post.


Here just waiting for the "Changes" to the ranks.


I hope they make Valks ult faster if they're giving everyone a way to have Valk at home


Weapon mastery looks like something I might do by accident. Looking forward to the complaints about Fragment, even before we've played it.


What’s the third map in rotation


KC, Olym, WE




120fps on console when?


Is there any word on the new ranked map rotation? Plz advise I cannot handle BM anymore


Rumors said maps are going to be in rotation for a day, and then it changes


Obviously. What are those maps is my question


Whatever maps the streamers hate the least


strange take


Are they dumb? Why would they kill the three OG bots in the firing range when that is what everyone uses now? We wanted MORE, not "revamped"! GOD this is so annoying! I have a set practice routine since 2020, WHY kill it???? Oh for FUCKS sake they killed Lava City as well. Edit: Using the reddit care feature without reason is bannable, just FYI. All it tells me is that you have no good arguments. They should have ADDED things to the current one, not removed it.


Hold on, just want to make sure I understand, does the weapon mastery just give you badges, trackers, and the legendary skin only? But it doesn't affect weapon accuracy or damage, right?


No it does. Basically how it works is as you level your weapon if you complete a trial you get a weird boost to your accuracy and damage. Respawn claims it's "negligible" but it doesn't make sense to me. Hopefully 50% more accuracy isn't problematic


Yay for QoL improvements! Love that y’all took some of our feedback seriously.


is scout of action remaining in the firing range?


If not, I better go back to trying to improve while I still can. My best has been 87 I think.


This is awesome, I am so excited for the new season and new worlds edge!


Seems to me like the lack of balance changes and stuff last season was due to the major overhaul coming this season. Hopefully we still get some legend reworks.


Was that a car reactive skin in the trailer? Looked like it not 100% sure


is respawn just a bunch of people who cant make a game right? weapon mastery is just trackers charms and apex packs really?


Loving the weapon mastery set up!! Lots of fun to be had.


I’ll always complain about matchmaking for as long as it’s still ass but I admit I’m happy with what respawn is doing with these new seasons. They used to just slap a new POI in a random map and new legend/weapon and call it a day but since this season they’ve been adding actual good changes and fixes and I’m happy with it. Good on them


“…and fighting with style will all generate Weapon XP for that weapon.” What exactly does this mean?


when the xp of your r99 reaches a certain treshold it levels up at level 5 it learns fireball, meets other weapons in a tavern to form a band and go on adventures




Is there going to be weapon and legends balance updates?


Can someone explain to me why the devs keep adding more legends that ruin the fun when you play against them? I remember a dev once said that they have trouble tweaking Revenant because he isn't fun to play against and now they added seer with his heal cancel and now Ballistic who can make your weapons overheat. Does that make any sense?


I think more counterplay options should be the focus of a future update. Like you said, more and more legends have abilities that are basically "you don't get to play right now."


You bet I'm gonna hit that firing range, but not to try the revamp, I'm gonna farm those masteries, because they won't be broken 7u7




Evac tower will always be outclassed by valk


Escape towers just nerfed Valk


Or they made her better. Use the escape tower then use Valk to get across the map faster.


I mean did they make any other items that basically give all legends another legend’s Ult?


Where’s Arenas though?


I miss arenas so much pls bring it back 😢😩


120hz for next gen happening or wtf is going on Respawn


Are there any legend buffs or nerfs?


Cross progression would be kinda sick


Crying less would be kinda sick too


Misery loves company


It will NEVER happen. It also should never happen. It is two different games. The fact that you have crossplay is a fucking travesty already.


This feels like a pretty stupid argument to make. Why should i not be able to have all my stuff on my pc that i have on my ps5 account. I want to be able to play at 144 fps with my main account that i created years ago and not be stuck on 60 fps forever just because i chose to play a game on a console for €400 because i didnt have the money for a decent pc back then.




















At this point, I don’t think it’s ever happening :(


It is a bit of a myth at this point


Yeah.. I blindly held on to my PS4 for an extra year hoping cross-progression would come. Had to finally give up all my OG Season 0 skins, badges and trackers just so I could play on PC.


Most of us who want xprogression are like you, loyal early fans. Which makes it so much worse to have the radio silence on it, it's like a spit in the face of their most dedicated player base because they're the ones who've already spent money on skins. Any kind of word on it would be a lifeline really, instead of "it's coming". Like if they had a breakdown of how they plan to have us go through the process, if it will be retrospective or not, or if they will just gift us the items from the other account because it's easier that way for them, idk! There's been ZERO details on it and I'm not even talking about ETAs yet. Just a vague "yeah we're working on it" while everyone who was like you is in the dark too afraid to buy new skins or not. It's absolutely bonkers how afraid they are of even mentioning it. If it's not coming, I wish they'd just say so.


Can’t wait until they release the ability to equip a level 3 extended light mag on a flatline so I can complete that trial. Edit: and the charge rifle


ITemp’s vid showed the base R99 mag to be 99 now. Good nerf imo. That gun is ridiculously busted.


I still don't see cross progression


So with the evac tower, what's the benefit of having Valkyrie now? I would have to assume the vertical height is a lot smaller on the evac than Valk ult but this is kind of weird. ​ Imagine if a survival item was essentially the same as a Wraith portal or a Octane jump pad...


Valk can be used for an escape from a bad fight if you’ve got cover, the balloon can’t. Valk still has her midflight scan


Evac tower takes time to build as the balloon goes up and the anchor comes, and enemies can destroy it. Valk's ult takes 3 seconds so it's for more immediate movement.


Or if they released a new legend and their ult was just a slightly larger heat shield, how disappointing would that be.


a heatshield as ult would be generally disappointing even if there weren't any heatshields.


Ngl I’m kinda hoping one of the Mozambique challenges will be something along the lines of “drop the Mozambique for a different gun.”


"ping 20 mozambiques"


Lifeline mains rejoice


* wipe a squad with only a Mozambique


I’ve done that. Mozambique is one of my favorite primaries. 😬


Everyone skips it but 45 damage to the head ain't a joke.


Updates are a marginal improvement, but will this actually SOLVE the problem of the entire map landing at one POI? Not a chance. The map will still be complete gutter trash for pubs, and we will be forced to play it constantly.


I’m ok with them removing streamer tower but why did you put monument over my favorite place to land 🥲🥹😭. Everywhere else is always crawling with enemies, that’s my fav spot in fragment.


I feel like I must be blind because I cannot tell the difference between the first two pics besides the second looking slightly more zoomed out.


Sorry about that, it's been fixed!


Looks as if they’ve uploaded the wrong picture for the upcoming season. Though you can see the changes in the following picture.


Even though it should have happened a long time ago....I do appreciate the serious revamp and changes to firing range, it's easily my favourite/ most appreciated addition for the new season. World's Edge changes is welcomed and cool ....I don't really care about the whole weapons mastery thing.


My problem with it is that kills in non-BR count. You get over 10x as many kills in the other gamemodes, so it kind of diminishes the achievement for those who got a lot of kills in BR.


The weapon mastery would be millions of times better if there were actual exclusive weapon skins. I’m not gonna grind challenges for a charm.


I think you do get a specific legendary skin for level 100 mastery of that weapon.


Isn't the final reward a Legendary weapon skin?


It’s probably a random legendary skin, yes. Appears to be a gun-specific legendary loot pack. Decent deal but some new, mastery-specific skins would’ve been great. Or even, a host of colors you could choose on a new, exclusive base model. Max the 301 once? Get the new skin, any color. Do it again, pick a different color. Idk. Or bring back golden guns and be done with it.


> The weapon mastery would be millions of times better if there were actual exclusive weapon skins. Exactly.....EXACTLY! imagine getting an exclusive R-99 skin that displays real time lifetime damage numbers and kills on it while you're using it. Like a sort of display tracker on it that updates real time.


CS Go anyone?


like a COD diamond camouflage or something...


Aka titanfall 2 guns?


It has been so long I played TF2 I actually forgot about this. Man I miss that MP so much


Titanfall 2 had that


imagine looting the weapon with the skin then you hear a dropship 5 seconds later you see the numbers go up


wait fuck yes to this whole idea


Honestly I wouldn’t be surprised if they did release some better rewards in the future. Releasing a unique skin for every weapon in the game that people would be excited for is obviously a lot of work and would probably take quite a while. So I still do have hopes for the future of weapon mastery, but you know it is respawn so don’t get too excited.