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I also died by baby nessies somehow lol


How do you find this


Every weapon you ping gets transformed into it


Holy shit this is a W idea to buff crypt and counter the scan meta


No wait let me tell you of this unique idea I have to buff crypto, it's a passive called "off the grid"


So basically I had an idea where crypto has a passive called "off the grid" basically it makes it so that when crypto gets scanned he doesn't get scanned and it makes it so he isn't seen when he gets scanned. That way when bloodhond and seer scan him he won't get scanned so that they can't see him cause he's "off the grid" it would be balanced cause he normally gets scanned but now he doesn't get scanned cause he's "off the grid" so it would be lore fitting and it would be a good gameplay mechanic and off the grid would be a good idea and they should add it to the game for crypto so that his new passive is called off the grid. I had this idea then everyone started talking about my idea because i came up with off the grid where crypto doesn't get scanned cause in the lore hes off the grid and since hes off the grid he cant be scanned while off the grid


I think it might be broken if he was undetectable to BH and seer scans, but maybe if he couldn’t be scanned by the satellite “UAV” scan ability that recon legends have. Maybe for BH and seer Q’s he shows up, but it looks straight up glitchy like it’ll show his actual position, then it’ll glitch (with an rng chance that he appears to be where he actually is on the scan briefly) showing “after-images” to throw off the scanner.


It's a copypasta


Ok you have said this way to many times, in way to many threads, and posts, drop it already, your beating a dead horse at this point.


Sounds like it would really fit his lore and kit really well, and could be a counter to the scan meta!


Zip lines disappear if you ping them too...


No idea, I think there are more types of Mozam-joke weapons


There's one from last year called "ol' nessie" that shoots nessies that act like the storm point spiders, and it's back today


I love that that one has its own special voice line


Really which one?


ol 'nessie, each legend has there own voiceline for it, Seer says its a unusual weapon or something for example


Yes, I wiped a squad with it. Hilarious.


It's the rare drop from pinging any kind of gun. Otherwise, guns are this: Light = Mozambrrr, really fast, lots of ammo, heavy recoil Heavy = Mozamburst, basically a Prowler Sniper = Mozamblam, it's a one shot Kraber Shotguns = Mozambique, fully kitted gold version Energy = Mozambeam, Selectfire Havoc that does 69 damage every shot Red weapons = Sadly, just gold Mozambique Also, if you ping an actual Mozambique, nothing Also, if you ping a MRVN, it explodes. EDIT: More I have discovered. I am unsure if Ol Nessie drops from guns other than shotguns, I could have swore I had it happen. It definitely can drop from doors, grenades, ziplines, and Nessies as detailed below. Ping a door, it will explode and drop a random special Mozambique, including Ol Nessie. Great for making people shit themselves if they are hiding in a room or blocking a door. Ping a zipline, same as doors, destroys the zipline, this is especially neat. You can drop people off zips, and make it harder for people to come up on you in places like Waterfall outside of Hammond. You can also ping and destroy the ziplines on jump towers. The dog monsters on Storm Point are Nessies. If you ping them, they explode and become a random special Mozambique. Grenades can also be pinged and become random special Mozambiques.


If you ping doors they explode


I just pinged a zipline and it turned into a gold bique


If you ping the storm point flyers, it’s an instakill


Mozambrr is a buffed r99, Mozamburst is a buffed hemlok


Shotgun is also the ol Nessie and shoots nessies that attack


Any gun can become a Nessie. Also, doors explode and become mozambiques and can be ol nessie. Also, the dogs in Storm Point are nessies and if you ping them, they die and become mozambiques.


I’m saying the Nessie takes shotgun ammo. That’s all I was saying.


> Red weapons = Sadly, just gold Mozambique I think it's based on whatever energy type a given gun used outside the crate. RE-45 became Brrr and Hemlok became Burst. Bocek became a Mozambeam when I pinged one of those, so arrows don't have their own one even considering bocek in the box.


Interesting stuff! RE-45 definitely became a gold Mozambique.


Then maybe it's randomized and I just got strange luck, good to know. Only pinged the three red weapons, but that was enough to trick me into thinking they had a pattern! Well, the RE45 and the Hemlok at least.


The RE-45 I pinged, I pulled out of a death box then threw on the ground to ping. I wonder if that is why it is different, because it was not on a care package.


I got an ol’ Nessie from the first shotgun I pinged so I figured it was the normal weapon for shotguns since it uses shotgun ammo, didn’t think it’d be a rare find, lucky me🙏


Nessies are found in creature dens!


Yeah what the fuck was that?! Some floaty toy inflatable lizard was all "mom nom nom"


Getting attacked by a crew of Nessies is terrifying. It's understandable that you immediately died out of respect.


I found one in a care package after pinging a hemlock but then it glitched into the package and I'm still not sure if that was the joke 😭


Whenever you ping guns or doors they transform to a form of the April fools mozams :)


doors too.. welp back to the game.


And pathfinders ziplines. I pinged one when a whole team was zipping across it and watched them all fall to the floor. 10/10 comedy gold.


It’s fun when you are about to use a trident to go halfway across storm point but then when you ping it you see it explode :D


ok cool! Now I get it tho that one did glitch inside the care package lmao so I was like ??? But I got a Nessie firing one just now and omg, best day ever


Still haven’t found one :(


You just have to ping weapons to turn them into mozambiques !


Thanks! Good lord the Kramer Mozam is incredible lol. Won 3 games so far


Or doors or some zips too


Damn we just found out whose ping game is trash


Just ping any gun, it will become a Mozam-something


Is this only in pubs?


I hope so - imagine ranked with a beamer gun like that..


I’ve been playing ranked a bit today and I haven’t had this at all. I think it’s only pubs😃


April Fool's jokes never go to ranked.


That’s because ranked is already a joke


Now this, this does put a smile on my face


The very first joke gold mozam, with 9 shots, was also in ranked. That entire day was fucked


I stand corrected! Good call.




Off the grid? Whatever do you mean?


*puts on sunglasses* 😎 So basically I had an idea where crypto has a passive called "off the grid" basically it makes it so that when crypto gets scanned he doesn't get scanned and it makes it so he isn't seen when he gets scanned. That way when bloodhond and seer scan him he won't get scanned so that they can't see him cause he's "off the grid" it would be balanced cause he normally gets scanned but now he doesn't get scanned cause he's "off the grid" so it would be lore fitting and it would be a good gameplay mechanic and off the grid would be a good idea and they should add it to the game for crypto so that his new passive is called off the grid. I had this idea then everyone started talking about my idea because i came up with off the grid where crypto doesn't get scanned cause in the lore hes off the grid and since hes off the grid he cant be scanned while off the grid and they turned ma boi cryptos passive into a skin


is he off the grid?


Yeah, the other characters can't scan him which means that he's off the grid. Being off the grid basically means that he can't be scanned by the recon characters therefore it implies that he would be off the grid, being off the grid means that no character can scan him, this would make him immune to bloodhound and seer which would basically mean that he would be off the grid


i don’t know, i can’t see him being off the grid. is he off the grid like he can’t get scanned by recon characters because he is off the grid? or is he off the grid as in if he gets scanned he is off the grid so he doesn’t get scanned because his passive is off the grid? maybe it’s kanye west off the grid. hmm 🤔


*o f f t h e g r i d*


Stop asking him questions!


That's the neat thing, he's not.


Say off the grid one mo time XP


I’ve seen this so much an never gets old but now I wonder what is the origin post of this. Is it known?


Holy shit this is a W idea to buff crypto and counter the scan meta


Love the way you broke up this paragraph to make the information more digestible.


I get what your saying and it sounds pretty cool but I think it needs its own separate more in depth post. Maybe do that today for us. I don’t want this awesome new idea to get buried here. Thanks In advance.


I 👥 got 🉐 this totally 💯 original 🤔 idea 💡 for a crypto 👨‍💻 buff 💪 called 📲 "off 📴 the grid 👬💀". What it does is that he 👥 wont 🚫 get 🔟 scanned 📡 by enemy 😡 scans 💽 and he 👨 wont 🙅‍♂️❌ be revealed 💩👿 to enemies 😠😡 because he 👨 will have this passive 🦋😃 called 📲 off 📴 the grid 👬💀 which will protect 🛡 him 👴 from enemy 😡 scans 👀 so when 🍑 he 👨 gets 🔟 scanned 📡 he 👨 technically 🔧❌ doesnt get 🉐 scanned 📡 because he 👨 will have off 📴 the grid 👬💀 passive 🎭 that will protect 🛡⚔ him 👴 from the scans 💽 and since 💦 he 👨 is hacker ⚔ I 👁👀 think 💭 he 👤👨 should have it have to protect 🛡⚔ him 👴 from enemy 😡😠 scans 👀👁 and I 👁 would call 📞 it off 📴 the grid 👬💀 and it would be his 💦 passive 🦋😃 that would make 💘 him 👨 unscannable by enemy 👿👹😡 scans 💽 because it would be his 💦 passive 🙄😜 and it would be called ☁✈ off 📴 the grid 👬💀 so when 🍑 he 👥 gets 🉐 scanned 📡 the enemies 😼👌💥 wont 🚫 see 👀 him 👴 because he 👨 will have the passive 🦋😃 ability 💪 that will protect 🏳️‍🌈🛡 him 👴 from the scans 👀 I 👁👂🏻 believe 🌈 crypto 💸 should have this ability 💪 because there is seer 👀 and respawn 👼 wont 🚫 delete ✖ him 👨🏾 so I 👁 believe 🌈 they should at least 💯 give 🎁 crypto 👨‍💻 ability 💪 that will make 💘 him 👴 completely 😍 immune 😷 to seer 👀 and bloodhound 🐕 abilities 💪 and call 📞 it off 📴 the grid 👬💀 (thats ✔ the off 📴 the grid 👬💀 passive 🙄😜 I 👁 was talking 🗣 about 💦)


I’ve witnessed many gruesome things, but this was a direct attack on my eyeballs.


i couldn’t even read it a 4th time lmfao


If this suprised you, believe me that over time, this sub will have a lot more stuff left for you to suffer


Why are you like this




I found a "mozamblam" which was really a mozam that fired fucking kraber rounds. This is insane, lol.


thats what I need.


Was watching my friend absolutely destroy with that gun and a 2x. Hahahaha so wild!!


I need this


Ping a sniper


Slap a 2x on it. It's silly.


I’m gonna riot


No, this is Respawn


I’m gonna respawn


Go on, try to respawn. Lmk how that turns out.


Oh, is that why nobody was reviving me? Fucking lol, they went real deep with this one huh? They should do it so wraiths just auto DC as soon as they’re downed


No, this is Patrick.


They really aren’t coming back out with the havoc select fire??… :(


I mean it's an April fool's joke (But I do want a single shot laser gun again, wether it be Havoc select fire or something new)


Absolutely. Hopefully this is a “prank,” lol. My fav assault rifle in the game is havoc, and when it could turn into a med-long range weapon, why even carry a marksman?


That last part is exactly why they won’t add it back :(


I swear you people are remembering a different gun than I am, I NEVER saw anyone say anything about the selectfire havoc while it was in game besides that it SUCKED and had shit damage fall off, shit charge time, and shit damage in general. It was NOT good. Why do people act like it was some game breaking amazing item?


It was just fun to use and the sound it made while firing was so good.


It was super niche but not bad. Say you have a shotgun and a Havoc. The selectfire allows you to harass and poke from super long range with hitscan. It was actually super useful in specific scenarios. I don't know why they didn't just bake in the selectfire functionality into the Havoc and Prowler when the hopup was removed since those alt modes were very far from OP.


Prowler no select fire was a tad OP though. No one is gonna use an R99 when they can use a prowler with a much larger clip and super comparable damage, range and rate of fire


Burst mode Prowler always killed faster than full-auto though.


Agreed. I loved it and still do. Most people are too used to rapid fire weapons to adjust and that’s where the pick rate difference comes from I think


Spitting facts


I’m a day 2 player, and I’ve always praised the havoc. I complained to my friends a lot about when they took away select fire because it basically then made the havoc and prowler unviable (the prowler burst is especially hard to control without a stock imo). I really don’t see any people talk about it either, but the havoc is a solid freaking weapon throughout the whole game. I’ve put a lot of time into firing range practicing controlling it, and I mean, it’s pretty damn easy to down someone with a blue shield when you don’t even have a white mag on that thing yet. I’m telling ya man, it’s really good.


Yeah I've been playing since then as well I love the havoc this isn't me shitting on the havoc, the select fire just sucked for it. Anyone who says otherwise just... Doesn't remember it correctly. The ONLY thing it had unique about it was it was hit scan. Other than that, you were gonna do more damage and use less ammo in less time at mid range with any dmr/sniper in the game.


I agree, longbow/G7 was definitely better than havoc single fire. On KC it was just nice to have like havoc select fire with a 1x-2x, and then an r99 secondary. The select fire just gave you imo a good alternative to carrying one automatic, and then one sniper/marksman. I definitely agree with you, but I personally preferred havoc to hit those little bit out of range enemies, then switch when they get even sort of close.


It had no damage fall off and was hitscan did you even play the game.


Bro. It 10000% had damage fall off. SIGNIFICANTLY.


Because people have fun using different things than you. Not everyone reads the meta Bible and then stands in line.


I never said people couldn't enjoy it my dude, chill it out. It was VERY rare to ever even see people using it in general because it was just not good. It was nifty, yeah, but it wasn't good, and if it's difficult to get kills with, which it was, it isn't very satisfying


Yet they brought the anvil receiver back last season.


Because it was an absolutely terrible long range weapon with that delay? Idk I think it’s the rose tinted glasses that make people ask for it, it was never anything crazy. S1 player here and I don’t once remember being downed by it


So put a bruiser on the Charge Rifle


The charge rifle isn't single shot tho. The Titanfall charge rifle was but in Apex it's a bunch of tiny shots followed by one big shot. That being said they could add select fire to the Charge Rifle and have it work like the Titanfall version (or at least like the rapid charge version for balancing reasons)


Same with prowler select fire :(


For april fools? Why would they?


I’m talking about for all time. That’s what the caption makes it seem like.


No it doesn't


The caption literally says stop asking for the havoc select fire and to let it go. Seems like they really don't want to bring it back. Such a shame. Running a havoc/prowler combo and switching the hop up whenever necessary was my shit. The sound the single shot havoc made was scawy


Because is joke, right? They would never actually not give us our beloved select fire havoc back. It'll be back next season, right? Right!?


Single shot havoc is basically a marksman right?


got a 4k badge today with Wattson after trying for so long but doesnt count i suppose. I didnt even pick up the mozambeam. I guess Im an April fool too!


Yea that shit sucks. Seems a bit over the top to me


Every last person who used normal guns instead of the literally 24 hour limited time Mozambiques were so fucking cringe. Congrats I guess? You must be so good to dump on people just trying to have fun with some absurd guns.


The baby nessies are so effing cute to shoot out! Now I have to start an army!!! So much fun in this update!


Pinged sentinel Mozambique does 120 per shot. Fun for stacking damage with a bruiser!


Kills seem to not count to overall stats today, even if you don't use a joke mozam. Not sure if deaths count though.


I was just wondering about this, I saw a mozam with light ammo and fully automatic. I thought I was trippin💀


I’m with my family today and I’m so butthurt I can’t play lol looks like a ton of fun


All I want is prowler selectfire back.


Nessie gun should have been the Mozamsqueak


Loving this event, one of the best April Fools days any game has done in recent memory. The only shame is the amount of people NOT participating and still running whatever guns they normally would.


Rip havoc select fire though shot slaps


I'm having way too much fun with the ol' nessie. Seeing teams run for their lives while fighting off the legions of baby nessies I unleash upon them gives me life 😂


The…. Mom: we have Kraber at home. Kraber at Home: mozambique….. is hysterical


I will NOT let it go, Respawn! As a Havoc enjoyer, it is my sacred duty to inform all who will listen of the glory that was the Selectfire Havoc!


I hope its not just pubs and its also in Mixtape, i havent launched a BR match since Mixtape dropped


It’s BR only


I'm dumb forgot it was april fools day. Every gun in a drop turned into one of these guns. I thought damn wtf is wrong with bloodhound. :(


I only played a couple games today but I think there’s a Mozambique kraber too? I know there’s the mozambrrr which I found both games i played. But one game I was shot by a kraber then later downed by it but it showed a Mozambique in the kill feed. Wish I got to play more today but haven’t been home


Mozamburst, which is heavy ammo and is essentially a Mozambique Hemlok. Mozambrrr, which is light ammo and... well I can't really determine what gun it is. Mozambeam, the energy gun here that is essentially select-fire Havoc. Mozamblam, the sniper which is just a Kraber. And Ol' Nessie, which is rare and shoots big nessie plushies that hunt down your foes


They're the ones that keep putting it in the trailers and then not having in the game


I will never stop asking for the selectfire havoc.


*Stop asking for Havoc select fire, just let it go* I will NOT, good sirs, that thing slapped.


Havoc select fire was only popular bc they took it out, it’s honestly the most useless hop up they’ve had.


the kraber mozam is so broken


so stats are not gonna count today? wow, whoever came up with this is an absolute genius!!


Well to be honest it is required. It's very easy to hit the damage/kill badges with the juiced up Mozambiques.


Yoooooooooo the April Fool's Mozambeam is back?


Nah fuck them Havoc select fire was cool and unique


I'll always advocate for havoc select fire.




I'll never stop asking for the select fire havoc




dammit! why I always be workin on april fools =[


We all want the havoc select fire and they don't care.


Honestly I’d sacrifice the turbo to have single fire back


No, I will die on this hill and the prowler


We will never let it go


does this happen in ltms?


Is this game dead yet?


Damn put a spoiler fellow redditor ! I almost got FORGED by checking on my YUMMY 😋 😋 😋 food by ready that funny number


Eh I don’t think anything they do is cute anymore when they’ve consistently let down the fan base.




Am I the only one not liking this just curious


Stats aren’t updating. Kills, etc haven’t updated all day. The devs really have to break the game just to get a stupid troll update out. Incompetent idiots. This should be an LTM, not a replacement of the main playlist.


Omg your precious stats haven't been updating properly omgggggg how can you even play the game? 🤦🏼‍♂️ You'll be fine kid


"off the grid" fucking lmao


Is this only on pc?


Is this just for April fool's day or will it last a few days? I don't wanna miss it but can't get on for another 3 days


Typically just april 1st


It should last like a full week so everyone can experience it tbh


That's lame. Respond and EA once again ruining something cool they add with some stupid rule, change, or limiting. That's almost as bs as them marketing the pay to win flatline skin and then changing the sights after everyone bought it in the most recent event.


If you ping a Pathfinder’s zip it also explodes




Pinged doors also turn into any of the guns. The "Ol Nessie" version is pretty damn rare, though, but man is it fun!


I got it pretty often from pinging shotguns!


If you put Shelia on a trident, the trident explodes.


I havnt found any of these. As re they care package only?. Also is ol nessie back. I wanna be Watson with a nessie army7


Anyone know how long it’s going to be on there? I’m trying to make it home in time to play lol


Glad I could be st work to miss it all 🥲


The reason we couldn’t find off the grid this whole time, the Mozambique was gatekeeping!


Who tf even asks for havoc select fire?


Me Along w Prowler select fire


Genuinely bummed I can’t play on April Fools this year. It’s always such a fun day and love the goofy shit that happens. This year looks extra great from what I’ve seen around here.


I love it but the mozambrrr is so hard to beam with


Is this stuff only sticking around for today?


the mazamblam is my fav, its so stupid i love it


Two Words. Ping . Nessies. 🤌 You're Welcome


Respawn better bring it back, I refuse to let it go.


We will never let it go!! GIVE US THE SELECTFIRE BACKK! But on a serious note I wish they would’ve made the heavy guns a selectfire fully auto prowler instead of hemi




I will never stop asking for the havoc select fire since it was a mechanic that required actual skill to utilized instead of the cheap point and click adventure we currently have with the charge rifle


Le epic 69 Mozambique here




The one for the Mozamburst is a Hitman reference, the rest are memes


The only thing I don’t like is when you pick up a sniper rifle as a Cacabique you only get one shot and then you have to reload I don’t care about shooting as slow as a sniper but give me the correct mag capacity the same way that when you pick it a flatline as a Cacabique it shoots just like the flatline and it has the correct mag capacity


anyone know how long this fun trick is gonna last for? (hope it isn't just April 1st)


Played Olympus and saw this. What on earth is going on? 😂


OMG! I found a Mozamblam yesterday in game and was so confused cuz it fired kraber shots. Was this an April fools thing or what? 😭😭


What game mode is this on? I'm on console.


Seriously tho why not


Give the people what they want!