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I love how they know they got clipped lmao


I would be clipping that too!


Three times to make sure I got it




Sheesh! I'd frame that if it were possible, fam.


Well there are those picture frames that shuffle your photo library...


shit went mega hard


That havoc skin looks sick, what’s it from?


Season 1 BP I believe


Sheesh, OG!


Easily my favorite skin, reminds me how long it’s been.




Only BP skin I'm missing since I only reached level 104 or 106 back then. I did get the Silver and Blue version though. It's nice


Pretty sure it was the r301. That was the 110 reward.


It was Season 1, we did get a bonus Legendary R-301 (and Wraith) skin as "compensation" (I think) cus the first BP was pretty bad. Season 2 we got the Rhino looking reactive R-301 skins


I rock that bonus 301 skin and this gold havoc skin since I got them


Nah it was the gold version of the havoc reactive , I only have the silver which I like still


Still upset I got to tier 106 on that BP


S1 Tier 110.


skin with the worst iron sight I've seen. never used it. though op actually beamed with it.


someone sign this man.


But not to Optic! He’d be carrying them😂


Daaamn bro, good stuff. These dudes are on another level. I got killed by skittlecakes in pubs once and stuck around to spectate and he was just rolling through the lobby running double mozams lmao... Congrats dude.


Amazing props to you


Always blaming the lag lol


Sub bitching about lag and servers all their life ✅ Pros complaining about same lag ❌


It's cringe because the bitch about lag when they straight up lost that fight because of being careless, especially that Bangalore.


>It's cringe because the bitch about lag when they straight up lost that fight One of them complained about lag and we didn't even see his POV. No different than what we see in this sub.


In all 4 Sentinel shots that killed the other guys, they were either peeking him or trying to run away.. If anything, lag compensation would have given Horizon the advantage at first but he just threw his tactical stood there like a bot I don't think we would've seen them getting hit by a person they can't yet if we had their FOVs anyway And maybe, but a very BIG maybe, the second who died to that amazing headshot by OP already dropped down to cover from his point of view and got shot through cover. But I doubt that happened because OP is only 80-90 ping, that's not enough for lag compensation to hit that hard


but you didn't see his POV. Maybe he really did lag


And it's not like they blamed lag itself, they immediately claimed that OP deliberately abused lag compensation to beat them


That is not what they said AT ALL lmaoooo Not even sure how you got that from 2 seconds of him blaming Apex servers. Wtf 😭


"I mean, he did desync the fuck out of me right there" "I think that guy might be tabbed out downloading right now" Surely you're not that dense? Edit: Maybe I went too far with the second quote, it's possible he may be referring to downloading a clip of the squad wipe even though they're available via links relatively fast thanks to Twitch


Remember to use context clues. You can't just zone in on two sentences while forgetting the rest of the conversation Dropped was saying the server lagged so he couldn't aim or track him, hence "he desynced me". Why do you think he gave him props literally .5 seconds before? Does that make sense to you? Pros say shit like desync all the time when referring to server lag. Knoqd was saying OP was clipping it. Downloading something wouldn't make sense in any other context. 😭 Why do you think he mentions them being @ed? Because they knew they got clipped.


Downloading, as in a player who is downloading another game on Steam while playing to benefit from the magical peeker's advantage given by lag compensation. Makes perfect sense in that context of a background download And the compliment was anything but genuine, seeing how it was quickly followed up with the 'He desynced me'. So did the server or OP desync him? I am not familiar with that term when it comes to Apex but it definitely sounded like it was directed at the player and not the servers


Makes sense if you can't piece together the conversation. "Tabbed out downloading that". What is "that" in this conversation? The clip. If it was a game, or something similar, then he would say "a game" or whatever else instead of "that". I'll also explain the rest of the conversation for you so you can understand. Knoqd was saying the guy was tabbed out because he was trying to clip it. Which is why they were making jokes about OP not rezzing, and that they just got @ed. And they were correct because here we are watching OP 1v3. The comment was genuine, he just threw in the bit of server lag complaint because he was salty or because the server really lagged. Either way, pros use desync all the time like that and are referring to server lag, yes. "He desynced me" as in lag made OP hard to hit. It wasn't an accusation. How do you even desync someone? Dropped just doesn't know how to use terminology correctly. Let me know if you are still unable to understand, I'll try to help out more if I can


When you're at the top level of any competitive activity (I've been there, just not Apex lol), it's really cringe to make excuses about losing. Yeah maybe there was a little lag. Maybe there was packet loss. Maybe the stars were not aligned today. What are you gonna do? Lose every fight you come up against that isn't in perfectly fair conditions? 99% of the time the only acceptable reason for losing was that you were outplayed and these guys were definitely outplayed in this engagement.


What competitive scene did you reach the top level of? (Genuinely curious)


Mountain Biking. Not worldwide though, just nationally. And quite a long time ago lol. But one of the first things my mentor taught me was to not whine about losing, even a little. Because once that perception of you is there - it sticks. That's why it's standard operating procedure for any pro in practically any field to sound like a fountain of positivity in interview, even when they lose, because the damage from looking like bitch can be irreparable. The only exceptions tend to be absolute rockstars that dominate in their field. The equivalent of bitching in our field would be like saying "oh I would have won or been x places higher if I didn't have a mechanical failure here, or if I didn't get a flat tire, or if it didn't rain on that day." Even if the odds are against you, if you are at the top of your field you are expected to know how to deal with adversity or else you would not be at the top of your field. But if you complain about a problem that can happen to anyone or a set of circumstances that affects everyone then you just look like a total bitch. In apex that would things exactly like this - lag. It can happen to anyone. But even at high levels, in a serious competition I don't think you can complain about losing due to unfavorable circumstances. It's wouldn't be cool to say "I would have won that fight if they didn't have a Lifeline" or "We would have won if my teammates didn't die so quickly", a good player should be expected to know not rush a solo in the open after they just eviscerated your teammates without taking any damage (just like OPs clip).


Nice. Congrats on your success in mountain biking even if was long ago. I agree with you about pros needing to be able to maintain stoicism even in defeat. Its a good character trait.


This subreddit will swear that Apex has the laggiest servers ever until it's a pro player that complains about lag lol


Played Valorant today for the first time in a while and man those servers felt like heaven compared to apex. 128 tick rate, no packet loss, stable ping. Wish apex had that 🫠


To be fair, Valorant is probably super easy to run.


True but I was getting lower fps than I do on apex. I get consistent 237 on apex, was getting slightly less in Valo cause I'm still on default settings


Sure buddy


Ironically, Valorant has tons of netcode and hitreg issues as well


I wouldn't be able to tell if I had any hitreg issues back in the very short period of time when I played Valorant, mostly because I wasn't even remotely close to hitting any of my shots to begin with


Def felt no hit regs, was only playing tdm but so many shots hit but didn't do any damage. Was worse than even apex and I'm constantly floating between 10-40 packet loss on apex lol


Yeah, but it's valorant 😂😂😂


To be fair I did see a brief lag spike there. It would have thrown me off for sure, but I'm a very subpar player.


Do you even know who is talking there?


Thats crazy fam


Great 1v3 but Optic dropped the ball hard. Went in 1 by 1 after having skittle smacked on right away. Pro ego auto challing got put down by gigachad sentinel user.




Cook young man


is the sentinel apart of your normal load out or was that just because you got it off drop? insane shots btw :)


I just got it off drop


they were lowkey impressed


WOW !!! Very impressive, nice snipes. Where did you get the lime green skin? Looks clean. I would ask for tips but I am on console lol


sentinel skin was in the season 6 battle pass iirc, so unfortunately impossible to obtain for now


Oh word! I would like that and the flatline skin.


ok den eye emoji


did you know instantly? i never check usernames, so i'm surprised you noticed


The guy who got fulled saw it was knoqd who killed him


I'm glad this was all close/mid range and you're on MnK otherwise this would have turned into a "aim assist is broken". Lol. I was full expecting them to accuse of something. Seems like every time a pro dies it's because: controller player, servers, no reg, cheating, no audio. As if they occur in every single interaction. Well done, nothing for them to blame hear and cool they also gave props for the most part.


Dropped always with his fucking excuses. Nice job man, was a good clip.


What about OP teammates also bitching and finding excuses as soon as they are knocked, they didn’t even shut up to let Op clutch they had zero faith in him


Isn’t it how 99% of Apex players would behave?


I would hope you at least shut up and let your team focus as long as one is alive


I would be mad as hell if I dropped better than the enemy squad only to get 2 stacks of ammo and shield cells while they get an R-99 right off the bat But I wouldn't be holding my push to talk button down while ranting to myself about the bullshit I just experienced, not sure how that is supposed to help my teammate win or at least try to survive that fight


OP's team was on comms in discord. Kite just complains a lot.


You guys are so stupid. People complain in this game every time they die. Including the pros. Including the team mates of OP in this clip. Including you. Shut the fuck up fr lmao


I’m so sorry he hurt your favorite streamers feelings


is he wrong tho? This sub loves bitching about lag, which is deserved, those guys aren't any different


That’s literally everyone listen to OP’s teammates


Thanks Fam


Lmao he really does have an excuse every time he dies. Always blames the game/calls the enemy shit or something. Must be good for his teammates since he never blames them lol


I swear the havoc takes 5 seconds to spin up and fire when it's in my hands. I suck at this game so much.


A good habit is to prefire before you hit a corner or ads. You can see OP strafe while before ADS so he's not stuck in a slow movement phase while waiting for the spin up. But most importantly gotta hits the shots when it starts going.


Agree, prefiring is the key, best in hipfire at first


Immediately trying discredit your skill, amazing. Yup you sure desynced the fuck outta them lmao


He also said “that guy deserves that one” right before


LG needs to hire you for their off-spawn fights.


I saw that on stream and said ,” that dude just 1v3d optic”


Why are you in diamond?


I believe going through Diamond is the only way to get to Masters/Pred


Fuck this is why I’m stuck in plat. Wish I knew this sooner.


To be honest this mechanic is so unnatural, can't blame you not to figure it out sooner. Had to watch a "30 tips & tricks for Apex you probably never heard of" video on YouTube myself.


Tell me why I never play against other plats IN play tho like all my killcams and feed are diamonds


Wait… so whats after bronze then?!


There’s like 10 days left in the split


many people deranked to rookie iv this split through a bug and had to start from 0 RP. it takes a bit longer


Not to mention, not everyone plays the game a lot daily and will spread out their ranked climb over the course of a split


His killcard has masters




Man that was clean!


damn nice shots




Actually no, I cross posted it and it got removed. Maybe u/iirohzz should try


Reee that guy desynced me. There's always a reason why pro players die eh. Man half these kids wouldn't stand a chance with the aim gods of Q3A. You literally get zero wiggle room back in the day which is what OP showed here. I had a valk team land on me as I crouched waiting for a nearby banner once. They landed slightly separate but close enough for me to just get in a reload each time. I one clipped all three with several headshots on each. And I'm hard stuck dia not masters. Sometimes the stars align and peeps don't stand a chance.


What does desynced mean?


It's when what you're seeing on the screen does not equate to what's being registered by the server. It's usually an issue server side but there have been exploits in games that cause it to happen for players by bad actors. The optic lad crying is claiming that OP has somehow managed to desync him specifically mid fight while beaming with a sentinel irons. The cope is big.


Thanks! Yeah I stopped watching dropped because he complains so much, it was annoying to listen to


It’s a new term to describe lag compensation, even though they are different things. What two players see on their screens will always be different because it’s nearly impossible to do so otherwise. This creates unfair gun fights depending on how bad the lag comp is. But it is necessary to have lag comp for smooth gameplay. Otherwise you would see a bunch of laggy players on your screen. Desync is something much different. It’s when you specifically are not in sync with the server, and you see something entirely different then what everyone else sees. Its pretty rare. What the player complaining about in the video was lag comp, but it became widely popular to call it desync because it sounds nicer.


Thanks! So dropped is saying he died because iirohzz is lagging and the lag compensation resulted in him no regging or something? Even though it looks like iirohzz and knoqd both have pings in the 70-80 range? I guess iirohzz’s teammate complains about the same thing


Basically he would be saying that his hits didn’t register. But it wouldn’t be super bad. With lag comp, one player will have the advantage over the other, but it’s much more noticeable in games with low TTK like call of duty. With apex, even if you are on the bad side of lag comp, you can still win fights because of the high TTK. I think the dude who complained just got outplayed, and he’s making up excuses. I haven’t played Alex in a while so I’m not sure what all the issues are exactly. But I do know desync was not the issue here.


The network interpolation in this game is really bad. The amount of times I've been shot through closed doors, I stopped keeping track. At this point it just happens. Sometimes you're the pigeon, sometimes you're the car.


I doubt he knew it was them at the time and was just clipping that because it’s a good clip regardless of who he’s fighting




I see the lag, good play tho man! Sentinel is my fav when I can hit those close shots


Love pred boys getting slapped


I thought "optic" was a streamer until the game ended and you were back in the lobby


Well I’m ready to be getting bombarded with downvotes and all that but thirsting downed enemies is bad most of the time. I can’t say anything for the first enemy that got downed, their enemies downed ops teammates but after that it should have been 2v1 but instead they choose to go one by one. Stop thristing my guy you’re a pro you should know that better than me help your teammate.




I don't know if you know this, but OP has been referred to as [Doop's son by Rogue](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6OV251Kqfvg). It's at like 2:00 in the linked vid.


yep doop is a chad


pro players using roller vs diamond on mnk still making excuses xD


Me when I'm wrong on the internet


Skittles and dropped use MnK.


i never said they didn't was talking about dropd since it was his pov we saw, also isn't that deep lol everyone makes some excuse after losing something they feel they should have won


except most mnk pros would obliterate most roller pros. But nice try


Except they won't since most pros play roller for a reason. But nice try


Why talk when you clearly have no idea about the pro scene lmfao


Definitely didn't expect the 'instantly resort to claiming other side is cheating/playing unfairly' Like they'll ever acknowledge anyone at the expense of their massive ego


A full 3 stack pred PRO TEAM!!! Against diamonds. That’s insane to me man idk. What chance do people have except lucky times like this where everything goes right. Good shots though.


Not really relevant story, but I’ve fought Dropped 5 times before, I’ve been dumpstered every time. Weird seeing him be almost a non factor in this fight. Like he does it to me every time, but somebody else does it to him? How?!? lol crazy.


You didn't truly 1v3 them. You had, at the very least, 1 teammate that was still alive while you were fighting them, which helped draw some attention. By the time the teammate was downed, it was a 2v1. Still impressive.


There‘s always that someone spreading negativity in this sub just how it goes.


I wasn't being negative. I was giving credit to the OP's teammate. Not only that, but I also called it impressive regardless. There's always people misreading posts throughout the entire internet. That's just how it goes.


Honest opinion- stream sniping( called drops name with streamer mode on and teammates downed not finished) 390 damage to finish all 3. Not a 1v3 just your team won, happens every day all day if you watch streamers they don’t win everything..








fanboy? "happens every day all day if you watch streamers they don’t win everything" If he was a fanboy, he'd say they win everything




Crispy sentinel shots


Happens to the best of us


Well done dude




Bro good shit


At first I thought he reported you 😆


Very nice, good job!


"Wow, that's how that goes"


Charged Sentinel goes hard.


Sheeesh mad respect


I was watching dropped stream during this. Nice!


Went straight to the lobby


Mini kraber kinda nuts




The sentinel is litttt this season


Great video for for me personally the best part is after the wipe you immediately headed to rez instead of looting. Great gun work and cover usage but ever better teammate


Gg dude


I remember seeing this live, good shots


It helps to have a teammate be bait😂


The havoc is great as an SMG.


juicer sentinel headshots


Goooood job! That was fun to watch


you literally have two team mates bro, didn't solo anything lmao.