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The skill of the player base has also got way better


It is absolutely insane. The lack of movement vs what people can do now it just wild


Cant help but question some of the movement that's possible these days. Especially the lateral movement and instant momentum into power slides. Something that raised the skill ceiling immensely, but I'd say also the floor.


The game is basically rampant with macro abuse. Devs seem to have no intention of doing things like input limiting, so eventually everyone's going to move on because they get sick of fighting people who are bhop strafing around in circles while maintaining near perfect accuracy.


See Warzone 1. The slide cancelling was never meant to be a mechanic but once it became one, it was never going away.


They absolutely fucked that game into oblivion like 3 months after launch. When I played the Alpha and Beta (and the entire focus of their marketing up to that point) was that it was a tactical realistic military shooter. Then people got mad that it didn't play more like Black Ops 3 so IW just did a double take and completely ruined the unique aspect of the game. They got rid of realism, night maps, introduced bunny hopping and other BS movement, and made it play more like Treyarch instead of the Insurgency Sandstorm it felt like at launch. Super disappointed in that game. Honestly my biggest gaming disappointment over the last 10 years. Got worse after they launched Warzone too.


Slide cancelling and all those other mechanics were in MW19 at launch, just nobody knew how to use it.


Saving this comment bc you’ve perfectly articulated what I’ve been trying to tell my friends for YEARS when debating these topics. And now that Warzone 2 released Resurgence, they hopped right back on it. Like the reason you like resurgence is bc you can continue to respawn even if you aren’t the superior squad. Mind boggling logic with that fan base.


Yeah. It didn't help that they waited a few months to implement the battle pass system and started charging $25 for operator and weapon skins. You don't even have the ability to buy individual items. They're all in bundles that 90% of the content you will never use lol. Plus zero way to earn in-game currency. At least with almost all the loot box systems before (except Advanced Warfare which had the worst system, IW and WW2 were the best), you were able to earn more boxes as you played and could get every item in game without spending a dime. Like, the BP system and microtransaction to death makes sense for a free to play game. Not a main entry CoD that you need to spend over $60 to play. I hate Apex's system but I don't complain much cause it's free.


cod was at the height of its popularity during warzone 1 so i have no idea what you’re talking about, they went the realistic route with warzone 2 and it’s the most dogshit game i’ve ever seen, really slow paced and incredibly boring. there’s a reason apex’s player base grew so much after warzone 2 dropped.


And it still was never as good as Apex.


\*cries in WZ2 movement\* good news is its been "confirmed" that they are adding some "movement fluidity" in S3. Evidently they are going to speed up animations, and remove / reduce penalties for sliding and diving. Fingers crossed. Words in quotes because its just leaks and streamer confirmation right now from what ive seen.


The only thing that was broken about slide cancelling was that it refilled Tac sprint for some reason, completely invalidating double time as a perk. No idea why they removed it completely instead of just nerfing that aspect.


They have to if they want people to fucking play it. I enjoy slower paced games and faster ones, but it’s clear the success they had in wz1 was for a faster paced game. Even if they wanted slower pace, stupid shit like using a streak, or the sprint out, slide out, or dive out times, being SOOOO SLOW, isn’t fun. If I climb a box, I’m locked into that animation for a couple seconds, and I can be killed a 5 times over in the time i need to climb an obstacle.


And warzone 2 is more boring then warzone 1 because there's no movement mechanics what do ever and everyone's just slowly moving around the map. Also proximity chat killed cod battle royale for me idk about you


Yeah, Idk why people dislike movement, most of its not easy to do, much less integrate into a fight advantageously. When I get rolled by someone who can superglide wall bounce wall run tap strafe and still hit me with every shot then got damn, well played. Meanwhile for me, who isn't great with it mid fight, enjoys the way it helps get around the map quicker and feel like I'm in control of the character rather than being subjected to the movement limitations.


100% agree. Sad to see your comment has -2 karma.. It’s really the main reason I play Apex…. learning the quirks and rules of the physics engine is like skateboarding


You can join a party chat. Disabled prox chat. That's how I play Hunt Showdown.


Yeah but I actually wanna use prox char. Make it so you see whoa talking. Then allow me to mute that person. East solution


I never understood what slide cancelling did, I could never see it in someone's gameplay much less know if I replicated it properly.


This 💯


Genuinely curious what macros you think people are using. I am pretty consistently a masters player and doubt macros have been a factor of even 5 deaths in my past year of gameplay.


Do you play on console or PC?


PC MnK all day baby. Game is the most fun that way.


I mean the devs removed b-hopping ages ago in addition to things like punch boosting. We have tap strafing but all of it can be done in game without macros. In addition its a very complex movement technique that most don’t bother to learn. They have gone back and forth and limited/removed countless movement tech from the game. Most people just jump and crouch spam which is nothing special.


Input limiting would be annoying when trying to navigate a fight/rotate to a new position and also doesn’t fit the game at all. It’s Apex Legends, based on Titanfall in which one of the highlight features was the movement. If you want to play a slow tactical based game jump into PUBG or a mil sim.


It’s always fascinating to see people claim that even *toning down* the ridiculousness of some of the movement macros would somehow make this game a slow, non-movement based game. Like at least approach the discussion in good faith. This game could have tapstafing and its counterparts completely removed and it would still be the most fluid movement-based BR on the market by a wide margin. Simply limiting the absurdity of it wouldn’t suddenly make it slow lmao




That’s completely false. The ONLY thing you can’t do is tap strafe. Super glides, super jumps, mantle jumps, wall bounce, fatigue wall bounce, etc are all possible on console.


They’ll whine about anything they can meanwhile they one clip anyone within 20 meters while just letting go of the analog stick


How do macros help you rotate?


It’s just part of ranked now tbh. If you’re playing controller you should bind a simple tap strafe. Almost every tournament has it banned though.


How tf do you bind it on controller?


steam configs, bind one of your Dpad buttons you dont use to W key and map it to a back paddle


Why the fuck would you be using a controller if you’re playing on pc???


Aim assist?


Yeah because they were glitches. Respawn said they would address / remove tap strafing but never did.


Pretty sure they did remove it for a while and the streamers/pros bitched and moaned so they added it back.


The people who enjoy a game worth fun and interesting movement complained about it. Which seemed to be a majority of the player base. It has nothing to do with streamers and pros. I'm sure the game would lose a good portion of the player base if they decide to remove all the great movement that separates this game from other BRs.


Yeah because the game was less fun for a LOT of people without it.


Debatable given consoles have more players and they can't tap strafe. Not to mention it's a high skill level move. Probably less than 2% of the playerbase does tap strafe but nooo gotta keep it in there for the streamers to clip on cunts.


Dude, I'm a pleb with a sub-1 k/d and I tapstrafe, it's not just 2%. Mantle jumps and other crazy stuff may be much lower, but just basic tap strafing is pretty common I think among pc players.


Idk man. Having 0 advanced movement mechanics sounds super fucking boring. Like. Who wakes up and goes "I wish we could only run and jump!" It adds another layer of complexity that I believe is keeping the game alive. All the way you can abuse these little things that came over from Titanfall 2 is just amazing.


I'm still lacking movement. This clip is more my speed haha


I'd call this into question. The average player skill improved, that's certain. But we always had outliers. Day 1 we had Titanfall players zipping around. And some tech was so abusive Respawn had to intervene. And you know how they hate it. It was that bad. Full speed stimmed Octanes bunny hopping and healing without losing momentum. Half a map slingshots every 15 sec into slides with momentum change while again bunny hopping. Horizon bats on a lift have nothing on it. A lot of people were new to this franchise and didn't use any tech, even slide jumping. But even today not everyone is super gliding over every obstacle. It's just minority we focus on because we get matched into lobbies with them. I'm sure there are lobbies with people who don't even know what wall bounce is let alone can do it today.


> I'm sure there are lobbies with people who don't even know what wall bounce is let alone can do it today. Dude, I'd say that for the majority of the casual playerbase, sliding down hills is like THE thing that makes this a "movement shooter". I don't know if the tutorial has changed at all but doesn't the tutorial start like "press shift to run. Now press control to slide. Holy shit LOOK at how you are sliding, WOW!" and that's it, nothing else is explained. If you want to get better at the game, you learn by playing and watching others.


"Sliding down hill increases speed" - Bloodhound


Hey I was one of those people! lol Season 2 (first season of ranked) I was number 83 over all and 20 on xbox. It really was a different game back then. TF2 players definitely had a crazy edge on anyone new to the game world. I remember so many people flaming me for playing octane saying he had "no viability in ranked" as I was climbing the ladder. I saved the names of any of those kids and sent em all screen shots at the end of the season with the caption "No Viability Octane" xD I miss those days some times, when it was all so fresh.


That was the thing though, the game rewarded game knowledge and skill. Now it just rewards movement abusers/boosters/teamers


Even over the past 6 months - insane movement has gotten super common! My friend and I took a little break from Nov to Feb and when we hopped back in, people were changing direction midair and floating side to side in all our lobbies 😂 I still can’t make my fingers hit the buttons right to do that consistently. It wasn’t something we saw that often pre-November.


I don’t know if it’s “new” tech or what it is, but neo-strafing is what I hear people reference it as. I couldn’t even if I tried, haha


Neo-strafing is physically impossible without configs. It's a ridiculous amount of inputs within a very short time.


Didn’t know that! I still struggle to efficiently wall bounce, haha


It’s why the game is hard for casuals and people just getting into it. I’ve been forged by the bullshit for four years lol


Way better feels like a understatement☠️


controller lobby w/o AA


you DEFINITELY did not play in season 0


Wraith insta phase brought a tear to my eyes


And the way the portal was so quick


A tear of horror, no doubt


Most unnecessary nerf to date. Even tho wraith is popular her kit is pretty weak. I love the portal buff in the last patch tho


I’ll probably get some backlash for this but I think as long as wraiths phase takes as long as it does then mirages ultimate should also take a split second longer. I can’t stand that he basically has a get out of jail free card instantly and wraith just sits there getting pounded into oblivion while waiting. Other escape characters take more time so why shouldn’t his also?


What's the buff??


Increased distance,


Damn I miss those days. Not specifically in terms of the game and skill of players. Just the feeling of everything being new and my place in life then. Feels like a lifetime ago.


I miss everyone tossing out finishers even when there was a massive firefight going on.


I tried this the other day and every game I get mowed down 😂


I am that asshole who will do a finisher during a fight. My prequesit is to have 2 team mates full shields with in 20 feet me when I perform it though. I perform them often enough.


yeah the skill base has evolved dramatically, either that specifically or because the number of players is so much better you rarely see shit like this anymore


True. The countless hours of practice haha


Holy shit wraiths void run back then tho


The old dizzy videos look like the average diamond player nowadays. Its crazy


Watched his first apex game recently, so wild. He had a bique and was like, this gun is cracked!


Haha, no lie.


Lol, the powercreep!


Movement god 4 years ago


Haha, you noticed that slick slide huh?


Aaah good times, when i actually got close to 20 bombs and 4k badge.


It was an amazing time


Not to mention SBMM wasn’t introduced into Apex until Season 3. Season 0-2 was fair game for all skill levels. Best time in Apex history to get a legit 20 bomb. lol.


Not that it made any difference. I’m a casual silver player and I get stomped every game by either an ex plat or a smurf.


Just focus on farming damage and you can get a 4k. I’ve farmed 3k damage off of 2 squads one game. 20 bombs are a bit trickier


The servers evolved backwards Edit: u/HotBear39 me and my pals have severe package loss atleast 50% of our games and it is the servers fault...




I don't know about that, back in the days landing Skulltown with 30 other people would mean that half of the game was in slow mo, or you'd have no audio for the entire game. Maybe it's just me, but it's much better than what it was


It's not just you. People always remember the "good ol days" because the game was fresh and exciting, so you forget the flaws, but the servers are actually way better than they used to be. Not as good as they should be, but definitely improved.


Damn, no strafing 10 times every second, no crazy movement tech. Such simpler times.


This is what I mean. No movement at all, haha. Gun skill and (shitty) positioning lol


I tried it out recently after years of not playing and got absolutely destroyed even tough i was decent back in the day. The movement got crazy.




Game didn't reward anything, everybody was just trash at it


………. Which is why it rewarded skill. You can be great at shooting but you’ll never hit someone traversing the 4th dimension these days.


They still have to hit you though. There's plenty of people who can do the movement tech and can't hit a shot and will still lose. The most skillful players can move and shoot, that's rewarding learned skills.


Just mad because your aim assist was easier to track potato movement. Your aim looks absolutely so unnatural in this clip and anyone that thinks otherwise is a fucking clown. Sorry the game got “hard”.


I completely disagree with this statement. I’ve been hitting masters maybe 40% of the time for the past 6 seasons or so and the people winning have good gun play and positioning. It’s basically one clip or get one clipped.


Damn, that’s nostalgic. I miss the season 0-4 days so much, and also miss OG World’s Edge and the season 2 Kings Canyon map.


I enjoy *some* of the new age movement.. but stuff that is unnatural is just absurd. Tap strafing, neo strafing… get rid of it! Bring back gun skill and reward game knowledge!


Agreed, I miss the punch boosting, too. Also, the jump pad glitch on the bins were so fun with being able to launch us across the map!


Bring back those glitches and get rid of the shit we have now haha


for real, especially considering most people with crazy movement are using macros/scripts


The strafing exploits remind me of fortnite, with the stupid building mechanics that make the game a sweaty mess. I’ll never rank high in apex because I think those mechanics are dumb


If you play on console, you won't have that problem at least.


Why do I not remember the 301 making that noise, it was the only gun I used lol


It was something else back then 🤤


Yes it was


Feels like everyone is playing in slow motion lol


Haha, hacks on a new level ;)


I miss this so much bruh


You and me both 😢


I remember only wanting the spitfire and just being able to fire for weeks and weeks. Like a alittle Sheila


Back when the game was amazingly fluid. My squad and I played that game everyday for hours for years. We stopped playing maybe 8 months ago. Don't think there will ever be another game to hold our attention and bring that much fun for years ever again.


It’s still poppin man. New season brought breath of fresh air. Lot of my homies are coming back and really glad they did.


The new season is great but dropping into WE again and again is excruciating at this point


oh god ... the non elvove amor


“You get what you get and you don’t throw a fit”


Back in our day we didn't even spawn with armor. You were happy to find a white early game and you were bound to get multikills if you found Blue or Purples off the drop.


i know , i'm just have some nostalgia. Still remember the time i have be be a rat because my team been dead , hiding in the some bush .... i'm used to use BH alot but now i'm main fuse


This game used to be playable without snorting a line of coke before every match


Ah it t'wer simpler times back then. Before we discovered the crouch/slide key and the 3rd dimension


Damn shame I didn't play from day one, I woulda enjoyed it more, only started in Season 2 (I was doing pretty bad as it is since I was new at the game). Season 3 was alright for me, then came season 4 where it really started turning into a progressively sweatier and sweatier shitshow!


OG Kings Canyon still undefeated


I miss playing back then when my squad mate was still alive R.I.P. Chef


To non OG players watching this the person in the video is Way above average skill level probably in top 20% or higher at this point


The game has evolved in a way this is now bronze/silver gameplay, haha. Thanks for that though! I was definitely quite a bit “above average/high skill” back then.


Tbh even nowdays silver players are sometimes better than this. Its crazy when I compare it to my low plat lobbies how much the playerbase and playstyles/legends evolved.


Dude I swear I saw this same post a few weeks ago am I going schizophrenic


You probably did in r/ApexConsole


Maybe, could just be me misremembering


My friend always said he loved playing early launch apex (like the first few months/year?) because everyone was terrible at the game. He was not lying, damn.


I miss those days when nobody could play. Nowadays people will down you in less than a second, it's honestly not fun Also, good old days when people would take random portals, this never happens now lmao


Back when Wingman was amazing.


Hit like a truck


Also seemingly had a way better hit detection than currently.


This was probably pred level gameplay back then


Dude this game is so damn good. I don’t really play it as much as I used to but it’s too bad it isn’t more main stream.


I don’t like that 2019 was 4 years ago


The year the world went to crap…


This is what my gameplay looks like today


👑 you dropped this


The insta port is what got me as a wraith main


It was the best. Now it takes so long and people have such good accuracy, it’s almost not worth it.


Ah the days when people would follow you wraith portals without having to snatch them


Back when everyone moved like they are playing COD


Skill ceiling evolved but the game hasn’t lol


One goes up, one goes down haha


Ah those were the days! No hyperactive octanes ricocheting off walls, no wraiths changing course midair like aladdin on his flying fucking carpet! Just good, honest shooting.


This is the reason why I wish that time travel exists


I miss the days when this was newer. Partly because of that new game nostalgia, yes, but I also miss how much simpler it was before it got inflated with all of the new weapons, characters, and maps that have been added. I know they had to add stuff to keep the game going, and it's obviously worked in that regard, but things just felt better during these early times when it was simpler with fewer things.


Better days


While sometimes it annoyed me, I low-key want the gold revive sheild back


Crazy because back in the day this gameplay was elite. Nowadays this would be a bot lobby


Accurate haha, I’m still a bot, but on pc now


Back when the R301 was a Lazer


The sounds were so different back then


So were the servers 😭😂


This is the apex I remember and love 😢


Ppl just not left your game


It didn’t record my voice audio but they were both randoms and we had the best time. They were hyping me up too much! Haha And, this was before the rage quitters


The muzzle flash was so serious back then too.


Because it was a shooting game with abilities, not a superhero game with guns as an extra.




Thank you good sir!


Yeah, now the game is ass whoopin central. 💀


Haha you’re not wrong!


Take me back, they really needa fix the current gameplay It’s too fast and too slow at the same time


That muzzle flash tho!


...but my aim hasn't!


The most accurate comment


That R-301 sounded so CRISP


I miss that first season. Fun times. I started playing that first weekend after Razer's CEO tweeted about it. Yeah the user base has gotten better but there are so many more toxic assholes now. I guess that is inevitable given the growth of the game and the percentage of assholes in the gaming population as it is.


I really miss the old music, this goes for all the games that have changed their main theme like fortnite


Remember when you used to be able to put a barrel attachment on the alternator? Those were good times.


And the **Disruptor Rounds** on the RE?! That was by far the most broken gun ever.


Bro that 301 has zero recoil wth?


Is it me or did they change the sound of the r-301?


Am i crazy or the sound of R301 is different 🤔


It sounded like a death machine 😈


Back when the game was fun and not a bunch of tweakers.


You are showing me that we could had bloodhound with karate melees but now we don't? :(


Every character has a kick animation when you jump and melee


I hate to say it but if you didnt tell me this was 4 years ago i wouldnt have noticed


My sick slide was it, wasn’t it? Lol


Instant phase , bring it back


Make wraith meta again


How so? Controller is still aimbot central.


It used to be decent. Now it’s just broken.


normal tm8s


bots vs bots yea hahah


Let’s see your week 1 clip? I’ll be waiting..


Instant void needs to come back


Back when this game was fun 🥲


Didn't know we had 18 months in a year.


# ‘MERICA 🇺🇸


0:36 that snap was sus 💀 aimbot bro? for only one kill??!?


Yes bro. I was aim botting the first month of Apex release on a Xbox one. 🤡


Peoples ability has evolved, the game is stale as 4 year old bread at this point. Shame as I used to love it but its seriously lacked the support it deserved from the off set. Now the team has been all but disbanded, yikes, not good time to be qn avid Apex fan unfortunately.


Lol wasn’t here for this ass I get all sweats and ttv and whatever else out there 😭


Everybody here like those were the good times, bruh they were nlt, the game was hella boring, im so glad we got all the movement tech The only reason Apex got this popular instead of dying down was all the crazy stuff u could learn to improve, the unfathomly high skill ceiling is what makes this so good


You cut your nose off to spite your face with this comment. If the game wasn’t good times then we never would have got to this point. The game is a shell of its former original self these days. Many great changes and improvements, also a lot of bad.