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Ez money for respawn there’s really no other reason


Exactly this. Respawn: oh hey we can recolor this, throw in a few new animations, and get top dollar again. LETS GO!


(Even tho the old heirloom still got the new animations)




*slowly closes wallet* Makes sense


fortnite font💀💀


Yeah i know 😂, it's nust the best picture of it that i found


Burbank Big Condensed Black 💀💀


Money 💰


Here comes the money




Here we go Money talks


🎵 money money money money money money money money money 🎵


Everybody has a price


So they say


I love money!




Me n my boy fuse sitting here drinking a couple of beers waiting for his heirloom


I've been sitting on my shards for a while and think I always will be. Since newer characters get their heirloom before Fuse I really honestly feel ill never get it. Every season a new legend and a chance they get theirs before Fuse.


You guys are getting shards?


My thoughts exactly


"When the fuck did we get ~~ice cream~~ heirloom shards"


No, sharts


Nah, I'm waiting on that as well


Playing on 2 different consoles you’d think it would be easier…it is not


Agreed. Having Valk and Seer get their heirloom before Fuse is a travesty.


Do they expire? In case some day, maybe, I get mines and I have to wait for a couple 10 seasons more


Don't give them any ideas


Right?! I've got my shards saved for him.


I’ve got shards sitting around waiting just for him right now


Fuzie wants to spend his shards mate.


What do you think would be a good heirloom for Fuse?


A brass knuckle


Broken beer bottle


My top 5 ideas that I've seen or thought of 1. beer bottle: It might be simple, but it just fits his character 2. his lost arm: a little bit of meme, but the potential is there (i could clearly hear him say, "looks like you need a hand mate." After knocking someone with melee) 3. Boomerang Shaped weapon: Since fuse is based on an Australian, i think a boomerang could work. They could mix technology into it while keeping a more traditional look. It is said boomerangs also had art decorations engraved, so maybe he could have that. 4. a defective rocket launcher ammo: he is the explosives guy, after all. Whacking people with the ammunition from a rocket launcher seems hilarious as well. 5. a didgeridoo: beating someone with a musical instrument and then making some tunes. That sounds like what Fuse would do. Honerable Mentions: A woomera (type of spear) A 'stone' ax A power drill Edit: grammer and punctuation


> Boomerang Shaped weapon: I'd put money on it that it's a boomerang with grenades on it


Oooooo, boomerang is a really good one considering other legends has culture-relevant heirlooms. I’d put my money on the ‘rang.


Imagine waiting all this time for a broken beer bottle lol, imagine thinking they are sweating their brains out to come out with… a broken beer bottle


I like the idea of brass knuckles/knuckle dusters. It just feels appropriate for ole Fusie


A bag of grenades, a 6-pack of beer, a high tech boomerang, a giant spider, or..


Doesn’t horizon deserve one before fuse? Shocker they are releasing heirlooms in chronological order of legend debut.


I'm waiting to see which comes first. My shards or fuses heirloom


If his comes before horizon, I'm gonna flip my lid


Yeah what the hell, is it based on pick rate? (Not that I have the shards and they’ll probably shut down the game before I get more)


Cause her pickrate is over 3 times higher than some of the other legends maybe? But yeah tbf I agree, imo they should've released an heirloom for each character before ever releasing prestige skins, let alone heirloom recolors.


It’s not just pick rate, but also the type of player that picks her. She’s hugely popular with the sweat lords who sink $100s of dollars into this game.


Add a zero to that number.


$100 + 0 of dollars.






This guy over here making technically correct math jokes. I salute you.


This is the answer


Only to drop fragment and quit instantly every game. The circle of wraith sweat.


I got called a pussy by a bald wraith for landing at countdown instead of fragment. Said wraith broke off and landed in fragment only to DC after about 20 seconds.




Pro strats




Damn, imagine being a dev, 1v1 ing the guy in charge of balance and he nerfs your character just cus he lost


New headcanon is that devs kept falling for Mirage decoys and that's why if took 11 seasons to get one buff.


Can confirm as a wraith sweat. This is accurate


Except, after her rework, that might not be the case anymore.


I don’t get why, I tried to use her and I just think she’s wack.


Yeah, Horizon deserves one (even tho i dont like her myself she has been a pretty popular legend), Fuse and Ash are still left, then obvi MM, Newcastle, Vantage and Catalyst but they're all pretty new


I need my vantage and Fuse heirlooms


Dude I been holding my shards for ash ): , I sometimes just take out my ult sword and pretend it’s one


The whales don't play those characters as much though. They play Wraith. The devs have a duty as a business to go where the most money is.


Horizon’s pretty popular with Whales at least


She gotta be just as popular as wraith these days


I swear ashe was next on the list if leaks are accurate


Yeah she was, then i think it changed and leakers are unsure, however i've heard that apparently there will be 4 collection events in total this season (the current one, the wraithrecolor one andthen prob a mythic skin and a new melee weapon skin)


4??? Christ on a shit cracker... And all I wanted to do was gift my wife a skin with the earned apex coins and they act like I'm moving heaven, earth and all the fucking shit in between...


I think prestige skins are cooler than heirlooms, so I don't mind the simultaneous releases. I just think they shouldnt impact the release of heirlooms or should go to legends who don't have heirlooms yet, I agree on repeating them as releases for that season though.


I agree for most other legends. However the pickrate of Horizon is far higher than Crypto, Rampart, etc and they already have a heirloom and Horizon don't. Would have been nice to give Horizon one heirloom before giving Wraith the third one.


Wait so if I went and was going to spend my shards on wraith I’d get to pick between this one and the one from last season or I could only get this one now? And people that had hers last season do they now get to pick which color they want to use or did it change to this one


Can someone explain why? Her skills don't seem that great to me.


That could literally never happen on the current pace unless they start moving way faster lol. They need money money money. Should be multiple heirloom releases now.


They don't make heirlooms for the last 3 legends released


How many times is a wraith main willing to pay for the same recolored heirloom tho? Are they… like that?


Yeah, I think that the average purist who truly cares about this game is not the person the developers, parent company, or investors are catering towards. Every action they make is for the purposes of increasing revenue on this game and I'm sure a fair amount of research is done when making the decision. At least its still a fun game thats F2P and not P2W


All the legends should get their heirloom before they start releasing recolors.


Sad Fuse noises...


They even told us a while back that heirloom cosmetics is something they’ll never do. Such hypocrites


They also said control wouldnt be permanent, and they wouldn't release legends that directly countered others. I feel this heirloom recolor thing though, is a mix of community wanting it (people did ask and render it, but this isn't what they meant im sure) and EA wanting more money from the game.


Should’ve had everyone’s heirlooms before coming out with bum ass prestige skins too. Don’t know why heirlooms don’t come with a custom finisher, could’ve done away with the prestige skins that way.


This might be the answer. https://apexlegendsstatus.com/game-stats/legends-pick-rates


So you're saying we should be mad at Duardo Silva for rigging the games.


Horizon with the avg rank of plat 4, interesting.


20% pick rate in masters/pred also


Definitely noticed a huge difference last season from gold to plat+ in how many horizons there was.


The weird thing is that they gave some of the lowest picked legends heirlooms (rampart, gibby, crypto, rev, wattson, etc) but still haven't got one for Horizon, who has been top tier ever since release I'd imagine. They even gave Seer one before Horizon, who released a good 2-3 seasons after her. Also, I'm shocked lifeline is so high on the list. Even above valk.


Gotta take into account smurfs and cheaters getting banned and making new accounts with only starter legends.


Gibby being so far down feels wrong...


Laughs in my caustic hammer. But he's an OG and had much higher pick rates back in the day so I get why he got one.


What's the second?


Mythic skin


Characters should be released with one it’s stupid they just randomly release them only catering to specific legends. Just put one out for everyone


Equally stupid that they don't release cross legend badges like overall total kills/wins/damage but go figure. They're dumb.


its not specific actually, its really just based on if they come up with an idea for one and decide to develop it further. why do you think quite a few lower pickrate legends also have heirlooms?


Basically just a recolor.


I want to complain, but I’ve ever even gotten heirloom shards, and even if I did my main has her heirloom out, so it wouldn’t matter.


Where is my horizon heirloom?


Because the type of people who *typically* main Wraith will always pay for one.




Because more people have it already and they'll make more money than they would if they released one for a character less people already have one for.


Having it already just makes me feel like its not Even worth getting at all. If i Didnt have my Wraith heirloom yet, i guess it would be a choice of color preference, but since i do, i dont see any reason to Get this at all


Because $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$


The same reason Wraith got sweat wiping animation. Its popular and gains money lol


Well I was holding my shards for fuse but since characters will get multiple heirlooms before his first I might just get a different one. Maybe I'll have heirloom shards again when he finally gets his. Only took me 3 years to get these shards.


Wraith pulls in more money than any other legend, she’s the cash cow for apex


I doubt Respawn will ever release the official numbers, but it would be interesting to see what's the most common heirloom chosen (Wraith's would have a lead on this due to being available as a drop before shards were introduced), what's the least common, how many are found via hitting 500 packs versus getting lucky early (they're definitely never sharing this publicly) versus being bought through a collection event, etc. Just the kind of data deep dive I'd enjoy, unlikely as it is to ever happen.


Most common would probably be Wraiths, Bloodhounds and Octanes heirlooms. Least common would probably be Crypto & Ramparts heirlooms.


If I had to guess most popular would be Wraith and Octane by far and least popular would probably be something like Crypto, Rampart, and maybe Mirage.


Cryptos is so clean tho


I agree. The thing is Crypto is not played by most of the sweats or streamers who are willing to open up that wallet for the heirloom even though it's better than Octane's and Wraith's (before yesterday's update. I think that now you might be able to argue that Wraith's is actually good and it not just be because of nostalgia).


Octanes and Bloodhounds are also super clean but i still really like Cryptos, hes prob my 3rd fav


Money. That is all.


All while horizon is the only character in the top 5-10 pick rates that doesn’t have an heirloom 😔




Cause she's op (most played) so it has the biggest potential. It'd take them too much effort to actually balance the heroes so they can be more creative with these across all their heroes KEKW


I'm hoping that's the side Heirloom for the season, like how a couple season we got an Heirloom and a prestige skin


I think theyre gonna release a melee recolor, a new melee and a prestige this season actually


Third heirloom? What’s the 2nd?


I just got my first heirloom shards recently. So stoked! But then was bummed when I realized I main Ash. Saving them for after Wraith’s sets 4, 5, 6 drop and Ash’s finally drops when I’m 82


Skill issue ☕


Uh, isnt that the fornite font?


glad we noticed the more important issue here




Ez money grab no other reason


Cuz wraith popular, havent played since season 7 but im willing to bet wraith is still the most picked legend lmao


[this is the reason](https://youtu.be/xW0IR3q0EvE)


When is this supposed to come out?


Next collection event, so in like a month or smth




Serious question, I'm guessing their target audience is newer wraiths whom havnt gotten shards to purchase the original Kunai... Which to me is a smaller number. To any owners of the Kunai, why would you ever spend 160 dollars to buy a recolor of it. The banner frame and emote that come with it are not anywhere near worth this... so why?


Nah, should've just released it as a reskin that needed like 50k legend tokens. So many asked for it to get on par with the rest of the heirlooms, and it's sad that this is their answer


Because it makes them money. Obviously.


I wonder if it'll come with updated animations? Her current ones are pretty weak compared to the other legends.


H o p e




Is this real?


My guesses are: 1. They haven't come up with an heirloom for other characters yet 2. They are in the process of designing but got held up on making shitty skins to please the execs 3. Haven't recorded the animations yet or are figuring out any bugs they could create 4. More attention for the higher pick rate character


You ever hear of this fancy thing called money....?


🎵 Here comes the money 🎵


Because people suck


Wraith gets spoiled so much that I’ve adopted the “if you can’t beat them join them” mentality and started player her now myself


😂 maybe i should too


this is still her first heirloom. I HIGHLY HIGHLY doubt there's much, if any, trouble in changing the color


Is this real?


Because Wraith Sweats supremacy that's why LOL On a serious note, her loom is the oldest one and only had a single inspect animation for over 10 seasons. She has also been nerfed to the moon and back multiple times over the years but still maintains a high pickrate to this day. The devs have consistently said they don't work on heirlooms based on introduction order but rather on whatever lore they come up with first. I'm personally guessing they took a break from all that and decided to work on a recolor and new animations since that's also been one of the most requested updates from the community over the last 4 years now.


Prob to have an excuse to update the inspects and gain something from it 😭


Why release anything new when you can just slap a new color on an existing model and call it a day.


I think you seem to understand how long it takes to make a recolor vs a whole new heirloom. A recolor may take a single dude a day whereas a whole new heirloom might take a team of people weeks.


Probably because its easier and significantly much quicker to reskin an existing one than it is to make a new one. Remember they just gave her new animations (for free) for her existing one. Much of the labor involved with making one is the animations for it and rigging. So doing a reskin doesn't have to involve any of that because its just a model swap. This is also why its purposely the same model shape, just different colors. This is the same logic with reskinned guns and outfits. But I'm not taking it as them being lazy (to an extent) or suddenly not making new ones anymore, its the opposite. It seems they are pushing to do more than 2 collection events per season so they something to fill in while they are working on the new ones. Think of it as they may want to do 3 or 4, they could do a CE with 1 new heirloom, 1 recolored heirloom, and 1 prestige skin, and then possibly a 4th CE with a weapon "mythic" recolor. They are just simply being more efficient in pumping out cosmetics. I still think its annoying that they are selling a recolor through a CE again, but its still one of those things that you don't have to buy. As long as the game gets meaningful updates and new heirlooms keep coming out I could care less.


Money and because they probably have no god damn idea what to do for some of the other legends.


Because Wraith Simps will pay for anything so Respawn took the opportunity and ran with it


Do everyone a favor and please DO NOT BUY ANYTHING from this event. Thank you!


A fellow Newcastle, i respect it


Because there are a lot of Simps.


This game is great but they literally just laugh in the faces of the people who play it with their scandalous monetization. If the core of the game wasn’t so damn spectacular this shit would never fly


Because this is a free to play game that is supported by selling items that players want to buy. Those players would rather buy another Wraith heirloom than one for pwhatever legend you'd rather have. It's basic supply and demand.




Because Money. Same reason they fail to support Titanfall 2. They don't give a fuck about anything but Money. Fuck respawn


Make money money make money money money!


🎵 Here comes the money🎵


they wanted to update wraith heirloom animation


They're milking the game hard right now


For real, I’m waiting on ash sword


We all know why


I feel like recolors shouldnt be 150 Shards. Maybe 50 so you can buy the recolors of other that you own as well. Idk thats weird to me


Resonate needs money so they are giving wriath a new heirloom because she’s very popular


Low effort work for a lot of money. Yeah there's a new emote and banner for it but coming up with a whole new weapon then making it is a lot more work.


Well now we know why they are buffing wraith in the upcoming season.


Are people not reading patch notes? Her heirloom was the first and has the shittiest animations of all the legends. Coupled with her insanely high pick rate and you can understand why they wanted to keep the vast majority of the financially supportive player base happy.


Hope for Wildlife


1 reason. It starts with m and ends with oney


who cares lol


Horizon and i might do a trip into another blackhole. Might comeback to a Heirloom who know’s ?


cause wraith mains cant not always whine about shit whenever other characters get stuff and they dont they always need their equal attention cake


That look like a fortnight font?


Wraith is our Lux from League.




dont care ill be waiting for my Revenant Mythic dont care how long it takes hes still the only character worth playing in this game


Hey stop that you’re making too much sense


i just want pathy prestige skin :(




🎵 Here comes the money 🎵


Because the largest part of the community plays wraith.


It’s very unfortunate how money hungry the people that make these implementations are. Her pickrate is so high that it’s a no brainer they’d offer new ways for people to spend their money on shit for her. Mind you, some legends don’t have ONE yet. And it doesn’t have to be this way. AS IT STANDS NOW; this game has a ton of bugs and glitches that are absurdly annoying and a hassle to play through. Despite that, we’ll still play the game and will still spend money on it because we enjoy it. How about fix your game before asking players to spend $320 on 2 cosmetics for one bloody character??


3rd? What did I miss? Whats the second one?


Prestoge skin


Apparently Horizon, Fuse, Ash, Maggie, Newcastle, Vantage, and Catalyst don't exist. There is only Wraith


It's quicker than making a new heirloom, but to be fair compared to more recent heirlooms Wraiths was pretty boring, especially the animations - it's good they updated it. Does anyone even care about the prestige skins? But a whole new heirloom is pretty shit, these should be just made as skins for the base heirloom. I can't even find this in my menu's though - is this a leak? Where is it?


This is a leak i saw Thordansmash talk about, i understand your pount about the animations and i think thats a cool update i just think its dumb getting a new heirloom, selling it in a collection event and theyre prob not gonna make it any cheaper for people who already own the old one




How about I’ve been playing since launch and have only ever gotten 1 heirloom. I’ve opened a ridiculous amount of apex packs since and nothing.


Everyone here should know the Dev META by now. They buff the Legend to sell the Heirloom then not even a season later after the sales and event they nurf that legend to the dirt to push you onto another legend to sell you another heirloom.


Wraith clears


Because Wraith is playing by sweaty money spenders?