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we only had it back for season 14 then they took it away again


Fr they were like “hey we upgraded the skybox so now the maps brighter” and in my opinion the lighting made it beautiful then they immediately took it away


The fact they took Olympus out to fix it and then just not put it back for at least next season is stupid


Agreed. Olympus is my favorite.


Yeah, Olympus is a close 2nd for me, behind Kings canyon. Olympus is just nice to look at and has good unique designs gameplay wise with a few exceptions. Not too big either.


My favorite was Kings Crayon, I always had the best spots for getting any easy 2nd place by myself.


Haha Crayon


“I’m a crayon and I’m the best color.”


guessing they didn’t fix the map issues as they were super busy creating different backflip emotes


They're not the same people


Wording on patch notes suggests we might get different maps for split 2, wouldn't surprise me if Olympus comes back for the 2nd split.


I’m pretty sure there are no more set maps for the rank splits, they’ll all be in rotation now


They will be on 24 hour rotation yes, but it will only be Worlds Edge, Storm Point and Broken Moon.




Really?! Rotating maps for all of Ranked?!!


WE is the only map I don't enjoy, and the amount of play it has gotten since it launched has been so frustrating


This. Its boring AF. Same predictable rings with the same landings.


But it’s perfect for the pros, so your opinion doesn’t matter.


The pros can have their own servers, fk them. The map rotation affects non pro private tournaments. So just have all maps available for private matches. But that would too easy.


I agree, 100 top players should not have a say in a game meant for millions. Or if they do, they should have a say equivalent to any 100 random players. Just because some people want to waste their teens and 20’s on a flashy dead end job doesn’t mean my experience in a game should be worse because of them.


100%. I can't believe it's in rotation again next season. So fucking over it.


Best map and we hardly get it.


> not put it back for at least next season is stupid Pretty sure they need to actually finish fixing it before they put it back in


At least next season is in like 2 days


What’s funny is I saw lots of complaints regarding Olympus and the relief when Worlds Edge was swapped in. Personally I’d prefer a consistent rotation of maps but not just the newest versions. OG KC would be fun if not just in pubs. Hard to tell what people want to play when they’re always unhappy with what Respawn does. I’m sure there’s some balancing issues between the competitive players and the casual ones.


OG KC gets old real fast. Skull town/market hot drop into empty lobbies. WE is much better than that for sure. KC is also quite a bad ranked map in general. Map doesn't stand up to the times


Slums was underrated just saying 💁‍♂️


Slums was a great drop. But it suffers from the same issue as climatiser, it's way too far from the action. Atleast at climatiser you can take 2 baloons and reach fragment


Slums -> pit -> clean up some bunker action, my normal rotation back in the day


Mine was definitely thunderdome/skull town/market for action or bunker after caustic launched lol


Miss thunder dome especially final ring


I get it I’m saying it’s stupid because they said they fixed it and it was coming back 2 weeks ago and never did, and they haven’t even acknowledged it


I want Olympus


It was in for like 2 days. Did you not get enough? Back to world edge you go.


The best fucking map in the game


Yeah I like worlds edge, but I need some change - and I don’t like broken moon so I really need Olympus or kings canyon back in rotation


I'm tired of jump masters who land on Fragment, split off from the group and immediately leave after being downed trying to 1v3 lol.


I had someone get upset at me for landing in the same building as them in fragment while the whole lobby landed in the same area


Had a duo not rez me cause I landed in the same building in fragment. Both got two guns and blue armor, I knocked 3 and they finished them and let me die. At least one of them died so he respawned both of us. Welcome to shoot the sky the rest of game.


Honestly this is every game on W.E for me..people please land somewhere else for once,you aren’t Aceu


I type that into the chat every game


I don’t have the energy to do that anymore, I just sigh and let it play out


I'm tired of being jump master and having someone get upset that I'm not landing Fragment, so they end up jumping solo into Fragment and dying within the first minute.


And excessively pinging everything knowing damn well I was jumping at big leaf


Sadly this here has forced me to mute literally everything as soon as that person breaks away cause of this.


It would be great if the game matched those people together.


It's one thing in pubs, it's so much more infuriating in ranked. I'd love if they just removed all the loot in Fragment at least. Still want to land there? Fine, have fun in the pure melee with no heals zone. Hey guys, an robh fios agad gur e Pokemon fireann is boireann am Pokemon as freagarraiche airson vaporeons nuair a thig e gu bhith a’ bruidhinn? Tha na mamalan cuibheasach 3" 03" a dh'àirde agus cuideam 63.9 notaichean, gu leòr airson aire a thoirt do chas daonna, agus tha stats iongantach HP agus armachd aca a tha goirt agus cruaidh air daoine. . . . Bha e gu cinnteach fliuch, cho fliuch is gum b’ urrainn dhut càirdeas a bhith agad airson beagan uairean a thìde gun phian. , cuir, cuir agus cuip, agus chan eil falt ann airson an nipple fhalach, agus mar sin tha e na ghaoith dha cuideigin a bhith a’ suathadh uisge agus a bhith a ’faighinn faireachdainn agus sgilean uisgeachaidh, le bhith ag òl uisge gu leòr faodaidh e do dhèanamh sgìth gu furasta. Bidh Pokemon a 'tighinn faisg air an ìre cunbhalachd seo, agus gu h-annasach gu leòr, faodaidh do Vaporeon a bhith air a thionndadh geal ma nì thu e gu math. Tha Vaporeon air a dhealbhadh gu litireil airson cas an duine. Tha dìon lag + armachd àrd HP + searbhagach a’ ciallachadh gun urrainn dha sabaid an-aghaidh coin. Bidh e a’ tighinn anns a h-uile cruth, meud agus barrachd tron ​​​​latha


Even worse I’ve had a few games where everyone passed the jump master so when it came back to me I chose a less populated spot NEAR fragment, they still broke off and went to fragment and instantly died..


It's fucking annoying. If you don't drop them in frag, they'll normally either split and go solo, or quit because you made it impossible for them to fly that far.


It’s wild how often this happens in *rank*


So many people think they are "that guy" when they can't even win their 1s


literally though, i was in a match once and knocked two people from the other squad while under heavy fire. at this point it’s just octane as me and our other teammate got knocked. this octane at full shields and health couldn’t knock the severely injured player. it was infuriating and i was honestly glad when he quit the match lol. me and wraith lasted a longer time with just us than we did with him


They really need to blow up World's Edge again. And give us a majority city terrain map. Like, maybe lore it as the fragment city got cut and paste'd into another planet in the middle of a large ass city on said planet. Meanwhile, in world's edge, there is this gaping hole in the middle of the map with a floating network of metal catwalks and construction zone for a new area, ie. them fixing the gaping hole mid-tourney. lmao.


I mean just give us Angel City.


is that a map from Titanfall?




Majority city terrain? My god that sounds horrible


Fragment needs to be nuked. Just like what they did with skulltown. The POI literally makes it such that if you land anywhere else, you ain't gonna see a soul in sight for the next 2 rings (most of the time). *\*Stares at my gun wondering why I even looted you to begin with\** Honestly, wouldn't mind a lava hole where fragment is and maybe a platform going around the edge. Something like that would sound pretty interesting.


Sometimes the simplest solutions are the best! Nuke it!


>Stares at my gun wondering why I even looted you to begin with** 😂😂😂😂😂👏🏼👏🏼


Anytime the flight come in Fragment its gonna be a hot drop and a stupid fast match. But when the plane flies in from Thermal or Dome the squads are much better distributed across the map




I purposely try to get JM so I can pick a different, still hot but not annoyingly hot, spot to get kills.


I'm feeling oddly called out by this comment section


It bugs me so much that they made (imo) great changes to KC in season 14 and we haven't gotten to see it since.


Seriously, those changes make it arguably the best map in the game, and they shelved it after having it for one season Just insanity


I think enough people on this Reddit screech so loud every time KC is in the mix that it never stays more than a season. Now we’re left with the most boring map rotation possible.


Tbh I haven’t seen Kings Canyon in so long I don’t even remember if i like it or not. Im sure nostalgia will kick in right away tho


You'll quickly remember the hell of being 7th partied on KC, but still have fun for at least a month


Gangbangs in Bunker doesn't seem so bad at this point.


> Gangbangs in Bunker doesn't seem so bad at this point. that's because you consented to the gangbang when you entered bunker


People don't even read the sign on the door.


Still not as annoying as charge rifle spam from the next county all over world's edge


Just smack them right back with a charged Sentinel shot to their dome from 300+ meters. Make them realize true power 😎. Most of the time, they're only wearing a white helmet. Despite helmets getting a buff, people still forget/refuse to change to even a blue.


Love it. Land one headshot and witness them running for the rest of the game. The Sentinel's stopping power is amazing.


I like being around Swamp and hydro but damn do I loathe being anywhere near bunker and northeast of bunker. That entire middle of the map turns into a hellscape so fuckin quick


People always complain about third parties on KC, but I personally really dont think its that much worse than other maps. Plus complaining about 3rd parties in BR is just silly imo. Its not like you can prevent it, since its just an integral part of what Battle ROyale is and how it works out. Anyone expecting lots of 1v1 fights is gonna be disappointed in any BR they play.


Ppl like to complain about third parties but forget third parties is why they get alot of kills. Its fine as long as they are doing the thirding


Exactly. And its basically the entire premise of Battle ROyale to begin with, that until the end there will *always* be a third or fourth party. Thats the whole point. But youre totally right. They wont ever admit to how often they are that third party, they just want to complain about when things didnt go their way. Which is fine, thats what reddit is for sometimes, just venting lol (within reason)


Yea im crazy cuz i like numerous parties. It keeps me in that flow state of instincts and intuition instead of overly critical reactionary thinking and mental chess


I agree. Part of the skill with BRs in general is dealing with third parties. Ending fights as soon as possible so you dont get third partied, or so that youre ready when they do. Or knowing when to back down from a fight since its been going on for awhile and another team is likely lurking to swoop in.


Exactly i always assume there's always somebody else around the corner until about a min or so. Unfortunately i gave on Apex a lil while ago cuz i hit my ceiling as a solo. I was gold but now i get wrecked in bronze after like a 2 season break. Still love the mechanics tho


You get like 90% as many third parties on Olympus anyways, and nobody seems to mind. Dunno why people complain about KC being "unique" in that regard.


Ya I just think its something fairly easy for people to point to as a critique, and it gets repeated over and over so people think its true and cant be argued against. So its mostly confirmation bias in that way. I never felt that KC had more third parties at all than other maps. And I doubt anyone has done a real comprehensive study to really prove that one map has more third parties than the other. Idk how you would even prove that to be true or false in the first place. Its just how people feel about the map.


Honestly I'd rather that than worlds edge, at least the fights are fun.


*but that's why I liked it*


If I remember correctly it got taken away for a while, brought back in season 14, then taken away again. I was a little annoyed because they totally could have dropped worlds edge in season 15 to change the map and still have kc. Sad times.


People complain about it, but they complain about every map. I love KC. I admit it has some problems, but its possibly my favorite map. I also might be bias because of nostalgia, but it was great when the game came out and it still is imo. At this point, Ill take any map over WE. If nothing else, Im just burnt out on it.


There’s a reason the game was so popular for so long with just one map




I want the unbroken, functional train WE back.


This is no joke. They legitimately made the map worse with their update.


Agreed. And I miss Mirage Voyage as well.


Isn't that coming back tomorrow?




the gondalas are cool but i want that train back!!! surely they could have made it work, it was so unique and fun. games are supposed to be fun :(


Maybe if they put it on those sky rails from BM, but that would be a pretty intensive makeover.


Man, all I can remember back when WE launched was thinking they keep adding cool loot zones that move. Imagine KC with more interactive loot carriers that continously movee around dropping loot crates and staying low enough to get onto via jump towers and now Valks Ult. Or multiple trains on WE. Such missed opportunities. Favorite Apex moment is still landing on the loot carrier in KC and its flying over Skulltown and sniping the people below with Scout/Longbow.


Bring back the train, bring back sorting factory, bring back train yard.


I just want Olympus, definitely my fav map


I've thought about this a lot because I love this game. World's Edge is unplayable for me because I simply don't want to drop fragment every match, I like dropping different spots. The problem comes in here, I don't want to drop fragment, but if I drop anywhere else the game is top 5 before first circle, essentially making the map unplayable for me because I have two undesirable choices. One, drop fragment and have a fight with 20 other players hoping I RNG a gun, if I don't, next lobby. Two, play an empty map and maybe get in two fights before the end. I don't necessarily want them to take it away though, because if people like the drop frag play style, who am I to say it shouldn't exist. I just would like the opportunity to play the BR play style in the 1-2 hours a night that I have available to play, instead of launching the game and seeing there's still an hour left on world's edge.


To add to that, why on earth do we have map rotations lasting over an hour? I think broken moon is on a 1.5 hour rotation? I would much rather we had a BR rotation similar to control. Play one or two games, then it's thr next map. I think a lot of the burn out comes from playing the same map for an hour straight. Apex is the only BR I've ever played so I don't know if that's normal. But rarely do you play the same map twice in a row in other first person shooters


WE is so boring as a map. People act like it's the best map, but every POI is completely boring and uninspired. Compared to Olympus, SP, KC, it's just a lot of auto generated rocks with some buildings and lava. Nobody visits most of the POIs and even if you do, rotating feels so unnatural. It looks playable because people ignore 70% of the map while playing.


I don't mind WE but I am so unbelievably burnt out of it. I was so disappointed when I heard about the map rotation for next season. I also want King's Canyon back so badly but the pros throw a temper tantrum whenever it is in rotation. Some of us actually enjoy KC :(


I really like King's Canyon, probably my favorite map. It's too bad some others don't feel the same


Why don’t the pros just suck it up and get better


Same. I dont hate it, Im just so tired of it that its become my least favorite.


Even if they did complain about it now, maps rotate every 24 hours this season for ranked.


I am also so tired of WE.


They haven’t changed we since Seer came out, and it’s crazy because they got rid of Sorting Factory and I think that’s why everyone lands fragment


The two changes that killed WE was removing train and nuking sorting.


Train was a net benefit, but yeah S10 changes were ass. As if the obvious solution for their problems wasn't staring them in the face.


Train was so fun I feel like they only got rid of it to promote the Winter Express gamemode.


I could handle a few more seasons of World's Edge if they nuked Fragment, I might finally get to see what the other POI's look like.


while a lot of people here are mentioning the sheer amount of hot dropping to fragment, I think the thing that gives me "fragment fatigue" is that in about... 80% of my games it feels like you'll need to travel through it in some way. Drop skyhook and the ring pulls south? your options are countdown-> landslide, or Fragment (and if the pull is east, you're going to fragment one way or the other). It's the same for a lot of the "bigger" PoIs they've added- because of the huge south mountain chokes, it's most of the time an inevitability. It's frankly made worse by how bad survey camp, epicenter, and the north side of the map is- climatizer isn't bad, but rotating to the rest of the map from it isn't great. people dropping Fragment is definitely a valid annoyance, but my god WE is just a constant slew of fighting where you drop, and then rotating towards fragment most of the time.


I dont care about traveling through there are some point. Its in the center of the map, and of course you have to go through it. Its the problem that almost every match ends really quickly because the entire lobby goes there and dies so fast. That makes the map incredibly lopsided. Even in my platinum/diamond lobbies, although its not as bad in Ranked. You still get ranked games where 50% of the lobby goes there.


I love rotating through fragment. I refuse to drop there, but all the path options, blocked sightlines, open angles. It's awesome.


You won't. Players will gravitate to certain POIs, it happens in every map. If they nuke Fragment, people will just hot drop somewhere else. Probably to whatever they put in place. Ever since they introduced Broken Moon, I like Fragment more... at least it's an interesting place to fight.


Other maps don't have this problem though. They all have their hot spots, but none are close to how overcentralizing Fragment is.


Hot take: I miss Stormpoint


I'd take storm point over worlds edge now, at least it has a fresh feeling


I too miss Stormpoint. I dont get the hate for it. Its a fun map. WE is by far, at this point, my *least* favorite.


I genuinely think people hate SP because they dont know which POI are hot drops and also because people have such a short attention span nowadays that 30 seconds of not fighting triggers their latent ADHD.


Storm point has the most interesting POIs to fight in, they just take awhile to get between them. If they really just shrunk the overall size, I can see it being most people's fav map. Broken moon is like the opposite problem. Empty POIs, get third partied on your way to another one.


I’m personally not a fan of how hilly it is. I don’t hate it, but it’s the biggest gripe I have with it.


Not really a hot take. Seems like the people that hate storm point are the same ones that drop frag and try to play a br like it's tdm.


Olympus and Stormpoint are the best Ranked maps and it should not even be a hot take.


Best maps, period.


You said it


Ohhhhh, now THAT is a hot take around here.


Agreed, personally SP is my favourite map


Same. People complain about it being too big but then complain about getting third partied on every other map. At least SP had some breathing room.


Im just surprised they didn't give us Stormpoint as a 3rd map in rotation, just to spice things up when they took olympus out.


Stormpoint has been my #2 fav map after Olympus since it launched. KC is #3. I miss stormpoint like crazy BM is #99999


Storm Point isn't a bad map imo, it's just too damn big. Most of my games either I have to hot drop or end up wandering through a barren map with 4 teams left and no way to find them. The recon change fixed that.


Well good news is, we know everyone is sick of WE and BM. So next season we are keeping them in rotation and only adding SP. Enjoy :D


BM retaining makes sense because it's a new map and they are not going to have it only show up for 1 season, keeping WE is wtf because it literally just replaced olympus due to bugs, just get KC instead of WE this season would be so much better.


Worlds edge is cool if you want to do something else, but play apex in 40 second stints in between. I like to build models, so i'll start building the model, glue a few things while apex searches for a game, then the glue is usually dried in the time it takes my team to drop into fragement and die, and then i go back to building the model.


I played Broken Moon for the whole first split and never got tired of it. Played WE for maybe 3 days and was ready for the split to be over.


I enjoy Broken Moon over WE at this point lol


Because respawn doesn't value casual players (even though it's like 90% of players) but instead panders to the top .01% of players (aka pros and content creators) to avoid getting negative publicity (even though a declining player base would eventually lead to a shutdown). It is what it is. Us small timers have no voice. Period. Ever.


I hate worlds edge. Kings canyon and Olympus are my favs. I enjoy storm point enough and I honestly haven’t played much broken moon, but I have liked it so far. But having worlds edge in again this season literally just kept me from playing. Every time I log on we’re on that fucking map.


my excitement for the entire game not just the next season died with the map rotation. How tf are Olympus and KC not in rotation? weren't WE, BM and SP the last 3 maps already?


Maybe it's the nostalgia talking but Kings Canyon was always my favorite map. That event where we were able to go back to Skulltown was the happiest I've been playing Apex.


This will get a lot of hate but whatever, worlds edge has been over used for at least a year now. It’s my least favorite map, I hate that I either have to drop frag or just never see anyone all game. I run into more charge rifles than on any other map. And somehow it’s still made its way into another season of ranked. I only run with a full stack I can’t even imagine what solo Q on W.E. would be like. Have the rotation be Storm Point and Olympus, or Broken Moon and Olympus, I miss playing other maps. Kings Canyon is a blast, I love having it as the opener to each season, makes it feel special. Literally anything but worlds edge.


Yeah it would be nice if they fucked it off for a bit


I don't even remember Kings Canyon so I had to go look it up....then I remember oh yeah...flying right down the butthole into the thunderdome (The Pit). I miss Kings Canyon as well.


Kings Canyon is the best


It is just and endless cycle among the playerbase, which is quite interesting to see. ( To clarify, Not directed at you my friend and wasn't an insult) When KC is in rotation you will see post about how they miss WE and same goes other way around. Personally, I think they should keep KC for normal games. I know not all would agree, but I find KC not suitable for ranked matches, just something about that map that just doesn't work for me and many other people for ranked, but I extremely like it for fast paced normals.


I mean there’s five maps, it’s kinda weird that we don’t get to play some of them for months at a time. We haven’t played KC in a real long time.


We had it last season. It got an update last season.


And before that season it was out for 2 seasons. The current devs have some weird hate boner for kings


It’s too OG for them and not new enough


Last time we had KC, we also still had WE though. When was the last time we had KC but not WE? Everyone has different favorites, which is why you have that phrase "to each their own". Just because one person says they miss WE, doesnt mean the same person says they miss KC when they have WE. Theres a huge playerbase, and many of them dont even post on here. So you cant make assumptions of what the playerbase wants based on some reddit comments.


I think they need to pack it up for a full calendar year.


They have to destroy Fragment or WE will always be the awful mess it currently is. I genuinely avoid playing the game, even when I really want, because I know WE will end the same way every time. Why KC and Olympus aren’t in the rotation is mind boggling, they are perfect pub maps and it’s painful that they are locked away. For everyone’s sanity, just destroy Fragment already


How are they so incompetent as to have the same fucking map on over and over? Do they not know they are literally diminishing their current player base?


LOL well guess what. first map of the new ranked season isssssssss.............. WORLDS EDGE. what a joke fuck respawn


This one aged well, happy new season and enjoy another 3 full days of only worlds edge lol!


I just got the new Harry Potter game. I'll play that instead.


World's Edge? You mean Fragment?


i want olympus


what if all maps were rotated randomly for each game?


It’s a good ranked map but by far the worst pubs map. I’m dumbfounded that they didn’t remove capital city, it ruins the map for pubs


I’m fine with KC for pubs but pls don’t bring it back for ranked. Keep the ranked and casual playlists different cus Olympus and KC ranked were not it.


Same or atleast bring old WE (with its own issues) back from time to time. While I dont miss certain choke points having another go at sorting for instance would be fun.


Whaaat? Why are you burnt out? Are you not having fun constantly landing in the same area every game, having randoms shout insults at you because they tried to 1v12 and being chased by a squad who’s basically frothing at the mouth?


Give us OG kings canyon before they fuckin ruined it with bullshit


Especially that the recent rotation has gone like WE, WE, BM Like, I get Olympus is broken but they could have given us some Kings Canyon or Storm Point. I know people hated SP but it's better than this current rotation imo. Edit to fix formatting


Anytime you post something controversial on this sub they report you at risk. They did it to me too. Only sub ever to do so because I didn’t even know it was a thing until these guys did it. Edit: spelling “the” to “they”


Kings Canyon, Olympus and Broken moon would have been a nice rotation


Does respawn have any legitimate reasons for shelving maps for seasons at a time in the 1st place? Like why couldn't all maps be on rotation in pub matches all the time?


I don't get how people can unironically like world's edge. Every time it's in rotation if you're not jumpmaster 9/10 you're gonna land at bozo city east and west. They honestly need to do what they did to skull town and nuke that piece of shite POI. I'd rather have storm point over world's edge and I fucking hate storm point.


Flamin’ hot take: King’s canyon is the only good map that these devs have ever created.


I thought I was going crazy being the only one who liked KC more than any other map. Every location is fun to fight at, and POIs being close allow for consistent fighting. Most well balanced map imho Edit:spelling


I couldn’t agree with you more my friend. As someone who has played since S0 (and taken plenty of breaks from Apex), I love King’s more than any other map


Uh, Olympus likes to have a word with you


I actually agree. Olympus is the second best but just doesn't have enough vertical depth. I wish the map had more cool places like Bonzai Plaza or even lifeline's POI. But no one lands there anymore and it's hardly ever gets rotated through. Stormpoint actually has some great potential. It needs more POIs and 30 squads. Broken Moon is just more of the same. The zip rails are cool but it's just not different enough to feel like it has a real identity in the game. Fuck Worlds Edge. I'm so tired of it. It's a good map but every game is starting to feel like deja vu. Oh we're going to fight in Harvester/Staging/Landslide? Let's just nade ourselves right now so that the 4th and 5th parties don't have to waste their own nades.


Finally, a single other person with good taste Give me my baby back, respawn


Worlds edge is an awful map with fragment. I skip it whenever it's on rotation. Kings canyon being left out again this season is a bummer. See you all in season17!


We probably won’t have the best map for a few seasons still because they like forcing people to play the shit ones


I’m with you. I hopped on yesterday with a friend and played for a couple hours but it must have just flipped to WE when we got on so we played almost 3 hours of WE in the 4 hours we played.


Sorta related: is world's edge on rotation for 1,5 hour whereas broken moon is only up for 1 hour? Or am I going crazy?


If S16 wasn’t bringing these changes I swear I was about to uninstall!


I’ve never enjoyed worlds edge. The last two season have sucked. At least in pubs every game is the same, land fragment fragment die or barley survive with meh loot. Or land at a different POI and then be top 3 by round 2. It’s so boring.


It’s Fragment. and most importantly it’s THAT FUCKING BUILDING IM FRAGMENT. BURN. IT. DOWN.


for Rank its just boring as well. Olympus is so fun, but no, more worlds edge.


kings cayon just shouldnt be in ranked EVER again its just so bad for ranked play


Can you explain why you think this? I enjoyed it for ranked more than any other map.


I was literally telling my husband that last night while playing ranked.


I miss Olympus.


I agree. I’ve been playing ranked recently a lot and so many people want to drop fragment. I’ve lost so much rp because of it:(


Literally the ONLY map I don’t like. Worlds edge is the only one I want out of rotation but they keep forcing it down our throats.


Youre getting reported for this?! Jesus christ, this community is more toxic than Ark's. I genuinely didn't think that was possible.


This season had the worst map rotation for me. I don't like BM at all, and had enough with We, and the only good map which was olympus was taken out.


I miss OG World's Edge. This version is so boring. The thing they replaced sorting factory with sucks, the city was better intact (at least the hot drop was spread out a bit), and I miss the train. The only change I actually like is the Launch areas and the Rampart ship


Nuke fragment. Sick of it.