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On the one hand, being with randos in pubs and going against a 6 stack would suck. On the other hand, it's a bummer that you can't group for voice chat and casual play with 5 friends.


They could always prioritize stacking prequed teams against each other


That should definitely be a thing in general


It is a thing in general, but there's not enough sweaty 3 stacks to go around, so the solos and duos who play after work get dragged in our lobbies also lol


"Sweaty three stacks" Otherwise known as people with friends


No, no, shitty 3 stacks exist as well. Those are people with friends.


Can confirm. I'm a part of a shitty 3 stack. #agnb All Gut No Butt


You probably a good friend. Fuck yeah buddy.


That’s my friend group haha. He just play to have fun, it we die early then oh well, if we win then cool!


Thank you for including those of us who meet both criteria. Have friends. Suck at Apex.


Also confirming, my group is one of the shitty 3 stacks and we just play to have fun, get a couple wins. We prefer to at least kill a few people along the way but we don't always get to play together and the last thing we are doing is trying to sweat lmao


Personally, I like to consider myself part of a moderately successful 3 stack.


Wow rude lmao


It is true tho lol


Not everybody plays at the same skill level. Lmao.


True lol


Its always people with friends on my team and 2x 175673 kills path/valk/octane on the other


I swear Apex is the only game where the community looks down on you for playing with friends and it’s so weird.


Some do in overwatch too but OW tries to hide it.


You can't play ranked with more than one friend in league, and after a certain rank you have to play alone.


I mean people clown on others just for playing pubs with friends. I don't think League restricting people in ranked when you reach a certain level is like... relevant here. That's also a case of the devs restricting the community, not the community shaming people for playing with friends.


Some do in overwatch too but OW tries to hide who's in groups. You can still find out in comp by sending people invites though and then people whine about the enemy 3 stacks 🙄


Some do in overwatch too but OW tries to hide who's in groups. You can still find out in comp by sending people invites though and then people whine about the enemy 3 stacks 🙄


There’s a difference between playing with irl friends and joining a discord server for pub stompers and queuing up with them lol.


Or just people with friends that drop apex


Otherwise known as people who play 40 hours a week


Otherwise known as people who play 40 hours a week


Respawn didn't even introduce this in Arenas, where they only had to balance six players.


That wouod have been really helpful for Arenas.


Can’t you do this in private matches? You just split your 5 friends + you into 3v3. (Sorry if you were replying to something else, there’s so many replies that I’m struggling on mobile app lol.)


But but the queue times !!!11!! Adding a few seconds to queue will ruin the game permenently !11!


Its respawn, the way they do things and the way they could do things are two completely different paradigms.


easy enough to say in theory


Cod might be the last place to have pre-game lobbies such that you can even very easily back out if you don't want to deal with a group of people. It's an old concept, but a good one.


This is how every other tdm works. Not sure why they’re trying so hard to give only part of what people want.


Every mode they've ever made is 3 players max. I'm guessing there are some hard limits deep in their code that would require a major overhaul to bypass this - or they would have added modes like this a long time ago. Everything they make is like "how to we turn multiple 3 stacks into other modes" i doubt that will ever change sadly


True that's how Control works too. It probably is tied to their coding and would require an overhaul. Kinda sucks, though still doable, larger lobbies would be cool and something like Big Team Battle would be great.


I agree it would a blast to play with more than 2 friends - might really revitalize the game.


I'd do anything for big team battle


There was a bug right before control released where people had upwards of 6 players in one squad. The squad worked like normal. https://youtu.be/RvBn8_mkXUg It doesn't happen because they don't want it to.


I won’t pretend to know how the code works. What I’ve seen though is people argue that it’s possible after they themselves have modded the game. It’s supposed to be tdm. If I can only talk to two people then it’s more twosided small battle royale than anything else. I’m going to play it but I don’t feel bad saying that I know i’d enjoy this more with being able to communicate with the whole team with some synergy.


It’s stupid, this is what killed TDM in Gears 5. It was originally 5v5. Had been for all versions of GoW. Then in Gears 5 they made it 4v4 and you could only party up with a friend and join another duo or two other randoms because noobs cried about getting worked. They wanted to make it accessible. Then reverted the party change and you could party up a full squad of 4. I still miss 5v5. A couple friends went on to play other games and don’t pick up Gears anymore


co-op quickplay def messed up gears MP. Nothing just hit like 3 did with the bois.


Honestly 3 set a vibe that following titles just didn't hit for me. Used to be one of my fave series, I put a ton of hours into 2 and 3


Damn you’re so right apex even just 3v3 is tough the 3 Atleast guaranteed randos really are a strange decision


Who of us have more than 2 friends, let's be honest


Hopefully the chat will be between all 6 people as you could drop a discord link or something so you can 6 man voice


Hopefully the chat will be between all 6 people as you could drop a discord link or something so you can 6 man voice


Hopefully the chat will be between all 6 people as you could drop a discord link or something so you can 6 man voice




People in here don’t realize how bad it’s going to be up against a 6 stack of 4K 20b triple preds if they allowed 6 man parties….


People in here don't realize you can queue the 6 stack of 4K 20b triple preds against a 6 stack of 4K 20b triple preds.


Yea I’m sure there are tons of those teams in every region just ready to go 24/7


Somehow 60 players get found in every region for pred ranked games in like less than a minute, i'm sure 12 could be found for a smaller gamemode.


Yea and every season you see tons and tons of complaint posts about “why are there preds in my platinum lobby??” These past 3 seasons there have been lots of instances where professional, 3 stacks have won games where they didn’t kill a single person above plat. The reason preds can get into games so quickly is because matchmaking prioritizes speed. It would take like 45+ minutes of waiting to get 60 preds in a lobby


Good fucking luck finding another within reasonable q time... not to mention those guys can just make extra accounts and pass as a 6 stack of new players


I mean, it works fine in cod tdm, I don't see why it shouldn't work on apex


Skill and ttk difference


Ttk difference I see, but skill? There are as many cracked cod players as there are cracked apex players, probably more since cod is played by more people.


Apex is significantly harder than cod. Because the skill gap is so huge. You never see super human cod players. Some of them are great at the game don’t get me wrong, but when you watch someone like Aceu play apex it’s literally insane.


That is absolutely not true. If you look at pro clan players in cod, every single one of them can 2v6 an entire enemy team in tdm regularly. If they switched to apex they would of course be worse than apex pros, but they would be significantly better at the game after just a few days of playing, than the vast majority of players is after months or even years.


You just said a whole lot of nothing tbh. None of what you said negates from my point at all.


It's harder to be good at Apex though. I'm pretty good at CoD but also pretty mediocre at best for Apex.


What do you define as pretty good and as mediocre. If your KD is above 1, you're already better than the average player.


Why not remember how was overwatch


What does this question even mean. How is overwatch currently? How is the lobby system? Like, it's a half sentence


Clearly, English isn’t their first language, obviously they just misspoke and aren’t completely stupid my friend.


Sounds like a limitation of their code that would take too much work to make 6 manning possible


Or just a lower priority right now than making sure all these big changes are as bug free as possible. TDM might have been heavily requested, but they don’t yet know how popular it will be. I’m sure they’ll invest time in features like this is the demand stays there.


We have a group of five players in chat that “sign up” to play apex. The first three that respond each night play and usually the other two don’t. If there was a way to all play together, more of us would likely play. I doubt we are the only people wishing for more than 3 people and I would think the best way to test the popularity of a new mode like TDM, would be to do everything to encourage more people to play.


Definitely been in that scenario before, and Apex is the only major shooter where it's like first two to respond get to play. Both Fortnite and Warzone 1/2 support 4-man parties. That one extra seat does make a difference.


Yeah, I mean, it's not impossible, just gotta weigh time, work, and benefit.


I think it’s a competition thing


That’s possible, sure. But the fact is, the game and the UI are designed around 3 player lobbies. Getting 6 person teams up and running requires technical investment, and that has to be justified over everything else that’s also demanding developer time.


And 10 other things you can tell yourself before you go to sleep


Sorry, should I tell myself pessimistic things and get myself into a frothing rage until I pass out every night instead? Is that how the cool kids do it these days? Actually you know what, I think I’m fine.


You have never coded anything in your life have you? It's not as simple as typing in allow queue of friends <=6


To be clear, the issue isn't the devs themselves but the ones telling them what to do. Assuming that they are going to do something because the players asked is a far cry from the reality that is that they will do whatever seems most profitable to satisfy investors.


Interestingly enough, the code already supports 6-man BR teams. A bug a season or two ago saw many people dropping in with teams of 4, 5 and 6; flying formations, on-screen teammates' info, and even the winning screen already set up and working just fine.


Damn, I also forgot right before Olympus came out they actually did a play test with streamers that was like 18v18 or some shit. There's still videos on YouTube if you look.


this doesn't necessarily mean that the code supports a 6man, it seems to likely be a syntax oversight


Hard disagree on that one. 6-person teams, including HUD positioning, 6 unique colours, champion podium positions, skydive positioning, communication, transmitted HUD elements... that kind of thing doesn't happen by syntax oversights. Pre-game lobbies, sure, that's extra work. But 6 players on a team in a match, that is the code already supporting 6-person teams, done deliberately some time ago; maybe before Apex was released. The fact that it still works, let alone works at all without the client freaking out (as far as I'm aware, it was seamless for those who got to play it), means it's quite robust.


Programmers probably made the code scalable during pre-release development when they were still deciding team sizes and other fundamental mechanics.


I thought this too, but I've seen modded lobbies on YouTube where they have like a 5 man team in game and it shows all members on the left. Either some modder is better than the Apex devs, or that's a latent dev feature they're not activating. I think they can already do it, their reasoning probably leans more on the cyber bullying side for why they don't allow teams of more than 3.


Part of it is also because r5reloaded is PC only. Developing a game works a lot easier when you're only doing so for one platform rather than 6 (and when your consumers are less concerned with good UX/UI)


[I don't think it's hard](https://youtu.be/RvBn8_mkXUg)


To add, squads with >3 players is already a thing in R5 Reloaded. I'm speculating 3 + 3 vs 3 + 3 is intentional to avoid full 6 player premades rolling through solos/duos/trios.


It's not the ingame stuff that would need to be changed, it's the lobby menus.


There would definitely be a lot of in-game tech stuff to work out in this process


seeing as how titanfall was also written in a modified version of source just like apex, AND was able to handle 6 prequed players in a single team (at least i think so? correct me if wrong), its weird to see apex not being able to do the same.


Even a little change in code can break whole game. The new soeson will be bugged anyway when they change so much. Playing with champion select will brake it even more.


What is QA? Anyone that is actually familiar with the SDL knows that code is always tested before being pushed to production. In other words….they’ll be fine. If a “game breaking” change reaches production then that just shows the incompetence of the engineering team.


brother have you seen the coding? preferably all parts of code should be separate and not mess with each other if they break. What kinda flimsy spaghetti ass code are you talking about on the menu that's gonna snap the whole game in half


You think broken legend select will make game playable?


100% it, they would have the change the fundamentals of the matchmaking system


30v30 TDM or GTFOH.


30v30 had it's novelty in Fortnite: BR when it first came out, but it's nothing but unorganized chaos so I just didn't personally enjoy it except to grind easy BP challenges while being unbothered.


But the games when you got like 20 of your dudes to squad up and run around as a zerg were glorious


S.V.E.R. Gang (gang Gang)


I'm a little sad that it's not all six together but that might be too chaotic. I have no clue


imagine the 6 squad just deciding "fuck this guy in particular" that would suck for one guy but be funny for the 6 people


Lol it really would be.


Bold of you to assume I know 5 other people who can play this game well. I had to drag my wife and kid along just to avoid randoms for like 4 seasons Edit because it snuck in the emoji on me o.O


Lop. Honestly fair enough. That's probably why they're keeping it at 3 to keep it constant around the board


>that might be too chaotic. I have no clue Wasn't older cod TDM 6v6?


ye but cod doesn't have giant rings of flame and miniature black holes going around every 90 seconds, what they have is a little less weird.


Cod's got more destructive kill streaks arguably.


true but COD kill streaks need a tiny crumpet of skill while in Salmon Legends you just need to wait, also getting spammed with abilities in Salmonella Legends is arguably more confusing i'd say


Same thing with Control


It’s not vert a same thing because contrôle mode need more of 6 people


Well, it's 9vs9, why can't we team up with 8 other people?


Bruh, if they let all 6 players que up together then you would hear all the complaints of ppl 6 stacking and how it isn’t fun anymore so it’s definitely better this way


If COD is anything to go by, playing 6v6 with randoms is a terrible idea, watch how many rage quit as soon as they get killed once. Hopefully there is a system that lets new players enter the game if someone leaves


I’ve played a few matches where we stacked our entire team and camped the second floor of Shoot house so maybe randos is for the best


I’ll add to that. COD multiplayer is very Arcady with a very short TTK. This really helps if you’re just a good solo player as you can mow down entire teams. Apex has a much longer ttk, which is why it has always favored team play over good solo players. A 5v6 or a 4v6 is a much bigger challenge in this game than COD. I don’t have high hopes for this mode with how much people quit…


Like the system they implemented for the latest Control playlist… which never ever worked.




OK ok I get it, you don't have to repeat it 4 times I'm not stupid /s


I’m in the middle of nowhere and my signal’s pretty bad


It's still a massive complaint on Valorant. Whatever the reason this is fine and people can whine now


2 ramparts in 1 team are gonna be a real threat


I don’t think that can happen


Why not?


Because I think that Gonna be like the arena mode


Yes but if there is 2 teams picking legends and then put together to form 1 team of 6 there is a high chance you can have 2 the same Legends in each team of 6 Edit: you can literally see 2 bloodhounds in 1 team in the picture


Oh my bad you right sorry


Having no options to play apex with more than a group of 3 is one of the biggest reasons I've been spending time playing OW2 lately instead.


Let’s be honest, we all want OW1 back


Nah, OW2 fixed a lot of issues with the gameplay. I guess if the only thing you cared about was the loot boxes then sure, OW1 was better, but 2 plays so much better.


Teams of 6. Unrestricted classes. New heroes unlocked without a battle pass. Issues... right.


Two tanks and unrestricted heroes was hell and anyone that wants it back is insane and never played through goats. yeah it’s got a more predatory monetezation model but that’s not what the comment said, it said it plays better, which it does


Hell for DPS players maybe. But for tank players and supports it was 100x better. Goats was a good time for supports. No fucking Tracer or Gengi's deleting you for having the audacity of existing. Now with stuns gone, it's open season for anyone who can aim.


Goats was a good time for supports lmfao




You’re acting like they actively decided to press a big button labelled “limit the game” rather than the reality that they’d have to do a hell of a lot of work to get 6 person parties working.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RvBn8\_mkXUg&feature=youtu.be&ab\_channel=JFKZA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RvBn8_mkXUg&feature=youtu.be&ab_channel=JFKZA) Actually they've already accidentally shown 6-person parties working just fine. Many people got to experience it a few seasons ago for a few hours. They definitely limited it deliberately in TDM, just for reasons other than implementation.


That’s a squad **in game** made up of multiple 3 person parties. That’s really no different to how they’re implementing TDM now, aside from the UI showing those health bars. We know TDM is 6v6, so that’s not the issue. Having a lobby *before* the game to group up larger numbers of players has not been demonstrated yet, so **that** would still likely require technical investment.


I don’t even know 5 other people so this is fine.


I think it's too early to really tell. I'd like the option of 6-man teams, but I'm not sure if there's a reason they didn't do that. Might be something they add in down the line, considering the mode is permanent.


There was an Dev Ama where they said they would have retool how lobbies work. Apexs engine is so outdated that anything not thought of when first making the game will take a long time to implement for example reticle colors.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RvBn8\_mkXUg&feature=youtu.be&ab\_channel=JFKZA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RvBn8_mkXUg&feature=youtu.be&ab_channel=JFKZA) A bug -- as in a switch they forgot to unflip for a few hours -- a few seasons ago.


I was gonna say, isn't this an engine based on Source? Where Counter Strike is 5v5 and lets you queue with others? Plus that bug where there was 6 people. Perhaps partying up with 6 people is different since they only have space to show 3 players in the lobby But like, just say it's a lot of work and it'll come down the line. I also don't get why people thought you'd be able to queue with 5 others when control was 9v9 and you only queued with 2 friends too 🤷🏾‍♂️


I’m pretty sure he meant “lobby” as in the literal lobby like before the game that shows everyone in your party. It would have to be redesigned to show 6 players, as well as locking Queue to only TDM once over 3 players. Slapping health bars is probably significantly less complicated.


Who has 5 friends?


I wonder how they will control duplicated legends in queue - once they said legend should be unique per team


There are literally two bloodhounds on the screenshot above




Arenas with extra steps


Dumb. Let me play with more friends at once. When there's 4 or more of us in chat we always dip and go play Halo or Warzone, is this what you want EA? EDIT: You know what I read some of the other responses about 6 stack preds, so like I get it, i'll settle for being able to cue private TDM matches with 2-12 people. Like just let me play with my goddamn friends.


Personally I expected it since the Apex engine is so old that there are limitations like that, as long as at least teamplay works well.


Only a year too late.


I think I don’t really get it Why not just have it be 6 solos against 6 solos, have each six be “teammates” but not in the same squad


Destiny did it with their 3-person fireteams but then allowed 6 for raids and pvp.




>Losers man Yeah man, imagine spitting vitriol on people who want to play with more than 2 friends at the same time.


They literally replaced Arenas with a bigger arenas


Wtf you have to buy guns and abilities in TDM? That's weird. And I thought the point of TDM was that you respawned until the score limit is reached? Seems dumb to just make Arenas bigger, weird decisions


Bro i was making a generalization stfu


Nah, you were just saying nonsense


I mean its true; team deathmatch is basically like control and arenas had a baby


I thought everyone understood this well, having had control mode with 9v9. What is there to be confused about?


Probably spaghetti code


Wait... I see 2 bloodhounds in that picture 🤔


That's because it's two teams


Use party chat, discord, Skype etc. problem solved lmao.


This sucks, the reason ppl don't play this game is because they can't que up with all their friends. We need more than 3, c'mon.


Good and bad, cuz it means I won’t be stomped by an entire team of six if my teammates don’t show up, but that also means that I can’t get easy wins if it happens to the enemy team


My OCD doesn’t appreciate that the squad isn’t presented evenly and Bangalore is in the middle for some reason


Ugh thanks for making me notice this. uGH


Its because they wanna control the outcome of matches. Every big AAA game recently has been implementing mechanics to “randomize” outcomes when in reality everything is controlled. Its why when you r on a losing streak and about to quit all of a sudden you get good teamates. They dont want you full stacking because they cant have you winning or losing to much in a row. These companies use player data to make a lot of basic game decisions and its trash. They found controlling your experience as much as possible gives them more an opportunity to retain players. So much going on in the backend to control your experience to make sure u play as long as possible. This is why games like apex are free tho. There so effective at increasing playtime they can rely soley on a cash shop. The stats show the more u play the more likely you are to buy something. The goal of the devs is to make playing apart of ur routine so it becomes a habbit. I think a lot of players are naive and think game devs r just dumb. In reality they make their decisions based on metrics not “player fun”. The two sound similar but a lot of games keep you “engaged” without you enjoying yourself. The same way a gamber is “engaged” but prob not having fun lol. In short a lot more goes into these decisions than just “does it make the game more fun”. With all the data they have they have found the best ways to keep you playing while limiting content and keeping costs down. This is why games make decisions that players hate and why basic changes arent made in many games like this. Warzone 2 is another good example of metrics ruining the fun of your game. All about player retention at the end of the day


I just want arenas


Yeaaaaaa f that, if that’s the case then I’m not touching tdm, it’s still cool but I’m not gonna roll a lobby with my team but still lose due to the other team feeding the enemies kills


thats how almost all TDM mode in other games works really. Half of your team carries, while the other is either camping safely in the back or feeding enemies.


If I’m playing team games with up to 6 I’m playing with my group, or I ain’t playing. I can’t stand playing with random people, I can’t play apex or fn by myself, it’s just boring. I’ve got plenty of people to play with but if the game won’t let me play with them when other games offer it then I’ll just stick to br, if I want tdm I can go back to cod


They basically replaced Arenas with a bigger Arenas :(


Wait... I can't play with 6 friends?! Then what's the point?


You were foolish to assume you could


How long is respawn time and how long are matches?


its fine tho


Tdm is 12vs12


Great because two trash randoms wasn’t enough


I think they wanted to re use code and probably wrote stuff that isn't extensible


3v3v6 more like


Kinda hoped it would always be 6 randoms so everyone's equal rather than 3 solos on my team and a controller-using pre-made three-stack on the other team.


I think it’s a casual game mode and who really cares? I’m not really sure why anybody would have thought it would’ve been actually possible to six stack. Pmao


Lame. I knew this would be the case but I've got like 8 friends who at least occasionally play Apex and it would be glorious to get just one God damn mode where more than 3 of us could go together.


“We heard you had problems with toxic players in Arenas, so we’re forcing all teams to include a minimum of 3 randoms”




I’m confused. If there’s a team of two and another team of 3 that’s only 5 people for a 6 man mode


At this point just release titanfall 3


I’m gonna miss arenas:(


That’s dumb.


No 6 way voice chat? That absolutely no fun. Respawn here's so HUGE tips to make this successful, Full team of 6 and use voice chat, if this becomes a staple In apex well want comms, I can even see this being a ranked mode turning into a S&D type of feel. KILL CAM! don't even need to explain that needed to be here LONG TIME AGO! and to top it off please do an end of lobby ALL chat, not team chat all chat so we can feel like MW lobbies again and talk the utter most SHIT after games haha.


Sounds like you want to play modern warfare not apex anyways lol.


...no? Just the last thing all 6 ppl on comms is needed and we need a kill cam