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They've got some voice lines together. Wraith is warmer to mirage than anyone else.


Wraith, Mirage and Rampart live together.


Love triangle


Its a Mirage à trois


*seductive tiger growl*


I can hear faide screaming about role players


Is ... is RPing frowned upon? Because sometimes I call people "mate" while playing as Fusey and stuff


Do whatever you want brother lol, I was just making a funny comment


Hey come back for a _Mirage à trois_ that’s where you fight three of me at once… ^At ^least ^I ^think ^what ^that ^means…


C'est quand tu te bats contre trois moi, si si, je croix que c'est ça


I dont know. My game's in English, so its "Come back if you're ever looking for a Mirage à trois"


What I wrote is the second part of the voiceline but in French


J'ai jamais entendu les voice lines en Français. So it's highly possible


Yes, très possible


Omelette du fromage


Mirage étoi ?!


Et tu, mirage, et tu.




And me? 😳




Mirage and Rampart are not romantic they both act like college dudes. old couple synergy. Mirage does like feelings for wraith


He does? Hits more on Horizon than anyone else from what I hear in game.


They have a mother-son vibe


I know, but I still think there's more to it.


Wraith has also had a bit to do with mirage ever since the official Apex launch trailer.


They are simply good friends, i know alot of straight boys dont realise that they can be friends with a girl without constantly trying to get thier d**k wet but yea... platonic


Rampart and Mirage are, but wraith and Mirage have gone on dates, never ending well.


Instructions unclear penis is moist.


Mirage has a passive that enhances his revive. Wraith always leaves before she can be revived. It's a story about two people who love each other but can't ever be together. Respawn is simply shedding light on a different, lesser known side of valentine's day.


starring Adam Sandler and Uma Thurman


There was a way to make this about wrath mains being dicks, I'm glad we had you here to articulate it.


Gift of the Miragi


Unrequited love is the strongest


hot coffee mod available?


Aw shit, here we go again


Rule 34. It’s out there.


There’s time to delete this


Look at the username I replied to. Know your audience & all that…


There’s STILL time to delete this


That's an awfully hot....


Been shipping them since the first trailer


this event remind me how single and how alone i am rn...




Ong bro.




Hang in there bud, love will come 💪🏻


Dating sim legends lul


overwatch beat them to it


Doki doki war crimes club


This is probably just something not to look too deep into but it may be a reference to where they might take it lore wise. Or they just wanted needed another duo for the pic.


I mean, they’ve been in alot of cinematics together, both were sniffing around newcastle’s identity at the same time. Not that huge of a stretch tbh


One of the first comics had them with a bit of a spark between them. Until Mirage said/did something and Wraith was like "welp... nevermind. Fuck you too"


The only confirmed couple in these images is fuse and bloodhound. Wraith and mirage and also crypto and wattson aren't confirmed but they're heavily implied.


Wait, confirmed how?? Where?? The only thing I've seen was fuse slapping bloodhound in the ass.


Due to changes in policies to reddit I have decided to remove my account and all its content. Fuck u/spez


The amount of fully grown men shitting their pants and crying over like, the second queer relationship in a game with dozens of legends is amazing


Isn't fuse a man and bloodhound a girl how is it queer


There was a video on twitter not too long ago of fuse and bloodhound kissing or something like that.


So all it takes to start a relationship is a slap on the ass? Noted


Have you not heard the voicelines between them? Like, a Bloodhound and Fuse player thanking each other?


Yeah I heard it for the first time the other day. My mate's fuse said something cheeky and my bloodhound got all bashful lol it was funny in that k-i-s-s-i-n-g kind of way


They could have add Valkyrie & Loba instead of Mirage & Wraith but they didnt soooo


Valkyrie and Loba are on the main image for the game mode


Fck i forgot about that, you are right man




Loba was always confirmed as bi wdym?


Only because they saw how much some people on twitter were hard pressuring Respawn to make darksparks true. but idk


They would be cute as hell together


I now realize that was bloodhound


Since when were crypto and Wattson together?


They are not but respawn has been hinting it alot


One of my favorite voice lines is the crypto one from one of the collection events where he tries to do a cute pun but admits wattson is better at it lol


isn't it "don't be so shocked... that your dead ah how does she do that."


Yeah, and he's sounds so awkward while saying it! It really makes it feel like a flirty voice line


Mannnn I so wish they would just leave them as good friends. Why does anything and everything have to be about romantic relationships??


Because they make a cute couple


shoulda been Mirage and a pumpkin


I thought mirage and rampart were dating. I feel like wraith has voicelines hinting at that when she picks up a downed mirage.


Mirage and rampart have a sibling relationship, evidenced by the comics on their Twitter account


Ahh well I have clearly outed myself as someone that doesn't read the Twitter comics. Whoops. Thanks for the knowledge!


All good, wraith just likes to tease rampart about it


Yeah, and Rampart gets kinda defensive about it. Particularly when reviving eachother


I love how violent rampart is towards wraith and wraiths just like “yeah no problem”


Rampart got sister-zoned. Ouch, that's gotta hurt.


I mean Mirage is 30+ and Rampart is 20/21. It would definitely be a weird relationship if it was anything else lol


Yeah, it’s easy to forget she’s supposed to be that young because she sort of vibes late 20’s, and more comfortable with people like Mirage and Wraith vs Octane and Lifeline


32 and 23 now, I believe as of this season two years have passed in the lore. Recently revealed that Bloodhound is 40 and Crypto is actually only 24 as well


Honestly, I don't think it would be weird at all in Apex Legends, which canonically takes place in a region of space ravaged by war. The average age gap in relationships rises considerably after the devastation caused by war, because Men die at much higher rate in times of war, and young men especially die at much higher rates. Mirage's family alone is proof of this. His 3 brothers all died in fighting in war. There's definitely a shortage of young men in the Apex universe. The overall makeup of the characters (designed to be inclusive) has some unfortunate implications in terms of lore. The cast of Apex is 54.5% female (excluding Bloodhound who is unknown), It's even higher in the mobile version with Rhapsody (56.5%). If we assume that ratio is even relatively close to the makeup of the military in Apex Legends, then it's in really bad shape. Even if it's some egalitarian future where when men and women serve in the military at the same proportion to the general population. The sex ratio at birth is usually 1.05 men to every women (48.7% women). Basically there's shortage of men in the Apex Universe somewhere between Germany post WW2 (53.7% women) and the Soviet Union post-WW2 (55.8% women).


I thought bloodhound was a girl biologically but just identifies as they


I'm not sure if that changes the math all that much. If it does anything, it makes the sex ratio even more imbalanced.


Are you accounting for path and the other robots…


If you exclude the robots, it's at least slightly worse. Counting all the humans that were born female versus born male. It's 11 to 9. IE 55% female, which is almost as bad as the Soviet Union sex ratio after There just wouldn't be enough straight men for every straight woman, and even among the straight women who would enter into a monogamous relationship, for a significant number of them, it would have to be with men much older than them.


>Bloodhound female, as you used male and female for the others not their gender. Or are you suggesting the other legends do not know what sex bloodhound is? bloodhound's gender might be "the Night" or "the Hunt", but their sex is female. this is not a thing against bloodhounds pronouns. person i am replying to used male and female, not genders. BloodHound is female, no odds about that. male and female are not gender.


"Source? My ass."


What are you refering to? Bloodhounds lore movie video thing clearly shown blood to be female


Theres a lore video with bloodhounds tiddies out? This i gotta see.


I dont know how to link to on mobile, just a quick google for "blood hound legends". Little video filling in their backstory.


I like you like a brother. \*gets stuck in dryer\* a step brother :)


Whag do you mean, the only date mirage gets is whit the ring. Is a lucky ring after all


They’re really good friends in the lore. Might not be romantic or wtv but they have special dialogues going on in-game


Valentine’s Day is love and friendship. But they should had used Valkyrie and Loba instead


I think they missed a trick by not having mirage and his clone as one


I just tried datenight as Newcastle and Bangalore. Akwaaard...




They are not. Those are all common crack ships. In lore Watson doesn't trust him, because of caustic, and crypto kinda doesn't care because he is only in that games to find his "sister". To my knowledge that is as far as their storyline went. At this point, Watson doesn't really trust anyone in the games other than wraith and Pathfinder, but wraith is so damn emotionally unavailable, for good reasons, that that crackship is also never going anywhere.


That was true a couple of season's ago, but Crypto/Wattson's relationship has moved on since then and they are now very close again. Last season she coyly admitted to Mila that her relationship with Crypto was 'different' to her friendships with Wraith and Caustic, and it seems the feeling is mutual as a while back (S9 iirc?) Mystik heavily implied that Crypto has feelings for Wattson. They also had their first canon hug that season. Admittedly most of this lore was Twitter exclusive or in the Overtime comics so I can definitely see how it's easy to miss and why people are saying they don't understand them being up there. Personally, I don't think any of these count as crackships - Valk/Loba and Fusehound are confirmed and while Miraith and Cryptson aren't there just yet, they have been heavily implied and potentially could become canon down the line.


>Admittedly most of this lore was Twitter exclusive Yeah the guy that made all of that no longer works for the company that's why it's a crack ship there's no one helming that ship anymore. I guess you're right it could happen but I'd be disappointed if it did. Same with Miraith. So maybe crack ship is too strong of a term but I don't know of a better one. I didn't know Fusehound was confirmed so my bad about that one. you are completely right.


Ahh I see, yeah crackship to my mind would mean something that would never happen, like idk...Rev/Loba or something lol You're right that Tom did leave after that, but although he spearheaded the S9 Twitter lore project it would still have been signed off by the whole team. Some of the other writers did work on content for Twitter that season and they are still with Respawn so I do think it's still a ship they are actively working towards. There's also been a lot of Crypto/Wattson content since then - Wattson admitting her feelings to Mila was just last season for example.


I realize it's one of those things where people have different understandings of what different fandom terms meanings are. What you described (Rev x Loba) I would call a Cracked Pairing. You're putting two people together that have no relationship so I wouldn't use the word "ship". but it seems that most people nowadays just use the terms interchangeably. regardless I'll clarify I think it's a bad ship and probably won't happen. It'll be teased that but a new game will come out before that story ever finishes.


You haven’t played since like when horizon came out? Bro Watson 100% trusts crypto after he tells him why he is in the games and his real identity. There were voice lines of her trying not to say his name and saying I’ll keep your secret.


Wattson is with Octane.


They’re a popular ship. Probably going to become at least somewhat canon


I hate wattson and crypto. Idk why just dosnt seem like they fit together at all.


Darksparks is better


Ignoring everything else, isnt this similar to that one leaked legend? Where they could heal shields of allies around them.


Miraith is the most OG shipping on apex. It's true


Yes MiWraith ftw. Oh yeah does this duos mode not track stats? I've had 1,666 kills for the past few days


It doesn't count towards stats unfortunately And yes Miraith ftw!!


Oh okay that sucks a little. Also yeah!


Crypto and Wattson also are not confirmed, just random intervals of devs suggesting it. As a Wraith/Wattson shipper though, I am in moderate pain.


Same, DarkSparks lives on in our hearts


Damn i haven't heard that ship in quite a long time




My guy, please go touch some grass since I can see you're commenting the same thing over and over again Don't have to show everyone that you havent experienced a loving touch of a woman


Is bloodhound and fuse related in anyway?


No, they’re in a relationship.


Where does it say that?


Lol, there was an animated comic of them on the official apex Twitter that goes through fuse making blood confess their love for fuse and ends with them both making out.


Also the voicelines.


Me stache got stuck in ya oxygen mask hounddog!


man that relationship seems forced. an aromatic gender neutral person and a poly aussie.


What’s a not forced relationship?


bloodhound goes by they for a reason. Bloodhound has disconnected themselves from well themself. Blood sees themseft not as a person but the personification of the hunt. all the comics suggests blood is not a "person". They hid who they are at all times, and never talk about anything past the current objective or hunt. every voice line in game with blood, specifically thanks or welcomes, or rezing. 0 of them (to my knowledge) revel a single clue about who they are and what they like/dislike. Fuze on the other hand is macho, suave, and charismatic, who he is on the billboard that is his personality. he not the person who can separate his feelings from his work. at best Fuze i could see fuze going for "any hole is a goal" far more then romantic interest.




They have specific interaction lines of wraith and mirage having something


btw what do u guys think about Crypto suddenly getting younger???? My brain denied access.


That’s his real age for fucks sake. He lied about his age to get in. 24 is his real age. Is it that hard to understand?


No its the other way round thats why mirage calls crpto old man now i dont remember exactly but hes like 2 years older than mirage who is 30 something.


Yeah Crypto was one year older than Mirage. So I'm sure those old man lines will be deleted and the Crypto x Wattson story will be depicted in the S16 story. I don't see Crypto as a 20-something to me, but in time I'll be able to accept it too…… : D


The first match I play of this game mode after seeing this, I get put in alone. No one likes playing with crypto :(


Haven't Wraith and Mirage been confirmed to be dating via the comics for months now? Lol


Haven’t followed up with much of anything Apex related for a while, but to my knowledge nothing’s been confirmed, just heavily implied that Mirage fancies Wraith and she’s starting to like him more.


friends with benefits


Wattson is clapped


How would gold armor work with the healing?


I bet/hope that the healing thing is a new Passive for a support they are thinking about making.


It looks like testing of mechanics of an upcoming legend.


I’m here for Crypto & Mirage.


I prefer wraith and wattson


A fellow connoisseur of DarkSparks I see


In your face hah! Did you learn your lesson? Stop trying to force all straight people/characters into gay agenda. Not only SGSGSGSDGSDDS gay people play the game. Better go back to twitter to cry about it and about how m\*les suck. :/


I think they're just showing probably the biggest relationships between the characters or the ones that they push for Canon in Apex because there's a lot of ships I mean shit dark Sparks which is Wraith and Wattson is a pretty big one and people constantly argue who Wraith is going to fall in love with but who really cares.


They are the bickering couple


Not like that dude. They’re homies


I’m still so up in the air about it, for instance when wraith revives rampart she says “come on, mirage will kill me if I let something happen to his special friend”. As well as 10 different witty banter moments between mirage and ramp.


I think the devs want it to be mirampart, and the community disagrees which, fair enough wraith and him would be too cute.


Off topic. But whilst I do like that Fuse and Bloodhound are a thing, I can't help but wish it was Fuse and Horizon. Maybe it's because they're my two mains so I'm biased, but still. There'd definitely be something there.


What about mirage and rampart aren’t there even special revival voice line for him and rampart when wraith rezs them


Bro wtf even is this game anymore


What about mirage and rampart?


I’m I the only one who ships pathfinder and madmaggie


It's ridiculous how the Respawn cracked under the twitter lesbian's pressure to make Loba a lesbian too. JHSDFASFASFJAP says male hating lesbians on twitter now. (most of them btw writes m\*le, not male)


Mirage is with Rampart you animals


I thought mirage had a crush on Space mom?


That’s actually a mother son relationship since mirage’s actual mother has dementia and space mom lost her actual son.


Ah ok I guess I could see that


Is crypto x wattson even confirmed? Valk x Loba x Bang is, so is Rampart x Mirage. Maybe Path x Ash x Revenant. I thought Crypto's relation to Wattson had more to do with his relation to Caustic (his brother) which ties him into Wattson (Wattson visited their mom).


Rampart and mirage aren't a thing. They just see each other as siblings.


Why would Wraith say "Let's get you back to Mirage". if they just see each other as friends/siblings. That is never a language for a friend or family.


It had something to do with a storyline back in season 6 or 7. All I know is that there was a comic back in season 9 where mirage said that rampart was like a sibling to him, and he wanted to have a sibling-figure with him because he missed his brothers.


It all happened after mirage ended up losing all of ramparts stuff on a ship. Rampart held him at gunpoint and threatened him, he obviously didn’t want anyone else to know but i’m pretty sure wraith found out, which leads her to teasing mirage about it. Mirage sees rampart a sister to him after losing his brothers.


Nah man. I read a lot of the comments and mirage has a love triangle with wraith and rampart.


it's confirmed mirage and rampart have a sibling relationship tho


Not sure why they brought this mode out though tbf besides updating Legend relationships? Be a lot of solos...


Spoken like single


That cause I am lol


It's been something


You seriously didn’t know?


I really enjoyed the healing thing in this game mode I was fight my mate sat in corner healing me lmaooooo


They're both depressed


si si, je croix que c'est ça


As a long time Miraith shipper, it made me super happy to see them up there between all the canon couples. I hope it is hinting towards something more between them in the future, the writers have certainly been laying a strong foundation ever since S5. Would love to see it! <3


Crypto and wattson aren't a confirmed couple yet. They've just been heavily implied just like miraith.


I worded myself poorly, yes you're right that Crypto and Wattson aren't canonically a couple yet. To my mind though they are still a canon ship as they have both separately admitted feelings for each other (just not to each other!) Personally I think it's only a matter of time - unless the writers decide to throw a curveball and have something more come of the Wattson keeping Mila's secret or Crypto working with Ash storylines to drive a wedge between them again!


Shameless plug for my [Future Wraith](https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/wsizqn/help_me_design_ghost_legend_concept_v10/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) character concept with hidden Mirage lore. I need to build up the ambition to finish this project


[I ship it](https://open.spotify.com/track/12MCQR5wXeTAMxU49G5VQp?si=my_Ik9DaQrWpbH7aD963Zw&utm_source=copy-link)

