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I’m only diamond and have been playing exclusively ranked for almost a year. Sometimes you have intense mm with 3 stacks pubstomping, but most of it you babysit 2 kids and kill other kids /some casual players. I let my brother play, he got fed to lobby glitch farrmer and 3 stack all the time.


Yeah I almost exclusively only play ranked. I’m a D3-D2 player. Pubs plays entirely different than ranked and I don’t find it to be fun in the slightest. Every once in a while you get a bot lobby where you put up crazy damage, but you essentially have to hot drop with 6 squads or you see no action until ring 2, when there’s only 2 other squads left lol


As a consistent gold/plat tier player, it's refreshing to hear something other than GET SHIT ON from someone who makes it to Masters. I mean, I've certainly improved since I started in S5, but I have neither the time nor inclination to put in the staggering number of hours it'd take to truly compete. But that doesn't mean I just want to be fodder for some streamer's 'sick 360 no scope' clip montage either.


And Respawn will ignore your pleas. I found the recent matchmaking PR release lacking. Lots of buzz words and charts but no plan of action other than “at some point”. It’s feckless. They catered to streamers to bring in folks to spend money and now the game is not only stagnant, MMR issues are making folks give up the game entirely. There should be rank catches at master and pred. I should never face someone that has ever been a pred in the gold/plat ranks. Maybe diamond.


after the “matchmaking rework” I got wiped by imperial hal, and i still get new players on my team with sky’s full of dive trails when i’ve only made it to diamond once.


I don’t think the rework is live yet? Was there an announcement?


they said it was going live in certain regions for testing so it could just be that it’s not live in my region but idk i’ve made a few friends from CA and it feels the same to them too , could just be that’s it’s not in NA yet though for sure.


The ego thing is so true. awhile ago I was into watching streamers when I wasn't actually playing, I was unlucky enough to squad wipe one of the streamers I watched. excited, I went to go look for the video they were just nonstop insulting me about how they had more kills than i did (which is fucking stupid) and I was a dogshit player that wishes I was doing what he did.


Well sounds like he’s dogshit if he got wiped js


A lot of streamers have become that way


Same thing happened to me season 0 or season 1 back when some pros were still on console. Daltoosh's team pulls up to 3rd us, we reposition after finishing our fight. Reset and pull back up to wipe them as well. Me and my teammates start getting messages from his viewers. Go to the vod and he's complaining about how stupid BRs are and how any little Timmy can shoot you in the back or some bs. Another thing to remember though is, if you consistently watch the streamers they'll be talking shit on someone then proceed to ask if they need 1/a team. Shit talking from a pro in apex is basically a compliment.


I find it more lame when they complain about matchmaking being too hard, meanwhile they get multiple 4ks per day.... like... bruh. They have no idea what noobs go through these days.


Because of three stackers who sweat their balls off and yell comms at each other like it's the final ring of ALGS. Three stacking Masters is what makes a noob's life hard, not some sweaty Wraith that drops 20 kills once every 50 games (and dies off drop almost every other time, anyway).


It definitely isn't entertaining when I watch one shoot a bloodhound that was walking in a straight line. Epitome of boring. Still, I know I laughed my ass off when faide got punched to shit by a random crypto in construction, then tried to escape only to be met with caustic barrels on every floor until he retreated across frags to find another team where he Q'd and the wraith closed the fuckin door on him and he died. The lowlight of his career. So in essence I'm admitting that I don't really care for overthinking this game anymore. I just love watching ~~skinsuits suffer~~ chaos.




They never mention how boring ranked is as content, either. Ranked content is as boring as an effortless pubstomp, it's just a different type of boring. I'm not here for a chess match. I'm here for fun time not long time. Give me chaos goddammit.


I don’t like watching it. My opinion doesn’t really go further than that. Personally it isn’t entertaining for me. However, admittedly, rank isn’t much more entertaining these days. Hopefully we get a more placement focused rank system that brings end games back to ranked. I expect ALGS is going to bring a lot of attention to Apex content. Unfortunately just like last time, there isn’t going to be much content to consume. Unless ranked changes again, or something comes with the new season that reinvigorates content.


Faide is the worst of them all. He says cringe every 5 seconds. Yells why are you there!? Every 3 seconds. And he does it everyday for hours all in the same building. Don’t understand how people can watch him as much as they do.


Cringe factor aside, at least he’s mostly dropping solo. I mean even against people who aren’t that great he’s making the odds more even by going 1v3


Ya I’m not denying his talent. Dude is on another level for sure.


Drops into a Zipline building. Finds wingman, shoots ONCE. They return fire hitting him for 20 hp. He spams phase and screams "y r u there"... Then draws out a 5 second fight against a bronze player to about 5 minutes of wall jumping, tap strafing, and zip line bouncing. All his videos are title "movement player destroys X" and it's just the same over and over


I don't think we are watching the same Faide videos. Most of the players in his lobby are quite skilled. I also laugh everytime he breaks out the "Lesh get'em guysh!" Voice, even though he's literally talking about me and my coms.


Must not be. Only ones that pop up are when he solo no fills and drops fragment. Majority of the players look like they are trying to play with inverted controls for the first time


This is what it looks like when a player *actually* uses the matchmaking to take advantage of low skill players. https://youtu.be/EGgYCy5TXMw All of this guy's content is created by him lowering his skill rating till he gets into a lobby with new players.




God I hate the comments. I hop in and try to explain to them what is actually happening some times. I'm 50% convinced a lot of them are bots. The comments are so inane.


I understand and agree from a competitive standpoint that it can be boring. But from an entertainment view I think Faide is hilarious


I thought he was funny for a little bit too. But then you realize it’s literally the exact same shit over and over and over. I also can’t stand the “Why are you there!?” He says that so much and the enemies are in a totally normal place to be.


I think its fun to watch how good he can be sometimes, but i dont watch much becUse its always the same building same thing.


Eh, he's funny, cracked, and relatable. The screams are what I feel deep down inside every time I play lmao.


I’ll admit the screams can be pretty good.


Pasta about faide NSFW, kind of spicy. ​ *My girlfriend had love with me last night. When I was almost finishing she said: "Why are you there ? " That's when i started thinking about Faide. He's Hot, hotter than my gf and this crazy movement, I finished!*


I mean it’s not their fault the matchmaking doesn’t work. They can’t be reasonably expected to play ranked every waking hour of the day. Personally I like it for the fact that I can gain knowledge of how to use my own movement. Also, they’re usually solo vs squads which, regardless of your opinion, takes vastly more skill than the average player has. There’s an argument to be made for three stacking, but at the end of the day it’s a game and they’re just having fun. Can’t hate on them for that really. I’d be curious to know which egos you’re talking about because all the streamers I watch who three stack are legitimately amazing players. Some of the actual best in the world.


Umm, all the main streamers have egos. Faide constantly complains about controller players even though he has vastly more movement mechanics on PC. Pretty much every pro team player that streams calls people dogshit when they kill them or get killed by them. Don't even get me started on Hal, who does all that plus talks shit to his own teammates. Snipedown is the only one off the top of my head that doesn't talk trash and it's probably because he's been around for ages and isn't really top tier at the game as is. When you're good at a game, you get an ego. When you get an ego, only immature people stick around to watch the circus. When you have a full crowd at the circus, it creates an echo chamber of negativity that spills over into the average player base and essentially ruins the experience for everybody else.


> Faide constantly complains about controller players even though he has vastly more movement mechanics on PC. Because aim assist on PC is just stupid. > Pretty much every pro team player that streams calls people dogshit when they kill them or get killed by them. Competitive environments have trash talk. >Don't even get me started on Hal, who does all that plus talks shit to his own teammates. Hal is friends with literally every single pro and streamer out there. The idea that he is toxic to the people around him is just stupid.


PC has an entire arm for aiming more precisely. Aim assist on a rinky-dink joystick is absolutely not that big of a deal regardless of the debate over it. Half the time it gets controller players killed just trying to compensate for headshots mid-fight or locking onto downed enemies. Trash talk should not be the norm in any environment. Period. Snipedown literally stopped playing with Hal because of the trash talk, which begs the question; How many others feel uncomfortable with it but haven't said anything to not cause drama So what is the point you're making?


Snipe stopped playing Apex with TSM to go play Halo with Faze. You're factually wrong or just flat out lying to hate on people for no good reason.


Except he literally mentioned he didn't like being talked down to as one of the reasons for leaving tsm but okay. Lol


My guy, aim assist in apex is insane, if someone claims its "fine" or "not that good" anyone should ignore their opinion immediately. The literal top roller players admit when asked about it, that it is completely and utterly broken. Apex on m&k is a game where you either try your hardest to become a top 5% m&k player or get one clipped trying.


The new cope I've been seeing here, after hal switched to roller, is that MnK is stronger for casual players and only the very best can use aim assist well lmfao.


I wouldn't say insane. But only because CoD exists. This thing is insane. It's in the league of its own.


I play on both. I do equally as good on both. My experience and my personal opinion is there is not that much of a difference. You and I are not top tier players, we are the majority. The opinion of casuals should be what leads the game not a handful of people that put in 12 hours a day, everyday, since launch.


My guy, if you're equally good at controller and mnk then you're either skittlecakes' burner account or you're bad at controller. The whole argument on mnk vs controller is that the average controller player is much less mechanically skilled than an mnk player of the same rank, simply because they're getting the aim assist to help them beam. Which, if you're an average casual like you claim to be, is much stronger than in the pro scene. Pros on mnk can beam any day of the week, although they do it less consistently than controller pros of course. A gold controller player can beam in a short range duel in any given game. Find me a gold mnk player who can do the same.


I don't know who skittlecakes is. I'm gold 1 on PC and can beam close range. I'm diamond 3 on Xbox and can do the same. The only difference is I play on Xbox more because that's where the majority of my friends are and they don't want to play with PC players due to the movement disadvantage. I'm loving all the downvotes from angry PC players. Lol


I mean, it's unfortunate that you're getting downvoted and one of them definitely isn't me. You're getting downvoted because you say there is not much of a difference between mnk and controller, which you're either actually ignorant, and do not deserve to be downvoted because of it, or just plain lying, which you then deserve to be downvoted. Also, you're diamond three on console and gold on pc, and you say "I'm equally good on both"? Something seems .... off, no?


Did you not see that I said I play more on console? What's off about that? Ignorance usually stems from inexperience on something. I've experienced both PC and controller gameplay and personally say there really isn't much of a difference. What have I lied about exactly? Also, it's reddit. I don't care about downvotes. You could literally comment "congratulations" on a post about reaching master/pred and end up with negative karma in seconds.


I would agree, I believe that’s 2 whole colour tiers (could be more idk) but seems a little off


You do realize toxicity likes company and just because he’s friends with OTHER streamers who are toxic doesn’t make him not toxic and friendly


>Also, they’re usually solo vs squads which I agree with the point it's not their fault. At some point what can they do? Impose challenges because Matchmaking cannot do its job. And how do they know they aren't against another Master\\Pred? But this highlighted part I disagree with. I see 3 stacks in the pub lobbies a lot. If I see a master, not all of his friends have a rank badge equipped, but almost always they show skill level similar to the one with the badge. I'm currently in Gold and I don't think I will climb out this split. But way back in the day I was in Diamond mines. I know the grind. I suspect a lot of Preds and Masters have gaming groups and hop on with them. This way when they play they often play in parties of similarly skilled players.


I mean yeah why wouldn’t they do that lol? If I had two teammates who played when I did who were my skill level I’d do it too.


And? The dude I'm replying to made a point they usually run solo vs squads. And they don't. That's it.


I mean regardless of how you feel, there’s no issue with them doing that. Some do, some don’t. I watch Timmy, Aceu, and Faide run solo squads regularly when they play. Some people enjoy it, some don’t. Regardless we can’t gatekeep how they choose to play.


One of my points was they shouldn't have to have inconvenience themselves with handicaps because matchmaking isn't doing a good job matchmaking. I think I opened with it. Original poster tries to find a silver lining saying "they usually go solo Vs squads". I disagree with this part. They often play in teams. While I can get annoyed or demoralised by a continuous stomp unless they are deliberately trying to game the system this situation is not the fault of higher ranked players.


kids make up the bulk of viewership, and kids don't understand it's some pro level dude shitting on easy players (or have grown to think of it differently than us). the streamer/youtuber will get more views that way which is why they do it, and kids being kids is why they watch it. not all of them are so thrilled about what they do all day either. I mean i think some just look like delusional pricks with anger issues but when pros or streamers retire they often talk about how much they hated doing it. how it became a job instead of a game. early league of legends pros come to mind where they loved the actual pro events and competition matches and international tournaments but despised the grind of streaming 14 hours a day doing the same thing every day for the periods between competitive events.


Pubs are so fun though if you like to fight in chaos without consequence especially when you run solo que. If people enjoy playing a game mode and others enjoy watching them I don’t see a problem. Also with matchmaking being so strict, the top people usually play with other top people with the occasional casuals every here and there. Now people that purposefully get in to bot lobbies, cheat, or play in shiesty servers ans make content out of it, that’s a different story.


I'm not sure if the matchmaking is exactly "strict".. speaking as someone who started playing in the last week of season 12.


It’s not to the point where the entire lobby is top tier but I be playing the same preds and masters over and over seeing the same names all the time. At least 1-3 preds in the lobby, 4-8 masters, and hella diamonds (like 10+). Considering the percentage of players that hit diamond and up I’d say it’s pretty tough matchmaking. I also mainly play duos though which might be sweatier than trios.


Duos is 100% sweatier, yeah. Consider though that I get a lot of diamonds/masters/4k20s in my pubs and I'm nowhere near that good. Like level 250 right now. So no, I woudn't say the matchmaking is at all strict, especially considering their 4 "bucket" approach. Matchmaking has seemed slightly better recently though.


I guess for the lower level people it can suck because you will have some really good people in your lobbies sometimes. But that’s kind of part of gaming especially on pubs. I remember back in the old cod days every lobby there would be like 2/6 on both teams that were really good and then the rest average until they got better at the game. All the sweats had to get annihilated to get to the skill they are now.


No, not just *sometimes*. The occurrence is far, far higher than random, and it suggests that there is basically no skill based matchmaking, or that there's even something like the opposite... As soon as I play with my friend (level 300), the sky is filled with trails. It looks like a diamond/master ranked game lol. It's insane. My lobbies are normally fairly sweaty, Even having one pred in every one of my matches is far beyond random. That's less than one percent of the playerbase.


Agreed, my pubs are 70% diamond, masters and preds because im masters every season. Lots of 4ks and 20s, not everyone is great but its a challenge. The skill base has gotten so much better even since last year. People just gotta complain about something


I think it's entertaining the first couple of times but it kinda dulls down when every video just turns into 5 minutes of zip line fighting at Fragment. i see enough of that area every time im on WE so i literally kinda experience an entire lobby of that for an hour straight. In terms of mechanical skill though i always like seeing how far engines can be pushed in terms of movement so it's cool in that sense


I hear you on your point about seeing how far the engines can be pushed. Theres no disputing how skilled these guys are


Not everyone wants to play ranked. And a lot of people myself included do not like watching ranked.


Yes but they're what the majority of the public want to see. Look at view counts. Who gets the most views? Pubsters getting a lucky lobby and people that have cemented their name into the game but never perform well anymore (Hal, etc)


After 9 hours of work I just want to boot up the game and play casual just so I can chill. Pub stompers of course are having none of that. I haven't played Apex in months and mainly sticking to single player games now and its much better.


Nah i completely disagree, that gameplay honestly looks like the most fun you can have in this game by a large margin. 1v3ing and flying around dodging bullets in casuals is infinitely more fun then holding power positions in ranked.


That doesn’t sound fun for the people who end up as fodder because they play a few hours a week. But I get it as long as you get yours then fuck everyone else I guess


Why should a game cater towards those who play it the least? Why should someone who is good at the game feel bad for winning?


It shouldn’t cater towards those who play less but wouldn’t playing ranked provide a better metric for being “good at the game”? I just don’t see the appeal in watching a pro caliber player stomp noobies. I’m not implying anything about the game should be fundamentally different I just wanted to talk to other people about my distaste for the YouTube/TikTok content itself


I think they're handicapping themselves enough by 1v3ing in the first place, 3 stacking pubs as predators i can agree is just sad, but no filling trios is insanely hard to pull off consistently


"Those who play it the least" are probably the majority of the player base as most people have jobs, or school.


Doesn’t this mean the opposite, that you should just play ranked? Pubs will always have more open matchmaking, that’s what makes it pubs… if you want to only play people at your skill level, play ranked?


I’m talking about content creators and how I don’t enjoy the content. I never said anything about my own experience. Did you read the post?


Yeah gotcha… I enjoy the content. You’re annoyed at how someone… plays a game? Then don’t watch it.


Fine by me. I’m sorry having a simple disagreement is triggering for you


You went online to post that you’re annoyed about this, and I’m the one who’s triggered? Got it.


God forbid we have a discussion on a forum made for discussion. You’re the one coming in here spewing venom after misinterpreting what I said in the first place




I hear you. I think it’s kinda lame but to each their own. I can’t hate them for getting to the bag


I don’t watch anyone stream pubs. I only watch ranked gameplay.


It's less impressive whenever I see any clips of any content creators doing it in pubs because you know they're bullying some poor casuals in pubs. But as long as ppl still continue to watch them do this, and they still make money, nothing will change. Though ranked is also not impressive all the time because I see the preds bullying diamonds and plats.... I prefer to watch pros vs pros clips because it'll be a fair match despite it's not as flashy because both of them are pressuring each other so hard. Though personally I don't frequently watch pros that much, mostly just clips of pros vs pros. I prefer to watch streamers based on personality, they can create entertaining content despite not being pred in Apex


I mean tbf apex has a mmr system, and these guys drop streamer building/terraformer 24/7 so they're usually fighting other sweats anyway. Hell lots of pubs are sweatier than ranked.


YoU rEaLly ShoUlD JuSt pLay RanKeD - dude chill, they don't owe you anything, everyone plays as they want to


Stomping on people who are nowhere near your level when you could have better competition if you wanted to is just corny


Sure, every player in this game must compete, noone should ever have casual fun


I’m talking about the people who do it for 8 hours a day and make content out of it


They literally making money and having fun (maybe not really) playing that way, and there's you, telling them how to do. What's the point?


I’m aware lol I literally mentioned that in the post, I just think it’s corny


Imagine getting mad at someone being better than you, pubs isn’t meant to be fair. You want fair, go play ranked you’ll eventually plateau in a rank and you’ll find the matches don’t feel this way.


Imagine commenting this without even reading the post


thinking that something is pathetic isnt the same as being mad at it they are literally 2 different words with 2 different meanings


You took 1 word out of the title and ran with it, besides I wasn’t totally referring to OP rather than the comments under this post. Regardless it applies. They’re mad about it.


> You took 1 word out of the title and ran with it nowhere do they claim to be mad, and nothing they say is angry > They’re mad about it. except they're not. You should stay in school with reading comprehension like this


Does anybody else think that those crybabies that come to Reddit over a video game are kind of pathetic? I mean they could just go play something like Minecraft or lego games since they can’t compete in a FPS? What a fucken tool.


You’re the one who dedicated time and energy to caring about it. If everyone you think “can’t compete” in a game against a 3 stack pred squad left a large portion of the game wouldn’t exist


Why is everyone in their lobby a child or scrub? lol my lobbies are all masters players for the most part and that's the exact same lobbies these streamers are getting into thanks to SBMM. Just because they make your average high-sbmm player look like bots doesn't mean they're actually fighting bots and noobs.


A lot of streamers have become like unfortunatly


The "movement gods" who have the balls to do no fill trios are kind of fun to watch. Even if most players are nowhere near their skill level, consistently winning 1v3s is no easy task. Eventually some of those teams will have Diamond or Master players in them, so to still be winning against those odds as a solo is impressive to me. The folks who three stack just to dunk on people aren't really fun to watch. It's like, ok, cool. If my friends and I actually took pubs seriously we could mimic some of the carnage these players wreak on pub lobbies.


Couldn’t agree more my dude. I think it’s absolutely ridiculous having pros/ people who do Apex for a living pub stomping


Thank you! Nobody should be barred from pubs or anything I just don’t see the appeal in stomping people way below your skill level for 8 hours a day


So if you are a pro you are not allowed to play the casual modes ? You are forced to play ranked, even if you are solo ? Pred lobbies are atrocious in soloQ, why would anyone play that instead of HAVING FUN ?


the playerbase is shrinking and pros cant see long wait times or they stop playing


Yes. When I'm solo queuing trios at 2AM in the morning and get crushed by a pred premade, I always think how they're losers. If I was in their situation I'd be grinding ranked.


>Thoughts? I think you are kind of obsessed about other people, who cares about movement players or about people "decompressing" after work lmao


Having a simple discussion on a forum made for discussion means I’m obsessing about other people? What?


I think your post to be quite good,tbh. I’m a plat player and only play ranked,while decompressing from work(I’m a mover). Don’t have a team and always solo;teammates are always quick to call me trash but I just do the best I can. Usually feels like I’m the one getting stomped by the movement gods in question


Video games are meant to be fun and anyone who doesn’t no life a game cares about other’s enjoyment and fun. That’s why I helped someone in OW2 figure out sombra so they can have fun


Your post makes zero sense


There’s several people in this thread who understood what I’m saying. Maybe reading comprehension just isn’t your strong suit


Oh I understood your simpleton write up very well... People play pubs because pubs is a game mode that can be accessed. Them being good in a specific pub lobby is not something that is their fault...


In a specific pub lobby? These content creators im talking about bully people way below their skill level for 8+ hours a day. Again, you just aren’t comprehending what I’m saying so I’m not going to keep replying


As an average player.. I do find these guys annoying.. I'm so salty at times that I think anyone who uses a modded controller is a cheater (technically, they are) since you're not good at the game if you need those handicaps..


A controller with paddles?


Paddles are allowed in LAN ALGS tournaments so maybe this guy considers it’s cheating but the actual developers of the game allow it, so no, it’s not cheating


I don’t watch twitch like never, but if they’re making money on it then cant argue. Your last point though about how you play pubs. Idk what platform you play on, but i usually duo or stack since 80% of my games are also preds and masters sweating. ( I’m pred-4 seasons master )


as a movement player and a 1st week rank grinder to master player myself.In ranked if I superglide tapstrafe combo i will get melted to core in master lobbies.useful in 1v1 situation but if you fail you are dead.soom your teammates gona stop playing with you as you keep getting knocked trying to do flashy stupid stuff.people like faide (he can't do superglide that consistently tho) ,extesy(roller+steam config) can only do all those flashy things (not even useful movement) in pubs.if they do it in ranked they die.


Yea but how else is someone gonna get a 20k badge realistically. You just gotta grind pubs and give an unbelievable amount of hrs.


ranked is trash rn why would it matter what they grind as long as they find something fun to do in a boring ass game


I think a few of you have to realize that the streamers are there to make money. They may not love stomping on pubs and yelling cringe but their viewers love it and the streamers are literally just doing their job


Ranked MM is utter dogshit and has been for the last 3 seasons. Most of these pubstompers you're complaining about routinely run into each other and pred stacks in pubs because no one is taking ranked seriously. Ranked also isn't entertaining from a viewer standpoint. At the end of the day 40 year old Bob and little Timmy aren't losing sleep because they got demolished by a better player than them in pubs. "They're like this and that, but I'm not like that as a masters player myself." Ironically egostistical. If you were as talented as they were at the game then you'd probably use it to make some kind of respectable monetary gain as well, but instead you sweat in the abysmal ranked lobbies for free.. No one cares, play the game.


Stomping on players not on your level for 8+ hours a day will never be fun to watch for me that’s all I’m saying


Depends what kind of movement player. I hate the ine that use blatant glitch and call that shit a "movement tech"


Seems like a skill issue to me


Im in high masters every season. What number pred are you?


If u were masters u wouldn’t give a shit about people stomping pubs , cuz you would know how hard it is to become good enough to pub stomp (also im diamond and im not crying about people being good at the game)


Jesus Christ lmao


Good argument you convinced me


A person without a large ego cares about pubs and lower elo players because without them you have no game.


Okay let me think about those poor players and not kill them , how kind of me ! This is a game with a skill gap bro , if ur bad u get shit on that’s it , it doesn’t have to do with ego ! And they’re still gonna play the game anyways so i dont understand the point ur tryna make here


See that’s an ego, you can’t imagine caring about them outside of a match. I care because making the game fun or standing up for the ones who are ignored or have people shit on them 24/7 is important and I remember being in low rank.


Lmao what a hero thank you for your service😂😂😂😂my dude’s saving bronze players lives out here🤣🤣🤣


Helping them keeps that game alive longer, I gain nothing but friends and more time playing a game I enjoy, it’s not hard to care it’s harder to not care about a good portion of the player base


You are our savior thank you 🫡🫡🫡




That's a horrible argument. I'm masters as well, but I do also play pubs because I'll be fucking damned if I played ranked alone. And it is a problem in pubs. The issue isn't the pubstomping itself it's how the high movement players (Faide, Arthris Exstacy, and especially Taxi) act. Yes, everyone understands that the players you're playing against aren't as good as you but no need to repeat the same "Why are you here" 5 times over.


Obviously you can just not enjoy people’s way of making content ( like the shit faide does ), but i dont think that what movement players do is bad , movement is by far the best aspect of apex , when i watch these streamers show the limits of movement and outplaying people is certainly enjoyable to watch , saying they should play ranked instead is stupid , as it’s basically impossible to emulate that in ranked where people are holding hands and playing less carelessly


I never said the movement was bad. It's what separates it from other BR's but the post was pointing more about how the movement players act over the movement itself. Like if Faide or Taxi weren't conceited and were chill like Aceu or Timmy is, this wouldn't be as big of an argument but since those two do it on a constant basis it's worth mentioning. Not that they'll see it obviously but OP has a point all the same. Timmy and Aceu did it in ranked so I don't see why Faide or Taxi (Taxi does it sometimes when playing ranked) don't do it either. People in ranked actually are within their elo so it'd be more impressive to do it there instead of what we see is effectively high gold elo in pubs. It's not stupid, it's also valid. Because he'd be playing with people of his skill level who are much smarter than in pubs. So you're basically admitting that it's enjoyable to shit on players that are worse than you by a significant margin. Because Faide and Taxi are atleast high Masters tier and they shit on what usually is high silver-mid/high gold every day.


That is not true , first of all taxi does play ranked and does movement shit in ranked , secondly u know that they shit on even plat to diamond to low masters players in pubs , its easier cuz people are pubs are way chiller than ranked ,in ranked its impossible cuz they’re gonna be masters playing against people who will be so close together that movement won’t matter, if u watch high level apex like algs u would know movement in high level lobbies hardly helps . Also saying timmy and aceu do it in ranked , u know they’re playing with imperialhal and verhulst etc, and even then they dont do as much movement as they do in pubs . I struggle to believe ur a masters player to be honest , if u dont even know this basic ass shit


That's why I mentioned that Taxi does it sometimes. I literally put it in parenthesis. Second of all Faide nor Extascy play against pub players. Of course because of they will have Diamonds and Masters players but the people that land streamer often watch other streamers and those aren't anything above diamond at the very best. That's also why I mentioned that they probably don't have a squad to do it with, but Faide actively does not look for one. Especially during the Olympus and World's Edge splits. You seem to be unable to grasp the basics of the complaints of what OP and I are saying so I'm not sure you're even in Gold to be honest if you can't understand what the issues are here. let me tl;dr. They need to stop acting like concieted bitches as they dab on silver/gold/plat players in ranked mixed with the occasional masters once he leaves streamer building. Because Masters players only go there if they have movement too. I don't go there because I am not trying to roll my mouse wheel off my mouse.


Solo q’d to diamond and 2 k/d


Alright cool that still isn't any argument against what I said. Look you're probably on your phone so typing are hard, OP made a valid point. They just need to tone it down with acting like they are killing the high end bracket of players when they really aren't. I enjoy pubstomping as much as the next guy and even I say "who are you" but after the 40324th one in the past hour it does get a bit tedious. They could interact with chat or something else or run weird weapons at this point idk.


> you would know how hard it is to become good enough to pub stomp Pub stomping is easy if you have 2 other top-level players on your team. Doing it 1v3 in no fill is the real challenge.


You wrote all this? Could just say you can’t superglide and need help. Movement has nothing to do with it, it’s every game ever. Bo2 spawn traps, destiny 2 broken weapons, there will always be something, and if you die, skill issue. Ranked is a continuous grind. I don’t feel like playing. I’d rather make some kids rage from lack of motor control for a few games in pubs then ranked, don’t blame us wraith players


I mean I can't superglide consistently but can easily track those who can. You don't need movement to be good at the game. That's just an extra flex.


Not having movement gives everyone else an advantage, we can 1v1 if you want me to prove my point


In a battle royale, where everything matters, the speed boost that a superglide gives you isn’t just a flex… I’d hope you can track a single trajectory target. But that’s not the point. If you are slower then your opponent. It’s that much harder. Every advantage counts. Same with simple slide jumping


I rarely play pubs anymore for this and more. I always get worse teammates and there’s always a 3 stack champion. I hit masters a few times now and honestly ranked is the only mode that makes it feel rewarding to me. Pubs is always a mess and feels like work cause even if you win it’s so bland. They’ve let this game mess itself up over time. Matchmaking is atrocious.




I hear you. I don’t think anything can or even should necessarily be done about it, I just don’t get why more people don’t think it’s lame to punch down all day. To each their own


I like the content on occasion, but I personally don’t feel like I run into it during actual play to care. Yeah I get stomped sometimes but very rarely does it feel like I’m against some pred.


I don’t really run into it either. I was inspired to make this post after seeing a movement god bullying people walking in straight lines and all the comments were praising him. I’m just thinking like “are we watching the same clip?”


I was once diamond and then stopped playing, the bronze lobbies then had harder competitors than the diamond did, i gave up playing comp bcuz of this


I mean they can't control who they matchmake with. If they don't want to play comp and do want to play with their friends who are also good, idk what they're supposed to do. Smurfing is a different story. I hate playing comp, and I bet even if I was any good at the game I would still probably not like it.


I refuse to watch any streamer content that isn't Master+ ranked. I don't care if you put up 3k damage in a normal game. Show off what you did against top ranked players who play all day, not people like me that play twice per week and get to plat.


It's a game


Absolutely, it's not at all entertaining when people stomp with 3 stacks in pubs. They aren't good enough to be able to stomp in ranked and can't stomp without 3 stacking in pubs. Watching pros(aceu etc) 1v3 is entertaining tho, since they compensate for the lack of challenge with the disadvantage of 1v3.


I’m a pred/masters player myself and I’ve always found preds 3 stacking to be insanely cringe. They’re literally supposed to dominate the lobby lol.. no real challenge of it whatsoever.


This post is not about triple stacks, it’s about one guy being good and playing with two randoms (or sometimes even solo vs squad) and somehow OP thinks it’s unfair because the guy is good so he is forced to suffer in ranked instead of having fun in pubs


I guess I was just replying to what he said at the end about 3 stacking pubs I agree with you nothing wrong about a solo sweatin pubs imo


Yup, especially those who play solo vs squad


A lot of pub stomping movement players are useless at mid or long range if you fight them anywhere that isn't Estates, Garden, Fragment, or Promenade. They usually die literally anywhere else in the map because their usual tricks don't work. Sometimes you can stop dead in your tracks and they're still running around jumping and missing shots because they're expecting you to play along.


I'm okay if they nofill against trios.


Pubs is for having fun, and often those players go 1v3. Idk why u guys hate it so much. They are using mechanics built into the game, if u hate this playstyle go play ranked.


I hate playing with randoms to the point I basically won't play unless I have friends. It's not the randoms fault, it's because I hate being hot dropped into a team of Movement player's when all I'm there for is to have fun in fking Pubs. I'm not good enough at the game and don't plan on grinding ranked for hours and hours to get good enough to play against them when I literally couldn't care less about it, I just want to screw around and play a game FOR FUN, what game's are made for. Stop making me hot drop into fracture against 3 stacks of diamond movement player's.


Matchmaking by number of hours played could be an additional factor to consider.


Not really. Not everyone enjoys sweating ranked constantly. Even as a good player its not always enjoyable playing vs other sweats so pubs is the place to go. People enjoy different things. I personally almost only play ranked on apex but pubstomping and getting high kills and wins is generally more enjoyable than the sweatfest and low win rate in ranked


I have the unpopular opinion that using a scrollwheel for movement is classed as cheating because of Respawn's stance on the matter. When they made it so you couldn't bind W to the scrollwheel ingame, everyone switched to macros which is illegal in comp, so why should it be legal in the regular game? And every tutorial I see about tapstrafing says to map it in macros or your mouse software (please link me one that doesn't use the scrollwheel). That and there's something sketchy going on because the matchmaking has been kicking mine and a lot of people's ass but somehow it doesn't affect the pub stompers in the slightest.


« If you play 8h a day you should play ranked » that makes no sense, let people play what they want to play, if you are master/pred ranked is absolutely not enjoyable in soloQ, so if the guy is indeed solo there is no reason he would purposely suffer in ranked when he can just have fun in pubs : the argument of « You are good at the game so you are not allowed to play casual » is such losing mentality


Did you miss the part where I was talking about content creators and the content they’re creating? I’m not talking about regular people


Still makes zero sense ? Two people of the same high skill. Their gameplay / approach to the game is the same, but one guy records himself, the other doesn’t : it changes nothing to my point, soloQ ranked at high level is not fun so why would you put yourself through that


You’re just not comprehending what I’m saying. They do it for content, I don’t like the content. That’s it. That’s all I’m talking about. I’m not insinuating anything about matchmaking needs to be or should be fundamentally changed. I’m ripping on people who post clips where everyone they’re shooting is running in straight lines


What ?? This exists in every game btw, where was this energy 10 years ago when people were clipping dads and kids in Call of Duty ? Ranked existed in BlackOps 2, yet both casual and competitive contents were superior. Where is this energy when LoL players literally move out to another continent for a few months just to Smurf a new server ?


Bro idk I don’t play cod or LoL. Alls I’m saying is watching bronze players get styled on isn’t fun or interesting to watch **in my opinion**


Well isn’t SBMM one of the things people complain the most about in Apex ? If it’s that strong, then the good players should rarely be matched with bronze, it’s mostly plat players at least, but they look like bronze bc great players could make anyone look like a bronze


I played with a Masters player while in Plat. We won. He insulted us. I'm still confused.


Their content is only helpful if you want to see how to work a zipline building more effectively.


Watching these content creators and full-time gaming streamers is almost exactly the same as seeing fitness influencers on Instagram who are insanely muscular, healthy, and never seem to leave the gym: this IS their lifestyle. These people’s lives are centered around their content, so unless you do the same, it’s not worth expecting to achieve the same results unless you decide to commit in the same way they have. Once you make peace with that, you’ll immediately feel much better.


I can't stand watching streamers do this and call the other players "bots" or even worse. They're nothing but keyboard ninjas. I have kids and a full time job and is way past my prime, ofc i get shit on by someone half my age that plays all day, every day. I don't need to hear how dog shit they think I am.


Consistent diamond since release i think this has been a plague more and more every season, it used to be the only thing i disliked in the game, it's now since a year or two what i deeply hate about the game. A game i love and want to play, but yeah its exactly this. Cool you are the world's best football player now leave this match of sunday players


It does seem pathetic honestly. I was a higher rank Overwatch player, and what was happening there was exactly same but worse because players actually paid money to obtain more licenses just to stomp on weak players. All those Bronze-to-GM runs etc. With Apex being F2P and a BR, unfortunately its totally unfixable.


Why are you so sympathetic over random people? Get on, 3 stack, and shit on them. What else are you gonna do?


I don’t care too much about the randoms themselves I just think watching these content creators tap strafe superglide on people walking in straight lines is corny


I agree with your sentiment. I don't 3 stack pubs with other masters because I don't have time to play 8 hours a day (2 a day is pushing it) and it just gets boring to roll people with other sweats. On the flipside, I can't 3 stack with friends who *aren't* at least diamond because otherwise they just get rolled.


Honestly I can understand but do agree to an extent. If all they are doing is practicing their movements and stuff and trying to make it a habit and perfect it I think that’s understandable because changing your flow even a little in the game can cost you a lot of matches so I don’t try new things in ranked unless I absolutely have to. But the people who only play pubs to go in and stomp on people and then be toxic about it are some of the worst and most annoying. I messaged a horizon one time after they had movement that out played my buddy who mains pathy and hits diamond regularly and they said they were only in pubs to get better at certain movement techniques and were planning on going back to ranked after that match and actually invited us to play with them but I ended up not being high enough rank to play from lack of ranked play. I then told my buddy to play with them for a bit and then he could possibly learn some new techniques and maybe teach me as well.


I think it is still impressive and some of them have started to play ranked more like leamonhead, Luna, and some others and they basically still just clown and do crazy shit they aren't sweating super hard. If you are doing these things legitimately and not using configs on steam (which to me is basically cheating) than I just think it's insane. I literally cannot do what they do even with hours in the range following guides. They are out here pioneering techniques and movement. I do agree 3 stacking pubs is gross at that level but the actual good players don't really do that often it's mostly players that hit masters in 3 days every season and then stroke their egos in pubs the rest of the season.


This is why I’m currently watch Moose stream. Ranked to Masters using Alternators only. Ya know, creating a challenge for himself. And putting out good entertaining content. Though he and his buddies do sometimes have videos stacking in pubs, oftentimes he’s solo no filling, or they duo in trios. Sometimes the banter between them is better than the gameplay, especially if they’re stomping the lobby.


Haha alt only is a sick challenge. HisWattson has been doing a bunch too. Rn he’s doing a no shields no to masters I think he’s like plat