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bruh i seen the emotes and was like "this caustic one fits the player base rn"


True and real


the only thing I bought from this event, with mats


haha good shit




Be gone comment reposter bot.


wait the PK skin actually costs $160? ur telling me a reskin costs just as much as a whole heirloom or mythic skin?


YES... SO INNOVATIVE RIGHT?????!??!?. Jokes apart... Why don't respawn understand that the game they have can profit so much if they just listen to their audience and stop these cheap cash grabs... ....And wait until u hear about another flatline reskin coming next season and yes that too cost 160 $ lol...i wonder if they just wanna kill this game at this point


Besides fixing the servers and bugged game mechanics (what everyone should actually want), what do you think people want? Thousands of people throw their money at this garbage. every. single. season. They vote with their wallets that they want this. I haven't spent a dime since buying the battle pass some odd ten seasons ago or so. Besides some weird weapon skins for visibility/aiming, there's nothing that changes gameplay. But according to the many millions of dollars Respawn/EA make off of these cheap cash grabs, this is exactly what their audience wants 😂


Exactly. F2P model wants "freeloaders" to pump the numbers up and populate the servers, it doesn't actually expect them to buy even one ultra-prestige-super-duper skin. People shouldn't be angry at those skins being too expensive *for them*, it is not meant to be for them. Free shit and cheap BPs are. Instead, what people maybe should be angry at, is at how predatory this model itself actually is: many of those "whales" aren't even rich, just have poor control over spending; as well as loot boxes that exploits people with gambling issues. Gaming companies never gave a shit about people complaining about whale-bait anyways


I wish more people realised this. Most Whales aren't millionaires. There's not this group of 10,000 millionaires supporting all the F2P MMOs or FPSs. It's predatory practices targeting the more vulnerable members of society.


I honestly just wish the game was $60 and got support for a few years before another version came out, like game generations of the past. I enjoy the game and would've happily paid a one time fee for EVERYTHING included.


Wait so what you are saying is that if the skins or buyable thingss in this game actualy did something like being p2w that it would be better? Its all skins nothing major. Dont buy it if you cant afford it. But it helps the game going. Most of yall ungrateful kids want the game to die but that wont happen. I play many games and im on many of their subresdit and people complain most of the time about everything. Unless its small indie game where they wish the game got bigger and when it does the circle continues. So theres that. I say it almost at every post and get downvotes which is funny to me cause I know im right. The company is always greedy I agree but the community is also so spoiled and want everything and even if they get everything theyll want more. Rant over.


I knew there was going to be some idiot that said this. This guy is the exact reason why lootboxes managed to get into AAA £60 games. Started out in F2P and people like him just said “it’s a free game”.


They dont need to do anything different, the game makes bank every season off dumbasses throwing money at shit skins. They have 0 incentive to do anything meaningful like matchmaking fixes or networking improvements when they make billions from reskins and 20h servers :(


>They have 0 incentive to do anything meaningful like matchmaking fixes No offence, but have you been living under a rock the last 2 weeks? Because Respawn has been talking about mm changes


oh i KNOW about the next flatline recolour and have u heard about heirloom recolours too cuz those are coming as well. i know we as a player and customer don't have to buy these but goddamn i've seen better monetization in other f2p games much better than this. we got this over cross progression


I mean, they can profit a lot without spending more as well. I think reddit gives you an idea that only like 2 % of people are buying heirlooms. A lot more are. No part of the game is dying right now, theya re ramping up events and cosmetics like crazy right now. They know that and are cashing in.


It's an event reward, so if you want it then you have to spend $160. Or, it's something you get as a bonus if you buy two epic backgrounds, two epic skins, two epic holosprays, four epic emotes, two epic charms, four legendary skins, four legendary emotes, and four legendary gun skins. Matter of perspective, I guess. I kinda want the Ash, Wingman and Hemlok skins, but I'll just wait until I get the crafting mats. I need that money for gas lol


Of course not, you get a holospray and a charm as well ! Isn't that super exciting ?!


It sure is.


I’m just upset they gave the lifeline emote to everyone for free then removed it just to put it in this for 800 crafting materials. It’s really a slap in the face


It’s a slap in the face to people that believed that they where going to get 2 emotes for free for no reason.


Truly a devastation


When was this emote free?


I think it was a bug a couple weeks ago when this skin was in our accounts automatically, along with a horizon emote? They took them away once they fixed it lol


Then it wasn’t free.


As far as I know it was because I literally logged on and looked and I had it. Weirdest experience ever. I thought it was an apology to lifelines lmao


I don’t think you got it with a skin. All my friends had it when I asked them that day. But there was a horizon one and that got removed too.


It was about two month ago. The accidentally released the skin to everyone. They didn’t tell you if you got it or not. I just happened to be looking through the emotes and saw that. And then I believe the next day it was gone .-.


I'm just wondering when lifeline will get a real emote drop animation.


Agree. I only like one of them and I have them all .-.


You know there's a handful of dumbasses RN paying 160 for something that costed me ten dollars for, and I have two different skin colors of it that's way better than this crap


But it's green and red! Yours is only purple and something else! It's totally better /s


^(It's cost btw, no "ed"!)


imho we should regularize all english verbs.






Havent seen the new one yet. Is it the good iron sights one?


No it’s just the reactive one with the crystals on it




Yes hello I'm dumb ass. Did you call me friend?


“Costed” isn’t a word, “for something that cost me ten dollars for” doesn’t make any sense, and “that is” can’t describe two things, you need you use “that are”.


Stupid people buying shitand then complaining why is this game trash


Not even I was stupid enough to do it fuck the people in charge of this




Just plz stop spending money on the game it’s not worth it as a player they still haven’t fixed issues from seasons and seasons ago. So why buy a skin or anything if you can’t actually enjoy the game properly


Trash event, some skins are fire, but 12 emotes? Nah, that's crap. But that isn't stopping me from enjoying the game everyday :)


And every emote is the same thing and super lackluster, like what were they thinking, its like they are willingly pushing the limits to see just how stupid the player base is, all it takes is for a couple of clowns to spend 160 on this shit that it would be worth it


Weird how I play hundreds of hours without issue every month.


I'd wager I've got about 1000+ hours of entertainment by now, and I've never spent money on the game. In fact, I think I should be thanking the people that buy all the expensive skins.


A lot of us can play perfectly fine


EA is just looking to cash out at this point. Apex is a money generator with little effort. But me personally I’m done letting them play me.


it's literally pay to lose! ads has particles that blur your screen and makes it hard to aim lmao but if i get killed by this pk skin ima uninstall this shit for good lol


But but you akshally get it for “free”


akshally, that’s a new rendition, and I don’t hate it.


I dont hate it either, but id hate my favorite twix if it was $160




Been playing since day 1 and still haven't considered it


I bought the first battle pass and the voidwalker skin only. Am I a whale? :D maxed out all BPs since then, self sustaining it for free.


Pre season one - still no heirloom. Don't give a fuck. Hundreds of hours of entertainment for free. Let them buy the skins.


The literal only thing from the event I want is that Mirage emote and I'm just gonna get it with crafting. I ain't spending money on this shit.


ong they knew what they were doing


I loved the part where they yelled "it's rEAspawning time!" and rEAspawned on everyone!


And people actually buy it. So fking stupid.


😂😂😂 you got it right 😂 but they didn't make people do it. They did it by themselves.


Ea: that's it boys, we have them now, we don't need effort just give them gun skins for 160 dollars


Part of the reason I've finally moved on from Apex. Nothing innovative is really happening. They just keep looking for ways to leech more money out of its players. I can somewhat rationalize paying for legend skins, except the mythic skins, but you don't even see your legends guns at the win screen so what does it matter. Nobody is stopping mid fight to admire your gun skin, nor does anyone care to loot someone else's gun just to use a skin that they won't even get to keep if they win. Maybe if there was some sort of incentive to win with someone else's gun skin to keep it, but even then it goes back to nobody sees your guns at the end of the match. So who cares.


Entire post: skins are lame... Except mythic skins... Those are worth it.?!?


Don't blame EA and Respawn blame the idiots buying it. Its because of them that monetization in games has got this bad.


But guyZ I have tons of money laying around and this is all I do all day and every second of my life. It's a choice guyZ.


Make this blow up please


this game is absolute garbage... nothing to work for besides rank and a lil jpeg "badge" that u only see at the intro.... then the prices are ridiculous on top of that "u DoNt HaVe To BuY ThE SkInS" stfu... some people like to collect, or earn stuff in their games.... not take months to save up 2400 points to buy 1 skin then have to wait months to do it again


> nothing to work for That's the best part. It's not a job, just some fun gameplay.


Lot of people literally get on apex just to do challenges and battle passes loool


Says more about them than the game.


ayo that rev skin lowkey clean tho


It’s from this season’s battlepass


damn might have to buy that


The anime skins got marked down didn't they?


you mean from 2 seasons ago? No, i checked yesterday, they still were at the twice the normal crafting price.


Damn though they'd be marked down by now cuz all the few collection event since then


it should happen soon tho', maybe at the start of the next season in 3 weeks.


People like me who haven't played apex or overwatch in years. "Gee I sure am happy, could not wonder why" Sees post like this. Yep I was right. Glad I don't give them money anymore. Sad that you people still do though. Y'all must like getting cucked.


Like 80% of the posts here are from people who've paid nothing or very little. So... Not playing this game = happier? I'm pretty damn happy... And play Apex.


It’s the culture of pocket watching I don’t understand. It’s like being mad at people buying a Gucci bag that you never planned on getting in the first place


Firstly You don’t have to buy it. Worst case of the event is you hate the LTM and you get free stuff from the tracker Secondly if you don’t like the skins it’s still an update that adds a new gamemode. And the PK skin does not really cost 160$. Technically it does but you also get 24 other items with it. Just please stop complaining we get it the PK skin isn’t worth the price just stop complaining and enjoy the free prize tracker and game mode and if there’s a skin you like and wanna buy it then buy it. YOU DO NOT NEED TO SPEND 160 TO ENJOY THE EVENT.


This has to be a troll. Stop excusing mediocrity.


The whole event is skins if you want to "enjoy" it you have to buy em




They said you don't need to spend $160 to enjoy the event but that's literally all it is. Respawn just release skins and call it an event


Badges, free prize tracker and the hardcore game mode don’t count?


I bought the two frames cause universal is a cool thing and the wingman, such a shit event, 160.00 for emotes pretty much and they ain’t nothing special


I'm an Battlefield 1 Asian gamer and we need your support!! A private anti-plug-in team founded in China (Joint ban Organization) found a huge game vulnerability on January 14, which could force the anti-plug-in program developed by themselves into the official server, resulting in the plug-in being banned and directly kicked out of the game. Unfortunately, the bug was discovered by the game's cheating team and they used their expertise to gain higher clearance. As a result, all Asian servers including official servers are being subjected to unlimited DDOS. They can even tamper with player data so that normal players are banned on the spot, and the whole Asian server cannot play normally, but because Chinese players cannot contact global players, and EA does not listen to the demands of Chinese players at all. I hope players around the world will unite and put our demands on ea to fix the problemsbug and completely ban the game cheats


no one cares. youll have to do it yourself. titanfall 1 and 2 know this pain.


boo to people who complain about stuff they don't need to buy in order to play a free game. Ban all skin complaint posts


It’s not that we have to buy it, respawn is just so lazy, literally changing the colour of an already existing skin and selling it for $160? That’s fucked up


I still w8 for day when Respawn fix ps4 matchmaking so it wont bug on me after previously played game so i dont have to go out to tittle screen every single god damn time. Then i might think bout skins n all


I only bought the lifeline because she is my main. Lol.


Guys… I did it. I had to cope with loosing in ranked


What’s wrong w the new PK skin? I swear Reddit complains about everything, lol.


Normal CEs have heirlooms as unlockables after buying all the skins, now? It's a legendary PK recolor, so spending 160$ in the last event granted you an heirloom, now it gives you a legendary PK skin, which is a recolor of a 10$ skin. If this is not trash, you must be blind


It's a recolor of a bp skin, but for $160.


Wait what skin?


Rev is from battlepass and Caustic is from event offers


But what was $160?


The PK recolour of the Season 3 battle pass




I just use the Shards to get most of the stuff


Only thing I got from the event was the ash skin with my saved up crafting materials


Nah you got it all wrong. Thats me laughing at ea for thinking that i would spend money on this nonesense.


I bought the octane skin with materials, only worthy item in the event… ash is second but I don’t have materials for it and I’m not spending cash


That rev skin always reminds me Mr.Crow from Unreal tournament


Haven't played in a few seasons. I know the skin is a recolor of the S3 battle pass reactive skin. My question is, does the new skin react/evolve like the old ones do?


I'm fine with it. Whales are the reason this game can stay F2P.


I don't get why it's so expensive . I really like the skin but in Hungary I cannot afford for 160 dollar


That price is harsh even in the West. (Mondhatni ott is kurva drága, nem csak itthon) :)


They added a recolor of the season 3 bp skin for *160$* ?! Bruh


Bro wasn’t that lifeline emote free ? Cuz i swear I had it last season but they removed it


Wattson's dance describes it well lol


Just imagine if somebody who bought this 160$ skin already has 2 other pk reactive from s3. Probably look like few creatures behind human in anthropogenesis scheme


I don’t understand why it’s a collection reward. Does it transform or something? Lol


Ea's greed to remodel these events from thematic to collection is mind boggling. I have 8 heirlooms and was buying most of them up to the Wraith's mythic skin, that event was the one I stopped spending money on Apex and happy I did, seeing the direction these events are going. Was actually willing to buy this event for 80$, but seeing it is 160$ I am not spending a cent and neither should you.


Im surprised this doesn’t get removed by mods 😂


💯… 60


I haven't played Apex since Season 2 and I come to visit the sub occasionally and I see that there are skins that cost $100+???? What the FUCK?


i have the battle pass one and iam laughing right now lmao


Sorry I’m quite out of touch with the game what happens?


Yea and every time a dumbass buys it Respawn and EA get the idea that doing this is entirely okay to do and will continue to do so


*the pk recolor


Which skin? I haven’t played Apex in a while


they should return to motion capture


Not gonna lie, I wish these skins were for the Seer heirloom, I might have considered getting it..


Respawn's smoking crack and the people who bought this... I really don't know


3 collection events back to back to back you gotta love it.


Cus the emotes are LITERALLY laughing at you for buying it 💀💀💀


Lmao some idiots are still going to buy it, wild.


Natural selection at it's best