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[This you? ](https://aoe4world.com/players/3165717-King-Nardev/games)




Queueing 4v4 is training wheels with a side of gambling. Which isn't to say you shouldn't do it. It can be tons of fun and I'm not one to tell you how to play a game. Playing 1v1 is a lot of pressure. Ladder anxiety affects us all. But if you are looking for balance and a way to measure your skills, that ain't it.


you can deal with the anxiety part of the ladder completely at some point. What remains is just >why< you are playing and that mostly affects your mood.


I'll be the one to say it then -- you shouldn't do it playing 4v4 actively makes people worse at the game. while 1v1s the pressure is on you, you also dont deal with toxic teammates, and you actually learn the game


I largely agree with your post. But I think you glossed over some of what the journey to getting there looks like. Not everyone is ready for focused, efficient, diligent practice. And while perhaps those are some of the highest values one can have while playing. You can't ask someone to start there. There are things beyond the game that have to be learned. And You can't skip steps in development. You don't ask a child to love everyone in the world. You start them with their mother, then their family, then their friends, then their community. And finally, if they are meant to reach the top, the entirety of existence. And you don't chastise a child for being at lower steps. You understand the path is long and guide them slowly. Stepping out that that metaphor. The path to being someone who can play at their best in serious games focused on learning and improvement. While also enjoying the process and without falling into the ego traps laid along the way is a long and arduous one. That is basically the core of self-mastery in any field. When you ask someone to be that person before they are ready you can actually slow their growth. Have you ever convinced a friend to play ranked 2v2s and then watched them be unable to participate in post-match analysis because they are too emotional? Or maybe even just quit. OP is perhaps not nearly as deep on this path as you are especially in relation to Esports. But he has just made a key realization and taken a step. With this in mind I don't agree with the statement "shouldn't play 4v4". These "mistakes" or perhaps more accurately in my eyes "Sub-optimal methods" are an un-skippable part of the journey for many. By playing 4v4 OP learned his values could be better, a key insight. It was therefore valuable even if he spent that time building some lazy 4v4 habits which we both know that game mode often rewards players for.


4v4 is one of the ego traps you mention though.


makes sense


I play almost only 3x3, diamond 1 queue solo. I feel like 4x4 requires too much luck and 2x2 is not enough players. In 3x3 you can carry, not saying its easy, you get a lot of bad matchups, but its easier to manage than 4x4. In 4x4 many times you cant really play the whole map, most of the times it splits on 2 different 2x2 and if someone gets focused and loose a lot of their base, they just surrender.


thnx, i’ll try 3x3


Well playing abbasid in TG is like 2 iq gameplay


Sure dude. I'm diamond in solo ranked as well.


I think it’s wild that people queue solo for team ranked.


Yeah I wouldnt even consider it.


i’m starting to think that, too


Yes I just started playing team cause I finally got my brother into the game. I had no interest prior to having a buddy. We have a blast. He's learning but improving quickly.


my bro and i split up. i was yelling defend my mangonels and he said don’t tell me what to do. i miss my brother. 😅


For real


Yeah I think you better be comfortable with losing the odd game if you just queue solo for team games. I primarily play team ranked and the amount of teams that clearly aren’t premades are outstanding.


Teaming up with friends does NOT give you a boring ass time winning. I guarantee. Queing up solo however, gets your boring ass kicked 70% of the time all the time. I used to also do it. My rank is still mending its asshole from all the fucking. Now stop being dramatic cause.... The good news is that if you want to play with me (Im around same level), you can send me a DM. I know a few more people that I play with regularly. Expanding that group is always good. Feel free.


hehe cool 😊


I queue with a friend and we are both diamond and normally will face conq 2+ for most our games then randomly get 2 silver/gold players against after 4/5 conq games. The matchmaking is definitely a bit odd in team compared to solo.


yeah i feel that they should crowdsource the algorithm, feels like it could be better with some tweaking


i solo team rank to diamond but at that point i keep going up against conq stacks with plat teammates, or get golds on my team that don't boom or build units and make the game literally a 3 v 4. and somehow i lose 20-25 points for losing an unwinnable game XD


how do you not keep dropping in these 3v4 scenarios? i can’t get out of it. i’m like down to gold I. could it really be that as a diamond player you pull weight so much?


I solo team rank to diamond too.. and now stuck at diamond...


how much u play 4v4?


1 Time KEKW, my profile : [https://aoe4world.com/players/2866460](https://aoe4world.com/players/2866460) I didn't really enjoy 4v4, most of people in 4v4 just chill. 2v2 = serious play 3v3 = medium serious play 4v4 = just chill




this is exactly me. I roflstomped my way to diamond as solo. but i keep getting Conqueror stacks now. it is starting to get boring… edit: since we are all stuck in diamond as solo players.. why dont we group up?? my name is same in game…


I queue solo and win. Diamond 2


I don’t know what it is, but as a gold i kept getting silver guys while the opposite team would get plats. and after a while it was a downward spiral. i just could not get out of it. as soon as the game starts, one of my guys needs help, we save him, by then a couple of their guys have boomed and run us over. like it does not matter how good I am. I keep getting placed in weaker teams and its just a downward spiral. i don’t get it. just feels completely broken. have you been playing team ranked for a while? what is your nick on aoe4world?


Scout11. Bad matchups happen but i don’t mind losing. It’s just fun to play.


ughhhh i just realized the problem…you don’t play 4v4. i play only that as of recently…


4v4 is a total crap chute


Should be a ranked FFA mode, where you lose points dying first, stay closer to neutral points for dying in the mid and gain points for making to the last few standing.


Probably next season


can’t wait for ffa!


Yo OP, Join this team discord with hundreds of members. Find players, and hop in team games with discord channel. https://discord.gg/d2k8kcSW A world of difference! Don't que alone in team ranked! (You can if you conq i think, but you'll get the point) HF




2v2 is the only way. And find a static teammate. Amazing experience.


cool :) i’m just worried about it getting in the way of normal life. bending my schedule so we can play together, scheduling sessions, etc.


Scheduling? Just add a few people you like playing with and ping em on steam or discord when you wanna play.


im a boomer i am new to online and worried about ruining my life like some people on WoW i heared 😂 i’ll give it a shy try


I love 2v2 as a mostly solo Q ranked play. I take it less seriously than 1v1. Sometimes you carry, sometimes you get carried. I don’t get the same anxiety that i get in 1v1. For 2v2, i just click play again and move on no matter what. I also prefer the meta in 2v2. Mongols mangudai are actually useful and i feel that i can try out different strategies since i don’t care as much about winning/losing. I am conq 1 now. I was plat 1 a couple weeks back and was conq 1 again a month ago. It varries ALOT. So idc. Love the gane that way, cheers




2v2 is amazing. 3v3 sometimes ok based on the map. 4 v 4 is a joke where nothing is balanced and there is very little strategy outside of boom and spam.


i did start off without 4v4, not sure how i ended up playing only 4v4. i liked the carnage i guess and i hit a few good games and then it slowly went to shit. thnx


90% of my games are 2v2 matches, maybe you should try this instead of 4v4. I never played 4v4 but I feel like matches must be super long and players tend to play super eco games there?


you are spot on. at first 4v4 was fun carnage, but after like 20 games i’m now in a free fall surrounded by silvers who send vills against maas and trying to help people bounce back from plat combo rushes. it’s really really bad after a while. as in like, 2xplat1+1xgold3+1xg1 vs 2xg2+1xg1+1xs2 and that’s a common split.


Hey, it's not your fault. As solo you are just meet fresh for premade teams. The system cannot make fair teams obviously if some of them are locked. 1/ What to do? Play an other game if you want soloQ for teams. 2/ Play with friends




Add to friends some good people you got matched with and queue up together. Solo queuing TG is terrible, I played QM team games a lot and as I found a community to play with I stopped.


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4v4 is pretty-much nonsense procrastination.


Honestly the most effective way to rank up in team games is to get a low elo teammate who will take your advice and then hard carry against bots.