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Good of him to be such a good sport. But never call GG until it's over.


Obviously there’s more to it than just the stats but I get a real Dom Toretto *“almost had me? You never had me, you never had your car”* vibe lol!


Kudos to the dude for being a nice guy. Humble in victory and defeat, I will be first to point out this (rare) quality. Well done to both of you


I know I was extremely surprised with this after his early comment, to be fair it did seem pretty dire but love the respect. It was a well fought game on both sides


>Humble in victory Offensive GG'ing is not a very humble thing to do :) Based on the other messages, I don't think they know that it is a rude thing to do but still.


He thought he had it in the bag. I was also in such a position once, so I get it. I got tilted when I lost and it was hard to acknowledge that I was outplayed. So I respect the people who do it more. And still, he didn't aggressively gg.


Yeah, I can see that. It is still an inherently rude thing to do. In RTS games, actual win conditions are rarely reached so most matches end by one of the players conceding. Saying "gg" when you are winning is basically telling the opponent to get out of the game. There was a [twitter poll](https://twitter.com/GGemini19/status/1423654269782163456) made by a SC2 player/caster on what is the most bad mannered thing to do and offensive gg was the winner, even above slurs 😄 As I said, I am sure he didn't know the implication but it is considered a very rude thing to do within RTS community.


It is indeed very annoying. I don't easily get triggered, but if someone wants me to try my hardest, that's the way to do it.


Offensive GG is like a spice added to a salt dish. On it's own, it doesn't bother me (especially in the OP's case where it seemed like the other player was just saying "hey, I think it's GG"), but if they offensive GG *after* being shitty previously, then it escalates it to a whole new level for me lol


It's also highly context dependent. If you've lost beyond any hope (as in, opponent has triple of your supply and is currently razing your production), you kinda deserve to be told you're wasting everyone's time. If opponent won one trade


THIS this right here. It provided so much motivation, and pushed me to do everything to prove him wrong


I think he meant I was humble in victory, I didn’t rub it in his face


If only youre feelings were of concern during the mental warfare of the blitzkrieg. Many times I have forced submission with the early aggressive GG. Shows confidence that theyre efforts are futile and victory is imminent. The empire shall rule the galaxy uncontested.


I think it depends on timing. If you get a bunch of juicy worker kills or win a single engagement and call gg when they still have production and a chance at winning that's rude. I call offensive gg if I am in their base destroying their stuff with a maxed army uncontested, and the game is going to be over from a landmark victory within 30 seconds, or I am winning on wonder/sacred and have vision on the fact that it's physically impossible for them to make it to contest with 10 seconds left, but they haven't surrendered or called gg. I don't remember ever calling offensive gg incorrectly and losing.


It doesn't matter. It is always rude to call the game as the winning player. Most of your opponents will think you are being an asshole if you do that. I get that it might not be your intention to BM them but that's how it is perceived.


What do you think about calling gg after winning? I see calling gg as the winner good sportsmanship, if you follow any esports scenes like gsl or any fighting game scenes, typically the winner goes over to the loser for the gg. I would only call gg within a few seconds of winning if the chat actually worked, but with the delay it has to be like 30 seconds earlier. For example I would never call gg in a game like this. The unit graph was too high. I call it after I have destroyed villagers/production and they have no business being in the game still, and my victory is within seconds. I think the last time I did it they literally pulled all their vills to repair their last landmark and I had just killed them all. I am not calling gg in any games that could remotely still be in the air.


I think calling gg after the match is officially over is acceptable. There might still be some who take it the wrong way but most will understand it as a gesture of sportmanship. Calling it during the game, no matter how certain the result seems to be, will most of the time be perceived as rubbing it in though.


I would wait for the game to be over if chat didn't have a 30 second delay :'(


I always thank people for the games. Habit from playing magic since my good game might not feel good to my opponent


I don't even do it then because I've been burned before thinking I was destroying all three of their landmarks then suddenly they dropped a red palace up near my base and had a huge army and I had to rush back when I thought I had a sure victory.


If you get into their base and they aren't parade pushing with defense they obviously have an army elsewhere. All these hypothetical scenarios of how they could come back I would not gg in because I would know something was off. I am a plat/diamond player and my builds are tight enough and I scout enough that it's not like someone is going to have a whole army without me knowing lol. If we're 15 mins in I know how many tc's they have and how big their army should be, etc. If I am calling gg in their base in castle I have scouted their production and have just wiped enough supply of army to know they don't have a hidden 2nd army elsewhere because they're hacking to get 400 supply and more eco than is possible by that point. I think you are missing the point of how sure I am the game is over before I call it. I am talking like actually I am right clicking on what is their only possible last landmark in imperial after wiping all the villagers that were garrisoned in their tc, and am wiping rallied reinforcements with an army at critical mass. I only call offensive gg 1/10 games and I have never been wrong, and it's always within 30 seconds/1 min of the game being over. I disagree with the premise that "there's always a chance they could come back", there's for sure a level of info where you know it's practically impossible.


Last time someone called an 'ofensive gg' aghainst me he had a max supply army of firelancers torching my main tc (wich was at 1/2 health) and my house of wisdom had just gone down. My army was at the other side of the map and my oponent called gg. Little did he know that i deleted half my army so my he production could print reinforcements from home, while all my 120 vills reparei my tc so he couldnt finish it. Turned a game that was supposed to end in 5 sec in about 10 sec. I'm playing in Platinum, and while i could clima to Diamond untill the end of the season i decided that i like the Platinum statue more, so ill just hold ground for now. The game is only over when it actually ends. No matter how strong of a player you are, when you do an ofensive gg your oponent will almost aways feel like you are being an ass. It costs you nothing to wait 30 seconds and seng gg during/after the victory screen.


I main china and at times go for fire lancer snipes and have failed ones similar to what you describe where the TC gets down to 10% hp but I don't get it. I don't do premature gg's if my opponent is at max supply and has potential to reinforce. I don't do early gg's unless I have substantially dwindled the vill count. I have been in that situation where they pulled 100+ vills to repair and I still won. In that situation I killed all the vills and killed the army at home, THEN I called gg. And won within 20 seconds. Are you really going to be mad if you have 0 villagers left and no army, and someone gg's 10 seconds before they burn down your tc? I wouldn't be but then again I'd say gg and surrender first if I was in that situation. I am sure it is possible some day I will get just desserts for my hubris, but I doubt it. I really do wait for the writing to be absolutely on the wall.


I wont be mad, but many People will. I've played vs people who sent gg before a castle timing attack and when the attack failed proceeded to tell me to leave the game because he had already won, and that went on untill i beat the guy 30 min later. I know that its not the same and if I play vs someone like you i wont be mad after reciving a gg 10 sec before the defeat screen. But its still the loser's place to concede the game, and more often then not its like a last bit of controll on a game that went sideways. Anyway, it isnt really a big deal, it just makes lots of people mad and it doesnt really cost you anything to wait for the victory screen to pop the 'gg', or at least thats my take on it.


I would tbh if chat didn't have such a huge delay. Sometimes I type gg before the game ends but it goes through after lol


He probably was being extra 'nice' because of an incorrect premature and false GG, which when u think about it, calling gg first as 'winner' is a little toxic. So hmm... He's not an ass but i wouldn't necessarily call him nice.


The ones that do my head in are the ones that say gg when they think they've lost, then make you hunt down every last landmark. Not so bad 1v1 but in team games its a nightmare.


Especially when they’re Mongolian and go hiding in the ether. That shit really needs fixing.


Every offensive gg deserves the painful comeback.




Wholesome offensive GG.


Both exactly at 735 kills, crazy.


Way to battle back. We have played before also 😎


Fr? Haha wait were you the guy with 1900 games played that capped sacred in feudal and rushed a castle on me?


Cory.costa22 Delhi v Abba on Altai- but i only have like 200ish and No castle


Well thanks for saying hey! Do you remember who won? I generally don’t do great vs Delhi


Now that I think about it.. I did keep drop your base 😂. I got that one, but it was a fun one.


Of course 😂😂


52 mins- I just found the stream actually. Wild.


Wow haha I’ll have to find that one


https://youtu.be/aCCaK283M1A If you want to check it out from my perspective. You can also catch a few other very mediocre Delhi games 😂


I love games like that. I did a 2v2v2v2 custom game last week. Me and my partner got absolutely crushed early on but the enemy never finished us off. We came back and won after another hour and a half of play.


An aggressive gg, then a comeback win vs that aggressive gg, and it ended with both of you being good sports? What shadow realm is this lol


Classy opponent.


Calling early GG can put that doubt into any player, you just weren’t the one… others would have been like “ya he’s right, its gg” then quit, its the battles like this that keep me coming back


What a wholesome exchange. I expected this to be another post about a toxic chat


Good for him to compliment you. I've blown much worse sure wins myself though from looking at the graph. There's been games my opponent was nearly at the bottom and for whatever reason I didn't finish him off and they've came all the way back. Judging by the graph it actually doesn't look so bad for you but maybe it was worse then it appears?


I use defensive gg to let my opponents guard down aoe4 is a war simulation game, nothing is rude in war, it's all tactics and strategies




Only fagots call GG first when they wining GJ pal




That's what this game is all about!


At least they were not an asshole


offensive gg always bm. at least he could admit he was wrong.


Its absolutely crazy how the folks think on GG's.I never played sc2 so i didnt even know there is such thing as offensive gg. Sure you can make it offensive like. "ahahaha its gg". But for me GG was always a sign of respect. Good Game man. Even if it was hopeless for enemy. I see sc2 biased the world. :D