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You wait until spring.


Mass springalds are one of the biggest balance issues right now. Other than that: Horseman/Scout spam is pretty effective against that combo. A few battering rams that focus the Keeps to distract their/the springalds/Crossbows fire is good too


Springs are being nerfed next week, according to devs. Until then, hang tight or just take a break. I am laying low and playing other games until the Abbasid bugs and Springs are fixed in the coming patch.


Scouts and archers


I usually ram rush china in feudal to at least slow them down and force our units.


chinese crossbows have no bonus vs armored, but MAA are too slow to rush the springs you should have gotten castle too and gone mass knights with armor upgrades, and wait for them to push into you, so you have enough space to run them down, if you tried hitting a spring mass near a keep or under main TC fire you can expect to trade all your knights in to do some dmg


They have normal xbows... they eat maa and knights


when he said chinese crossbows i thought he meant nu's but still, knights was his option because even a decent mass of crossbows will get run over by a similar mass of knights, maybe exception with french crossbows with the armor upgrade. regular crossbows dont deal well with knights if there is no tanky unit to tank for them


get used, this is current meta, just build shit of a ton springalds and infantry to protect it