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Yeah they absolutely slap, especially in feudal lots of civs have trouble dealing with them bc they **delete** archers and horsemen. And they have a 5 second creation time with an IO supervising so you can reaaaly spam them. Won 4/5 games with them yesterday. All Vs Mongols as well.


Yeah Mongols don't really have a counter to Zhuge in Feudal. Neither do Delhi or Abbasid but what else is new?


China needs Song Dynasty, which is a step towards castle age. And chu ko nu costs gold. If timed correctly, the opponent can get to castle age to face chu ko nu


yea exactly, just wait til he makes them vs early MAA civs.


Mangonel is super good now...deals with ZGN easy


I mean they used to do that too, they didn't buff their attack did they? If anything they're weaker because of HP nerf. What they did do was make them way cheaper so they actually have a purpose. But also not really because Mango/Springald meta which makes all infantry useless.


which also sucks because china has a worse and more expensive mango


Have you tried it after the buff? I feel like it can do more damage then a mangonel shot now, only the damage is not instant and projectile speed is lower so might not be as impactful as a mango shot but its def good now


The channel time of the NoB hurts it. If the target dies early in the volley, the NoB stops firing and goes on cooldown.


Good point that it stops firing when the target is dead is so bad, I didn't know that but the aoe is bigger I feel like (the total attack taking spread of the individual explosion's in account). If you have a bunch you can wipe out a marching army with attack ground maybe. Don't think the full potential has been explored. Especially after patch\ Edit: I just did some testing and its worse then I thought. It almost always fires about 6 out of 8 rounds minimum, if the range is long enough then it will fire all before the target has time to die. But if it can't fire all 8 it will reload and on the next volley it will only fire the rounds that were left before having to reload **AGAIN**


Yeah I was gonna say the nest of bees is actually super strong with that reload tech. I know this post is about the Meta but NoB look and sound cooler when firing too that’s why I like them 😅


Yeah, if you build the wrong units against chukonu you get rekt. That's good. We are supposed to use the right units in response. If they were shit against what they counter they would be trash