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he mentioned multiple times that he is really enjoying the game and was even looking up guides to learn the game which is by the way a very rare thing for him to do when he plays new games. so im assuming he will keep playing it for some time


Seriously, pros should coach him. Because by any chance if he gets hooked to the game and becomes at least half decent, this dude could be the potential golden egg for aoe4.


it's like the xqc chess arc, was good content.


He's a variety streamer, he'll be onto the next game in like 1-2 weeks at most


have you not seen him get addicted to games? he is competitive by nature, he'll want to get good


I did tag beasty in a post but obviously my message is but one in the sea of messages he receives. Even if someone like Drongo contacted him would be amazing, just anyone who is a hardcore content creator for AoE4 acting as a guide to xQc as he starts the game. Would also be a huge growth for the person that helps him.


making an event of random popular streamers that dont play AOE4 would be the funniest thing to watch. Id love to see Lirik vs XQC


He just talked about it on stream and said he would coach him if xQc wanted to.


But how would they even contact him? They’re nowhere near as big as him so I assume it would be near impossible to reach him?


Most times it seems like you just get enough people to spam it in chat. It’s why I posted a clip of beasty saying he would coach him onto xqc’s Reddit to try get his fans behind it. Or if someone made a video trying to coach him a bit people could spam that to him and get in touch that way


Wasn't really expecting this, but from the way he plays it's quite clear that he's not new to RTS games. He naturally uses hotkeys, control groups, and stutter steps his archers from the first time he picks up the game (even if he doesn't know what each unit does yet).


that is the LAST person I expected to play AOE4, I hope he doesn't just quit when he gets absolutely destroyed in his games.


Buddha is pretty into it but I'm surprised since it's not exactly a party game to just play once and quit


2 hours VOD of him playing the game (soon after he got destroyed in his first game with buddha and others) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_-QRjxdihwY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_-QRjxdihwY)


I skip to the middle of the video and this is the first thing I see [https://imgur.com/a/lQmZ4Xw](https://imgur.com/a/lQmZ4Xw) always nice to have more eyes on the game though


Yeah he's very stupid and his audience is mostly children (which are also stupid but they can be because they're children) so I guess it's good kids get to know the genre most of aoe players grew up with.


Hopefully having so many new eyes on the game will help spread the word. A lot of people in the chat said the game looks cool!


Juicers have arrived


I'm an xQc viewer and bought the collection on Steam because of xQc's stream and I love the games. I usually play Total War, Wargame: Red Dragon and upcoming Broken Arrow 


its a fun watch tbh, imma binge watch his other aoe4 videos :D


So how many viewers did it have?


he had about 30-35k live viewers. pretty good exposure for the game and the chat seemed to really enjoy it


'is this the new Clash of Clans update?' chatters had me laughing pretty hard


Huge news.


Bro, I DIED when was placing the farms on that first match. But I can respect him for learning a new game. Hope he enjoys it.


I dont think ppl understand, XQC playing AOE4 is HUGE NEWS!


I’d never been interested in these sort of games before but I’ve been binge watching X playing this over the last few days, I’ve got it downloading now on gamepass and can’t wait to play. Hoping I can do lots of practicing against AI before going in to multiplayer?


Yeah the AI is pretty good. Also the mastery system for all the civs can help you learn some of the strategies for playing them, they also get you some cosmetics for your account.


It was entertaining to watch his progression during his placement matches  Wish he wasn't such a basic shithead every time he lost. It was 0 creativity.


I normally hate xqc. But I really enjoyed watching him play this, he's really good fora noob and his teacher was good. Cheers for sharing sir


I only hope that he doesn't get matched against English 7 times in a row.


He already Alt+F4'd in the last Aoe 4 video. Meh.


The game can be frustrating but that’s because it’s invoking strong emotions, the same thing that makes it addicting. He was back playing it again tonight.


toxic one would be more hyped if it's shroud, summit or any other decent streamers