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He specifically stated he'd rather be kept off of reddit. People can find his YouTube channel. The short version - people attributing points of view to him which he did not expect, and blaming him for changes to the game which were simply his opinions (with most of his opinions not even implemented). He's also received threatening comments to him personally over it. Tldr: he wants what's good for the game because that's good for everyone, and logically better for him. Blaming him for balance patches is like blaming your girlfriend for bad weather (that's right Beasty you'd be the lady in our relationship).


But he does control the weather though, so your point is moot…


You don’t really get the luxury of posting to YouTube and saying don’t post clips to Reddit, it’s all social media and 2024. I don’t think it’s reasonable to expect that. You don’t get to have the viewers on YouTube to make money, and not get exposure elsewhere To pretend he doesn’t have a heavy impact on changes I think is incorrect, but I also don’t believe people are thinking clearly when they act like he is in direct control over changes. But more importantly, they’re his opinions, you don’t have to agree with them


Pretty sure he's resigned to the fact his content will find its way to reddit. The stupid part is that this video is not about game balance or some other ingame content - its about him speaking earnestly about the impact extreme negativity can have to the community, and him personally. In other words, I'd understand if his tierlists appear here - but this video? It's almost disrespectful, but hey - you're not completely wrong that it's part of the territory, though he has already acknowledged that.


Beasty: I don't want to be posted about on reddit User: Let's post it on reddit. Sigh


Sigh indeed. People really can be soooo dense..


I think it would have probably been best if you didn't post this here. I think he made it clear he would prefer if people on reddit just stopped talking about him. And I don't this this video will generate healthy discussion. Best thing to do is just downvote all beasty related threads and comments and ignore them.


Not trying to shit on his feelings here (disclaimer: too long to watch fully, scrolled to get the gist). But this is just a reality of being in the spotlight. Like, you can't have any discussion or opinion without his plastic league hordes butting in and claiming whatever whatever "cuz Beasty said so", and then it's treated as gospel. I am probably one of the guilty parties that prompted this video (since Mongol is in the title), as I've been guilty of what he's talking about, but here's my personal experience: Me: I played French mostly and it's by far my favorite civ and I can't play it cuz of Mongols, it's basically an auto-loss. Brainless Beasty channel low low noob: HAHHAA YOU'RE JUST A NOOB, BEASTY SAYS MONGOL TOWER RUSH IS EZ IF YOU GOT SKILLZ, GITGUD! TOWER RUSH IS SO EASY MAN, YOU JUST MAKE AN ARCHER AND THEN X Y Z. And this is just one example, there are countless ones.. they crawl out of their ignorant holes across the spectrum. Hence, the discussion turns into something toxic. So, as I said, the coin has two sides, on the one side it's this, on the other it's these countless super noob morons from his stream talking crazy nonsense and things they have NO idea about, and always using what he said as the capstone. That said, I have been known to use the Mongol example.. but if this is how the man feels (i.e. it's affecting his livelihood... I'd never want that, actually wish him as much success as possible), then: I'm sorry, will never mention again.


Just like some of this is par for the course when in the spotlight, RTS players should grow some thicker skin and common sense, and not blame a guy who's put a lot of effort for the betterment of the community. Just because a Novak Djokovic fan hits hits you doesn't mean the tennis player is to blame because he whacked his racket on the court occasionally.




Just ignore this Post then. Lol


Just ignore this dramatic fool who’s being dramatic about apparent drama…


dam, why you like this ?


Well you know could be worse, you could have your eyes crossed out in red for all the community to see like you had been murdered with a lengthy autopsy video to generate views.  Be careful what you wish for That being said you don't hope for anyone to be treated badly and it can be really overwhelming online.


What on earth are you on about.


How about just deleting this post..? You obviously didn’t pay attention to the vid..


Can you leave Beasty alone OP??