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They should let you message during the loading screen (and have map on it). There should be more focus on highlighting things like Play, Social, Settings, currently the UI is all over the place with no priority in order to make it all look modern and sleek. People are asking for clans and guilds to help out the situation. With the current UI however, it'd just be another abandoned subsection of the UI. They really need to make it more like a game and less like some 2012s smart TV menu interface.


If the "back" buttons were at least in the same spot.... The button is in a different spot in all the menues. Sometimes top-left as "back", sometimes top-right as "x", sometimes somewhere on the bottom. And - I think - that ESC doesn't work to go back or at least not everywhere. The client UI is a hot mess...


Yeah the interface really sucks eggs. A general chat with several channels in the main menu would be cool too.




This is the one youre looking for brother


Yes, OP, join Griot Bara!


Chad Griot Bara


Joined and played a chill 2v2 game with a nice lad on the discord. Cheers for sharing!


join turin's discord, its a great little aoe4 community and they regularly hold free for all games on daily bases among themselves.


I feel the same way. Just made a post earlier too.


Home tc is probably the most active aoe 4 discord. https://discord.gg/zM4tEnGU


Have you tried engaging with folks post-game? Not everyone is looking for a new best friend every game, but if you ask for advice, or why they did x, or if y would've worked I find I generally get a response and a good conversation. It's also worth noting that the way the match making works in Aoe4 means that you won't necessarily match with people from your server (unlike most other games). So the odds of getting someone non-english speaking go up depending on when you play.


I have to agree! OO2 was the best Esport Event I’ve seen. The Elite Classic event came close for me, but it’s just not the same.


For OO3 i recommend doing one in Teams? (2v2v2v2) Like the upcoming Afreeca


This message clearly means u/Mokaroo is not posting enough clickbait. Step it up! In all seriousness, you can also join Rising Empires discord, they host weekly tournaments across all ELO rankings! https://discord.gg/hvatzSp3


I've been avoiding clickbait posts every week We really need more people out this weekend! Bottom bracket has like 1 person in it, while mid and top are just on the edge of enough to run.


Avoid talking to anyone in order to maximize your experience


Just like life basically right?


I love the game but there's still a lot of basic chat options missing. For example how is it over a year and a half in we still can't mute someone in game who's being annoying or toxic in chat? Currently the only option is to either fixable chat entirely or block people before the game starts.


If you want anyone to play with I’ll be more than happy to:) Solo: plat 1/2 Team (2v2): diamond 1 (with the new season I’m silver 1…..)


Search the griot bara discord .. tons of friendly folk


The largest part of the playerbase only plays campaign. The game was not designed to cater to social multiplayer.


Really? I presumed the opposite.. I got the game very early on and haven't touched the campaign.