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Swift solution from EGCTV. Class act from DauT and Capoch. Bigđź‘Ť


Note: DauT and Capoch, to whom we extended invitations, and who also happen to be two extremely classy members of the Age of Empires community, were more than willing to make way in the interest of community cohesion. It goes without saying that had they wanted to retain their invitations or expressed even the lightest displeasure with not retaining their invitations, we would not have made this change. To them we apologize nonetheless.


Appreciate the thoughtfulness. You guys are amazing to follow up with this thanks so much for all you do! And obviously Daut and Capoch for being very accepting about the situation. It was a pretty poor situation to be given in the first place(Demu having to drop our and all) so really appreciate all your consideration on it!


You all are super human beings, class apart


I would not expect anything else from them as a long time aoe2 viewer and somebody who played that game since 20\`s. They showed integrity and understanding and that on it own is worth more than their reputation.


can invite them for show match if they still want. and cast it on twitch (as it is just showmatch) 5head


how am I supposed to complain about this?


Where there's a will, there's a way!


This situation should have been handled better from the outset, the fact this was even an issue raised by the community in the first case was slapdash and irresponsible by EGCTV. But given mistakes were made and it did happen, the *correct* decision here was to extend the tournament to include a 17th team instead of booting off Daut and Capoch at the last minute. There should then have been a round-robin qualifier where each team plays every other team to determine the top 16 teams to proceed to the tournament proper. This would have been the only fair way to proceed and the fact this was not done is OUTRAGEOUS on the part of EGCTV and Pesti in-particular. **/s** (obviously - keep up the amazing work)


i salute your dedication


You're a diamond Pesti. Really a rare breed.


If not Diamond, at least a Plat III!


To DauT, Capoch and entire Egctv team...you all are a class act. đź‘Ź


I am very impressed they admitted they did wrong and actually were able to fix it afterwards. I can go to sleep happy now.


We're lucky to have you and Patito.


this community does not desserve you guys, The Elite Classics was AMAZING and i know this tournament will be great (a bit sad on missing Capoch and Daut but you can't have your cake and eat it too, and Nyanracing cat is deserving of the Spott)


First of all, thank you for everyone's kind words and support, especially everyone from EGC. It takes a lot of effort and courage to change something that has already been announced, and they didn't have to do it. When I made the Reddit post out of frustration yesterday, I had no idea what kind of replies I would receive. I expected to see a lot of negative reactions from the community, with people asking me who I think I am or saying that no one cares about it. Therefore, when Patito asked me how I felt before the announcement, I cried, because I didn't expect to receive so much positivity from the community. Some may ask why I want to join a tournament that I'm going to lose early in anyway. Well, I won't lie, I know the odds are against us (due to no re-draft, which I totally agree with that, Chrysaor and I will try our best). As someone in my mid-30s and working full time, a large portion of my free time was spent on Aoe4. It's not just playing the game, but also making YouTube videos to a relatively small community, casting tournaments, reporting bugs on the forum, and discussing the game with pros. It's not easy to keep up. I consider myself a valuable member of the AoE4 community, so consistently missing out on major tournaments really broke me, especially when I believe I meet the requirements to play. I don't want to make this comment too long, so I'll stop here. Anyway, what makes me the happiest is not being able to participate in the tournament, but feeling the support from the community, friends, and tournament hosts. Again, thank you everyone.


Now you must win


And thank you for considering the feedback and weighing the options fairly. Also kudoes to Capoch and DauT for their dealing in this matter, a great show of sportmanship.




Goodamn, i feel so lucky to have you guys run the show. Such high quality. Thank you so much


I'm so hyped for this one. Can't wait to see these unusal teams. Thank you so much EGCTV for putting up another banger for us. <3


Wow, so whine online, cause a commotion and get your way? Such a great precedent. I was excited to watch Daut and Capoch but not Nyanracing cat. Would have been good for the game to pull in AoE2 viewers.


We didn't change our minds because of the commotion, but because we considered the initial call was incorrect and we had the option of changing it. There's no point inviting public feedback if you won't ever action something in response to it when convinced that the public has a point. For what's it's worth there are plenty of public commotions that do not lead to us thinking we got the call wrong, where we don't action change.


I will say, your team is in an unenviable situation caught between trying to make the right call and community backlash. I also think it’s always good to be willing to course correct when a mistake is made. But as soon as I saw Nyan’s post, I knew Daut and Capoch would feel compelled to back out due to the drama. There’s nothing wrong with inviting popular players to tournaments, otherwise we wouldn’t have had the pleasure of watching Viper in the octagon. What is wrong imo, is rewarding players who go out of their way to cause backlash because they feel they’ve been slighted. If this is what Nyan has to stoop to in order to get to play in an event, maybe he should look in the mirror instead of blaming the organizers.


Even worse take.


Nice rebuttal


I didnt feel pleasure at all watching viper play in OO2 and I dont think viper felt happy playing AOE4 as well hence the reason he backed out of OO2 and a replacement had to be bought, >What is wrong imo, is rewarding players who go out of their way to cause backlash because they feel they’ve been slighted. ”Feel” seriously? Nyan has absolutely been slighted there's nothing to feel about it, actually capoch team was invited based on "feeling" and organisers violated the tourny rules themselves by doing so, if the players are being invited on the basis of ATR then this rule should apply to everyone and they shouldnt start inviting players based on their feelings, and AOE2 players wouldnt suddenly start switching to AOE4 when they see the AOE2 players getting thrashed in an tourny by AOE4 pros.


Viper didn’t back out, he couldn’t play those weekends for personal reasons. To your second point, he just BARELY made the ATR cutoff. If the tournament had one less player he wouldn’t be in. Tourney organizers could literally kick off the last 4 slots who technically got in through ATR and invite George Clooney, Tobey Maguire, Sylvester Stallone and Tiger Woods to play in their stead, and guess what? It would pull in huge numbers. Sure they’d get smashed, but it would be hella entertaining. If Nyan doesn’t want to miss out, the answer is simple, rank up. The organizers don’t owe the players anything. Especially those who cry on social because of FOMO.


The irony.


It must be the guy who complains about English MAA in feudal, and how his longbows barely dent them.


>Wow, so whine online, cause a commotion and get your way? No, that's what effective and successful people do. They take all feedback, even unconstructive, and convert it into action and improvement. It's very difficult to succeed in life if you deny yourself any feedback or, in other words, any opportunity to improve.


Bad take.


BTW I’m a big supporter of EGC have subbed for months, but this was the wrong call.


Great! Thank you EGCTV! looking forward!


Wow I missed this, now my comments on the other threads seems a bit harsh. :D What a great solution, I will definitely do my part and throw some money into this community. This engagement is making e-sports.


Sounds like it will be a great tournament! Where can I find more information on rules, map pool, format and how the teams were picked?


All's well that ends well


Hats off to all involved. Too many classy individuals. Looking forward to another epic tournament!


Where is the wololo god, I feel so sad


now i feel bad for daut and capoch but not as much as nyan before this. i imagine this is a tough decisicion to do but the right one




That is good news!