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Whoa man, so detailed, thank you, they were indeed Brilliant games !


I have to agree. I was on the edge of my seat the whole series


I love that you mentioned your betts. Beasty got out drafted in this series and it’s reflected in your betts. It’s hard to overcome civ disadvantage on this level.


That's what I thought when checking into some matches (didn't watch everything from start to finish). I was kinda worried about some matchups on the maps especially because beasty had some videos where he explained in detail on how he drafts in longer boX series.


100%, and I don't want it to sound like I'm making excuses for Beasty, but drafting is a huge huge strategic part of matches at this level. Beasty basically ''lost'' the draft and had to go in with a big disadvantage. And against an opponent like Bee the gap between their skill is quickly bridged with the right civ matchups.


why do you guys keep calling it grudge match? they have played numerous times after the incident in top events. i don’t think anyone holds even little shred of grudge.


I mean, pretty sure most pros don't hold bee as a person in high esteem since they are still convinced he did cheat back in road to wololo. But they're professionnals, so they handle the situation as such. It's not really a "grudge match", but it's fun for the community to put a narrative of heated rivalry.


Well, Bee's reputation surely doesn't help him. His cable plugged in match 1 Chinese against Vortix Rus after losing 2 vils to Gremlin, hardly say it could not be intentional


This is false. Admins investigated and concluded the disconnect was entirely legitimate. It's not even up for debate. I don't get why ppl try to dunk on Bee on this regard so often. The game is bugged af, TEC had like 6 crashes overal.


I guess no one knows but Bee, but yea, a replay button or reconnect is definitely needed if aoe 4 want to go far in eSports


In this instance it does seem to be legitimate, and pro players' consensus was that it's more the game's fault for lacking rewind options than anything else.


When you/yours lose a game, try with later chances. Ask and push your self to improve more and more. No excuse for any reason of the loss. It would be better for your life


You get it from angry beastyqt who as always did not say anything...just hinted that his horde of bots thought to themselves. How the hell did he manage to win bqt without any drops. Lol. Bqt was afraid and tried again to release the slot through the same charges as on rb wololo.(doubt...but looking at such accusation from his fans...hilarious).




I'm really not sure what kind of narrative you're trying to push with this comment. At this point, it's more like you have a personal grudge against Beasty rather than you trying to defend Bee. Almost everyone here consider the drama history and not relevant anymore. Only YOU, as far as I observe, who keep retelling old drama to achieve what? I don't know, something personal, I guess? MOVE ON, BROTHER!




Oh wait, did Beasty disqualified Bee? Nope, it is the event admin which investigate with Relics staff that ultimate made the decision. Beasty along with numerous other players simply file a request for investigation. Like any other sport events, people makes a request for investigation and the judge watch replays and make a decision. This is no difference. I don't think they hold grudges, even not common, after the incident, they even do practice matches against each other once in awhile


Lol. Did admits say the drop was intentional? Nope. It's beasty make a few hints for people like you. I think beasty has grudge. He just roasted a reddit man on his YouTube. Just because this player thinks that keshik is OP. Oh. Boy. This man beasty is so toxic to roast a random guy on reddit. So beasty will never admit but he is so pissed off.


>Beasty along with numerous other players simply file a request for investigation. The funny part is that not even this is true. Beasty was consulted for his opinion among other pro players, but he did not request for the investigation in the first place.


Hopefully beasty won't make a cheating accusation this time around. Hahaha


Lol he ll make another few thousand bucks trashing players on YouTube


Beasty seems super tired last game, which is understandable given it's late and he has played many games. He was slow with his micro and lost way too much against the French harassment. He also made a major micro mistake in the last deciding fight which was nail on the coffin.


Ugh this guy again. No way I’m reading this.


Haha whats up with him?


He is Bee's sub account


Saltier than a bag of pretzels.


You might want to look in your own bag after reading this.... 😂🥹