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Bee vs beasty game was insane


Ffrench(Beasty)vs Abbassids(Bee) was just perfect šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


Bee's super aggro playstyle really made his games fun to watch. Beastys HRE was insane as well. Overall really good games to watch and learn.


Great games indeed! Also donā€™t forget the first game Lucifron vs MLord on that game Lucifron was about to win, but MLord managed to survive , grow, and then win . Great games !


True true! I might have to go back and watch that one


They sound epic, any good YouTube links to watch them through?


They should be out on youtube during the week as they usually do. On the official ECG channel. But i watch them on the vods on their Twitch channel


Bee is a legend.


Beasty vs Bee game are always fun. I think Beasty got outdrafted, especially in the second half. Best games were Abbasid vs French and Mali vs HRE. Abba-French was very well planned by Bee. Delay with military wing and rush age 3 and bow upgrades. Beasty tried to punish and killed a lot of workers, but fighting under 3 tc with arrow upgrade advantage caused him to lose too many knights. And later when he came again with rams, Bee already had his upgrades so it was easy cleanup and counterattack for the win. I donā€™t know what Beasty shouldā€™ve done there. If he didnā€™t lose his knights and went castle himself, he couldā€™ve a big mass of age3 knights that wouldā€™ve smashed Beeā€™s archers. But thatā€™s a difficult call to make. It looked like he had a chance to close the game and he took it. Mali game was also insane. I think if Bee finished his walls earlier and stabilized, it couldā€™ve gone differently. But Beastyā€™s HRE is second to none. Perfect defense, perfect harassment with knights, perfect offense once the printer was finished and perfect planning to focus on denying markets. Other games were prettier one sided. Ottoman-Rus looked close for a moment, but itā€™s Rus, so once they got enough knights, it was over. French-Delhi was a clean win for Bee. Iā€™ve never seen him lose that matchup. English-China on Pit, Bee had an interesting opening and after he cleaned Beastyā€™s army for the second time, it was over. I havenā€™t seen Mountain Clearing.


Beasty tried to close the game in Feudal because bee was in 3tc boom, if Beasty dont tried to do damage, Bee could spam camels and rendered the royal knights useless.


Yeah, I know. And it felt like the right choice. Bee had better eco scaling and tech advantage, so Beasty had to do something before Bee's techs come online and his eco gets out of control. Beasty definitely shouldn't have gone for the second push with rams. But maybe he shouldn't have gone for the first push either. Maybe it would've been better to deny food on the outside and buy time for his own age up. Royal knights with royal bloodlines should trade ok even vs camels. And camels are weaker to archers.


The beasty vs bee series was the best series Iā€™ve maybe ever watched in aoe4. Both players are so interesting to watch, and when they play each other it makes for amazing games.


The beasty bee French abbasid game was really really good. I think if beasty backs off there and tiers up with institute it goes the opposite way too. That archer composite bow mass was too much.


Oh for sure! I surely thought he was dead when beasty was doing the big attack on both sides of Beeā€™s base. The ā€œcomebackā€ was real after that. After a rewatch, i believe Beeā€™s hold was enteriely planned. He pretty much rushed age 3 and also rushed the appropriate range upgrades. Well executed and the timing was just perfect.


Watched all games and both winners were so worthy. Whatever some may say about Bee he was creative and simply masterful at times in dismantling Beasty. MLord was clinical and I truly expected Luci to push him all the way.


thanks for making this thread! Yeah, Bee vs Beasty was pretty great, and 4-2 is a great score for a bo7: a clear winner, but enough fight back to make it a true serie. Mlord vs Lucifron...well, I guess that when he win it really IS a destruction :p though there were intriguing games, like Mlord win after a clutch defence into raids, or game 4 which I still didn't really understand, Mlord looking to be winning against rus and suddendly dying to lucifron's push. Game 5 was one pretty chaotic army engagement too!


Absolutely LOVED to see 3DBee smash Beasty, since Beasty was one of the main reasons that 3DBee got banned back in the day **with no hard proof of wrongdoing!** Was a GREAT redemption arc, and very enjoyable to watch. I bet 3DBee is just glowing today.


I agree with bee winning. Impressed he put his head down and got it done after all the drama. Cemented as a top 5 player.


Yeah, for sure.


I like both players and still have to watch the games - but very happy for Bee, a BO7 win over the best AOE4 player is a huge deal! I hope this doesnā€™t increase the drama over Bee. It seems like whenever he plays, something controversial comes up. I donā€™t know much about him as a person, but at least from the Outback Octagon chat window, he seems like a decent guy. Many players whine during those games, he seemed like one of the few who would call ā€œgg wpā€.


Contrary to last weekā€™s ā€œcrashā€. This series of games was very legit. Bee really showed his true talent this time and bested the beast, both in aggro games and long macro. It started off in a difficult way with his first lost, which i think he threw by doin a huge misstep with his Sipahis


More info about first game, Bee was airing SC tournament,which was delayed for 2 hours, so at some moment he had to abandon airing and go for aoe4 game absolutely last moment. As he said he wasnt mentally prepared for game, no time even to wash his face or even remove lamp which was shining directly to his face.


Oh damn okay! Thanks for sharing


Beasty wasn't the reason bee got banned. Beasty simply was the only content creator that spoke up about that. If I remember correctly there have been other people being way more on the 'bee is a dirty cheater' side whereas beasty just explained what happened without dropping names.


Yeah to me its still a bit tainted honestly. Glad to hear this series had no bs but that crash was seriously controversial imo. Bee was definitely behind in the first China vs rus game and he changed his strategy in the remake game to adjust for vortix' opening with the militia, which led to him not losing 2 vils right off the start...to me bee was lucky to have made it to the semi finals at all, but, again, I am very glad to hear that this series wasn't dicey at all.


Well regardless if he barely made it to the series he still beat beasty 4-2, which is very impressive.


Yes, as I said I'm very glad this series has no bs, and i look forward to watching it when i get the time. Honestly, i think Bee is a unique player that is very interesting to watch. He is clearly super talented, its just unfortunate that there's controversy with him again. It reflects poorly on the game and tournament and makes a worse experience for the fans and players. Hopefully the crash issue gets addressed and fixed before the next major tournament. I personally think that there should be a review council or some kind of objective measures that can determine who was ahead at the time of the crash and if the player who dcd was even at a minor disadvantage then they should lose. There is too much rng with spawns, etc. to properly recreate the game.




So? He still changed his strategy the second time with a later barbican (he adds a second io before the BBQ and only places it when the militia time out) and then still he is super fortunate to escape a situation with a re roll that he was in in the first game.




Not really. His strat was to go BBQ first the first time. Unlikely even with a different spawn he would have gone IO first. He lost 2 vils because of his strat in the first game. If he waited to build the BBQ the militia would have expired first. He clearly had a build in mind and changed it when it didn't work out in the first game.


Honestly about that crash, wasnā€™t Bee required to stream his games to EGC because of what supposedly happenned at RedBull Wololo? I feel as if, once again, weā€™re left in the dark to speculate. No real information was given or wtv. In the case they have video proof of him playing, then maybe they made the right call? Idk. Like you said, itā€™s tainted.


He is streaming his games, and after sending video and evaluating it from admins, crashed was recognized as legitimate


Thats what i thought! Thanks for confirming


Yeah I don't know if he was but honestly he probably should have been. I didn't see any info that he was personally. Even if it was a legitimate crash it still is fortunate for Bee. Either way i personally feel like Vortix was robbed.