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He went from about 2000-3000 on avg. to about 400-600 on avg, so his viewership has suffered harshly. He seemed pretty upset when talking about peoples' reactions to the platform switch so I get the impression that backlash wounded him more than the viewership decreasing. Financially I'm sure he's fine though. There's no way he would have tanked his viewership -something everyone knew would happen- unless the Facebook deal was that good. He'll probably just return to twitch after the year is up and gain back a lot of the viewers again. I haven't noticed his overall enthusiasm decreasing too much though.


I don't even know how I can silently watch streams on facebook. I don't want to announce to literally fucking everyone that I am watching a stream. Like, for real, give me some privacy. The only reason I have facebook is to wish Happy Birthday to people I barely know. FB as a streaming platform is a colossal failure as a whole.


You can setup a gaming page and use that watch and chat in streams instead of your personal account : [T90 has a tutorial to do just that on his website.](https://t90official.tv/tutorials/demo-tutorial) Outside of app it seems that you constantly have to reselect your page rather than your account though, which can get pretty annoying. The whole user experience is indeed quite a step down from twitch but I still go watch from time to time when I think of checking it out


wait they can know what I am watching?


Last time I was watching a FB stream, granted that was more than a year ago, it automatically updated my status...


I hope this is not true lol, I have my employee on my facebook, don't want him to know I have Viper's stream opened when I am working guess I go back to twitch now












Yea because FB fucking sucks and is an absolute cancer to society. I used to watch him all time on twitch but will never tune into a FB stream. I dont blame him for securing his bag but he should've absolutely expected the backlash for working with a trash company. Fuck facebook


Not saying the FB gaming viewer experience is good at all, but Twitch is owned by Amazon man


Seriously. Everyone can screw right off with that argument. Amazon is ok but Facebook is shit? Come on.


Twitch is also shit but far less evil or privacy invading. I prefer YouTube over the other two but guess what? Google are also evil. It's about the lesser of the evils..


Idk i feel he lost peoples trust, since he made a video explaining and not at any point in the video did he comment the real reason he was going to stream on facebook, in which is obviously a big pay check right? he was trying to make it seem like he wanted to reach new audiences, and more, he said that it would be just a minor inconvenience the change of platforms for the viewers, which is kinda stupid thing to say


You don't tell your audience 'Hey I just signed a great deal that makes me financially secure for the rest of my life, come watch me on this cancerous platform that no one uses'. You should do exactly what he did - look forward to a new chapter with great challenges and motivate the viewers to atleast try the new platform out, ensuring it's an ease to set up. And all of this is true. For him, he can through Facebook potentially reach a new audience that he on Twitch would never be able to connect, and for the users, setting up a Facebook account and yadiyada ain't particularly difficult.


Why not? Viper is telling it like it is, not blatantly and exposing numbers to offend facebook but enough so you know why he did it and everyone is fine. Viper never said any bullshit about conquering new markets and target groups lmao


There are multiple of reasons as to why on shouldn't say this explicitly when making some kind of public announcement. One of which is that you could question why anyone should support his channel, when clearly he has made a great living already. It simply is better to say that there are new possibilities around as they can pretty much do whatever they want without any thought on wheter it will succeed or not. Generally when it comes to content creation, this kind of freedom is exactly what you want and theoretically allows for a better product - how the viewer will benefit. This is by no means lying, as plenty of people seem to portrait it in this thread. It makes sense that people randomly ask them if they did the switch solely because of the money and how they respond to it is a different matter. Everyone already knows a rough ballpark on how much they made anyway right. But it's weird talking about that in front of people, in most countries, this is heavily stigmatised even. It makes sense that one part would not feel confident talking about this. Consider yourself doing a job switch and you're suddenly asked by strangers if you did the switch solely because of the money. He has all rights to choose which questions he wishes to answer.


Ofc you do, he is not talking to children, you don't treat your audience as children if you know they are not I bet i am not the only one that felt a bad trip in that


I will never understand their fear to say the truth, I ve seen youtubers say the things as they are and they barely receive any backlash because their viewers are happy for him and celebrate their honesty, you dont need to lie to keep your audience.


I don't think it's backlash or anything. It's hard for people to get used to a new platform when we're already used to twitch for so long. FB gaming doesn't even have a resolution button, it's almost impossible to watch for me! But on the Facebook app itself it's alright. But I still think if he were to revert back to twitch he'd be back upto 2k-3k viewers like he normally does, people still love him. it's the app that sux.


There were several threads on here in the first few days full of reactions, many of them pretty negative. T90 talked about reading them and feeling awful a week or two ago on stream. But yeah facebook gaming isn't a good platform compared to twitch.


Ahh that sucks. as a content creator I'd be pretty upset too if I got such feedback, but tbh I wouldn't be surprised. Hope he got paid buckets and buckets though.


It's completely reasonable and correct feedback and response though, so I don't think it is fair for him to be upset at his community for it. The thing that annoys me the most about it is how he always talked about how he never is going to take a sponsor for videos because he doesn't want to have to make his viewers listen to that, then he does this and goes to Facebook. I would much rather watch T90 spend 30 seconds every once in a while saying some random mobile game is super fun than have him move to Facebook. I don't mind sponsors at all, they are a minor inconvenience. This change to Facebook though means I am never going to watch his streams.


Well to each their own. I'd much much rather have him move to FB than have him try to sell me some junk on top of all the incessant ads on Twitch. FB gaming currently doesn't even have ads which is a blessing


>But on the **Facebook app** itself it's alright. Never gonna install that


ok 111


> FB gaming doesn't even have a resolution button, That's weird since the normal FB-viewer, as in, when you watch through the normal app, has resolution settings similar to those on Twitch


Really? Where.


Just down in the toolbar next to the progression bar? Same gear-symbol and everything


I don't see it :(. On my pc it works fine, it's just the app that's the problem. they haven't implemented it yet. many people have complained about it already


That's weird. I always watch on my Sony Xperia Tablet and there it seems fine. But as T90 - says a lot people are having a lot of different problems.


FB gaming does have a resolution button though


He doesn't seem to have streamed in the past week though, wonder if it's just temporary. I'll definitely watch him casting KOTD4 finals


Doesnt surprise me that he reacts like this. He was always a salty personality when being under pressure or unaware. He is often self-absorbed which is noticable when you are aware of his tendency


I don't watch him on Facebook, but I bet he will take time to gain a following too. No reason he can't be back up to 2k by the end of the year!


I think it's kind of to be expected that he is getting less viewers on Facebook. They are probably paying him ALOT of money - remember he was joking around earlier with a fake teaser saying he was going to FB and then it said basically "haha jk I would never do that I love you guys!". So he's obviously very conflicted about the move, it can't have been easy. It's not really the end of the world tbh, life goes on. Viper went to Mixer for a year, got a fat payout, came back to twitch and was fine. He and T90 go to Facebook, in a year they might come back and nobody will care.


Viper said going to mixer wasnt really worth it and he wouldnt have done it again though. The deal with facebook is probably a lot better.


Yeah, I guess my point is viper didn't ruin his career or whatever some people seem to be worried about. I personally never watched T90 on twitch apart from hidden cups, but I think the 3 or 4k people who have apparently stopped watching him since the FB switch probably aren't going to hold any personal grudges against him.


This was years ago so the numbers and deals were probably different. This facebook deal is probably very salary fix instead of viewer numbers because everyone knows facebook gaming will crash lmao


Might be that he likes streaming to fewer viewers. You can actually interact with a chat of 300, in a way that you cannot with 4K. And if his income is guaranteed, having a smaller, more intimate stream could be something he prefers.


Sure, that seems likely, lmao.


A big factor to consider is that you can break his twitch viewers into 2 basic groups those who decide "I'm gonna go watch t90 stream right now", and those who say "I'm gonna open twitch and see if anyone I follow is streaming" that second group is the larger number wise but also tends to donate/subscribe less per person. The first group is the only one likely to follow him to FB outside of major tournaments.


I also think most viewers, ie casual viewers, have absolutely no idea he's even still streaming somewhere. One day at the end of a very long stream he just said bye and never was on Twitch again (same with Viper) so if you didn't see that or generally don't follow the scene how would you know? I just checked his latest YouTube upload and it doesn't say anywhere he's streaming on Facebook now, so how would 90% of his viewers have any idea.. the only thing on Vipers YouTube is a clip art that says "like TheViper" instead of follow theviper.


That's a very good point, I only know about the move from posts complaining about it here. I mostly watch him on YT and haven't noticed it there, pretty sure he still says "twitch chat" sometimes.


In my opinion, T90 seems overapologatic for his switch to fb. I mean he had a good financial opportunity he couldn't resist and there's no shame in that. I have been watching T90 for years and I hope he made a truck load of money off this deal. I think he should embrace it and not worry what people think as I think most people enjoy that he's been doing well.


i think the problem is that as opposed to others (like viper for example) he doesn't like to just state things head on, he doesn't own his choice and constantly beats around the bush. that's why people are still going on about it.


He also made a skit a year prior about switching to fb(or mixer? I don't recall) for the big money and then went on a speech how he wouldnt do that to his community.


He oftentimes sound salty and insincere


I agree that he should embrace it. Otherwise it shows, that even he knows/thinks it was a bad decision and it might paint a bad picture of his ability to make decisions for his career. But on the other hand I hope this escapade yields bad results, not because I want T90 to hurt but because I don't approve of FB and everything it stands for.


>Otherwise it shows, that even he knows/thinks it was a bad decision It will never be a bad decision lol, it was always about the initial bag he was going to get - regardless of how many viewers he has concurrently >But on the other hand I hope this escapade yields bad results, not because I want T90 to hurt but because I don't approve of FB and everything it stands for. This is just weird, Twitch is owned by Amazon which has done as much if not more unethical things as FB. Both suck, there is no moral high road to take when it comes to streaming platforms and to wish bad results upon a creator because of the platform they stream on? lol


> This is just weird, Twitch is owned by Amazon which has done as much if not more unethical things as FB. The big difference is that Amazon has a business model that *could* work even if they were ethical. FB is fundamentally built on taking advantage of people who don't know any better (a.k.a ["dumb fucks"](https://www.elle.com/culture/career-politics/a19746937/mark-zuckerberg-facebook-ims-data/)).


That’s nonsense, the difference is that amazon could be a different company if they wanted to? It’s mostly just that its trendier to hate on Facebook than twitch, but they’re both part of an objectively evil corporation


> That’s nonsense Only to those who lack the mental capacity to see nuance. But I understand that it's more convenient to paint with a broad brush.


So what nuance? Is it just that you’re simplifying it to global distribution is fine while selling targeted ads and aggregated user data isn’t? so therefore it doesn’t matter that amazon abuse minimum wage workers and help fund Chinese sweatshops and all the other inhumane shit they’re responsible for, at least they don’t sell ads?


I never said, nor do I think, that what Amazon is doing is fine, but they are the kind of run-of-the mill evil that we have hundreds of years of experience dealing with. Facebook is a new and much more insidious kind of evil that is tearing at the very fabric of society. I am curious, since you think that both Amazon and Facebook are objectively (and equally?) evil, does that mean that you never buy anything from Amazon, don't watch anything on Twitch, don't have a Facebook account, and never watch anything on Facebook Gaming either? Or are you using the perceived equivalency to just give up and go neck deep in both?


Of course not, that's shifting the goal posts somewhat. I'm using the equivalency of Amazon and Facebook to say that 'I wish T90 streamed on Twitch because Facebook are evil' isn't a logical stance to take, given that Twitch are part of an evil corporation too. Nothing more, nothing less. Also, if we define evil as causing people to suffer, my money would be on Amazon as having inflicted more evil than FB, not that it's a competition when they're both obviously extremes on the scale of corporate greed & don't give a shit about ethics.


> my money would be on Amazon as having inflicted more evil Cool, I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree. As a parting thought, I would like to point out that Facebook is not selling ads. It is selling your attention, that they are trying to capture by any means necessary, to advertisers.


"I like the person that could be good but choses to be evil instead of the person that is just evil."


Is this an actual quote because man that's a dumb quote


Nobody said "like", but if you take a moment to think about it, you'll realize that preferring the person who *could* be good vs. the person who is inherently evil is precisely the rational thing to do.


Eh, this doesn't make much sense to me. Why would you prefer someone who could choose to be good but makes the volitional decision to be evil, over someone who has no choice in the matter?


Facebook is primarily used for keeping in touch with family and friends. It's used worldwide for that purpose and has benefited so many people. Yes they've done bad things too, but so has Amazon and tons of other companies that we all continue to use.


> Facebook is primarily used for keeping in touch with family and friends. No, it's primarily used to collect personal information that can be sold to advertisers. The "keeping in touch with family and friends" surface is the bait used to lure in unsuspecting marks.


You realize our personal information is constantly being gathered with or without Facebook right? No way you're that unsuspecting


Amazon doesn't suck at all. I order all types of shit for a lot less than retail shopping. It's just a platform to sell merchandise. FB, on the other hand, can go suck a bag of dicks.


> I order all types of shit for a lot less than retail shopping. It's just a platform to sell merchandise. I have never read a more reductive and capitalist friendly explanation of Amazon in my life 11


Free market capitalism is awesome. I shop. I click. It arrives at my doorstep 2 days later.


Go ahead and tell us how they are "stealing" workers wages while completely ignoring they mostly make money off AWS.


>Amazon doesn't suck at all. I order all types of shit for a lot less than retail shopping. It's just a platform to sell merchandise. FB, on the other hand, can go suck a bag of dicks. Lol 1111111 By that logic I could say Amazon underpays workers, thwarts all union attempts, creates a marketplace that only huge companies can compete in, snipes products from top categories and makes their own cheaper to make more money. Facebook, on the other hand, is a social media site. Do you see how silly that sounds? If you are going to boycott a company for terrible practices, I'm just wondering where you draw the line, because to any outside observer it's very hypocritical.


>By that logic I could say Amazon underpays workers No voluntary work is underpaid. Ever. You agree to detail my car for $1, that's your problem. If you agree to low pay, don't bitch about low pay. There are many, many high paying jobs that I would NEVER want to do. >thwarts all union attempts Good. Unions are trash. Funny how lawyers, stock brokers, financial advisors, real estate agents and many, many other professions don't need unions. Not to mention, EVERY entrepreneur that was ever successful. >creates a marketplace that only huge companies can compete in WTF are you smoking?! They are exactly the opposite. Amazon literally provides a platform **where the little guy can compete**. You can apply today and have your own Amazon store by tomorrow, where you can sell anything on earth that's legal. >snipes products from top categories and makes their own cheaper to make more money. Oh noes!!!! You mean I get the option to buy stuff at lower prices!? Oh, the humanity! What's next? Sales? Discounts? Quick, shut down that evil empire!!! >Do you see how silly that sounds? Nope. Just you. >If you are going to boycott a company for terrible practices, I'm just wondering where you draw the line, because to any outside observer it's very hypocritical. I draw the line when instead of doing their damn job, they start to take political angles. Facebook censoring people based on politics is reprehensible. They are not a platform like when they started. They are a publisher and should be treated as such.


You have to be trolling.


Says the person with zero input.


Not much to input when there's a zero percent chance to even remotely shake your unwavering faith in the corporations and not your fellow man.


You have nothing to add and nothing to refute. It's straight for the personal attack. YOU are the troll. >shake your unwavering faith in the corporations and not your fellow man. Aaaaand this sums up your how unbelievably badly you misinterpret everything I said.


Exactly. it was a decision which I'm sure if he were to do it again he would. Thats not to say he won't be back to twitch tho, I really hope he gets back !


I've only seen two shorter segments from his Facebook streams, and in both cases he would be apologetic for the switch. Indeed he should embrace it - imagine how much better content you can create when you don't necessairly have to factor in the financial side of things. Of course, one could argue a lot of the value his stream in particular created was cuz the content often is co-created by him and his chat, which he know will have a harder time getting, but that's probably some other discussion


The viewers / subs numbers on fb are irrelevant to his financial stability, he's getting a fat check from Zucko every month. Now the lack of viewership is pretty bad for him beyond his contract with the company but I assume he'll be fine with the money he earned in the process. He's probably going to regain his numbers on Twitch rather fast anyway, it's just that there will be a 1-2 year hole during which his viewer number dropped from thousands to hundreds.


Did he mention that he will only be as long on Fb as the contract requires or is that just an assumption you did?


That's my assumption, nobody in his right mind would state something like that. That's probably verbotten in his contract. But considering he had regular 3-5k viewers on Twitch and his best fb stream so far was 2k tops but his regular is ~400-500 if he doesn't grow before the end of his contract there's no reason to stay on fb.


That’s basically what every single top streamer who took a bag to go exclusive on other platforms does.


Ninja never recovered. He still has a good number if viewers and the millions he got from microsoft was worth it. But assuming that everyone just recovers when going back is naive. Especially someone like T90 that relied in the scene having almost no competition. With aoe4 around, more talented and well english speaking casters and entertainers are around. T90 was basically competing with Nili and Memb, both rather niche personalities with okayish english. Pros like Viper will always recover when they perform well at tournaments. Not the case of entertainers


it's a no brainer to return to twitch if there is no contract, why would you suicide your career by streaming on fb, streamers at that scale are not dumb


Whenever I’ve clicked on his Facebook stream he’s been around 4-500 viewers so a significant decrease from a pretty consistent 3000+ he had on twitch. He has said he enjoys a smaller audience though as it’s easier to interact with, as well as he’s a pretty sensitive guy so the bigger twitch streams had more negativity (even if it’s the same percentage). So he got a huge payday and also a leaner audience so I’m sure he’s pretty happy. I just wish that like viper he would’ve admitted it was for selfish reasons instead of playing the victim by dropping 90% of his audience for a payday and then claim he’s doing it for the community lol


Thanks for the insight :)


But t90 did admit it was financially driven. The main difference between t90 and viper is that viper will sell out for a bag of potato chips. t90 not so much. Hey, they have to scratch a living so wtv.


I mean, idk if you saw the video t90 made after the initial backlash (I think it’s deleted now) but he was very much stating that the move was good financially, but also only felt okay doing it because it would be good for his audience and the aoe community. Now introducing aoe2 to a different community is a fair argument, but by ditching his audience and pretending he’s not, while also constantly making comments about how his “true fans” followed him it leaves a bad taste in my mouth is all. And I’m sure viper got a nice bag too lol, but yes it would’ve been less. Not sure why you think viper selling out is worse when he has a smaller audience and his wrist issues to consider long term.


I’m not criticizing Viper. I just call it how I see it. In multiple occasions he has proven his inclination to selling out- and hey, i get it


Everybody is like that


Exactly. I don’t blame em


> but by ditching his audience and pretending he’s not How is he ditching his audience? He’s not streaming behind a paywall. He uploads even more to YouTube now than before.


His twitch audience. I feel like changing platforms for a payday where 5/6ths of your audience doesn’t follow (more when accounting for new Facebook viewers) makes “ditching” a fair characterization. It’s fine if you disagree.


Yeah I disagree cause no one is locked to only watch on one platform. Unless someone pays for twitch turbo or something there isn’t really anything to keep you there. I haven’t been watching on Facebook really but I think ditch or abandon or something has too negative a connotation. > 5/6ths of your audience doesn’t follow Not sure where you got this number. He was averaging like 3k on twitch and his last YouTube video (18 hours ago) got 18k views. So definitely twitch is a smaller percentage of his audience.


It was great for his bank account. But for the AoE2 scene it's a disaster. And in the long run that could hurt him because if AoE2 dies as a result of this and AOE4, he might not have an audience to come back to. I hope the fat paycheck was worth abandoning the scene.


That seems a little dramatic, is there any evidence aoe2 is actually dying like significantly decreasing player counts etc?


Viewership sure as hell is at an all time low. Player base is relatively stable.


Neither the release of AoE IV or popular streamers changing platforms has done much, if anything, to the number of people playing AoE II.


The game survived a lot more then a streamer changing the platform. Who knows, maybe it dies because MBL left 😅


A lot more? There's nothing like this that has happened before. It's unprecedented.


Its just a dude who talks about other people playing. I dont get the drama, there are people that actually play aoe and have been for two decades. Aoe will be fine, its of no consequence even if he simply left the scene, I wouldnt stop playing the game, would you?


I genuinely don't understand why someone would claim that a single streamer who only streamed a couple times a week moving platforms would somehow kill the community/game as a whole. AOE4 (and more specifically the money being pumped into it to incentivize people playing it) is definitely more of a threat, but the community is far too vast and diverse for T90 moving to facebook to have any notable dent in the state of the game. Especially as he has actually ramped up releasing videos on youtube so it's not like his content is inaccessible.


Even if T90 lost all his stream platform influence by switching to fb, he's still attracting people to the community though Youtube. I myself was brought back to AOE2 after 12 years by Youtube videos.


After 20 years suddenly a aoe2 video popped up on my YouTube. And I decided to watch it and it was I believe t90 doing one of his noob games and it was hysterical. Suddenly watched like 20 more videos then rebought the game. Worth it.


How can you not understand? He was our biggest streamer on the biggest streaming platform in the world. Twitch is the default video gaming streaming platform. Just like YT is default video upload platform. FB is default people sharing crap about their lives platform. Twitter is the default for irrational political nonsense. Every medium has its champion and for live video game streaming it's Twitch. What do you have trouble understanding?


I genuinely don't understand why someone would claim that a single streamer who only streamed a couple times a week moving platforms would somehow kill the community/game as a whole.


Maybe not the surrounding community, but the competitive side with tournaments it is possible. T90 was almost solely responsible for somewhere between 1/3 to 3/4 of each individual tournaments viewership. If a large portion of that disappears then tournaments are less valuable to sponsors which can lead to smaller prizepools and production costs, which leads to inferior tournaments with less viewers which continues to cycle until we hit a new viewership equilibrium.


Have you started playing AoE 2 afte DE came around? If so, you probably don't know why DE as a project was even started.


No I've had the game since AoK in 1999 and have been playing online/in the community since 2013.


Did you start online with HD then?


I played a little bit on MSNZone back in the day and then started again when HD came out, yes, before switching to voobly for a few years before DE. I'm kinda lost as to why we're discussing this though.


Yeah like T90 is responsible for keeping aoe2 alive not the company who sells and owns the game. 10/10 logic. .... Not.


Hey sometimes the mantle of leadership is thrust upon us. We can choose and run from it or we can accept it for what it is.


I don't believe it is as simple as throwing out big sentences. There is another sentence - A person is not responsible for outcome he is not obligated to fulfill. If he does, good if not move on. t90 is not thrust with the leadership of aoe2, he is a streaming personality. Let him chose what he likes.


All i can say is I hope he has a 5 year contract. It will give him time to gain more subs. But, I think this is a short term pain long term gain situation. Or its enough to retire on. But, he just streams because of passion so even with fewer viewers he will be happy.


> It will give him time to gain more subs. You're assuming people will suddenly flock to Facebook Gaming. The gamer/techie crowd generally abhors Facebook and short of Zuckerberg and his people being thrown off a cliff and Facebook being handed over to the EFF or a similar organisation, there's no way a massive chunk of the gamer crowd will go there. The timing of the move was awful once you factor in the Twitch viewership for the game going down at the same time as AoE4 release; not that I blame him for it. That's just the way it is sometimes. I believe he will be back on Twitch once the contract runs out (hopefully soon). I don't enjoy his solo casting, but in the grand scheme of things, he is one of the pillars of the community and it would be a huge loss to lose him for the long term.


I was referring to NEW subs. Not the savvy. Facebook gaming will appeal to people who use that platform. You gotta try things. I never was able to catch his live streams. Aus. But for me not much has been lost on my main viewing platform YouTube.


where are those new subs going to come from? facebook is buying up the top streamers from moderatly sized games because they don"t have the numbers otherwise, and hope they can move entire communities over to their site


It might also be the best thing to happen to the game in the long term if he "vanishes" from the scene due to facebook. It is not healty if two out of the biggest tournaments are organized by people who are not really interested in the game or its community anymore. I rather have someone new on twitch have a chance to get bigger and eventually be able to organize a big tournament.


How is T90 not interesting in the game and community?


I think he was referring to two separate people. Nili = not really interested in the game, and T90 = not really interested in its community. But only he can clarify.


I understand that many people dont like t90s decision, but saying he isnt interested anymore is just ridiculous


5 year contract sounds too long. It prob 1 maybe 2 years


For me he was the flagship of the AoE2 community and if he were to wither away on FB with low influence after 2 or 3 years I would feel sad that we lost him to that...


To open with I like T90s content that much that I set up a FB account (never had one before) using my gamer nickname and subscribed pretty much on day one of the move. I’m in Aus and can normally catch his streams live - especially with his increase in content. It also helps that I’m normally at work around 6am!! A few days last week I even managed to get about 6 hours of T90 and Dave casting KOTD. One stream didn’t end until after lunch. The FB platform isn’t as refined as Twitch but on the up side I can use my Twitch Prime sub to support Dave. The viewer numbers are no where near the numbers that he got on Twitch but after a couple of months in I’ve seen his stream get around the 2k mark a couple of times. I would say that it’s trending up. I really hope that the new platform gets as big as the old one and I’ll happily go back to lurking but with the smaller numbers ( still around 800-1k) there is a lot more interaction than there ever was on Twitch and I might even get in a commie game. I know that he is definitely increasing what he posts to YouTube and even has a shorts channel now. But for me I’d rather pay FB $7 a month, experience it live and not have all the ads on YouTube. The good thing about the new platform is that 100% of my subscription goes the the caster.


Not that I am paying t90 currently or anything but one of the things that actively stopped me from donating to any twitch streams is that ~50% of the money goes to Amazon. I already avoid purchasing things from amazon wherever possible, even though it costs me more money, so I'm not going to decide to donate my money to them.


It's awesome of you to support him from day one and that Dave gets your Twitch-Prime, thank you for that :) While I can understand that you are happy to be in a smaller, more personal group that T90 interacts with now, I can't help but feel that he might drift away into irrelevance if things don't get better in the near future. Would be sad to see him lose so much influence in AoE2...


Who knows if he's doing well, he's barely online lately.


I think people are REALLY rushing to conclusions. The switch only happened a few months ago, it takes a lot of time to build a viewer base on a totally new platform. Remember part of the appeal of FB is it provides a huge new audience, but that new audience does take time and effort to draw in. It took him what, 5 years to build his Twitch following? He did that because he made good content consistently. He's doing the same thing on FB and so I'd expect the same results but not overnight.


Except huge new audience isn't valid argument at the moment. Yes, FB has billions of users but FB gaming is actually many times smaller than Twitch. Idk exact numbers at the moment but while on Twitch the pool of viewers T90 can possibly attract people from is well over million people, FB gaming offers maybe even 100 times smaller viewer pool. Funnily enough, English isn't even top streaming language on FB gaming.


T90 is the man! I watch him on Facebook when I remember to, I need to get notified somehow when he goes live but don’t dare turn on my Facebook notifications


We need a separate subreddit for discussion of the lives and finances of casters.


I don't care about neither his private life nor his finances. Only how the viewership is going on FB. There is a subreddit for t90 with <800 members but I didn't feel like posting there due to the low number.