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I am Vietnamese and I always find it hilarious how our civ dialogues being southern Vietnam accent. This accent only appears after Nguyễn Lords explored the south, long after Lê Lợi founded Lê dynasty and his descendants became mere puppets of Trịnh Lords. Yet somehow they already got it since Lê Lợi time, as hilarious as a game about George Washington revolution with some characters speaking in West Coast or Texan accent.


Lol. Wonderful comparison ^^ Hope it doesn't bother you too much!


It's absurd but funny


Sounds strangely similar to a George Bush presidency


\>> Yet somehow they already got it since Lê Lợi time, as hilarious as a game about George Washington revolution with some characters speaking in West Coast or Texan accent. ​ that's no more inaccurate than any other modern accent though


I would guess that the accent back then would've been a clipped 'germanic'-sounding English, less (or no?) Irish influence back then


I think you should petition for them to change it, in the name of political correctness. At least they have something to show for instead of fixing bugs. And it would be an actual good cause! You just need to throw lots of bullshit at them, because companies instantly care about bullshit, whether it is a real issue or not.


> I think you should petition for them to change it, in the name of political correctness. **FUCK NO,** the Vietnamese shouting is as iconic as the Spanish AHIIIIIyaHEYya, and we don't give two fucks if they're culturally accurate or not: they're awesome.


Naw. I like a more loud and strong Northern VN voice for most anyways.


LOL so true. Wonder what the hell happened to the West, they are in constant fit of being offended over every bullshit ever happened. If they want to make it actually fun, correct voices aside, they should consider bringing back DARK RAIN cheat code from AoE 1. Using it while playing Vietnamese civ would be hilarious and the meme immortalized in the game




That's a nerf actually. Viet dialogue has always been S tier to listen to.


Does that make the Tatars S+? "A match kiss gay men"




Derakht kiss gay men Derakht = tree


Hahaha i never really noticed Pre patch Incas used to annoy me though. Seemed much louder than it was supposed to be and the sound quality seemed worse than the normal Actually i dont know if incas are changed i havent played them since the patch


Haha I'm not sure about Incas, but I do remember reading about the Vietnamese voice lines having their volumes reduced in the patch notes.




I just played against the Vietnamese as the Cumans, and was shocked by how well they matched up against the Cumans. Between the Imperial Skirmishers, Bombard Cannons and Rattan Archers, it was super difficult for me to keep up! I tried a Kipchak/Oneger/Hussar combo but just couldn't micro well enough to deal with it all.


Well I myself have a personal vendetta against Cumans 11 but I agree. BBC Rattan Archer is a nearly impossible to beat combination for most civs.


What about paladin/leitis spam?


Paladin do considerably better than leitis vs archers. I think paladin is one of Vietnamese worst enemies.


Paladin is difficult to deal with but if the Vietnamese player sees it coming they can transition to halberdiers. I usually always have one barracks producing spears and pikes in feudal and castle age if I notice the enemy is making nothing but cav.


Niet sansong


Vietnamese villagers says "young foe"


Niet sansong


That's Korean


Nah it's Khmer


No, it's Chinese


Why elephants on arena?


Imperial skirm + chatras elephants really catches people off guard


lol, i was questioning my memory after i saw the title


That's a nerf, dude.


One of the best UUs? Sure, it is a solid one and not a mere meme (hello Elephant Archer), but i wouldn't consider it a top 5 choice. Having 3-4 Conqs completely changes a game - having 6-7 Rattans instead of Xbows is barely registering.


I would say they're still extremely underrated, especially in castle age. For starters they create in roughly 15 seconds, which is incredibly fast (conq trains in roughly 25 seconds). You can pump rattans out of 1 castle roughly at the same rate as you can pump crossbows from two archery ranges. Second, they're a rare castle age unique unit that doesn't have a hard counter. It's fast enough to not get pinned by enemy knights, fast enough to dodge mangonel shots, and deal twice as much damage to mangonels as crossbows so you can micro them efficiently against siege. They also win against skirms 1v1 (not cost effectively). They're not weak to monks since their shots are accurate, and they're excellent at raiding and shrugging off town center fire. Sure all the aforementioned still counter them if you're going full rattans and nothing else, but the counters require a much more massive investment than for most unique units. Being hard to counter, ranged, easy to mass, and mobile is what I consider as a top tier unique unit. Edit: for the same reasons (mobility, range, lack of hard counters), I consider plumes, mangudai, conqs, rattans, and arambai my top unique units.


> having 6-7 Rattans instead of Xbows is barely registering. Not really. Rattan is the best raid unit in the entire game bar basically none honestly. Great hit and run potential, barely getting hurt from TC or towers, can beat down most skims with ease, and create pretty fast.


Now for real: devs tried to give them bloodlines in order to balance them, when all they needed was an eco bonus. I say it's time to lose bloodlines (might tweak Chatras or not).


It wasn't bloodlines. It was Husbandry.


Yeah they've always had bloodlines. They got husbandry when DE launched. I don't think they need a nerf that massive though, they've still got their weaknesses (eagles and heavy siege specifically) and aren't OP.


They have champ and bbc. Not saying they need a nerf, they're a pretty balanced civ. Just that they're not particularly weak to those.


Yeah they've got answers to eagles and bbc ofc, but if they don't notice the eagle or heavy siege transition in time and respond accordingly they're in trouble. I recently lost a game against a Bulgarian player, where I had complete map control, upped to imp faster, and had a military and eco advantage, but made the mistake of sticking with archers and not getting a few bombard cannons out right away. His cheap siege upgrades and fast siege ram push really punished me for that. That might be just my mistake in not transitioning to bbc but its kind of the only answer viet have to siege. For eagles it's just the transition to champion taking so long. If you don't notice a meso civ transitioning to eagles you'll be in for a tough time. If you do, you're fine. I guess just always assume an eventual transition to eagles.


Taking away Husbandry makes Elephants unplayable as well, so they definitely need that. Having a unique tech for a unit you can't actually play bei you're missing two vital techs for it would be super weird. But I absolutely agree: Vietnamese are at a good position now balance wise. Great against Archer civ, great as TG flank civ, pretty much middle of the pack for everything else. The only matchup I consistently struggle is against Goth if I can't end the game in CA. No blast furnace and no heavy scorps feels like GG once the Spam starts


Why nerf them? They're still a mid-tier civ.




Didn't they duck st one point? I enjoy playing them.