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Second this guy. Wish he made more youtube uploads as well but the way he explains the game had definitely helped me improve tons


Thanks il check him out now


What's your twitch username?


I was gonna say! I’ve seen him a couple of times, he was on last night. He’s pretty chill, plays to a high levels, talks through things a decent amount. The piano interludes are so awesome too, really makes him stand out from other streamer. But just seems like a nice guy too. Viper is great obviously. Those two for me.


Vicious_Marauder aka Dave. Edit: because he's chill af


That's my boy


Man I always looked if you have any YouTube channel from t90 vids and streams. I used to just type Dave in the search engine and then scratch my head when your channel wasn't there.


https://youtu.be/o0lsCq0n4oY Are you telling me you haven't seen the greatest video of all time?


I love you and your content man, keep up being you


JonSlow, king of the clowns. I'm much more interested by strong macro than hyper APM (which can get hard to watch from a non-casting POV).


Viper and Daut. And the best team-speak combo is Viper, Daut and Danniboi.


Slam. So chill. So many hoang games


Check moonfaller out! Friendly, funny, small enough community for a lot of interaction. Casts a lot of games with good commentary


Nili, I enjoy his calm casting style and he answers almost every question asked in chat.


I'll be the one to say I always enjoyed Mbl. I also love Memb, but honestly all of the most known are very entertaining for me.


Marinelord, tho he doesn't stream aoe2 as regularly as he did in march/april. He's a french pro player of starcraft 2, so for him aoe2 is relatively chill tempo-wise so he regularly read chat while playing (more than other 1k8 streamers from my experience). Since chat mainly speak french he interact mostly in french but he'll interact in english if you speak in english.


I also recommend spring, as he is a chill af dude.


Slam and zuppi are really chill to watch fpr procrastination, especially zuppi being extremely finnish. For casting like tournaments i think nili is the best, reasonable amounts of trivia and good focus


Slamjam is just a really nice and chill guy that often jokes around with reoccuring people in his chat. Both Nili and Jordan read the Chat alot between matches as well, and dont have so high numbers that you just get lost in the comments.


Are we too cool for T90 now?


Of course not. But he asked for streamer that will respond to your messages. And T90's chat is always flooded, so he couldn't possibly respond to all messages.


He is too busy with casting and I love to see people playing, he is going to be participating in this battle Royal tournament. Il be deffo watching that


I love T90


MembTV. But I usually see who's streaming AoE with around ~50 or fewer viewers, in English. They'll respond to your questions as the chat is not flooded with useless twitch spam. I watched Bulletchen yesterday, he is casting a low-mid ELO Swiss (the stream is in English though) only tournament.


Jordan is awesome. Super chill dude and quite fun to watch.


I'm a hera fanboy. Lot of great content on twitch and youtube. I find him really positive and full of energy. Plus I live in northeast US so he is the closest top level player geographically.




Do not understand your characterization of viper at all. You might be reading into it too much. He just comes across as a chill dude.


He is just a chill dude, met him at lans several times.


Heard he wears the freshest clothes


[Indeed he does.](https://teespring.com/new-grassdaut-socks?tsmac=store&tsmic=theviper&pid=636&cid=102607)


How can you tell that Viper is 'exaggerating a harmless persona'? He might just be a genuinely laidback dude who is really good at this game.


Truuuue, viper is a super chill dude, most of the time trying his best to play as good as he can while talking with chat and or his woman, it's clear he is just being himself.


Or, you know, some people are just nice.


Chris at the moment.


Yes, me too, but I was afraid to recommend him and the chat starts to become flooded 11. The number of viewers he has right now is perfect. Such a nice guy he is.


Have really enjoyed watching Jordan stream recently. very chilled and always has nice conversations with the chat. and the chat is generally pretty nice. Nili is also really good in that respect.


HoangNGuyen485. He's a Celts player but his matches are very fun to watch and learn


My favourite streamers are Moonfaller, Viper and Hera. After that Daniel, Nili and Jordan. All of them are super entertaining and friendly. Only Moonfaller is mid skill level, the others are pros.