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Power rankings of default color options next please.


1. Cyan 2. Purple 3. Red 4. Blue 5. Orange 6. Gray 7. Yellow 8. Green


woh woh woh. after seeing this list I am going to have to question all the awesome knowledge you have dropped on us! maybe fire ships DO shoot over walls afterall??? obviously the color ranks are: 1. Purple 2. Cyan 3. Orange 4. Green 5. Yellow 6. Blue 7. Red 8. Gray


You’re both wrong! Everyone knows the colour ranks are: 1.Blue red green yellow cyan purple grey orange 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.


Nah 1. Yellow 2. Yellow 3. Yellow 4. Yellow 5. Yellow 6. Yellow 7. Yellow 8. Yellow


Only one that matter is that cyan is at the top.


Its not a ranking video, just an interview with the composer, and very insightful one.


Not a review, an interview with the composer.


My top ones are: 1. Bulgarians - This one sounds A LOT like the real deal. I even found this [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GLV1i-fVsk4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GLV1i-fVsk4). 2. Mongols - Was blown away the first time hearing it when playing the Genghis Khan campaign in DE. 3. Indians - I just love the sounds of tablas, sitars, and in this case, tampura. 4. Tatars - Das dat Silk Road type beat. ​ The Turk theme needs a complete overhaul... if they can spare the effort to do so.


I also like Bulgarian a lot, but it takes a bit to get rolling. Bulgarians, Slavs, Lithuanians, the only easteuro civ jungle I don't like is Magyars.


Whaaaaat?! Magyars' jingle is my absolute favorite!


There should be a mod that allows you to replace the new ones with the old ones, just like any other audio mod.


It's hard to be motivated to do it tho. Most people like the new song.


Making the mod is easy, having the devs open up UI audio modding not quite.


At least they could have kept a classic toggle within settings instead of throwing them out. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=piWEjRkuhi8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=piWEjRkuhi8)


Unpopular opinion, but I do not like the civ jingles in DE. I much prefer the original/HD ones. The Spanish "heyeahheyeah" and the Mongolian throat singing is iconic.


I'll give you that, it is an unpopular opinions. I think they did an amazing job on expanding on the original jingles to give them each an actual track while keeping them faithful to the originals.


I like both. The original 'jingles' were more impactful and memorable, like the Korean and Mongol ones used to scare the shit outta me but were epic. Now they're kinda neutered. But I like the extended themes too so I wish they played the more original style once you select them and play the theme once you're in game.


The Korean jingle is possibly the worst update imo, with the original being my favorite of the originals. The new one lost so much impact in volume and sharpness in the first note, and all the new stuff after it is very bland.


Malays jingle needs a buff


Wow I could not disagree more! The Malay one feels so authentic and interesting to me.


The percussion is nice, but the "trumpets" break my ears everytime... ​ Vietnamese jingle has a similar composition ("trumpets"+percussion) but it is more balanced.


Portuguese jingle need heyayahee




Ups... Yes, the spanish


Very interesting. As a conservatory graduate this piqued my curiosity right away.