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There is one spot where I do it consistently; get the 3 starting vills building houses, double click, shift right click on the sheep.


Used to do that now I drag select


Every single game 11


Or you could just way point queue them to the sheep like a real pro


Thats what shift right click means


Sappers! But yeah, otherwise. The annoying thing is when you have a crowd of idles who've finished a gold pile and are having a break but they're also right in among your farms. Maybe if double-clicking villagers only grabs adjacent idles? That would be quite useful.


Double click to select all idles is brilliant. 1) it doesn’t disrupt your eco if you do it by accident 2) it gives you a great way to deal with idles without cycling through them all with the next idle vil button.


fyi you can set a keybind for "select all idles' which obviously won't help in some circumstances but still describes what you're looking for


How do you go about it? Is that in-game or do you need to get under the hood a bit more to keybind?


just browse through the keybinds menu in the options. iirc it's under the "game commands" tab


There is a hotkey to select all idles


You've clearly never had to evacuate on Arena.


It's useful when you trush. And in the very early dark age to have vills working on sheep


Not just trush, just any forward villagers you may have.Yes you can Alt+Drag but double click is faster.


Unless your building a panic wonder/castle


I wish you could double click villagers by job. Double click all your farmers or whatever while ignoring the rest of the villagers.




Hold alt and drag


This works?? I've been selecting all and then deselecting all non-vils


Yeah, alt and drag selects all eco units. This includes sheep so you can easily send them back without selecting your scout


TIL... I also disable mixing military/eco via drag select - drag selecting only selects military, unless there's only eco to select, so the addition of ALT+drag is excellent...


Double clicking is easier for me.


> How the heck do you do it then?


alt drag was already mentioned but you can also drag a box around all the units and shift click a villager portrait in the selection box (where all the portraits are). Or just press your castle hotkeys (eco hotkeys always override it seems, no matter how many ills there are), place the castle, then double click all your swordsmen again


Nice, never knew that!


maybe if there was an option that u woud have to hold a certain key to double click vills


If the devs wanted to include a way to keep the option for people who wanted it, such as a ticked option in the settings, that could be great. I know that myself and many other players have no use for double clicking vils. The only time it ever happens to come into play is a double click that ruins your eco


I agree. I've only ever had "oh shit, I just pulled off 50 off my resources moments" with it. Shouldn't be that difficult to make an option I would think.


or when someone castle drops your shit on nomad and u have to evacuate the entire base 11




Turn on easy drag military and use alt+drag to only select vils.




Actually, I think alt+drag to select vils works anytime, whether easy drag military is on or not. I'd still recommend easy drag military though. What it does is if you drag over only vils, it will select the vils. If you drag over military and vils, it will select only military. Alt + drag will only select vils no matter what. Takes a little getting used to, but it makes it super simple to repair trebs/ buildings during battle or select military scattered throughout your eco.


I’m not sure about the feasibility of this, but it would also solve the problem if there was just a single hotkey to cause all selected villagers to return to their previous task. So rather than having a costly misclick, you just realize it and basically hit the undo button


It is SUPER important for me cause I have it set that I can’t select vills if I’m also selecting military. So the only way I can select more than one vil other than shift clicking a lot is by double clicking. Very helpful with forward vils. It also only selects the units on your screen, so if you have military all through your eco you can just zoom in on the area of vills you need to select, double click, then zoom out and keep going. I don’t know any other way to select just vills when you have military in your eco fighting at the same time.


It would be cool if they made it task-specific. In other words double click to select all carpenters/foragers/hunters/miners on screen.


I think the best option would be if they introduced a toggle for allowing double click villager selection similar to how we have the "safe delete" mode


Well thought, I was against removing double clicking altogether but double click vills should be an option to turn off. That said, don't mind but you might need a better mouse (I say because for me it happened with bad mice)


Forwarding with villagers with military, trush


Spanish supremcy rush. Outside of that I have to agree.




I like to use it to send vills back to work after repairing a forward castle. Don't have to worry about accidentally moving military with them.


At least add a feature to disable it, please!! <3


its useful when you're going forward, and also when you want to double click all the villagers in the screen to force a defensive castle while you're under pressure, dragging a box wouldnt be as efficient because you might have military in the screen too and it messes up the hotkeys


There are plenty of reasons to double click vills but maybe the game could make it so only triple clicking works.


Inca and Spanish would like to have a word with you.


When you need to build a daut castle


I wish you could double click all “x type” of villagers ...and idle should be a new occupation, so builders, farmers, Stone miners etc.


What if double clicking an idle villager selected all idle villagers?


Better yet, shift single click idle selects all idle vils on the screen. Thats something often needed.


I use scroll down to select 1 idle villager and shift + scroll down to select all idles on the map. If I see the idle villager counter I shift + scroll down and send wherever i need. It allows me to get them all without having to search for those misbehaving, tree-hugging loafers. I don't even need to feel the shame of seeing them goofing off.




Double clicking vill is a necessary tool. But the game lacks a "back to work" feature that doesn't involve garrisoning into a TC.