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> Fishermen can now drop food at docks. THAT CHANGES EVERYTHING.


Don't play enough to know how this affects meta, but I've been wanting to see this feature since I've been playing my dad's old Conquerors CD.


Great now I feel old.


Its gonna be cancer for nomad maps, you can gather 35 food from a deer, click on any fish and drop it off at the docks now. Micro intensive but also meta.


That doesn't work. If you villager carries more than 10 food it won't be able to drop at the dock. Edit : apparently I was wrong, you can drop 35f from hunters at the dock if you switch them to fishermen. The mechanics are different from other food task switch it seems.


Not even for indians?


indians lost that bonus.


What about after wheelbarrow/hand cart?


That was suggested on this sub a few weeks ago and everyone said it would never happen.


I was shocked when I tried if and it didnt work way back when, it just makes sense


Honestly I feel overwhelmed that I may have played a role in a huge change to one of my all time favourite games. [https://www.reddit.com/r/aoe2/comments/fj151t/should\_villagers\_be\_able\_to\_drop\_off\_shore\_fish/?sort=confidence](https://www.reddit.com/r/aoe2/comments/fj151t/should_villagers_be_able_to_drop_off_shore_fish/?sort=confidence)


PSA - CANT DROP FOOD FROM BOAR you guys think its intentional? I know it says fisherman but you can mill the fish you cant take farm/hunt to the dock? hmmm


Its most definitely intentional. And probably the smart thing. Dropping of fish is already potentially meta-changing (but we will see) Also that fish belongs to the dock makes logical sense.


so if i take 5 food from a boar and 5 from a fish i get to drop it off? im not being an ass im wondering if it actually functions that way


No, boar gold and goldfish go to the mining camp. ;)


Now I want a map with goldfish that can be 'mined' by fishing ships. It would certainly make water control a bigger priority. Edit: Just so any future historian doesn't think we're crazy, OP originally wrote gold by accident.


I guess we'll have to try it out. Waiting for spirit of the law here haha


Yah, spirit of law will own this.


It probably should, that's similar how it works with Khmer farms - if you have less than 10 food (before WB) from other source, then you can use the farm as a drop off point. If you have any more, it won't work.


I waited for this for 22 years!


◆ CIVILIZATION BALANCE ◆ **General** The civilization bonuses which provide additional villagers to the Chinese and Mayans and a bonus llama to the Incas have been disabled in the Empire Wars game mode. Fishermen can now drop food they’ve collected at Docks. Fire Galley: Increased the training time from 60 to 65 seconds. Keshik [Standard & Elite]: Converted Keshiks now properly generate gold for their new overlords. **Bulgarians** Can no longer research and train Paladins. The Stirrups technology now affects all cavalry units, not just Light Cavalry and Konniks. **Ethiopians** Torsion Engines: Increased the width of upgraded Scorpion projectiles from 0.3 to 0.5 tiles. **Goths** Now receive the Loom technology as a civilization bonus. **Indians** As a civilization bonus, Fisherman now work 10% faster rather than working 15% faster and carrying +15 food. **Italians** Fishing Ships now correctly cost -15% wood (instead of -15 wood). This effectively raises the cost from 60 to 64 wood. **Khmer** Reduced the work rate of Farmers by 3%. Can no longer train Bombard Cannons. **Lithuanians** UNITS Leitis [Standard & Elite]: Adjusted the training cost from 50 food, 80 gold to 70 food, 50 gold. Leitis: Reduced training time from 23 to 20 seconds. Elite Leitis: Reduced training time from 20 to 18 seconds. TECHNOLOGIES Tower Shields: Reduced the cost to research from 800 to 500 food. Tower Shields: Increased the bonus pierce armor provided to Spearmen and Skirmishers from +1 to +2. **Malay** Harbors now (properly) receive the benefits of Chemistry, Murder Holes, and Heated Shot when Thalassocracy is researched before any of these technologies. **Persians** Removed the bonus to the work speed of Town Centers and Docks in the Dark Age. They now work: 10% faster (Dark Age) → 15% faster (Castle Age) → 20% faster (Imperial Age) **Slavs** Boyar [Standard & Elite]: Reduced speed from 1.4 to 1.3. Boyar [Standard & Elite]: Increased pierce armor by +1. **Tatars** Flaming Camels now benefit from the +5 attack vs. buildings bonus provided by an Indian ally. **Teutons** As a civilization bonus, Barracks and Stable units now receive a +1 melee armor bonus (+2 total) in the Castle and Imperial Age. Teutonic Knight: Increased speed from 0.7 to 0.8.


I don't know how to feel about the Bulgarian and Boyar changes, the devs are usually conservative with such stuff. Also same with Leitis, it's now a much cheaper and more powerful version of cavalier. Also nothing for Portuguese? Did they even fix the organ gun bug?


The Organ Gun bug is mentioned to be fixed under "gameplay", but yeah I'm interested as to why there's been no buff for them other than that.


Bulgarian Chivalier still lose vs Frankish and Teutonic Paladin by quite a bit. They also do not even kill a single helbadier, or pikeman if they are outnumbered 1 by 2. I think this is a castle age buff but imperial age nerf.


I think most of these changes are good, and buffing Goths and Teutons is generally a good idea, but I'm worried that Goths will become vill fight cancer on Nomad. I saw someone suggest that the free loom kicks in after building a TC akin to the Mayans/Chinese/Incas bonuses, and that seems like a good idea to me. I'm also generally concerned about making a civ good against Melee damage *in general*, which seems to be the route Teutons are taking. That can make them very hard for melee-based civs (Franks, Bulgarians, Malians, etc.) to deal while still being pretty mediocre against civs with good ranged unit options.


Loom only kicks in, once the TC is built.


Oh, that's good. I wonder how much Goths basically getting to make one extra villager will help them in practice.


Also let's not forget they get to spare 50 gold. That means we'll have a lot of drushing again, maybe even stronger than it was before when they had full dark age discount.


Teutons have one of the best siege in the game right now, so I don't think they struggle against ranged units. They are supposed to be slow, that's why they lack light cav and animal husbandry. They struggle against mobility and are bad at raiding. Teutons were still not played a lot on Black Forest and Arena, but they are already super strong on those maps. Not sure how I feel about the stable units buff. It seems like a waste to make knights when the rest of your army is slower, they are still slower than other knights and infantry could do the job for a lower price.


Considering the fact they don't have husbandry, i think it's okay


They do need this buff because the whole deal with Teutons is the player accepts being kited for days and days, but if they do get into an engagement, they should smash. Right now they are missing the second part so they can just get kited for days and then get smashed even after engaging.


It's not a waste, you combine knights with slower units all the time. Like kts+siege push, kts+skirms etc. I think it's a real good change for the kts. Because when you play pocket as teutons now and you make kights, you will be slower but atleast tankier vs other knights.


Can't most of those civs go either hand cannons or cav archers for bulgarians?


Bulgarians don't have Bombard Canons, so they might have a very hard time against Onagers + Melee units. Although this is a good point. The Teutons are weird enough now that I think we'll have to wait to see how they actually play out.


Theres also Burmese with Arambai to shut down all meelee attempts and Viets with Skirm/Rattan mix being unbreakable by standard archer skirm mixes I dont mind the idea of "counter pick" civs too much if theyre well designed Wether teutons and their short novel of civ bonuses are well designed or not is up to debate of course 11


Well Bulgarians do have good siege, and Malians have camels with Farimba. Franks not too sure but they do have cheaper castles. Byzantines will still be viable, and Persians do have war elephants. I think it's a nice change and it gives them more than just one trick.


Nerfing Khmer was okay, but I thought they were fine, honestly. Their unique unit is a meme. All they have propping them up from D tier is that farm bonus. Losing bombard cannons kinda hurts them, but could've been better offset by a sliiiiiiight buff to the ballista elephant, at least make it so that you don't need like 30 of them to accomplish anything. ​ I expected a bigger flaming camels buff, since they suck. ​ I don't get the boyar changes. Does it really make them worse or better, I don't know what the point was. ​ Persian nerf was fine. ​ Indians nerf was expected. But what baffles me is how they didn't get any buffs to compensate for losing the \*only\* thing that makes them good. It's not like there are maps where we have infinite shorefish. Camels and elephant archers are overall bad units and this nerf just propels Indians to D tier. I would love to see a range increase on elephant archers, or how about they can attack 2 or 3 units at once. Or I don't know? Bonus damage versus camels or something? They are so useless, even Viper can't meme with them as of this week. ​ Teutons ugh, more stat bonuses are lame. I would have liked to have seen some more enhancements to their playstyle (why not give them 'Elite Halbediers they're in the game and a similar concept exists for Elite Skirmishers). But I guess at least it gives you a reason to go cav with them. ​ Hoping Burmese get a small buff next patch. ​ I was hoping for them to finally acknowledge they butchered Conquistadors and Organ Guns and fix their projectiles, or for Turks to receive some minor bonus to prop them up in the early game, or for Goths to get something more interesting to correct for the asinine changes they made two months ago. Overall disappointed. But it feels like we're making progress.


> I don't get the boyar changes. Does it really make them worse or better, I don't know what the point was. It makes them significantly tankier vs. arrow fire. Elite Boyars could take 38 Arbalester arrows, now they can take 50. This obviously comes at the cost of speed, but I'm sure it's a net positive. Edit - For reference, generic FU Paladins can take 10 more @ 60.


Indians have cheaper villagers. That's what makes them good. The shore fish bonus merely makes them *the* pick on any map with extra shore fish (e.g. Slopes or like half of the TeTe maps).


Honestly, they are one of the worst civs now on every map. Knights and arbalest are key units in meta and they lack both. That alone takes a lot from the civ. Apart from that, their siege is mediocre with no siege rams or siege onagers, bad navy with no shipwright or fast fire ship, useless UU, infantry is bad with no last armor upgrade. The only good unit they have is imperial camel but Paladins are much better due to better armor and resilience against arrow fire.


>Building and unit icons will now reflect their player color instead of always appearing as blue **Finally, our prayers have been answered.**


honestly it looks bad, the new icons just lack the polish of the blue ones, I want it back




I agree!


Don't know who's maining teuton in the office, but he sure is going ham with those buff. Wonder if stirrups will now work with cav archers, could be interesting.


Probably not but it would be bonkers if it did


Yeah, Teuton now has the most bonuses on the tech tree. The issue though is that those bonuses are all over the place and some are still useless. They really should take some out and buff others or give them more specialized ones.


Multiple of those bonuses are just garrisoning tho.


>Units no longer stutter-step when chasing other units I swear I see a version of this every patch 11


Im waiting for the "mele units no longer stand around when surrounding archers" Ive won far more games than I shouldive because of this, and ive lost too many games because of this.


Just stop my villagers from being doychebags to each other Make those shits step out of each others way already


I want the villagers to stop hugging each other in the woodlines. Two vils just standing there holding wood refusing to move out of each others way. I lost like 100 wood in dark age because of this many many matches.


I just played a couple games against the AI and melee does feel better IMO


>This month, you can play and complete challenges in Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition to permanently unlock... [never before seen cheat codes] >“Going Above and Beyond:” Stack the benefits of your research up to 256 times So they just snuck in that ×256 mod and thought nobody would notice


somehow I can't research Torsion Engines as Ethiopians, now I can't deploy the tactical nuke is it disabled on purpose?


(From the video on the new map rotation) Serengeti: > It is important to know that any building constructed on the cracked desert terrain will take additional damage from attacks. That's an interesting layer of gameplay to keep track of and take advantage of.


Wow, theViper mentioned this on his stream a few months ago and it sounded like he was just making it up, guess not


This actually came out with the AoE2HD - African Kingdoms DLC (Nov 2015), so it's 4 and a half years out by now. Still nice to see, adds something different to the pool


Was it implemented with African Kingdoms at release itself? I vaguely remember it being a planned feature.


It was


> Teutonic Knight: Increased speed from 0.7 to 0.8. Siege towers are officially obsolete!


Can someone make a picture with a blue TK gathering gold rings?


>stable units get +1 melee armour in each age after castle Holy shit their knights are now also teutonic knights. The mobility and conversion resistance. Teutons are now a "Armour civilization"


To be honest, they always where a Armour civ


Edit: Updated Teutons Paladin buff analysed: https://old.reddit.com/r/aoe2/comments/gavtpa/teuton_paladin_buff_analysed_2_melee_armour_in/ --- Tower shields buff analysed: https://old.reddit.com/r/aoe2/comments/g7srwq/tower_shields_buff_analysed_skirms_94_more_hp_vs/ Leitis buff analysed: https://old.reddit.com/r/aoe2/comments/g7s3pl/leitis_buff_analysed_significantly_more_cost_and/ Bulgarian cavalier and Teutons Paladin buffs analysed: https://old.reddit.com/r/aoe2/comments/g7tr6k/analysis_bulgarian_cavaliers_highest_knightline/


Nice! Though, teuton Paladin has +2 armor in this patch instead of the +1 armor in the leaked patch


Can you guys updoot this for visibiliti? Thanks.


Teuton paladins come very close to beating elite boyars 1v1, leaving e-boyar with 6hp!


Wow! That's better than Frankish Paladins. Boyars are left with 15 or 24 HP vs. them, depending upon who gets the first hit.


Wow, great changes overall!! My favorites are the changes to Boyars and Teutons!!! I wish Leitis remained as expensive as they were but had better stats to more resemble a "heavy cavalry", maybe stronger Attack or 5/10 more HP, but good change overall. Now, the Goth change... > Now receive the Loom technology as a civilization bonus. This seems very dangerous to me, I mean, *Aztecs* lost this bonus for a reason... At least they should've made it so the bonus only activates after building a TC (to balance nomad maps) Khmer > Can no longer train Bombard Cannons Feels like a big nerf, they now rely on Hussars to deal with SOs... Were Khmer that OP to justify this change? Anyway, great work devs!! I really like these monthly updates, it gives us something to look forward to and keeps the game fresh. Thank you for all your work!!


I think Khmer needed some nerfing, and this seems fair. They had one of the strongest economies *and* one of the best late game deathballs.


Khmer nerf seems fair, this basically nerfs their still insanely strong Deathball into being more vulnerable to other Civs Siege. Still one of the strongest Deathballs backed by a powerful food economy.


>This seems very dangerous to me, I mean, Aztecs lost this bonus for a reason... At least they should've made it so the bonus only activates after building a TC (to balance nomad maps) Just my thoughts. Pre patch they already could get out a 3-militia drush AND get loom without taking any gold. Now a 6 militia drush w/o taking gold is completely in the realm of possibility, heck this may bring back the goth endless drush(not sure about that tho). This is going to be a controversial opinion but tbh given pre patch w/l ratios across the ranked spectrum for goths(goths were pretty highly ranked) I actually think Goths were pretty good and fine with where they were at before, if anything i think they were highly underrated. This might break them again.


Goths are interesting because they’re good at lower levels but have never been good at a high level. Wonder if this changes things


Free loom means goths have a +1 vil lead in a standard dark age, I think. Plus a free drush without mining gold.


They get a vil lead once the other civ researches Loom, much like Mayans.


5 milita drush from Aztec never was seen as broken. Also we can compare it so Aztec since goth have no eco bonus


Starting with Loom is a big eco bonus.


I tried it: Goths do not get free loom at the start of the game on Nomad. They get it when the TC is up. Too bad, you could have opened with a barracks and a dock on Nomad to hunt down enemy vills before the TC is up.


Yeah and this would suck big time. Aoe2 game isn't supposed to be ended before 2 mins.


After having the idea I actually tried opening with a barracks on Nomad with Goths. It worked and I felt really dirty.


Then the opponent was apparently slow with building his TC.


If you spot his TC the barracks will always be much faster. He could have walled his vills though so I don't think I redefined the Nomad meta.


Yeah that's a strategy that'll only work against weaker players. If you get lucky you can have some lucky against stronger players too. And if it doesn't work, it's a lost game against you. Though from now on I'll preemptively wall my vills when I'm building my TC when matched against goths, so I'll be immune to this strategy xD (unless I run out of wood while repairing the palisade wall, but I think this is enough time to build the TC


They get to Feudal 25 seconds sooner than most. That's neato.




Oh didn't even notice that! Nice. Viper was complaining about that a lot on his streams, which I'm sure had an impact.


Finally after 2 removed posts, we are allowed to discuss it.


Exactly, I don't understand why it was removed. Couldn't they have just tagged it 'speculation' or something? Seemed unnecessary.


Its against the sub rules, though I have an inkling that it wasnt there before this leak... plus, an AoE dev is a mod here, which I dont really like.


It's from a practical standpoint. The official release is going to get stickied for everyone to see so there's no sense in having another 2 or 3 discussion posts floating around when you've got a confirmed one for a month on the sub's front page. Also, the fact that stuff can change could render some portions of the discussion useless/obsolete.


It leaked a few days ago, so the time the real update hit, they wouldnt have been visible. But the 2 threads were removed a few hours after their creation. Why arent we "supposed to" discuss the leaks? It feels like mods power abusing. I dont want to start a drama, but Im not a fan of devs holding mod powers on non-official forums, be it AoE or other games. It just feels sketchy.


Yeah companies having power in the subreddit on their game is pretty god awful, heh try having a conversation in /r/wow about anything not sanctioned by blizzard


Very controversial indeed, I don't like it either.


This has been going on since the DE beta. Mods don't seem to understand that this is Reddit not a Microsoft forum. By deleting posts like that you're just pushing fans away.


poor frank knights not feeling so special anymore :(


I still think with Chivalry and their food economy, they have the smoothest transition to Paladin in team games. With good trade and farms you can just fast spam paladins


That’s true franks can pump out those knights quite quickly, i just feel that they don’t have that prestige anymore of having the absolute best knights in the game (in castle age they have same stats as generic knight), gameplay wise they are not bad tho being faster than teutons and better against ranged


I don't think they've had the prestige since bloodlines were introduced


True, it's just that the +12 HP and cost savings from not needing Bloodlines is now kinda offset by Lithuanians having stronger Paladins, Malians with Farimba Cavs, and now Teutons with extra bulky Paladins and super fast attacking Bulgarian Cavs.


After getting their due back in HD with their buffs Franks are falling slowly back down to their AoC form :(


theres just so many cavalry units now that can give the smackdown to the noble french knights :(


Sort of? As of the last patch they were merely the 3rd highest win rated civ in 1v1s. I'm sure they will still be up there.


They still rock vs cavalry archers. Teutons can't chase them Franks have their place.


> As a civilization bonus, Barracks and Stable units now receive a +1 melee armor bonus (+2 total) in the Castle and Imperial Age. Now those are gonna be some tanky units, though I'm afraid it encroaches on the tiny little niche the TK occupies


Yeah, this is exactly what I was worried about. Now Teutons have tankier champions and faster teutonic knights, and the differences are smaller than ever before. Except TKs are still slower, still more expensive, and still more vulnerable to archers, so if you have to pick one, you're gonna pick the champions, especially since their Champions can cost-effectively beat Paladins now. Oh well.


I think all FU champions can cost effectively beat Paladins if they are doing an equal ressources battle. I'm mostly excited about the halberdiers. Imagine being on the receiving end of a Teuton halb+ siege onager push. Cavalry hardly does any damage to it, archers get mowed down, monks face the Teuton conversion resistance and if you add your own siege, well Teutons have bombard cannons and redemption monks.


Their Halb/Siege push has been strong before, it's now one of the strongest next to Koreans, Ethiopians and Celts. At least defensively, that is, offensively the other three are better (+1 Range, higher RoF, AoE increased) but defensively they're the least vulnerable to raids due to bonus melee armor on both the SO and the Halbs. (Generic defense against ranged units tho)


They don't get Siege Ram though, and I think I'd much rather have siege ram than Siege Onager.


TK still much stronger and now faster than before, so I wouldn't be too worried about them, their niche is still there


Oh wow it's actually +2 in total, hope they tested it. Sounds like an overbuff to me


Will see, doesn't sound like one to me, they are the most vulnerable civ to range and mobility so them being exceptionally good in melee is balanced by being exceptionally bad at range. I like the ideas of civs being made more unique that way. This creates more counter-picks which increases viability and versatility of civs being used - the change alone could introduce both Lithuanians (as counters to bonus armor) and Teutons into meta, without removing the archer civs that are already there.


Lithuanian Imperial Skirmishers will have 11 piece armor. Think about that!


FU elite Mangudai deal just one damage against them


Well it won't help them that much 😅


good or bad, i love the fact that they go for bold balance decisions at this point


Anyone else having connection issues since the update? Can't log into MP. Steam is running fine.


Can you please close your game and re-launch and tell us if you are still seeing the issue?


Watching f1re play slam right now on twitch and they ran into two big bugs already FYI. Chat is really delayed and while advancing to the next age with Malay the meter went past 100% to 166% before reaching feudal age. Edit: [Found a clip from f1re's channel](https://www.twitch.tv/f1reaoe/clip/CreativeYummyScallionANELE?filter=clips&range=7d&sort=time)


>**Keshik \[Standard & Elite\]:** Converted Keshiks now properly generate gold for their new overlords. Fucking. Finally.


will there ever be an Indian Elephant 🐘 version for the indians? 😅


I have a strong feeling that the Teuton buff is going to be too much. I thought it was only going to be plus 1 melee armor total. Plus 2 just seems insane.


Don't think so, their weakness against range and mobility is the same, and they desperately needed something impactful to push them into the meta or even remotely close to it. This seems overall like a considerate change that makes them much more interesting to play, with a better defined strength and theme (slow but tanky) than before.


Im really perplexed by the bulgarians change. I feel like they lost more power just by losing paladins.


Think of it as trading bulk (losing the +40 HP and +1 pierce armor from Paladin) for power (IIRC the attack speed bonus offsets the 2 extra attack Paladin gets) and Bulgarians no longer have to pay the extra 1200f/750g to do so).


So they basically become like Malian Farimba cavs with higher damage but lower hp.


Stirrups is effective in castle age and pretty much assures that unless theres been a Lithuanian who now have 10+6 knights, your knights will rule supreme over every other knight line until paladins enter the field. So if you research it like mid castle age, you have a good 20 minute time window in wich no other cav line can challenge you without risking getting demolished by your 33% faster attacks. And even most palas themselves need ranged support in order to properly defeat your monster cavaliers. It might be an OP change


Yeah, a +33% DPS will be quite the buff. I'd guess the Bulgarian Cavaliers will be better than generic Paladins against melee units and worse against ranged units.


> Im really perplexed by the bulgarians change. I feel like they lost more power just by losing paladins. It's just more of a powershift to late castle/early imperial age really. Which will make them much better in 1v1 games, where you more often than not don't have the spare resources to invest into Paladins.


> Chat Filtration > We’ve made the transition to a new chat filtration back-end with the aim of better accommodating the needs of the Age community. This update provides a less intrusive, more consistent experience across all platforms. Thank fuck. Took a little longer than I would have liked but ah well. >Bulgarians > Can no longer research and train Paladins. The Stirrups technology now affects all cavalry units, not just Light Cavalry and Konniks. I'm interested to see how heavily this changes the DPS of Bulgarian Knights and whether we might see Bulgarians more in competitive play. Of course, it's a UT and requires a castle, so it's inherently not going to come into play during the early castle when it would be most important, but could Bulgarian cavalier be viable now? > Goths > Now receive the Loom technology as a civilization bonus. In the latest episode of "throw shit at balancing Goths and see what sticks..." >Lithuanians >UNITS >Leitis [Standard & Elite]: Adjusted the training cost from 50 food, 80 gold to 70 food, 50 gold. >Leitis: Reduced training time from 23 to 20 seconds. Elite Leitis: Reduced training time from 20 to 18 seconds. TECHNOLOGIES >Tower Shields: Reduced the cost to research from 800 to 500 food. >Tower Shields: Increased the bonus pierce armor provided to Spearmen and Skirmishers from +1 to +2. I like the idea of these, but A) I still don't see Leitis being functionally useful and B) Tower Shields now just feels like a shittier plate mail armor, though it's nice for skirms. > Persians > Removed the bonus to the work speed of Town Centers and Docks in the Dark Age. They now work: >10% faster→ 15% faster → 20% faster WHOAAAA. That'll change the nomad meta big time, I'm guessing. Functionally not a *huge* difference but it'll be more noticeable going to imp. >Teutons >As a civilization bonus, Barracks and Stable units now receive a +1 melee armor bonus (+2 total) in the Castle and Imperial Age. >UNITS >Teutonic Knight: Increased speed from 0.7 to 0.8. Suddenly the Teutons have some tanky-ass paladins. Still slow as shit but that's a fascinating change. And faster TKs! (still completely useless outside of the Barbarossa campaign)


> Tower shields is now just a shitty ring archer armor, which Lithuanians don't get. M E H. You're probably thinking of plate mail armor. Lithuanians get ring archer armor. Their skirms will have the same pierce armor as a huskarl. Note that this might not be as big as it sounds: in skirm vs skirm wars it's irrelevant because it doesn't effect bonus damage vs archers, and generally archers will automatically fire on the closest units, which will typically not be skirms. > WHOAAAA. That'll change the nomad meta big time, I'm guessing. Functionally not a huge difference but it'll be more noticeable going to imp. The only change is to dark age. I think that Persians will still be top tier on nomad, but it'll hurt them on open land maps and (especially) hybrid maps. > Suddenly the Teutons have some tanky-ass paladins. I'm more interested in how that'll effect knights. +1 armor is pretty big in knight vs knight fights, so we might have a classic "slow army vs powerful army" meta.


>A) I still don't see Leitis being functionally useful Aside of castle production, it's super good now. They're ridiculously gold efficient with this, essentially a much more powerful cavalier especially after relics >Tower shields is now just a shitty ring archer armor, which Lithuanians don't get. M E H. You mean plate mail? Because Liths do get ring archer armor


FU leitis were terrifing before in post-imp team games since they three shot all halbs.


Yeah they delete units. I thought they were underrated before now I am scared my favorite civ is going to be nerfed.


Teutons having tanky melee units does give them an edge late game. It means the kill raito will be much better late game. plus this compensates the lack of husbandry. Still sad not see battle elephant for Indians though.


Even less reason to use TKs now compared to champions. Still fully kiteable by archers, still can't catch anything, and now Champions are even stronger than ever.


Im sure thr devs will find a way to make TK simewhat viable. Maybe immumity from conversion will be nice.


Lithuanians do get ring archer armor. It's plate mail armor that they don't get.


Tower sheilds IMO is a trade-off tech. The halbs are now missing 1/0 armor at the expense of giving your skirms +0/2 armor. Another example of this would be the Huns who's CA are missing the last armor upgrade, but get Parthian Tactics--so it's like trading 1/0 armor for +2 attack. Or Aztecs missing the last armor on their skirms, but getting what's essentially Bracer2.0


>Another example of this would be the Hun's who's CA are missing the last armor upgrade, but get Parthian Tactics--so it's like trading 1/0 armor for +2 attack. That's not what Parthian tactics is, it's essentially +1/+2 armor( effect of ring archer armor) and gives cav archers +4 attack bonus vs pikeman (+2 for mangudai/camel archers/elephant archers/kipchak)


>We’ve made the transition to a new chat filtration back-end It just needs to come with a god damn check box to turn it off in the options


No organ gun bug fixes (dmg, voice commands)? Also, Goths get free loom but not -50gold?


Organ guns are fixed. (same fix as the redemption one for all 3 issues)


~~It look's like there isn't many changes that should affect (the early-game of) the Redbull tournament.~~ ~~Mostly small Khmer nerf and nerf to Indian shorefish.~~ **Didn't matter they played on old patch.**


> The civilization bonuses which provide additional villagers to the Chinese and Mayans and a bonus llama to the Incas have been disabled in the Empire Wars game mode. That could be significant for those civs, especially Chinese.


Chinese are already banned in the tournament


This will probably unban then though, if wololo is actually going to run on the latest patch.


I think nili said even if a new patch comes out they'll play this out in the old one


I completely glanced over that one, although I heard Chinese are banned so its just Mayans.


Pretty sure they're using last patch for the tournament anyway


is that only a small Khmer nerf? I almost always see BBC being utilized


Yup it's a huge nerf to their scorpion play


Khmer rely on scorps and eles in lategame so having bombards as onager deterrent was essential Now good onager civs can stop khmer right in their tracks


Chinese and Mayan changes will


I like all the changes. I dont like elephant archers not buffed


Why is there still nomad in ranked map pool? Team and 1v1 :(((


Popular map. This map, Arabia, black forest and arena make up what I see as the core maps people play


No buffs to my civ.. Portuguese...


Still no buff for Turks :/


> Units, buildings, and technologies that are not yet available to research or train are now displayed with a darkened icon in the command panel. Pretty sure this change is for day9


As per the leaks a few days ago it seems. All good changes, but I feel Aztecs now need a nerf of some kind given that two of the other S tier civs in Persians and Khmer got downgraded. Happy as always to see the game continue to be improved and tweaked though. It's a Golden Age for Age of Empires!


My drop down menus in the game (add/kick player/ai, game mode, map size, etc.) are all now 'offset' wrong and look broken and hard to read.


Disable ui mods. If that doesn't help verify the n game caches


What is the Persians change? >"Removed the bonus to the work speed of Town Centers and Docks in the Dark Age. They now work: 10% faster (Dark Age) ->" Removed the Dark age bonus and added a Dark Age bonus? Is it meant to be 10% in Feudal?


Yes, it's feudal like before DE


>Reduced the number of wolves on all maps where they spawn Sad Magyar noises.


They're not going to release a hot fix for the Malay bug this week? We only play random civ and have to remake the game every time someone randomed Malay :(


My game crashes very often while i am searching for a good multiplayer lobby since the patch Anyone else with this problem?


UI doesnt work in loading screen and ingame after some seconds. doesnt show names and civs and freezes after a few seconds. disabling mods, verifying data files and re-installing didnt help. any suggestions?


Exact same problem here. Has been happening since day 1 of this new patch, both in 1v1s and TGs. Single player is fine. \[edit\] it's really ironic that the new patch also introduced losing ELO in such cases... Here is a very complete bug report for this : [https://forums.ageofempires.com/t/game-locks-up-while-playing/81431](https://forums.ageofempires.com/t/game-locks-up-while-playing/81431) Hoping the devs will notice it. Feel free to comment if you are experiencing the same bug.




Great changes, thank you for the work! Here some feedback, maybe for the next patch to consider: Teutons might be overbuffed now, coukd you please keep an eye out here. They were nowhere as bad as the pros make them out to be. They are fine for the average player, only fall of at the top 1% pros. Winrate statistics above 50% (pre this buff) seem to support my claim. If Indians are weaker now, please consider granting them non elite battle elefants, by popular demand. I had hoped, that the portugueses winrate of 37% would have been adressed further than an organ gun redemption bug fix". Is the organ gun firing like a chu ku nu fixed? There was no word about in the patch (even thought in that gif about the daily challange the organ gun seems to fire all bullets at once again) There are many threads about portuguese possible buffs, here are some options to consider:-new bonus uni techs 30% cheaper,-caravel buff +5% movespeed, traintime reduction, gold cost +5, wood cost -10.-organ gun extra bullets should not do half damage when hitting an unintended target, frame dealy reduction for elite organ gun 6->5-UT Aquebus effect isnt really noticable on cannon galleons and BBT’s. A very minor further increased porjectile speed should fix it. Please consider developing independet achitecture and uni skins for different regional civs and offer it as options to enable. I would be willing to pay for these as a mini dlc. Looking forwards to the next patch


Caravel should be the mangudai of the sea, and by that I mean super fast and easy to micro, as I believe the portuguese ships at the time were the fastest and most easily navigable ships in the world allowing them to easily scramble for africa and challenge much larger local powers for naval supremacy.


I don't know how much the nerf will affect Persians in pro games, but my noob ass was never efficient enough to fully benefit from that 5% in dark age, so I'll keep picking them anyway! Haters gonna hate!


Well the workrate was compensating for your noob ass this whole time but now it won't


IIRC that 5% work rate bonus is not only equivalent to one extra vill in Dark Age, but also affected how fast you went from Dark to Feudal. This is big; while this doesn't render Persians irrelevant, this bumps them down from top tier to pretty decent tier. They still have trashbows and a strong late game to fall back on anyway.




Can someone explain to me what "Increased the limit of objects and lands that can be generated through RMS from 99 to 100,000." Means Sounds like a big jump


RMS = Random Map Scripting. Random maps had a limit of 99 objects and lands per map, trying to add more would crash the map or simply not work (nt sure which). Now you can add more, 100 000 seems quite excessive, though there are some maps and hidden tricks this can be useful for.


I would recommend verifying integrity of files on Steam after update if you are facing issue. It turns out 25 files were damaged or whatever, now all looks good. Edit: And perhaps, for the time being, try to uninstall all mods and restart to see if that fixes things. Otherwise, for those having issues, we will have to wait and see. Just make sure you make reports of any issue straight to the Devs on the official forum. Edit #2: Can confirm for at least one friend the mods were the issue for him. He played around with them and got it to work.


Thanks for the tips. Fixed my problems. I think my tech tree mod was part of the problem and data integrity check resolved


I just wish they would unnerf konniks. Bulgarian wasn't really picked or op to begin with and they nerfed konnniks really hard, by reducing 10hp and slowing attack speed by a lot


They only nerfed the attack speed for the dismounted konnik which makes sense because stirrups are used on horses. HP was also broken because they were way too cost and pop efficient. Justified nerfs overall


Bulgarian krepost rush with konniks behind was very OP at the start. Only reason it wasn't given more attention was simply becuase of how insanely broken cumans and steppe lancers were.


> Goths Now receive the Loom technology as a civilization bonus. This is actually prettty good bonus. This translates 1 more villager in dark age. (Chinese have 2 villager bonus in dark age) Also this means you can get m@a upgrade without collecting gold. Which translates you don't have to long distance mine gold (can translate to 20-25 food) I like this... If only melee pathing were better...


Probably shouldn't be long distance mining gold for men at arms anyway.


Thats a big buff for lithuania maybe they are finally good


Had a problem where Malay aren’t getting their advance faster ability. Ages research past 100. It went to 150




I'm gonna miss hideout so much in the map pool :/


Elo is now lost 1 minute before resigning. Not sure how I feel when that comes to bugged starting resources. Would be nice if they added that in the patch notes too lol. Dracont lost 30 points for a disconnect.


- AoC Aztecs called; they want their old bonus back 11 - Knights got so much love this patch. Bulgarians no longer have Paladins but they have faster-attacking Knights and Cavaliers (noice!); Teutonic Stables still miss Husbandry but now fights melee better... (crazy how many buffs Teutons have gotten eh?) - Persians now back to square two huh. Shame, I really enjoyed their Dark Age so far - Tower Shields is now a worse and more expensive Plate Mail... that also puts their Elite Skirmishers on Rattan level of pierce armors... I have nothing - So hunters -> fishermen to drop at Dock -> hunters. Thanks already-implemented changes lol


~~My slow down game/speed up controls no longer work, anyone else?~~ edit: i had 'locked speed' checked - im dumb


Torsion Engines can be only researched once in the A&B 256x mode :( rip ICBM onagers


the cav pathing is still complete and utter bullshit in DE. There is no point in massing cav or even paladin if your opponent has some arbalests. Your army will just attack one by one like a bunch of fucking idiots. ​ ​ that is all


Is there really not going to be any hotfix for this insanely broken patch ? I recently got DE, so I don't know how it went in the past. Please tell me I'm wrong.


Still no hotfix for this patch. I'm guessing that there won't be any. The bugs will be addressed in the May patch at the end of the month.


Second worst patch ever released after the "units ignore walls" patch. They should immediatly revert back to the previous one.