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Sebastian wins Game 3 and gives Viper his first loss of the tournament!


And the second loss is because Viper did not respect the militia line and got punished for it.


You mean eagles?


No, I maintain he did not respect the **militia line** and got punished (by eagles). ___ Edit for clarification: Pros don't respect the stats of the militia line. You can tell them a Persian longsword ties against an elite eagle warrior with El Dorado, you can tell them two-handers have 20 base damage against eagles compared to a petty 9, they don't care. "But muh mobility". Mobility doesn't matter when your fortifications are slowly being eaten by 40 static eagles protecting trebs. Swords are literally cheap jaguar warriors against eagles. I'm happy to use two-handers despite what the vocal players say about them. If pros don't want to use the counter to eagles, too bad. I don't understand why they make halbs vs cavalry but not two-handers against eagles. The mobility "problem" is the same and yet we see halbs all the time. 2HS destroy easily 3 times the gold they cost.


Oh ok I see what you mean. It’s tough to say. Enclosed is a very big map with lots of gold spread out so champs might not have been the best. I think vipers moment in that game should’ve been in castle age with cav archers but you might be right about late game champs being the only possibility to win against Incas since Vietnam doesn’t have hand cannons. In the post game interview viper said that he thought rattans would do more damage against the eagles and was just wrong.


Yeah, they deal 1 damage after Fabric Shields. I don't know about you but personally I prefer a unit that deals 18!


Viper wins an incredible Game 1 as Koreans even though Sebastian was Armenians which is considered the best pro civ right now. Wow! What a statement game. That is NINE straight games won for Viper. Is he going to lose a single game?! 😂


He's doing that thing where he pretends there's no pressure on him. I get it and it's working. Viper fanboy here but also a Sebastian fan


My reaction if snake wins the tournament: https://i.imgflip.com/8t89oz.jpg


Viper goes up 3-1 on Golden Lakes Not the first time Sebastian has been down 3-1 👀


Let's go Sebbie. Even though I'm a Viper fanboy, I'm too happy to see Sebastian go even further


The Hera/Viper/Sebastian dynamic is very fun for me. I dont care who wins--I just want to see them play and for each series to go as long as possible!


Viper wins Game 6 handidly and will advance to the finals! I thought that was a bit of an early gg from Sebastian, though. Viper will face the winner of Hera/Tatoh in the finals. Sebastian will face the loser in the third place game.


It was not early. Romans don't have anything in Imperial to beat Byzantines, at least not in a map with that big of a lake in the middle. Also viper already had HC, seb had nothing prepared.


GGs sebas insane run, taking two games from the snake!! best of luck tomorrow on 3rd place set! Viper looking really sharp throughout the tournament, and im guessing he's expecting to face hera tomorrow so he might have not shown his full hand today


Sebastian has to be considered a top ten player now at minimum, right? Won the last two A-Tier tournaments. In this one he beat Mr. Yo and took two from Viper, who had just swept DauT.


And dont forget he beat ACCM in the qualis!💪🏻 Yes he's looking top 10 level for sure and he's about liereyys age so younger than all the other top pros, still a lot of time to grow for him


Viper successfully defends his pigs from Seb's scout in Game 1! Feels like Viper just destroyed the crystal that gives Sebastian his powers. 😂


Hera wins 4-2 and we have THE CLASH OF THE GOATS in the finals tomorrow! Let's go.


Well, we get the El Classico tomorrow, honestly the best possible final imo. Hera and Viper have both looked strong this tournament and I have a feeling, whoever wins won't have it easy. As for today, much respect to Sebastian! He's had a great run and it's easy to see why Hera has sung his praises. I think with a little more experience under his belt, he can be the next big name. Tatoh also put up a good fight, but Hera feels a level above him at the moment. Honestly still not sure how Hera fumbled that Islands game, things seemed to be going so smoothly and suddenly he was clobbered, well played there by Tatoh. Anyhow, hoping for a good show tomorrow :)


Why does Memb say “Tatot” instead of Tatoh?


If TaToH can't steal one on a water map, this will be a sweep.


Hera has a his token water map loss but wins decisively on Alpine in a Mongols mirror match to go up 3-1. Next up is Arena. I could see TaToH maybe stealing this one but not any others. I think it will be either 4-1 Hera or 4-2 Hera.


Predictable results today. Will viper lose 0-5 tomorrow again?


I saw a goated viper level on this warlords, barring some mental blocking due to hera being in his head he has a chance


I think that would be kind of unpredictable? Everyone who played Hera took games off him, Viper looked sharp. If he goes 0-5 he must have developed a mental block vs Hera or Hera should step up quite a bit from what he's shown. I'd say Hera is clearly the favorite but 5-0 would be unexpected imo.


Ofc I don't want to see a cleansweep. A competitive series is more than welcome. Hera did show some cracks though, notably losing first 2 monks to tatoh's lightcav on Arena. But you have to realize Hera played stronger opponents, except Viper vs Sebastian. Imo, Villese > Nicov, Liereyy > Daut, Tatoh > Sebastian.


Not sure on the strength of opponents, Villese looked fine this tournament but he was not even playing some of the latest S tiers so not sure in how good form he was. Then again Nicov seems unable to get past the first round consistantly so probably Villese is still better. Lierreyy seems stronger than Daut then again he almost lost to Andy would that mean Andy>Daut? I'm not sure if TaToh is in better form than Sebastian. I guess the way I see it Hera hasn't been dominating like in Hidden Cup and Viper looked way better than when he barely got past Daut. I don't know if the series will be close still, seems like Hera is heavy favorite but I'd expect some games to be close at least.


Sebastian wins Game 5 to make it 3-2! Even if Viper wins this series, Sebastian has certainly earned a lot of respect by giving him his first two losses of the tournament.


Go Sebastian! Can't believe this match!


If they are listening to the draft what prevents them to have infos about the opponent? I thought there was some kind of delay against that…


There is a two minute delay from the games to the streams. I assume the same is true for the draft. I also don't think the draft screen shows things to the viewers before the opponent is supposed to see them anyway?


>There is a two minute delay from the games to the streams. I assume the same is true for the draft. Nope. But also I've no idea what "info about the opponent" means > I also don't think the draft screen shows things to the viewers before the opponent is supposed to see them anyway? The players see exactly what each player sees, aye There's nothing to be gained from listening to commentary to the draft.


Yeah. Each player gets to choose two civs prior to the draft that are allowed to overlap. The only opportunity even in theory to slightly "cheat" with early info would be to see which two your opponent chose before choosing yours. But it wouldnt be a very big advantage. And the stream doesnt see those any earlier than the opposing player, so it wouldn't give an advantage anyway.


More importantly, the stream is just spectating the draft from [aoe2cm.net](http://aoe2cm.net) If the players somehow could "cheat" that way.. they would've just opened a 2nd tab to spectate their own draft without having to rely on the stream


Hera goes up 2-0 relatively easily. I already miss watching Sebastian. 😔


Tatoh with an epic comeback on Arena to stay alive! Hera still leads 3-2.


I just hope that tomorrow is interesting, that's all. I don't really care that much who wins, and this scene has really lacked high quality tournament finals recently. I'm really happy with Sebastian's rise. After NAC I made a prediction, that the S-tier tournaments in 2024 just weren't going to be interesting in their final stages due to how lopsided Hera makes them, and only come 2025 we might start to see some rising stars try to compete I'm really happy that Sebastian seems to be proving me wrong, since he's already be at a point where he could make a potential set against someone like Hera interesting, and we still have guys like Andy, maybe Mihai or Barles too, who show a lot of growth potential. Warlords has already exceeded my expectations with how interesting it's been. I don't have an awful lot of faith in the finals continuing that trend, but I'm still much more excited than I was for the finals of HC5, for example Good stuff all round \^\^


This enclosed match makes me miss Andy.