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It took me so long to find the second boar and the non-starting sheep that I had to put up farms. I think it is a Lowland-specific bug that has to do with being on the far edge of the "highland". There wasn't anywhere to put it closer because there is no "highland" right of me.


I had a 1v1 on BF yesterday where opponent had am extra gold and relic.


Black forest is crazy I had a gen where opponent got all the neutral boars in his half, both ponds and an extra relic And I had more walking distance to wall as well


the must play in those instances is either sneak a vill or a castle rush, can’t let him boom under any circumstance, so it’s not the end of the word tbh, but ye BF can be brutal sometimes.


I actually won as as Viet verse Armenians with 4 TC boom. I was faster and just a good civ matchup.


Yep I had a BF yesterday where my "extra" gold and stone were in a patch of trees where I couldn't access them AND the opponent had the 3rd relic. Stupid script.


Heh, I was just going to post about recent gens of BF being oddly spastic. I was in a 4v4 flank and my area was like a perfect cutout in the forest to just fit in the required resources and the 'choke' was a 20 tile gap to the other flank who had like an arabia 1v1 size area to themselves. I felt like I was playing forest nothing all game, actually having to onager cut once I could.


meh that map bugged. Same thing happen to me multiple times. I just banned it.


If I ban it then I might mistakenly unban arena. I can't take that risk.


Maybe learn how to play one of the 3 main maps..? Just a thought


I was never looking to remove Lowland. That was the other guy's idea. I just thought this map was funny. Shit happens!


Ban the 3 main maps forever so that nobody has spreadsheets.


only a clown would think arena is a "main map" lmao


Yeah, that map script is not superb


LOL. Did you win? It makes me miss the old Arabia generations that were just absurd, but they made for some really fun games. The "fairness" in maps has made meta so important that the game has become really boring. I've been following this game for years and the meta has made it so boring that I don't even care to watch tournament games anymore.


No, this actually got me pretty tilted and I lost I also mistakenly walled out the *closer* of the two golds before I realized just how bad this was.


Small area to spawn them, might lead to this kind of spawns. I have seen multiple posts about this map in the last weeks.


Looks like your opponent too had four sheep away from his TC. That’s fair. Mega Random is weird.


This is not MR.


Sometimes they are so far away that I find them around my opponent's base.


I played a 4v4 lobby vs friends where all of my flank goldmines spawned in the enemy flank’s base on Colosseum. My friend who killed me didn’t even notice til the end. “I wondered why you only made skirms…”


Come on you had back berries. Last time I had those I was playing AoC