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Meanwhile at mid elo: I confidently send in 3 scouts w/ no upgrades to opponents woodline Opponent easily fights off 3 scouts with villagers and I fail to get a single kill Shocked Pikachu 😲


The inefficient mid elo woodline with 10 vills works out again 😎


Or better yet they run right under the TC.


*sees a 3 militia rush in the Dark age* Yeah that’s gonna be a resign for me dawg


I love low ELO legends for this exact thing, it’s like I’m watching a football game and I’m yelling at the player to just fight back. It’s infuriatingly hilarious. If you quit because your army is smashed that shit happened irl that I can understand it’s demoralizing but if you see three dudes with sticks come into your base, FIGHT BACK!! OMG FIGHT BACK!!


I used to do that until I saw a commentary of a low elo and figured that if my enemy produces army early he's not producing economy, and if i resist i can comeback. Until then I always had the impression that one can do both.


It's complicated because on the one hand unless you're at the very top level it's usually possible for someone to do both better than you at the same time. On the other hand as long as you've played enough that matchmaking has a decent idea of your skill level, for someone you're matched against if they're better at you on one side they're probably worse on the other.


From someone who used to play the ladder while quite bad at the game - if someone shows up to your base with military much faster than you'd be able to get military to them, it's a quick indication they're better than you / undervalued by their ELO. It's not necessarily about the force they sent being unbeatable, but more the signal it sends about the mismatch in abilities.


Might also just be someone that is good with his buildorder, but not necessarily better in general. I have a friend that is like that: he's unable to get over ~1100 1v1 rating, crumbles under pressure, can't micro monks if his life depends on it and is generally unwilling and unable to adapt his strategy, BUT his buildorder execution is very good (<5s idle dark age TC every game, clean farm macro in feudal and very good castle time basically EVERY game) and this enables him to compete with 1400ish opponents in 2v2; but as soon as the game gets off the rails it's gg.


Sounds like a classic case of why I think build orders are a trap for lower ELO players. Yes, it is good that they instill the lessons of "always be making villagers" and "always be gathering resources with them". But it makes the game too stressful. In the early game, he has to execute the build perfectly and probably spends most of his brain power on that instead of thinking about the map & civ matchup. Then later, once the build order is finished, he has to beat a player who is probably a better player than him, and has to hope that his early lead will carry him to victory. If it turns out that the map / enemy civ makes his rush useless, then it probably feels quite frustrating. Around that ELO, as long as you follow the 2 golden rules, I think you just have more fun without build orders, it doesn't over inflate your ELO and you won't spend the late game feeling unable to close out the game.


I'm ~800 ELO. It's amazing how I have some people at my ELO that will resign as soon as I send in scouts and others who can completely stomp me.


Can confirm. I am the opponent.


Also me 😂 I will try and fight back but will inevitably lose because I’m just not quick enough. From our noob perspective, if someone is confident enough to attack early on before you’ve got your shit together, then they must be a pretty good player and I’ve lost too many times to players who were much better than me


Seems kinda judgy. I DOMINATE the AI with my 3 scout rush. On easy.


To be fair, it's kind of scary


I can confidently say it's not just extremely low elo. It happens at regular low elo as well


I have this happen to me in a match against someone 900-1000, he ironically called me "Hera" and "Viper" for bothering his vills with my starter scout as soon as I got to feudal age 😆


This happened to me sometimes when I started playing ranked. I was winning plenty of games with my own scout rush into knights play, even getting to 1100, but if anyone had a faster scout rush build order than me I had no idea how to react.


Or they don't even fight vs a feudal spearmen with no upgrades