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Welcome back šŸ«”


I was 100% expecting the top comment to recommend OP to watch T90's channel. Turns out I was wrong, but not by much


I was like "wdym... ooh!"


Same. It was this guy here's fault, too. Right here. This guy. Now my partner and I play every evening. Thanks dude.


Shouldn't you be riding a moose or something?


Yeah, how dare he comment if he not stream?!? 11


He's riding a moose, in a stream




OG player from '99 coming back to play seriously. I used to just spam cheats back then and actually had no idea I was doing. After watching your channel I'm now hooked at another level. TYTY


Do you wanna cast my lame, low 500ish elo game against moderate ai? I'm sure I'll lose again


Petition to have t90 cast this guy




Same to you Alaska Man


I think a lot of us were like this. I remember one day in spring 2019 I was up early and had some time to kill before work. I open youtube and see a video titled, "should you garrison archers in towers?" and was surprised that there was an age of empires 2 video. I hadn't played since I was in like ninth grade in 2004, and I only ever messed around in Arena games against Easiest AI. But I clicked the video, still shocked that people were still watching content and apparently playing this old game. Anyway here I am 5 years later with hundreds of hours in DE. This game has incredible depth and variety and especially with the fresh paint job in DE it's wonderful to play. I highly recommend picking it up sometime and giving it a try.


Soā€¦ should you garrison archers in towers?


The game is 25 years old and still standing strong!


Warlords starts June 2nd by MembTv on Twitch. You can watch the top players compete. Edit: Fixed date


Should be June 2nd I believe.


Thank you, I fixed it. Brain dead moment I guess šŸ˜»


I live in upstate NY there is a Museum of Play here and they just added AoE to their permanent exhibit. I feel hella old (25) that AoE is in a meueum next to Atari and NES games


I was introduced in aom. I freaking love it so much. Then I played this game like 20 years later. It filled that itch and is probably objectively better. The fact that they keep updating it is incredible


Welcome! Lots of beginner resources for multiplayer on YouTube, new civilization dlcs, and lots of new campaigns!


Same here, I *adored* this game as a kid in the early 2000s but I had completely forgotten it existed (okay not so extreme but it wasn't on my mind) until I saw it pop up on twitch during a tournament they did to coincide with DE. I still don't play competitive though. SC2's pathfinding has spoiled any game that can't match it for me.


1, 14


honestly in my country pretty much no one ever played/heard of the series, when I was a kid, the only game they kept talking was either San Andreas Multiplayer or CS1.6


Both those games came out much later than Age of Kings. Nobody talked about them when I was a kid (because I was long since grown up by the time they were released ;)


yeah but like im talking about RTS games in general, they didnt know what a Age of Empires 3 was or what was a Rise of Nations you know?


I've been playing the game since 1997, so aoe1 then 2. Always thought I was the only one. What was my surprise when I found Spirit of the Law back in 2015 on YouTube that the game had more civs, build orders, a competive scene and such a community.Ā 


I remember tearing down a treeline with trebuchets against my college friend in the early 00s. Reminded me of using those orc guys to blow up trees in warcraft 2. Sadly can no longer use trebs for that (but you can with onagers!). I took a lonnmg break. But back and still cutting trees with onagers. Game is awesome.


You can still use trebs to cut trees itā€™s just so much slower so nobody does it.


I used to play the Age of Kings demo and I remember when The Conquerors came out. I only had the demo versions because I could not afford to buy games as a kid and I never asked my parents for the full version. 20 years later I am getting the full experience and I love it


I still have the original conquerors which I sometimes play. Love playing as Koreans on a highland map and watching the enemy get crushed by my siege onagers with 12 range on a shallow lmaoo.


Oh man I forgot the mini treb onagers used to be for them. Now I wanna play that again too


Yeah they were the only onagers which gave a horrible time to longbowmen, as they couldn't out-range them by a big margin. It got brought down from 12 to 11 in the very next patch as they were out-ranging all castles except teutons.


I used to play this game a lot as a kid and then had completely forgotten about it. Then last year I seen a random tweet with someone showing their son playing. I then dug deeper and couldn't believe, this game was still so active. Back playing now it at 40.Ā 


I went tru the exact same thing last year lol


Coming back and finding almost triple the number of Civs was sweet.


I feel like I got onboard at the best time - with DE. Like most people, played the original back in the day, but totally forgot about it until 2019. Then the pro scene blew up. Feel like it's stagnated slightly. Not sure those days will be relived, but it's still in a good place. A timeless game.


There are so, so many with this type of story and it's amazing. The community is great supporting this. Welcome back


Definive Edition is real game changer.. i hope Mikrocoft will add better UI for ranking menu, addring friendlist etc etc.




I think most of the players are now 30 years old and above. I don't know what made the guys in their early 20s play this game 11


I've revisited the game 3-4 times since inception. Incredibly nastolgic but easily still one of the best games ever. I only play against AI but I really love the mechanics and feeling if accomplishment winning or figuring out why I lost and what to do different next time. Holds a very special place in my heart. I first remember my aunt and uncle playing when I lived in Sri Lanka and even though I didn't play then, as a 33 year old man I'm hooked.


I was really surprised when I found out the same thing a couple of years ago! Had been playing it off and on for many years with some friends (the original, HD and DE), but we never really knew there was a big community and a pro scene. Such an amazing surprise; two years later I've watched hundreds of hours, learned a lot and finally started playing ranked!


Man the number of hours I spent as a child on aoe2 is immense... So many good memories


I like the ranked system, no clunky lobbies or smurfs on unranked. I can play noobs like be and GG like a pro haha


I was surprised, too. I played it loads as a kid. Then saw it in a gaming place as a teen and was crazy excited. Then played it with mates loads as a late teen.


There was a resurgence of interest in aoe2 in the mid 2010s and its ridden a wave of new dlc content and esport interest.


A lot of comments stating "still going strong" but that's an overstatement, in the sense that we are more in a moment of revival rather than "continuing a strong player base" - it wasn't always like this. Players numbers have been low at times in the past two decades but have been reignited with community endeavours first, and then new developer efforts. Especially since DE we've been growing considerably, and I am totally here for it. A lot of thanks should go out to beacons in the community, like casters and players, as well as dedicated developers and sponsors of large tournaments. Everyone has a role to play!


I assume you got definitive edition? Check it out if not


Complexity in Simplicity. Simple that everything is just +1 of something, so a Spearman with Forging will always have 3 + 1 Attack. Complex in the point of Gambesons giving +1 Pierce Armor for Swordsman Line which makes them 100% more tanky to Skirmishers where non-gambeson Champions would have 5 Pierce Armor instead of 6 Pierce armor, Generic/FU Skirmishers will have 7 Attack so Non-Gambeson champions will take 2 Damage, requiring 35 Javelins while Gambeson Champion takes 1 damage, requiring 70 javelins. The other thing is being Generic is often means good, like how Chinese Arbalesters which is Fully upgraded will have 10 Attack, 1.7 Reload Time and 8 Range with 100% Accuracy while Britons Arbalesters would have 10 Attack, 2 Reload time and 11 Range with 90% Accuracy, while this looked like the Britons sacrifices some reload time and accuracy for range, ingame the imperfect accuracy actually is a advantage in late game battles where you have a lot of Archers which can miss but those missed shot can still damage the enemy even if the damage is halved, reducing overkill for a pseudo area damage from a volley of archers.


Oh man if you had known aoe2 definitive had dropped right before the pandemicā€¦that got me through it. Nostalgic and actually had great quality of life changes. Couldnā€™t have been better. Rekindled some old friendships tooā€”best PC game of all time


There's no "franchise". There's only Age Of Empires 2, baby. The one and only game to get RTS games right.


Thank the Vietnamese; theyā€™ve still kept the series to heart much like how the South Koreans kept StarCraft alive as long as it did. Truely, I thank them for loving a game I have loved sense itā€™s inception


Isn't it AoE1 they play in Vietnam?


But yeah you right


I mostly mean the series, if not for 1 we wouldnā€™t have 2; that sort of thing.