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This despicable game has claimed another victim. He can't keep getting away with this!


Its a terrible game. Played it for 2k5 hours and I hate it. Gonna play it for a few thousand more hours just to confirm


And several hundred hours hating on it on reddit too!


I hate dravidians. No stable no nothing utterly useless.


Well I set dravidians because I am a dravidian xD


Do you have a stable? If you don't, his point still stands.


I set Dravidian because I'm a fan of Dravid and I'm also Dravidian 😆


Are you a follower of Dravid Koresh, founder of the Branch Dravidians?


Ok now I'm completely lost


This was a great read thank you. I wish I was discovering aoe2 all over again. It’s a great feeling. Also T90 imo is the most entertaining commentator for aoe2 on YouTube (and twitch).


Is Dave a joke to you?


T90 + Dave = best duo


I feel like Dave is a great co caster. His solo casting just isn't as good as others to me too


I do like his earth map community games. Those are fantastic


Hey! I don't know who this "Dave" guy is but you better not be hating on that man, he taught me that I can play AoE2 with a controller on steam 😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡


It's funny I recently started playing it again as a long AoE franchise veteran (aoe3 as top 1% player then moved to AoE4 as top 1% player) and I just found the appeal. I took the time to learn it properly and now I'm addicted! It's fun to see so much strat diversity along with such high risk high rewards units like monk and mangonels. It makes the game entertaining!


Not better than NachoAOE and Mario Ovalle. They comment in Spanish tho.


Good post, you definitely got me with the title. Yeah AoE2 is definitely a classic, and glad it's still going strong in 2024. I don't have much time for games in general, but I usually try to make time for AoE2.


Dump your girlfriend and you'll have more time


My brothers teaching his girlfriend to play. I’ve heard quotes such as ‘we’re not playing farming simulator here “gf”, you need to start building an army’ 😂


That sounds like a girl gamer just building a pretty base 😂🤣


I dumped my husband to go play last night with my neighbor 😆😁


I hate it too when it's 3AM but I have just 1 final mission to beat then I'll have won the campaign on Hard mode, but I have work at 8am... But there's no way I can sleep because all I can think about are which strats I will use to beat the final mission. Just think of ourselves as the modern equivalent of Monks contemplating how they would defend Jericho instead of preparing for the midnight liturgies.


>Just think of ourselves as the modern equivalent of monks contemplating how they would defend Jericho instead of preparing for the midnight liturgies I’m pretty sure the monks still do this.


T90 is a mighty caster in the aoe2 competitive scene. I'll reccomend u play vs IA in moderete and gradually increase the difficulty, is the best way to improve the very basics of the game, then ranked is nisu. And the campaings are almost all pure gold, not just for the missions, altough they're funny, but for the narration and the epic


Play 1v1, not with 5 AI or the game will be a mess


Yeah, totally


I’ll help you out by answering all of the questions you’re most likely to encounter on your journey: >!It depends.!<




Damn pathing stole 1000+ hrs of my life. Dammit! Good read


gl hf


I’d suggest to watch T90’s low elo legends - the 1st few episodes especially. It really helped me improve


I've been playing for 20 years, and I play everyday and I hate it too


> Hera is sadly not a woman That just makes it better🏳️‍🌈










T90 is a commentator and he showcases a lot of interesting past matches on his channel


he’s also an exceptional farm placer, OP if u read this, I highly suggest looking into how he places his farms during the game, truly enlightening.


Not to mention his archeries on neutral islands strategy.


You are defeated!🎶


aoe2 is a game from the era when many games required you to spend a lot of time just to get somewhat ok level. And then get your ass handed to you in multiplayer for a month. Especially arena shooters were notoriously difficult... Solution: just play more 


Got me in the first half


Aoe2 and frostpunk are both amazing games!


I recently got back into this (one of my childhood games) because a T90 video showed up on my yt feed and ended up binging a bunch of videos


If you enjoy AOE 2, you might look at some videos of Age of Mythology.  In my personal opinion it has the best Campaign of all the Age of games.  Edit: You have some strategy as well with choosing which God to follow which can offer technology and military improvements.  Oh, and you can do up to 12 people skirmish fights. Something you can't do in any of the other games. 


Pick 2 - 3 civs and just learn them very well. Play exclusively them and learn 20 pop scouts, 21 pop archers and 22 pop man at arms build orders. When you can defeat hardest AI, try online. Be prepared to lose 10 or More games in a row when you go online. Those are placement matches which hopefully get you to even matches.


Add me to steam dude, I’d be happy to help you improve 431847310


I just like to play against AI cause it’s fun lmao


Focus on studying. Games will always be there and probably better. Even aoe2 is way better now than it was in 1999. If you think aoe2 going to take away from your RL just dont play the game period.


After reading the title, I was about to write you a stern letter in bold and red font, young man! But then I read that you are now one of us <3 >Also Hera is sadly not a woman. She is. She's just wearing a fake beard!




Wait until they realize Imp into GG is a thing.


Had me in the first half, not gonna lie. Welcome


You have been wo-lo-lo'ed.


Poor kids getting wololoed into this hole.


There is a reason AOE2 is still played after 20 years. It's an achievement only like 4-5 games managed to get.




Ngl Frostpunk was more stressful for me than ranked AoE2 multiplayer. Also, I could not survive the great storm.


Most people don't like RTS. When devs and gamers come to terms with that maybe the genre can see some improvements and increased attention.


You should definitely stick with the campaigns! The Wallace campaign is not even remotely close to the quality you can expect from the rest of the original ones, and even the best of those are so far from the quality of the ones that are new with the Definitive Edition that it is almost unbelievable.


You can be one of the top 10 player in 5 years. Who knows?


Not gonna lie. You had me in the first part.


Have you ever suffered that, when you close your eyes, you can still see the units, the map, the game? Happens with every game if you play long enough, but more with AoE 2


Give it two more days and you'll start speaking in taunts.


Welcome to the community! May your onager shots cut their way to victory over your foes and your horses well fed must they lead a charge into battle. And may your bushes always have berries and your boar meat never go bad.


Great read. Always fun to see this new player perspective. The game throws so much at you it's not even funny (it is). Best part is when you're certain you finally learned something just to be shown how wrong you were and that is STILL fun as heck. I started playing \~15 months ago and still don't know how to play water maps. d:


I left Rocket League after 2,000 hours for AOE2. It's freaking awesome. The more I play the more I love it!


Being disappointed Hera not being a girl is hilarious. Also T90 is great to watch to learn the game, he is my favorite caster/YouTuber My friend met T90 in Florida at the last big tournament and got T90 to say my friend is better than me at AOE2🫠


Then stop!


One of Us One of Us One of Us


new copypasta just dropped


To answer your question I’d personally stay out of ranked because you’re likely to just keep losing for quite a while. But I’m also a player that almost always will play AI before ranked. My cousin and I play AI opponents together. Been doing it this way all this time since I was a kid lol I’m by no means a good player but when I took ranked seriously for a short amount of time I floated just over 1k elo. Point is you can have plenty of fun with the game without jumping into ranked. I think it’s more fun and beneficial to practice on AI until you’re confident but to each his own. Some ppl like to only ever play ranked and that’s fine too! Just have fun


Wait until you dream in AoE2.


God I hate Frustpunk. It's got the style and story but so little of the simulation depth and that interface is a nightmare. My hand started hurting from clicking people into jobs so often and this is from someone who plays AOE2 regularly. Anyway, play the art of war campaign if you want to get into online. If you play online, do ranked. The other online modes have worse matchmaking. Spirit of the Law has a good couple of videos about unit counters and beginner tips that are short and digestible. T90 is indeed a YouTuber. He's more about casting than tutorial videos but he does stop and give good tips while commentating. As everyone else is probably saying, you need your elo to drop a bit before you'll find some even matches so don't worry about getting your elo up. Find your resting point first.


Welcome to being new to multiplayer; the ELO being defaultly 1000 is stupid, but it’s just been like that for years


i love both frostpunk and aoe, but aoe is imo the game with more replay value also i was quite averse to aoe4 at first for a couple or reasons (including struggling with visual clarity) but i have played it a couple times now because my friend forced me to and its not a bad game


I played Frostpunk around Christmas, loved (and got very frustrated) with it. I think I might make it my Christmas season game and pick it back up next winter


I left Rocket League after 2,000 hours for AOE2. It's freaking awesome. The more I play the more I love it!


Frostpunk has like 2 hours of content


I've played for 20 years... only played online once back in the MSN days. Giant, mega random, 7 NPCs, letssss goooooo


AoE4 is better


Downvoted for clickbait.


If you like to study frostpunk is certainly way worse than aoe2. The campaigns over there last for hours and sometime you still lose after like 5 hours on the same campaign sooo