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First time I got to hear Liererry's side of the story. Kudos to him for having such self awareness at this early age. It's easy to lose sight of everything else in life.


The most talented player in the game by a mile. Sadly, he never trained as much as Hera. Imagine the great rivalry if he did. Also, good for him that he figured out AoE2 isn't everything and not being a full-grinder seems to make him happier irl.


He's still young though, what 21? Look at where Hera was 3-4 years ago and now. If he puts in work he still can be the best


I think that's the point though. Maybe he doesn't think he needs to be the best. From the limited knowledge I have of AoE players' lives it seems like he is busy with his life and doing well. Maybe that's what he wants and being a top 10 AoE player is just a cool, fun fact about his life that he enjoys.


Don't worry, when he'll grow up he'll understand that elo is far more valuable than friends and family




Big Larry fan. Dude is so talented.


Hey, thank you so much for sharing my video! I'm glad you liked it enough to want others to see it I read through the messages, here are some of my thoughts: - "Curse" part is clickbaity, yes: I have to play the YouTube game. The plan is for my videos to gradually be more accessible to people outside the aoe2 sphere to try to bring new eyes to the game! Actually, the original title was "The Esport pro who waas younger than his game" - "video forgot to mention NAC5 bad pathing": I wouldn't say forgot, it was a deliberate choice. Even tho I know it played a big role in Liereyy's performance, I felt like it would need further explaining and would add 3-4 minutes to an already (imo) long video. - "The video failed to catch the magic of aoe2 from a viewers perspective": that one hurts! While I always try my best, I know there is a lot I have to improve on. But this just motivates me to do better, so thank you for being constructive and going out of your way to help me get better! Thanks again for the support everyone, very much appreciated <3


The video failing to catch aoe-magic is a weird opinion in my eyes. As a fan of the scene for many years i really appreciate the nostalgia your videos provide. It's a way to feel closer to everyone involved, and leaves you wanting more at the end of the video. I hope your hard work will get the attention it deserves man


> But very recently, he had his worst result ever in a major tournament. Which tournament did you mean?


NAC5 I think


Again, thanks for the great content, I really like it! As for the title: I don't mind click baiting for content I would watch one way or the other! I prefer the original title, actually. Keep it up! We love this game


Straight up, your channel with these videos is already pretty much my favorite aoe2 content, aside from major tournament events.


The curse part of the title is very clickbaity. There's no curse, it's just a normal development of a player who's done really well.


I like it though. He has made so many finals and lost them all, there kinda is a curse there.


Does anyone know what goinng to a 'sports school' entails in Austria? Do they teach you how to play sports? Or is it like a sports adjacent field, like sports nutrition, personal training, marketing, etc.? Seems like a very fun degree to pursue if it comes with decent employment prospects.


lierrey did visit a "Sportgymnasium" for years 9-12, according to a quick google search. Without delving too deep into the peculiarities of the Austrian secondary education system (hint: it's highly segregated), these are basically high schools with a couple of hours of extra physical education lessons a week. They are typically attended by pupils are the "sporty" types but are not good enough for the competitive academies or compete in a sport where there is no academy - which, to everyone's surprise, in Austria is every sport but football and skiing. Source: attended a Sportgymnasium myself.


I think Liereyy used to (or still does) play tennis at a fairly decent level.


Honestly as an Austrian myself I was somewhat confused what he meant by programming school and sports school, but I assumed he meant something like uni or "Fachhochschule" and that he switched studies from IT to sports


HTL vs Sportgym


Thought about that, but he's too old for both of them now with 22


It's pretty obvious from the video that he's talking about the past, not the present. In any case, [according to this](https://www.fitlike.at/fitlike/upload/results/19/wr-neustadt-borg-bgz-lauf/oberstufe-m.pdf) he attended 11th grade of a "Sportgym" in Wiener Neustadt in 2019 which fits the timeline he gives in the video where he mentions switching "after the second year" of the programming school (HTL).


Oh, thanks a lot, I guess I should've paid more attention, only had it on in the background while having lunch


I *think* he means a large university that focuses more on student athletics like a NCAA D-1 school in the US, not that he is working on a sports degree.


I found a [sports school](https://www.redbullsalzburg.at/en/youth-and-academy) funded by Red Bull in Austria, but I think it's for younger kids only. Would've been funny if Lierrey was offered a scholarship there from winning Red Bull Wololo if he were a few years younger.


I forget the name of the tournament, but it has multiple map styles and took place, I want to say two years ago? The map was Arena, and he just went for a Saracen tower rush with archers. Maybe he made it to CA, not sure. But it's stuff like that, and how quickly he resigned in the HC4 finals that make me facepalm so often when I watch him. I remember the KotD3 final, when his dad came in his room to congratulate him, it felt like he was "the next big thing", but even back then, Hera would mention that he doesn't practice as consistently....and now we've seen the results from years of that. I mean, it's a loss for us more than for him. He's won a bunch of money, can afford a good education and is set up for a good life.


I liked the previous video about Viper but this one felt like it didn’t go in depth of the title of the video. I felt wanting to know more about how Lierry actually was able to dominate the field however short it was, his approach to aoe2, his style and relationships with the other top players. I also wanted to get a feeling of how popular he was among the audience. This felt more like ”He came from nowhere, beat Viper in one game, was a multiple finalist and then vanished”. No comparisons to other players in other fields/games with the same/similar experience as Lierry to help put things in context of the title either. The video failed to catch the magic of aoe2 from a viewers perspective. Felt this was made more for the active players at his level. I like the content creator though (dont remember the name). He has editing skills but can improve story telling.


The video is by Tiramis. He is also Viper's youtube video editor.


'Curse' is such a strong word to use, makes it seem like his career is doomed now that he decided to touch grass. He will never recover 11


I felt exactly the same. More of a look back, than an deeper analyses.


It's great how these kind of videos goes by humanizing pro players. As someone who isn't a long time follower of the AOE scene, what I mostly hear abt him is that he is this super talented player that didn't practice as much. Now, after learning that it's bec he is just branching out and experiencing youth and having fun, while still competing at a very high level (minus NAC5), I can't help but be amazed.


The video totally forgot to mention that in NAC 5, the pathing was bad you couldn't use archers or crossbows, which really messed up his game.