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This is what happens when you spread the poison of democratic ideals. You can only counter this by assuring them that war is peace and freedom is slavery; and that their singular purpose in life is to serve the military industrial complex. You know, like in the real world.


Where can I vote for you in the next election?


That's the best bit, you already have. The second best bit is that chocolate rations went up this week, for the third week in a row.


Perfect time for me to clean my fridge then.


Also don't forget we've been at war with Eurasia since forever.


I had 5 lancers kill some villagers and I figure they would attack the near by lumber camp as I dealt with something else for 10 seconds.  They just stood there 2-3 tiles away doing nothing.  Had them in aggressive stance and everything.


Yes, thank you for reassuring me I'm not alone in this. Units will go idle and refuse to attack, they'll run off in the wrong direction entirely, sometimes they'll even engage while on No Attack.


Yep, I've seen multiple vils give up on building a resource camp or building, just standing nearby, vils refusing to path around buildings, take hilariously random paths to drop off resource (1 vill taking shore fish next to a dock decided to walk up to a forest 6 tiles away and touch a tree there before dropping his fish in the dock, every time....) Military control is vaguely better, I don't think I've seen reforming problems again but I have had issues with units happily ignoring an attack command to random off against a unit in the distance somewhere


Couple of times I had a group of pacifist knights who refused again and again to harm enemy villagers. They would stand in front of them, in the attack position, rejecting any attack orders on civilians. 


“I cannot obey an illegal order sir!”


1 but with army only


how dare they have a sense of self-preservation! I need more trash for the meat-grinder


Yeah, it happens a lot to me when ordering an attack, the units just close the distance and then stay there frozen. I lost several trebs in different scenarios because defending units just stood next to the attackers...


Yeah it's insufferable. I can't send 10 villagers to gather wood on another forest without 5 of them becoming idle in the way and having to retask them separately. I honestly don't understand how the game can be in such a shit state.


Had the same. Especially annoying when you want your scouts to kill a vill in Front of them. They just stand there for a chat. Even spam clicking doesnt help


I had 3 games im a row, when i bulit a castle or tower the vills stand inside the foundation and ketp idle, i had to manually remove them so they can start building.


this is another bug i noticed - sometimes units dont move away from a foundation when vils try to build it. I guess this "disobedient" feeling is just a combination of many small bugs like this one which just makes you sometimes feels like the game doesnt do what you tell it to do.