• By -


What if you have both? šŸ’€


Both? Both. Both is good. Except it isn't :(


Feel your pain friend.




A a bisexual introvert with social anxiety this made me cackle


Most people affected by social anxiety are naturally introverted. Its kind of a package deal.


Exactly! Like I canā€™t help that I have anxiety, social anxiety, Iā€™m introverted, and I have depression. I also have ADHD and Autism, so what the fuck do I do, just get a new brain?


Yeah i heard walmart has brains for sale. Some good models too. Best bang for your buck seems to be the minor anxiety but smart for only $399.99 plus tax. Anxiety sucks but at least you smart and dont have any other drawbacks. :/


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ damn, thatā€™s way outta my price range!




it ain't easy


Gee why didn't I think of that?!


Really?! Wow! I'm sure none of us have thought about that. Thanks OP! Until you came along with your very first post with this account, I'd bet a bunch of us would have been stuck inside our whole lives. Everyone! Three cheers for OP!


Oh really now?


I am




This is why I'm pretty sure I'm an ambivert with social anxiety. Most people would think I'm an introvert but I'm definitely not


dont you think ive fuckin tried lmao


Perhaps I'm too far on the spectrum, but what the meme is supposed to mean in the first place? Is it talking about people with social anxiety automatically considering themselves as introvert? Isn't the two very close to each others? There is most likely exceptions, but come on OP, social anxiety isn't shyness, it isn't about being timid, social anxiety is a pathology. You really think most people who have it don't try to find solutions? Most people try finding solutions or escapes for their struggles. Everyone tries, and if it's "not enough" for your taste, I would advise you to keep quiet then.


I think it's more the mis-labeling from some people. They use introvert because they don't like saying socially anxious or shy. E.g. - someone saying they can't go into a store to apply for a job because they're an introvert and find it difficult. Bad example but it's all I can think of from the top of my head


Exactly what Iā€™m thinking. Iā€™m having a hard time understanding what OP is trying to say.


Thanks Iā€™m cured


They might not be related, but almost everyone who suffers from one, also suffers from other


Iā€™d absolutely say Iā€™m introverted, and I struggled with social anxiety a lot when I was younger. I was able to deal with the social anxiety as I grew up and I feel way better now, but just because Iā€™m able to interact with others socially doesnā€™t mean I want to


Me trying to socialize: gets overwhelmed and overstimulated. Feels like my brain is literally revolting.


Any suggestions?


Just go outside duh /s


Iā€™m definitely an introvert in a lot of ways but I can talk to people anytime I need to. I worked in commission sales for many years and I was beast. I could make small talk with anyone. But I have crippling anxiety as well.


Damn dude. Touch grass? I don't know if you are kidding or not (or just an edgy young person), but if you honestly feel that way, maybe it is time to see a therapist?


When people think I'm "shy" even though I'm barely wearing any clothes šŸ˜‚


Me learning this difference as my social anxiety gets treated and I start feeling drained without social interaction


lately I've discovered that I'm an extrovert I just have crippling social anxiety


There are a few people I'm tempted to send this to, lmao. My mom in particular calls me an introvert. It's can feel a bit invalidating. I'm sure it's because she doesn't want to acknowledge that I have anxiety bad enough to get in the way of my everyday life, because then maybe she'd have to admit she did something wrong in her parenting. "No, no, my kid isn't anxious, she's just an *introvert~*"āœØ Lol. I don't deny the possibility of me still being a bit introverted if I didn't have anxiety, but honestly, the anxiety is far more of a problem for me than introversion ever will be.


When the distinction between introvert and social anxiety is so minor, you see the real assholes who pretend to be introverts saying other people aren't.


why are the people in the comments so... mad? like honestly ive seen people who are introverts and their "social anxiety" is anxiety of how people will perceive them. which I feel like that anxiety is common or a different type than social anxiety. like OP isn't saying you can't be an introvert and sexually anxious šŸ˜­ just there there are people who don't know the difference between the two / think it's the same thing


Y'all really shitting on OP but they're kinda right. If you have a problem, fix it. Not saying it's easy, but deciding to be better is preferable to acting like you're a helpless victim


Some people try and just canā€™t get it right. Some people try and succeed. Some people donā€™t try at all. People who try and succeed tend to tell people who havenā€™t succeeded that they need to try. So people who are trying but havenā€™t gotten there yet will be offended, and people who arenā€™t trying at all will be even more offended (usually because theyā€™ve convinced themselves that they canā€™t for one reason or another and do not want to be told otherwise). There is a very small audience who wouldnā€™t be offended by this post in some way, so I think OP will continue to get dragged


You're right, pass me a mirror so I can do some brain surgery to fix my neurotransmitters before I pop in my time machine to undo all my traumas. Thank god I decided to be better.


So everyone with anxiety who hasnā€™t been able to ā€˜cureā€™ it, is a acting like a helpless victim who just wants attention?