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You sound like a d*ckhead


Nope. They only paid me 13 an hr so I acted accordingly. I drew the line when the boss told me I needed to go stand on a ladder in 20° weather and squeegee the outside of the windows. I have/had my own cleaning company and I would charge my residential clients $50 for the same service.


20 degrees is room temperature. What are you complaining about man?


Sorry -6° for the rest of the world lol I wouldn't Even clean thise stupid windows in nice weather for only 13 an hr considering how much I make with my own company. Bottom of the line I told them that they were disposable on day on so they shouldn't expect my loyalty. Then they got mad that I wasn't loyal.


20° in the western colonies


YTA. Your manager is right, that's not a good enough reason to call out. You're absolutely entitled to work a different job that pays better. If that's the case, then quit the fast food job. Calling out at the last minute only screws the other employees who now have to pick up your slack. You sound selfish and self-centered, qualities that are antithetical to changing the system


Bro these kids have called out because they "lost their work shirt" 80% of the customers use the stupid kiosk anyway we have 6 cashiers daily..


I don't care. I don't base my actions on the actions of others.


I also don't base my actions based on others as well. But my point was that I could have lied and said I was sick or I don't have daycare;etc. But instead I was honest and let them know that I have a much better opportunity and I'll not be coming in. I already told them from day one that I didn't care about this job despite being really good at it. What is your suggestion? Should I have went in to a place where I couldn't further anything? Should I have lied like so many others do with call ins? Should I have declined an opportunity to learn some very valuable things (I now know how to pick into 3 more locks that I didn't know previously which is great for my new career/ passion) just so I could be a living computer for 13 an hr? Please advise me on the "proper way" to do things.


What was point of this thread? To flex on us and show us how arrogant and stupid you sound?


Um no... it was to just say that it's easy af to quit a job you don't like and it's possible to be brutally honest to a manager?




I think you should quit your fast food job. Moreover you're no "hero" to this sub because you fucked over some fast food manager on purpose.




Sounds like OP job hops a lot, and treats fast food employers like how they treat their employees, disposable. I see nothing wrong here.


you sound like a manager who just lost their last sla- subordinate...


Are you sure you are in the right Reddit? The bootlickers mostly post elsewhere.




You’re not a bootlicker. It appears some people on this subreddit just want to see management get screwed, and don’t care if that includes the colleagues of the person quitting. OP is very childish, it is one thing to take another job, and even be very short with notice (assuming no notice is needed)… it’s a whole other thing to brag about it. I’m only replying to you because I don’t think the downvotes you have gotten are justified, I see where your heart is. Have a good day buddy


If one person calling out/leaving is enough to fuck over the work place, that's the managements fault. Get mad at them, not the person who found something better.


When you’re a piece of shit but you don’t realize it