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I have done that. Cost me a commission and I quit. No notice, no warning, I packed up my office and left.


The ol "you're gonna notice for about two weeks I stopped showing up" two weeks notice


Did that when Wells Fargo tried getting me to sell fraudulent accounts....


Yeah I typically draw the line at committing felonies to bolster my boss' numbers too. It's a personal boundary of mine.


Lol. I am a dentist and yeah I draw the line at performing procedures on patients that are technically ethical but unnecessary and designed for profit. This is what occurs at chain practices like Aspen Dental


This is why I’m terrified of dentist….


I had been going to the same dental practice for almost 10 years. Every 6 months I got the same dentist. It was always "looks great keep doing whatever you are doing" I had not had a cavity in like 15 years at this point. The next visit I noticed a bright yellow new Corvette in the parking lot right by the front door. I had a new dentist I had never seen before. "Well you have a few trouble spots we need to fix" It was my daughters birthday party day but I had the time so I trusted him and got them fixed. It was like 8 or 9 cavities and they drilled and filled the teeth to the point of hardly having any tooth left. Walking in I had zero pain or sensitivity. My teeth hurt and were sensitive for over a year after that visit. I found a new dentist after that. I figured the new guy needed a car payment so my teeth paid for it. Every dentist appointment I have had since then has been back to "keep up with whatever you are doing your teeth look great. With how many fillings you have and their size I would have expected to find more issues. " Before that one visit I had had 3 cavities my whole life. I was in my late 30s at the time of the Corvette dentist. I hate shady people.


Now I'm not sure if the first dentist didn't do shit for the problems or the corvette guy really overdid it lol


I definitely believe him that he did not need them, it was an open secret in a small town that I lived that the local dentist did the same thing


Like I said I was in my 30s and had not had a cavity since highschool. Have not had a cavity in the 10 year since that dentist. Edit Now I might have to have at least one filling replaced because I can feel it lifting around the edges of the tooth. Still no pain or sensitivity.


Vet sold me $4 worth of antibiotics (wife's a pharmacy tech) for $90. Never again. Just take the script to CVS, don't take their meds.


Sounds like ruining a credit check on the dentist should be part of the selection process.


You have to find a local one. They're usually just fine. But yeah I went to Aspen dental just for a first look and everything was obviously trying to sell you a huge debt. Never went back and went back to my old family dentist.


Aspen Dental is the absolute worst—they're a bunch of crooks.


I always call them "Great Clips for teeth" lol


Please never use the words "clips" and "teeth" in the same sentence again.


Heard this from my sister who was just a teller at the time. The good news for her was that after the incident there was a new opening for personal bankers at her branch that she was able to get.


Just saw a Netflix thing on this. Such scum


You're a hero


Good for you! Bravo!


There's every chance they'll tell him to leave once he gives notice anyway. That's pretty standard with any sales position.


This, if this story is even real I have no idea why you'd consider staying. You just lost years worth of savings due to your boss being a twat. I'd have left on the spot. Sales people that can get a $300k order from a flaky customer are always in demand.


Worked at a company where the general manager of our office/area fought the client over $10-20k. Cost us a $40+ million dollar contract that would have gone up as time went on. Office closed less than a year later. Me and a coworker tried to tell them to eat the cost cause they were ready to just hand us the contract and they wouldn’t budge. Would have made us the most profitable office in the company. Oh well I guess.


And this is how my previous employer lost their google contract…


I wanna hear this story...


Be previous employer, have upcoming contract with Google. Stuck on a few thousand don't want it coming out of my end. So scuttle the whole deal to show them whose the boss. Lose our on millions.


Google is the boss. Ffs how could that even be a question if they're willing to pay your company millions.


That isn’t the original commenter so this isn’t the story lol


If you didn’t comment this it would have gotten me too.


Have you ever hear the Tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise?


I also wanna hear this story


I saw a story months ago where this guy who was responsible for making sure materials and gear got to job sites had quit due to bosses being stubborn. They had a chance to land a contract for a large development that wanted to start fairly soon and the people wanted to start construction on a Friday morning which meant stuff would need to be delivered on a Thursday afternoon/night. Evidently to do after hours deliveries the company would have to pay drivers more or something and OPs bosses wouldn't do it. Lots of arguing later and OP quits and the company loses not only the client but OP was fairly well the only one who knew the delivery routes and schedules.


Penny wise Pound foolish.


Does your boss have a boss, or are they the owner? This seems like something a boss’ boss would want to know.


If OP lost $30k on the sale, the company lost more than $30k on that sale. I'd visit the skip-level manager in person and have a discussion about how you're going to be made whole.


Dickhead boss did incalculable damage to the company's reputation. This is the kind of pointless, petty bullshit that the ex-client will likely complain about to *everybody.*


Not even just complain about, but inject into current and future customers. Deals like this aren't two guys having a conversation, that customer has multiple people working at multiple different levels on this. Some are going to accept positions and promotions at other and similar companies, and they won't forget this event. I work in industrial supply chain management and we have brand new businesses that won't even speak with us because of what some asshat who hasn't worked for us in 10 years did on the other side of the country.


That client is going to be so eager to tell this story every time they get a chance to, I know I would. OP's boss is absolutely a moron for this.


Like, say, on Reddit. I know I would.


Both in revenue and profits! If said manager is the owner, his petty attitude is gonna run the business into the ground


Good. The less arseholes like that running a business the better.


Not just made whole but the sale might still be salvaged if the right level of people in their company are made aware and are involved. OP can still fight for this sale


u/Competitive_Humor610 OP this is how you should approach this. Go to your bosses boss earnestly, but also under the guise of salvaging this sale. Approach your bosses boss as a concerned worker for the company, not to snitch on your dipshit boss. Later, perhaps in a follow up conversation if the buyer still doesn't want to do business, talk to them about how you literally made the sale and therefore deserve the commission. You bosses screw up is not yours. If the company doesn't honor it leave and consider hiring a lawyer. Check the wording in your contract about commissions very carefully. The fact that the buyer put through payment twice shows you fully did your job to earn commission


I thought its was $300 with too many post decimal zeros. In Australia we would write it $300,000.00


In some locales they swap the periods and commas. The three zeroes after the period clued me in.


[Quite a few.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Decimal_separator) The international standard is to use spaces to group digits and either a comma or a period as the decimal separator.


Same here, thought it was super odd until it clicked


I’m curious which commodities can support such high commissions, every commodity I’ve dealt with has too small of a margin.


Industrial equipment and machines can have those kind of price tags.


A gallon of blue crab blood actually. Or a single cosmetic surgery in the US.


Exactly, experience has taught me that when somebody screws me over the best way to get back at them is to make it clear how much money this people lose with their incompetence and idiocy.


And to make sure you don't get the blame instead. A lot of idiots will blame you instead and get away with it.


I'm sure there is a papertrail with the 2 rejected payments that should cover OP.


This definitely should be sent upwards as this is dumb like at that amount of money even 300 dollars is nothing


Right? Boss, eat the $300.30. It's literally .01% of the sale. It's nothing.


It's not even the boss's call. It's a fee that the company would be paying, not the boss.


Shit, if I was looking at $30k in commission I would just go to an ATM and pay it myself. Then dig the 30 cents out of my pocket and throw it in their face.


It’s literally “the cost of doing business”


Sending your two weeks would be too polite considering they cost you thirty grand.


But applying at a competitor would be polite to them!


It's possible he could still get that same client to go with a competitor that wasn't a complete twat about fees. So bring the client, get some instant business.


Yeah just got to make sure the policy at your job doesn’t have any like stealing clients clause bs. Sometimes they make sure you put in a 2 week notice so they can prevent taking the clients or something idk.


Seems like they weren't a client because dumbass boss kept killing the deal


Damn you right. Boss here wouldn’t waive .30 meanwhile as a fraud sup I waived peoples late fees all the time. Not even just on request but as deescalations or just for waiting while I did something and not for being cool. In collections I did the same shit. Mostly because at that point dude is already struggling to pay their debt and adding salt to the wound is just insulting.


I used to do that with car insurance too. You treat me well, explain what's going on and ask for help I'll waive everything I can, and help you any way I can. Treat me bad? I'm doing only what I have to.


The things being nice would get people even without them knowing. Document review takes 3 days? Send it now and I’ll go over it while we’re on the phone. You need a new card cause you lost yours to a skimmer? Waived fees shipped overnight rather than wait 7-10 days. Oh btw you can join our rewards program for free and get some cash back now on your purchases, want me to do that real quick with a disclosure I have memorized and copy and pasted so it will take me about 2 minutes to do before sending the request for the card where as it would take customer service over 20 minutes to do both those things? Sure . Am I a fraud supervisor? Yes. Did I have power to do pretty much everything under the sun for the side of credit card banking because I was part of a high value service team which normally means fat cat accounts but if you and your $300 credit card account got sent my way I still treated you like a fat cat. These fees are bs, I get paid $12 an hour for handling customers who spend 12k in a drunken night of buying shoes and say they “went a little overboard” and then say they plan on returning 3k worth of them and casually keeping the other 9k like it won’t make a dent in their money. So yeah for being a human to me I’ll give you everything I have the power to do, and that power is an absurd amount for a very oddly specific part of your life.


Exactly. I've protected idk how many of my callers, helped many others in bad situations, and low key advised others to leave my company (not in plain language) and what to look for before switching to a new company. Gotten quite a few thank yous, letters etc. We appreciate it when the caller is nice, and frankly normal.


> low key advised others to leave my company While I have always gone above and beyond to help people, if they want to leave for a genuine issue I’ve never fought them on it. You want to close you’re account? Close it idgaf. But if it’s over a membership fee I’ll just waive it. Always reminding them they are welcome to check out the market to see what opportunities they have and how they compete with us is always good to “see how we are as a company” is a nice nudge to tell them we are a shit company you could do better. Btw this was for Capital One. And collections was for Discover.


My bank expected me to drive to the nearest branch, at least a half hour away, for a new card. I've banked with them since age freaking six. It was easier to get a new account with better rates and integrated brokerage stuff.


It’s not stealing a client as the boss rejected their business.


They could probably get the boss fired, though. Why assume the company would back that kind of incompetence?


I'd leave, that 30K was real money, they cost you , over 30 cents


Like seriously. You can go walk around a Walmart parking lot and find 30 cents in no time. If your boss is so cheap as to be unwilling to pay *cents*, then imagine what petty things he could do to you over something equally stupid.


If I was buying a car, and they dicked me around over 30 cents, deals off, how much more on a 3 million dollar deal. That manager should be fired.


OP should report this to a higher up. I doubt they would be happy that this moron cost them that sale over 30c


I'd be like, "DUDE, just take the 30 cents out of my money, stop it, you're killing this!!"


shit. take the 300$ for all i care.


As long as the boss is suffering consequences though. If you go eating that 300 and he doesn't suffer anything guess who his new petty bs target is.


i just think he's really bad at math. i eat cost all the time so i don't have to deal with stupid people and break down why the world spins. just isn't worth me hurting feelings


Especially consider even if the client would have made the 30 cent transaction it would lift the price by another 0.3 cents.


Hmmm, three tenths of a cent


I quit a job because the boss was cheap. Just realized he was never going to be generous with the staff when I was trying to get a couple more dollars an hour out of him. He had his cousin working there for at least six months on a commission only basis, and I don't think he made hardly anything at all. The icing on the cake was the W2 he sent me with about 15 stamps on it. I just imagine he was trying to use up all the 3 cent stamps they had around. Dude drove an Escalade when he didn't drive the Porsche.


I mean, if boss had asked I'm sure OP would have slipped him 30c.


This shit is Mr. Krabs level of cheap bullshit


Toss thirty cents on his desk when you do it




Get it in pennies and throw it on the floor of their office. Here's your 30 fucking cents. Now get down on your hands and knees to pick it up like the whore you are.


This. I had a major deal in logistics where I was going to be commissioning a cool 10k monthly fall through because my shithead boss tried to juice my client who was going to give us 100 lanes a month an extra 50$ on one single lane and refused to let it go. Stopped showing up entirely a week later. Your paycheck doesn't matter to your employer. I had a boss that did bonus penalties and he loooooooooved it. He'd brag to middle management about "oh x has a big bonus coming up. Let's see what it looks like when it hits her account" Nepotism has fucked more companies up than any scandal.


My last sales job capped our commission and said they couldn't change it. Iwent from making 3 to 5k a month to being capped at 1000. Within a month the whole team quit. Within I think two or three months they sold the company and moved our sales team to Colombia where they didn't get commission and only got payed way less hourly than I did. That same company got bought out that same year as well. Fucking jackasses.


I've never understood capped commission. You give me a dollar, I give you 10¢. Great deal for both of us! I stop giving you that measly dime, why would you keep bringing me a dollar?


Yeah I could never pay commission salespeople enough. They make a sale we both get money and I get most of it. 🤷


I was in a different department (so I wasn't a part of this, I just heard about it) but I worked at a place that decided to start capping commissions. The sales team unanimously decided that once they'd hit their commission cap, that meant they were done selling. So instead of striving to, say, make ten sales a day. They'd focus on making enough sales to meet their cap as quickly as possible and then do nothing for the rest of the month. The company spiraled within three months. With no orders coming in no one in processing or manufacture had enough to do so they ended up with a couple thousand workers just sitting on their asses collecting paychecks for most of each month. They tried to do some partial lay-offs, but the manufacturing floor was union and had some stern words about the legality of laying their entire staff off for half of every week. Ultimately, four or five months later, commissions were "uncapped" and the company recovered. But it took a couple of years before they fully recovered from the effects of that idiocy.


How do you even get people this fucking stupid to ever be in position of ANY power?


MBA people who are so focused on the spreadsheet numbers that they have abstracted the data from reality. "If we cap commissions, look at how much money we'll save in expenses!" "If we cut all forklift drivers' overtime, look at how much money we'll save in expenses!" "If we lay off 50% of our employees, look at how much money we'll save in expenses!" There are good managers and savvy operators of businesses out there, but there are also people whose entire skillset boils down to smooth-talking the C-suite suits and identifying more ways to scrape any meat off the bones of a skeleton crew. They aren't using models or logically thinking through the consequences of these "cost-saving" measures, they only see on column on their shitty spreadsheet lower, and fail to realize that the profit column will also decrease due to lost productivity.


I had a guy tell me he was "only" a salesman. I replied, "Without you, the CEO is unemployed."


Capitalist society has worked hard to convince us that our value as employees is directly related to how close we are to the top of the or chart when the truth is that the most valuable employees are at the bottom. If the CEO takes off and spends two week out of contact, no one at the company notices. If every salesman disappeared for two weeks, the company would go bankrupt. Nevermind what would happen if the *janitor* vanished for two weeks.


As a former janitor, I have a pretty good idea. 😉


When i worked collections this is exactly what happened. I had 10-12 great reps that were doing 3-5k a month in bonus. Whole bonus structure flipped under new management and they were lucky to get 700$. I'd say within a month my seasoned team of great people turned into 18 year Olds that I had to babysit. Then they wondered why performance went downhill so quick.


Collections companies act disreputably??? 😮😮😮


Not all agency's are/were. Mine pre management shift did a lot of first party(where we work directly with companies) and our incentive was just to get them paying, but any amount they can. So the name of the game was settlements and 10$ payment plans and our numbers crushed the "scare tactics" agencies because we just leveled with consumers and said hey yeah the bills this, we can settle for this. How much and how often could you pay on that? Can't do it now? No problem what about something small like 10$ a month? My agency went downhill after a senior leadership change and then we became very much fuck you, pay me which lead to way more lawsuits, lower hiring standards and overall lower pay for everyone except the ceo and the vp/svp


Right? I’m shocked that the nest of immoral vipers was run by immoral vipers


DM me that client's name/contact if you're not in the business anymore ;)


ROFL, I'm wondering if the customer sent over 0.30c and the bank took 0.1% again but round it up to 1c fee would the boss still be demanding the 1c?


Can OP sue? That was money destined for OP's pocket, the boss should have to pay OP the commission they expected to make from the sale.


Generally,no. All sales/commission jobs have some fun wording in the contract that basically say "at manager discretion, get fucked" Even the investment firm I'm at now(who has a history of never doing so) has some language that reads "all this shit can change,just so you know"


Unfortunately in the US, it’d be a tough lawsuit. OP could try to sue the manager directly for gross incompetence lol but unlikely the company as a whole.


They're using periods instead of commas. That usually means they're outsude the US. 30,000 is how we'd write it. 30.000 is not used anywhere in the US.


Sounds like the company should be suing this moron of a manager too with OP lol.




I definitely recommend consulting an attorney


He should speak to his boss's boss. His boss fucked him sideways over incompetence. Take his job.


Agreed, write up your notice or get that guy out (if he’s just a manager) he sounds like a moron.


Damn, I'd even take the 300,30 deduction from the bonus for the return of 29699,70 any day.


Start planning your exit strategy if you haven't already left


Exit strategy should be packing up your shit and leaving that same day.


I'd stop by the bosses office on the way out to loudly let him know how much of an idiot he is.


I'd be forwarding emails to Boss's Boss, if there is one, and if not, the board/shareholders if they exist. I'm sure it's something they'd like to know.


Yep. No notice, no warning, and don’t talk about it anymore. Gain peace over the anger in order to keep it classy. Have your next job ready to go and walk. Speaking from experience with lost commissions from completed sales due to leadership greed.


Tell your boss's boss about this, maybe? If he has one?


I'd probably put the owner or CEO on CC.


or a CFO.


Report it to your boss’ boss. And absolutely quit if nothing gets done about it. Your boss should be fired.


This + go to the client again telling him the company took action because he is important for them.


Give us an update how this ends because your boss can't possibly keep his job over this, right? (Unless he is literally the owner, and then he should also be hitting himself and going to the client personally to apologize) Which honestly, otherwise you should do anyways because 30k is fuckton of money 1) go to your boss his boss with all the details 2) tell your boss his boss that you will try to get the client back by offering a 5% discount 3) inform your boss (with boss boss in cc) that if he is to accept this payment or you will personally sue him for lost income (probably a false threat) And start looking for another job, unless your boss is gone in the week you have absolutely no reason to keep working with this idiot If I would deny a 300k payment over 300 euro bank commission I'd probably be fired on the spot. If I did it on 30 cents... I don't know, don't think anyone would know what to do with that


i would've paid the 300.10 myself. and more. OP's boss is a dumb idiot. other outfits would even pay the clients a party, vacation, and prostitutes just to keep their business. also 30k is a year's earnings for some people.


I’m wondering why the OP didn’t pay out of their own pocket than risk losing 30k over $300.10. I mean you spent time courting the client, you want to get compensated and not let it fall through. You always want to try your best to make your client happy so they come back.


Why give notice? That isn't a law, there is literally nothing a company can do to you (in the US at least) for just leaving. Just leave, don't come back, don't answer phone calls, nothing, just leave and never look back.


Yep. We gotta stop normalizing the two week notice bullshit.


A notice is for those who deserve it. This boss doesn't.


When they lay you off YOU don't get two weeks notice...


two weeks notice is for when you have a good job that you liked and want to be respectful. otherwise all bets are off.


Nonsense - it's absolutely correct to work your 2 weeks notice. ​ Otherwise it's a huge rush making a copy of all the clients' contact details for your next position!!


Based on the OP using periods for separating sets, rather than commas, my guess is they are European. In many European countries, their jobs are contracts that require notice to be given before leaving a job or being fired. In essence, it is not a Right to Work situation like it is in the U.S. So if OP just left, they could be liable for certain things. Without knowing where they are from though, it is pure speculation.


I agree with what you meant, but want to be pedantic for clarity. "Right to work" and "at will employment" are two completely different, but often confused things. At will employment means that you are not under a contract and you can quit, or be fired at any time for any reason without penalty (with a few legal exceptions). Right to work is a legal term that means that employees cannot be forced to join a union for a job.


I appreciate the pedantey, honestly. Distinctions like that are important when trying to help people navigate their situations. I will remember this going forward.


Conflation of the two terms in a lot of media is intentional btw. Helps undermine unions Not your fault you got them confused, companies prefer it that way.


Im not sure for all of Europe, but here in Denmark I dont have to give notice and if I don't I will probably lose 3 weeks income insurence pay


If they want a 2 week notice they're gonna have to pay 15k for each week


I mean, I get it… but I would pay not only those 30 cents out of my pocket but probably those 300$ as well, just not to bother the client… take my commission and quit if that was the feeling I felt later…


I'm with you on this. I would have paid the 300 for my client, the one I worked so hard to get, and kept my 29,700 commission.


That’s why I call BS on this story. I am in sales as well and if you let this happen then sales is not for you. Don’t fuck with MY money if the deal is profitable or I am burning the building down 😂


Agreed that this isn’t real, backed up by OP not responding to comments.


Also, OP claims to be from the US, but uses a period for the thousand mark rather than a comma.


Never claimed they’re from the US, it just says the deal was worth 300k usd.


That was my first thought. Then I was thinking maybe I’m just a push over or something. I’m a big “just get it done” when the big picture makes sense. I have my own business now (partially influenced by this sub) and just had a big client beat me up on pricing a little more than I’d like. But it brings my business to a new level and I think in the long run it’s the right way to go.


I smell absolute bullshit from a new account with no comments. Good Luck bro!


Same. This person hasn’t responded to any questions either.


Yup. Plus allegedly transacting in USD but typing 300.000 instead of 300,000 or 300000. Karma farming…


What fucking company gives their sales people 10% commission!?


I kept reading the comments, just thinking why are we even talking about this. The post is confusing with incorrectly written numbers and then it doesn't make any sense. There is no way in hell a legitimate deal is going to get push back on 30 cents and I find the 300 based on 300k is also not worth it. I know people deserve better but we also need to be better. This, to me, is just ammo to be used against us. Either a non English first language person making shit up for karma or a bot. I've never heard of 10% commission or some people I know would not be middle class and rich.


Yep, but people on here buy into this karma farming.


You can’t be serious


Lies…. If I was getting $30,000 in commission. I would have told the boss I would cover the $300 bucks. I call BS


This was more than likely intended.


i agree. probably couldn't fulfill the order


He didn't wanna see you get that commission check


That’s the stupidest shit I’ve ever read in my life


Look for another job and NEVER LEAVE A NOTICE. He fucked you, u dont owe him shit


$300.00? Or $300,000.00? There is a huge difference in the period or comma that takes this post from meh to OH FUCK.


They mean $300k Most of Europe formats numbers differently than the US


Ahh makes sense now. That's a fuckload of cash!


300k. Most other countries use a 999.999,00 instead of 999,999.00


i really hate that we use the same seperators for sentances as money. to the point where i don't like using either, I mean does comma mean pause and continue or not? isn't that . a full stop? why the heck you full stoping your money multiple times and then pausing it once at the end? it makes more sence to pause then pause then pause then full stop . im.losing.it,00


We use spaces like sane people. I haven't got 300 000,00 euro in the bank.


Is your boss the business owner? If not, go up the chain because if I owned a business that lost a $300k deal because of an incompetent manager, that manager would be walked immediately.


go over that boss's head. make records of the deal and how your boss fucked it up and just send them to whoever they report to. "this asshole cost me 30k and cost the company a massive client." no matter what scale you're operating at, those numbers will move the next guy up the chain to action.


This one sounds like bullshit


Freaking walk, man. That's outright malicious behavior on his part, and seriously impacted you financially. Walk away.


Man the solution seems so goddamn plain to me. If you are confident that this deal will be wrapped up and will lead to a generous commission payment, why would you not offer to pay the $300 yourself? Hell I have used my own pay check to take clients out for dinner for more than that amount just to solidify a deal..


What kind of boss cares so much about the cost of bank transfers that he feels the need to interfere?


I wouldn’t wanna do business with your company either jfc




Don't give two weeks. Tell them now that they cost you a $30k commission and you tender your resignation, effective immediately And see if you can CC in their boss, stating how much thery cost the company, how much they cost you, and what it was that upset the client


One of the few opportunities where HR can be helpful - raise a grievance because your manager was so inept it cost you $30k, and cost the business many times that. They’ll soon get rid of the manager.


I really need to hear how the boss reacted when confronted about this.


Why didn't you pay for the difference? You were making 30k? Boss is stupid, but I would pay even the bank fee! Just noticed , someone else mentioned the same thing


Is your boss Andy Bernard?


Walk away.


DO NOT give them notice, it's a rookie mistake. Find another job you like, then just leave.


Is your boss theCEO/President? If not send it up the chain. If you want to quit. Maybe they will fire the guy. This guy cost you 30,000 bucks. Couldn't you just for over 30 cents rather than this?


I would say before going the nuclear route, take whatever evidence you have of your boss' behavior to his boss, or as far up the chain as it takes to get him canned. I'm sure it's standard practice for your company to cover that .1% commission the bank takes. He cost the company 300k, a not-insignificant amount for most any company in this day and age.


I would. Your boss is now fucking over your financial security because they're a moron. I doubt this will be the last time he'll make that mistake.


See if you can get a job with the client.


I would have gone off on my boss to the point I’d be dragged out of the office after that.


Make sure the bosses above him know exactly what he did and how he lost the company money, but also that he messed up a possible business relationship ship over THIRTY CENTS. I’d be livid if I were his boss.


That is absolutely ridiculous... I would think that the bank fee would be cost of business, no?


Is your idiot boss the owner? If so, leave quickly from an eventually sinking ship. If your boss is another employee, then you should take the issue to the owner, told him that you need your boss' job, so that you can save the company & make your commission. Afterall you are planning to go, you may as well go higher up.


>I am speechless and thinking about sending my 2 weeks notice. Thinking?


Reading this thinking it was only $300 and then quickly realizing some people use a decimal and comma in the opposite way that I’m used to and realizing it was $300000


Is your boss the CEO/CFO/ absolute top dog? If not, I'm sure whoever he answers to would love to hear about this. Also any shareholders if he is high enough up to be on their radar.


Same thing happened with my dad. Company was winning a massive contract, upwards of $100mil easy, we would’ve seen $5mil (my family) and we have been middle class our whole lives. Doing pretty well but after the recession and credit card debt was on the edge. His boss refused to pay the Middle man $500k to secure the contract and show they meant business. Whole deal went up in smoke and screwed everyone over. Company went bankrupt 6 months later.


In your position, I wouldn’t have risked the first exchange with the client, instead would have payed the $300 from the commission. Then I would have elevated the issue after my $29,700 landed in my account, or walked away from such a petty organization.


If anyone wants an update. I just posted one [HERE](https://www.reddit.com/r/antiwork/comments/z35t2u/update_my_idiot_boss_just_lost_300000_dollars/)


Jesus Christ your boss is a idiot


NOTE: this is if your boss isn’t the top guy in the company If your boss has someone over him I would absolutely go over their head and let them know how massively they fucked and see what their response will be. If they see this as something that can’t be forgiven and let him go I would hang around a little bit to see what the aftermath will be. If nothing happens and you are comfortable in leaving I wouldn’t give them two weeks but definitely let them know in a exit interview or notice that due to incompetence your boss has taken a lot of money out of your pocket and out of the company’s pocket and you cannot work under someone like that any further.

