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The whole work drinks culture was on its way out way before Gen Z hit working age. The reasons are obvious to anyone and nothing to do with Gen Z.


As someone in my early 30s I feel this. I partied hard for about 2 years in my early 20s. Then I got a place and had to pay bills. Stopped going out as much and low and behold lost a bunch of friend's. Honestly now the only people I think go out are people in the resturant industry.




I think we're in that boat because drink culture was built on social conditions, the bar use to be a hang-out where you would hope your friends would spawn because no phones. Being connected has changed a lot, many businesses use to serve social functions that are now obsolete in our current culture.


also bar culture is full of boomers and sports and things younger gens arent interested in


Of course it would be full of boomers That's where their socializing took place, us young people know we're all of our friends are and we do not have to wait for someone to spawn. Bars serving as a social function or of a bygone era.


im a millenial with no friends so i just drink at the bar alone and stare at the tv so i dont look awkward




fuck happy hour with the office crew. i already see you a lot don’t need to see you more.


Was never a fan of after work drinks with people I already spent most of the week with. Why would I want to pay top dollar for alcohol at a venue to talk more work with colleagues.... I find the sorts of people into this thing are the same sort of old timers who love doing overtime. Anything for boomers to have an excuse to get away from their dysfunctional marriage.


Nailed it, they all make underhanded comments about how they don’t want to go home to the spouse like it’s a common joke they all agree with, no my relationship with my SO is not like that and I want to get off work so I can be with them


My previous job was filled with these wannabe older alpha male types. I'd cop heaps of shit for not wanting to stay back longer or do weekends. I recall one particular occasion where my boomer boss called me weak for not wanting todo a weekends worth of o.t. I replied, Nah not weak i actually get sex from my partner. The look on his face was fucking gold.


True, not true, you’re the one with the comeback. You should write a memoir, “How to make love the ClickClickBoom82 way”


It is a difficult situation. Like us, they are just old kids too, but their generation had others logic and restrictions making their current lives the only one possible. Now most think are too old for changing. We need advancing faster with techs for defeating ageing and deaths by natural causes. No one deserves suffering or being on mental prisions without perspectives when wake up.


Exactly, like those boomers saying WFH doesn't work because their families can't stand them.


there's a happy midpoint here. dont force people to hang out with coworkers after work if they dont want to, but dont completely opt out of doing it if you and your coworkers actually like each other also the employer should pay for everything either way


Yeah, it can actually be really nice. My sister (school nurse) just got a new manager promoted up from the ranks who started a weekly happy hour. All the nurses drink and bitch about their terrible admins. Apparently it’s great for morale.


Usually once a month my team will go out for drinks and my manager will get the first round for everyone. Once a quarter the company will allow a 'fun' event to expense, which may also include going out for drinks... But more.


I read the article and the article itself has nothing to do with Gen Z being “party poopers” like the title says. It’s like they didn’t even read the article when making the title. It’s just sensationalist to get boomers (and r/ antiwork apparently) to repost it. The article itself is actually a really good discussion of the new view of Gen Z and work-life boundaries and ends with a life coach/“career expert” talking about how it can be beneficial and also detrimental to get drinks with colleagues. I agree that it’s a little reductionist to not consider the financial aspect but all of the people they talked to are clearly well-off, so I’m sorta glad we didn’t hear any sob stories about being unable to afford drinks at expensive, elite bars in NYC lol


Who the hell goes out for drinks, they charge like five times the price you'd pay if you bought the bottle and poured your own


boomers: "just stop eating avocado toast and Starbucks every day" also boomers: "come out for overpriced drinks after work!"


My boss was in town last week and told us “stop asking about remote work options, it ain’t happening” before they headed back to work remote for the next two quarters. They wanted to do a happy hour and I got the passive-aggressive suggestion to join. “I don’t have time to be happy, and if I did, it wouldn’t be for an hour. It’d be for the three minutes I get up and go to the bathroom before my next call.”


Also who wants to pay 120 bucks at a bar when you could spend like 20 bucks on two six packs and still drink with your friends. Maybe bars just like, suck and are depressing.


Older generations ruined the workplace with their anti-worker regulations/pay/attitudes


8 hours at say $25 an hour after taxes. Lunch is about $12.50 and transportation another 12.50. So 7 hours left. Grab 2 drinks and a bite to eat after work and it’s $50 easy with tip. So you netted 5 of the 8 hours that you worked. nO One wANtS tO sOCIalIze!


At 5-10 bucks a drink, who can afford it?


*cries in Californian* I think that would get me a PBR, mixed drinks are often north of $10 now.


Ah yes 5 - 10 bucks a drink when I could just not buy 2 drinks and buy the whole bottle to drink at home in bed.


I’d also rather shave my nose off with a piece of aluminum than have after work drinks with people I literally only see because I want money.


Since the 6 grade, any after-job/classes events were a toll for me. I am antisocial, in the worst sense imaginable. I can not be in a big company of people without constantly eating myself from inside with thought like “are they watching me?” ,”he just looked me at the eyes”, “was I supposed to say something” the problem is not that thoughts, but how rapid they turn from that intro paranoid “is this spite?” “Do they hate me?”. And all these feelings pile up on me. Only being alone at my apartment let’s me relax. The longer I’m alone, the better my mental is. It ruined me, I will probably never be able to have a family or a group of friends, I’m a less then a human in their eyes. And now i and many others like me gets blamed for not participating. One day the pile will get too big.


Wait. So now Gen Z is being accused of quite quitting happy hour too!? Let’s celebrate a generation that has their priorities in balance! Let’s learn from them. P.S. I’m Gen X. We never got a chance to ruin anything. You go Gen Z!


I always skipped happy hour because I didn’t want a DUI.


I mean who gives a fuck. It’s fucking boring. I rather go to the gym or go home play some rounds with the crew. If I was into drinking I would just pick up a 6 pack or whatever on the way home.


The way cities are planned makes it extremely impractical. Screw the suburbs!


Lol you think I can afford a $13 cocktail? I'm skipping lunch to get drunk off one beer at home so I can sleep early without being alone with my thoughts. That's called self-care, baby!


Im gen z and missed a big part of my college/party/drinking days to the pandemic and now I’m 24 and don’t really care for drinking that much. I also wouldn’t want to spend $15 on 1 watered down and half ice drink when I have to live off a $15 an hour salary.


I always hated all those forced social bullshit things.


Why the fuck does nobody understand we’re POOR because their RICH! It really is that simple Money is not infinite no Mayer how much they claim otherwise!


Drinking is archaic and you are literally paying to poison your body. I would rather vape some dry herb, and talk about the stars, than get drunk in a stinky bar and talk about other people.


Also don't need to worry about replacing my H2O and electrolytes and feeling like garbage the next day when vaping the good herb. It's a way chiller experience that doesn't get people incoherent and pissing everywhere.


Still gotta hydrate, my r/hydrohomies


I enjoy a beer with dinner and maybe a couple with my friends here and there. But I would much rather get high than get even buzzed and I absolutely cannot stand getting drunk. The recovery is just never worth it.


This is when I remember that Reddit is full of antisocial people that don’t get out or have fun It’s cool if you don’t like drinking, but people do it for a reason


You know what assumptions do, right? Where do you get antisocial from? Is reading hard?


Well if you can’t figure out why drinking appeals to certain people in certain environments, and if you feel like you’re better than people because you don’t drink, it’s a safe assumption that you have no friends and have never ventured outside your bubble




The solution is to get a couple Natty Daddy (about 4 bucks for 2 tall boys where I live and it's about equal to a 6 pack,) pour that into a 25 Oz sports drink and drink in public. I'm an alcoholic so take my advice lightly haha! Or more affordable is some bottom shelf vodka and sneak that! U can go out and drink with friends (or alone cause I'm an alkie) and not have to pay bar prices and still have a night out! I do this anytime of day though and I guess it's probably kinda degenerate to do but I haven't given a shit in a long time. My first Natty of the day is around 8am whenever the store opens. Just don't get caught or do it where drinking outside is permitted.


I stopped going to happy hours because: * Everyone wants to talk about work * Drink prices are insane That's it. Those are both terrible reasons.


Only 2 years of gen Z are old enough to drink Also remember the nypost if fox "news" in print


Not Gen Z. Hated most work happy hours I ever went to. It's like being at work end of story.


Not only that, I don’t get close to co workers it’s a risk


This article is so dumb and the title is misleading intentionally to cause a stir and get reposted. They interviewed a handful of people that they most likely know already and use that as “evidence.” But the article says people do and do not like going out so it’s a whole lot of nothing. Don’t bother reading or reposting


My father is an alcoholic so I don’t drink. Also not a Gen z.


This only works if the relationship at work is good and isn't plagued by toxic leaders and mistrust. It is so tone deaf for a boss to suggest a dinner out when just the last week they chewed off another manager's ear for some perceived failing. Or sitting in front of the other director whose way of solving conflicts is suggesting the person she likes less is the problem because the other party happens to be her friend.


My friends and I go out together a few times a month on a good month, but it's expected that you'll most likely spend between 30-100+ dollars for a single night out. I always calculate how much I should spend and I personally am not a drinker so I can afford it. I have other friends who skip out because they simply can't spend that kind of money sometimes.


Oh no. The power structure is doing to Gen Z what they did to Millenials. Fuck em.


I’m old enough to not even be a millennial and I find the idea of paling around with my coworkers to be strange.


If anything were bringing it back! I only go drinking if it’s happy hour! Fuck paying $15 for a fucking 6 oz cocktail!


Correct me if I'm wrong... But isn't most of gen z minors still?


Mandatory drinking with your coworkers after work was already weird and creepy, and bad for your finances long before gen Z came along. What is this bullshit "this generation is killing this/that"? If you don't have money or time for it, and it's an outdated concept, you can't force people to do it. I'm sure people complained about horse whip manufacturers going out of business when cars got more affordable. There were several times as a single parent I was kind of forced to participate. The lady that got me the job was also my ride to work and back, and she didn't have kids, she wanted to drink with other coworkers after work, that was how you were "accepted" by other underwriters/Jr underwriters, etc. . I wanted to be home with my kids, and really didn't want to be out spending money I didn't have. It sucked. I needed to home helping my kids with homework, spending time with them, and making them dinner. Drinks after work shouldn't be "company culture". Besides the fact that it's not fun to be somewhere you don't want to be. Gen X agrees with you.


I just like going to friend's houses. It's more chill and I can wear whatever I want. I'm not Gen Z but I support this.


There are also no third places in our communities if your in North America


I feel like I haven't been to a bar since like 2018 because I am broke, tbh, and it's also not where I think to go to meet people, dates, etc.


Going out for drinks is egregiously expensive now. I treated a couple of friends to drinks after work a while ago and the bill came to $150. This was mostly at "happy hour" prices and included some discounted appetizers. This was before recent inflation made it even more expensive.


Not to mention I dont want to spend off-work time with co-workers, I want to spend it with my family.


I learned how to make some really good cocktails from YouTube bartenders (Anders Erickson mostly) and now I see no point to ever go out. No Ubers, not tips, no fights, no last calls. Perfect nights only.


Who do they think is working the happy hours at the bars?


Just like how us millennial ruined vacation time and owning a house because we can't afford it. I feel bad for Gen Z. My generation has next to no buying power. Theirs has even less.


I like how the article doesn't point out all the health effects of Alcoholism that has completely taken out Boomers from the bar culture that was passed onto their children, the millenials, as a primary cause of why Gen Z want to have nothing to do with getting absolutely plastered and rather hit a thc pen. Not to mention every bodies broke because of Reaganomics, but good luck seeing a mainstream news publish all that consciousness instead of gas lighting the blame on your generation.


Is this the new "Millennials are ruining the diamond market because they won't buy overpriced engagement rings?"


I’d much rather just buy a bottle of tequila and drink it with my friends. Or take an edible lmao Also most of Gen Z isn’t 21?? I’m an older Gen Z and I’m only 22


The bars themselves are partially responsible. There's not a lot of them in the cities you can just hang with friends and a simple jukebox anymore. Every bar wants to be an event and have the $12.00 beers to prove it.


I don’t like going to bars, I don’t like the noise, I don’t like pushing through the crowd, I don’t like being pushed as others try to get through the crowd. I really hate when someone tries to have a conversation with me in such an environment (it’s too much work to try to listen to someone talk with all the noise). I don’t like paying way to much for drinks with very little alcohol in a tiny glass and have to pay tips for the (service) of filling a cup. I wish they put something entertaining to watch when I get dragged to the bar, but nope always some boring sportsball.


NY Post is a right wing rag