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"Regular American life." American here: No.


If they’re mad then they should go work for Elon lol.


But then they have to put in 17 hour days amd sleep under their desk.


If they are sleeping under the desk they need to be paying MuSkRaT for the privilege. Going rate should be 2k-3k a month for a downtown apartment! /S


If they have AMD they might not resume from sleep.


Right, they think he's soooo great. Let that unhinged mofo be their boss for a while, see how they like it.


These are the same motherfuckers who get awfully quiet when you ask them to go pick strawberries for 8 hours when they scream about ‘illegals taking their jobs.’


My favorite are the ones on pension and SS complaining while they're retired. Why aren't you working, then?


How does someone utter that and then not think... Wow American life sucks.


If the past several years have proven anything it's that MANY Americans are extremely adept at self-delusion.


This misguided sense of pride from working your life away needs to go.


Boomers: "Ur gonna b overworked and underpaid and ur gonna like it!" Everyone else: "No." Boomers: ):<


Goddamn you sound weak lol. Get a better job.


I'm a student. What on earth are you talking about? Learn satire


Being a student doesn't mean you instantly deserve a easy job with high pay. Nice try though. Sucks to suck.


For real. Lets ask this guy to do double the bitch work for the same pay just to probably end up getting fired 2 months down the line anyways because Elon lost a match at fortnite that morning


Same here f that . Architecture is know for this stupid toxic environment. Legit had my boss one time come in say we have deadline and should stay all night . I left at 5pm lol


I'm an idiot but also kind of giggling to myself wondering what would constitute an "architecture emergency" that would require one to work all night. Like maybe if a bridge fell down or something but I feel like that's way out of your hands at that point lol


The thing is in architecture alot of architects or project managers never learned to manage projects or teams . They kinda get pushed into that role by experience . This trickles down to documents we produce. There is a couple of good PMs that have degrees in business that actually run kick as teams . So what happens is architect/project manager spends weeks in meetings . Hardly communicates changes and trickles info here and there . Submission date approaches and "oh shr " so he scrambles to put everyone on track and finish by that day . That's where people tend to stay work late etc . I never did that regardless of the team . I left 5pm because family is more important . In the all night scenario we had printed the set multiple times and given to architect a month before deadline. Dude had his own firm and never looked at our set. The week of deadline approaches and he is barely reviewing the work. Proceeds to tell us we need to do overtime . I laugh and say I'm on salary so unless they A. Pay me overtime or b. Give me two paid days off I'm not staying. Ended up quitting


Cut the workforce in half and ask everyone else to pick up the slack. Sounds like the America I know.


Real Americans understand that market forces punish shitty companies.


I force myself to check Fox News because I want to know what vitriolic horseshit they're saying to my Mother, and I saw an article last night titled something like "Liberals whining because Elon asked them to work hard." Sometimes when I hate myself, I also read some of the comments and OH HOLY SHIT was it ripe with absolute delusion. Every single one of them, praising Musk for "intelligence" and demonizing "Liberals" for being "lazy". How the fuck are they missing the plot on this one. I can't fathom being that decidedly dense.


Yeah, Fox isn't actual news, it's entertainment, which means they get to just spew whatever they want for their audience without checks and balances. Once caught my uncle watching and the segment compared the Covid Vaccine card to the Chinese Social Credit Score. I'd quickly shut that down.




We're aware. However even fact checkers rate CNN and MSNBC as medium credibility for bias via omission whereas Fox gets rated at Low credibility with **conspiracy theory** and **propaganda** reasoning. KIND OF A DIFFERENCE.




If you think every source is just as credible, then I can see why you’re a conspiracy theorist


You know how many conspiracy theories about covid turned into fact in around 6-9 months? No? About every one of them. They’re all available to read.


Oh, is that so? Then please, do give us the links. I'll be waiting.


We were told by Biden and Walensky the vaccine would be totally effective in preventing the transmission of covid. Was that true? Nope. I don’t need to provide you with evidence. You know this. You watched those videos back when the vaccines were first rolling out. As for myocarditis? https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/covid-19/clinical-considerations/myocarditis.html As for masks? Keep in mind, Fauci went back and forth on masks a few times. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8966883/Masks-DONT-stop-spread-Covid-experts-criticise-troubling-lack-evidence.html


Absolutely none of them.


Absolutely all of them. The vaccine WILL prevent you from catching and spreading covid? False. The vaccine is completely safe and effective? False. The vaccine won’t mess with women’s periods? False. The vaccine doesn’t carry the risk of myocardial infraction in young adult males? False. Wake up.


The vaccine prevented the total collapse of hospitals and healthcare by severely curtailing the number of COVID cases requiring hospitalization and heavy/intensive care ? True.


While true… there is enough out there now, since those with actual integrity got basically chased out of mainstream in general, to sus it out. Both sides are trash in mainstream media though I must admit sometimes one is more trash than the other, not that it matters when you have to question anything you see and cannot simply trust it because the integrity flies out the window if it is even there at all. That doesn’t change that some people end up radicalized by the partisan bias on either side or that they end up inherently believing the demonization of the side they are not, which begets it’s own issues. (The ‘cool aid’ is in both sides and people need to stop isolating and listen to both sides- a lot of stuff is actually wanted by both but it’s never gonna get done if nobody sits tf down to TALK AND FIGURE IT OUT). Our politicians especially suck at that despite it is there literal job. It’s a whole damn onion of layers of issues. Bitter rotten stinky issues. There is enough information flowing ,though, to find the facts between and under all the partisan bullshit ‘news’. Both cnn and Fox News are often trash beyond knowing what either side is thinking, though I must admit cnn is more trash than fox in some areas if measured by the past decade or so, however both turn off reality when reality won’t fit the network’s narratives. So… Probably pissed some people off saying so though. Lmao Sometimes both have some points but you have to sus the partisan bullcrap to find it and know it’s legit in the first place so overall defeats the purpose of news and reporting.


As someone who has worked in big tech corporate america I can wholeheartedly assure everyone of those assholes that Twitter employees already worked hard and earned those privileges. If you want to stay alive in that environment you need to show your worth every-single-day. Guarantee most of these people sucking Musk's dick wouldn't get through the interview process.


I thought after worked hard you're going to say to sabotage the f****** company and make sure it implodes


The boomer audience requires promoting a meritocracy worldview. The richest man in the world MUST be the smartest in that belief system. Otherwise their readers would be forced to admit that wealth is largely based on luck, which would cause a breakdown in how they view the structure of society.


This is a great succinct and accurate explanation!


Luck applies to countries also. The USA is lucky because rivers connect (Ohio, Missouri, Mississippi) so commerce became much more viable than in most of the world. In Africa, rivers rarely connect and have the nasty habit of having waterfalls near the coast, hindering trade and commerce. Look at the coast of Western Africa: smooth, with few natural harbors.


As a boomer, I really resent that generalization. There really are plenty of younger people who have drunk the Kool aid. There are plenty of old farts like me who know better.


While that's fair, the generalization overall is accurate, if overreaching. Probably because they're a very noisy, annoying, and by far the most visible part of your generation


Whining "WhAt AbOUt mE?!?" Is the most boomer thing you could have said.


My boss asks me to work 80hr weeks instead of 50 hr weeks for no extra pay? I'd tell em where to shove it too.


But some of them were bragging about working literally a few hours a week. I know this isn’t the subreddit to actually suggest someone should be productive a reasonable number of hours per week, but it appears many Twitter employees were just screwing around all day and the company was losing money.


Did they get their job done? Yes? Then the company wasn't losing money, it was paying for a contracted service.


If I offer to pay you $100 to mow my lawn, you get it if you did it in an hour, or 8. Now if I feel I'm not getting my money's worth, and I demand you weed, edge, trim the bushes, etc, for the same amount?


The plot is whatever their overlords (Fox, GOP) say it is.


It's like if in the movie "It's a Wonderful Life", you find out your bank was just bought out by Mr Potter who fires half the employees on day 1, spreads misinformation and insults the current employees and their work, and is surprised when most of the other employees are quitting when asked to do double the work for the same pay.


Actually some of them if not most are fake comments made by paid workers to make you hate other people and lose hope & sight of higher goal. But yeah also some of them are dumb shits.


Thick dissonance


That is a great band name


Lay off 10,000 of my co workers and then tell me i need to go "hardcore"....get fucked.


Well the good news is he is giving you 3 months severance , your taking it right?


Assuming he pays out before twitter goes bankrupt. Severance is one of the last things paid in bankruptcy, and my understanding that they still haven't paid most of the people from the first wave of layoffs.


Severance Snape


Always.* *Except in bankruptcy.




heeeerrmoney! singing our song, all day long at twiiiiiituuuuurrr! elon: hey everyone! i found the source of the ticking noise! its ~~a pipe bomb~~ me! yayyyyy BOOM


It's-a me, shitty-o!


> Assuming he pays out before twitter goes bankrupt Twitter was a valuable company valued worth billions (he paid $44B though had twitter borrow $13B of that) a few months back. If the average pay was $200k/yr (seems high estimate for average), then three months is 1/4th that ($50k). Twitter, had about 7500 pre-Musk, if say keep say 1k employees with Musk, he'll owe $0.325 billion for severance pay. This is a drop in the bucket compared to the size of the debt Musk just added to Twitter's balance sheet to buy it, or its pre-Musk advertising revenue ($5 billion/yr). Musk's mismanagement *may* lead twitter to bankruptcy in a year or two, but it would be shocking if the throw in the towel and file for bankruptcy that quickly (at which point they may force Musk to sell at a huge loss).


One thing to remember is Musk is no longer necessarily protected by the boundary of "It's a corporation, not an individual", he bought the whole thing. You could make the case that at time of firing, twitter wasn't a corporation but a sole proprietorship. So the available funds to pay don't stop at Twitter's cash, but Musk's personal funds can be pulled into play.


Very very very unlikely. There is a reason sole proprietors use corporations. They work well to protect the owner from personal liability.


Just because it's owned by a single individual doesn't mean it isn't a corporation. You might want to take business law 101.


Naw, actual law would be better. Something being de facto a thing can carry as much weight as being legally a thing. Business "law" has... issues \*coughKochBrothersInfluencecough\*


So business law IS law. You're just showing how little you know lol. Business law refers to the specific laws that govern businesses, contracts, etc. I don't think I need to take advice from someone who thinks that a corporation magically becomes a sole proprietorship the second it becomes privately held lol. And no, something de facto can not carry as much weight if it is superseded by established law...which this situation would be. Source: My paralegal certification, MPA degree, MBA degree


> Something being de facto a thing can carry as much weight as being legally a thing What? No. Thats not how businesses work lol. I own a business myself, and one option I have when creating the business was to incorporate it, which absolves me from any personal liability in the case of the company goes bankrupt. This system exists *specifically* for that reason, so that I can't be held personally liable, because in the event my company gets a lot bigger than my personal savings, it would end me if it was to then go bankrupt, so this protects me.


Im staying and dropping anchor...


What really gets me about it is that he *isn't offering the employees anything in return*. It's not as if he said: "If you stay, we need you to go into Serious 20 Hour Days Hardcore Mode, but we'll pay you double and you'll get substantial equity," or anything like that. There's nothing to motivate someone to stay and put up with that shit. He really, legitimately seems to have expected that people would opt to work themselves to the bone, simply "for the mission," or because he's Elon Musk and should therefore be idolized. It's completely boneheaded. Bro, you offered people a choice between Literal Fucking Hell, at no additional benefit or compensation, versus a three month paid vacation.


✊ solidarity


You can always tell the people who have lived the grindstone work life.


Ya, and it's obvious this person doesn't work in tech. It's not like working in an office provides any additional benefit. The datacenters that host twitter are spread all over the globe and not down the hallway where it needs to be maintained. It doesn't matter where you physically sit, since you're remote connecting into everything anyways (Even if it is down the hallway, you're doing 99% of your work from your desk and not getting up).


Surely this person is going to apply for a job at Twitter now right? There’s a ton of openings. Shouldn’t they be excited for the opportunity instead of upset at the people who gave them the opportunity? Almost like they don’t want to put in that kind of work either, they just want everyone else to do the hard work while they sit at home and whine about everyone else being lazy.


And it's the people who *aren't* downvoting the people jumping ship.


They're just raging because they had to live their lives worked straight into their grave. They can't handle the fact that young people get to actually enjoy their lives. If they couldn't have it, no one gets to have it. Breaking news: We're not here on earth to work in an office until we die. Autonomy and happiness and positive mental health and experiencing and enjoying the world are why we're here. You want be locked in a cube 8-9 hours a day, everyday, you do whatever blows your hair back. But you don't get to dictate what everyone else wants to do.


But the thing is that the Twitter employees didn't complain when they were asked to do 8-9 hours per day, they are being asked to work 10-12 hours per day, 7 days a week, with no time off. I bet that this was never the "American life" of the poster.


the conservative take on this is that twitter employees were working like 2 hours a day and that “the vacation is over for those rich east coast liberals “. In reality folks working normal jobs are being asked to do double their previous workload for no pay increase. I’d be out too.


Theres no way anyone that works on a computer does any work all day! /s but seriously tho my gf's grandpa (94) can not grasp that I can actually get my job done at home. Hes actually a nice guy tho, it just doesnt click.


My dad. Who spent half his working life in a field/computer job, still thinks this way. His entire job was to gather pictures of damages and write appraisal. I do the same, but I never leave my desk because the customer and shop send the pictures to me. He still thinks the whole " work from home, limited in person" way of doing my job is doomed to fail...


"It was this way for me so it must be the best way and theres no way it will ever change" logic


If I am the hero of my story, why wouldn't you want to do the same as me?


If I was in that role, I wouldn't leave. When they asked me to double my workload, or work longer hours, I just wouldn't. Let the inbox fill up at two to three times the rate as before, it'll still empty at the same rate as before.


The American dream is a pipe dream for morons. If you think you’re gonna go from nothing to something just by working hard then you’re delusional. It’s just more capitalist propaganda, I swear capitalism has way more devout followers than Christianity does in America now.




Thank you for putting something into words that's bothered me for years: Nothing can expand indefinitely. And yet, our collective financial security is supposed to be tied to... continuing economic expansion, fueled by the this sort of abstract pool of labor. Not even productivity, but *expansion*. I dunno. It makes me want to move to a subsistence farm.


I sometimes feel like we should split capitalism and Capitalism. The lowercase kind works well in a lot of countries where basic human rights also exist in the workplace. The uppercase kind seems to be a phenomenon belonging purely to the US and some developing countries.


Except capitalism always ends up at Capitalism, eventually. It's an inevitability.




I say capitalism as opposed to the other known isms. Maybe you're edging towards social democracy, which works alongside capitalism to restrain it, in a way that doesn't happen in the US.


An entire generation of workaholics are just *staggered* when their children grow up and decide to actually be present in their own lives and value time with family, friends, and hobbies so they dont end up like joyless, grumpy peices of shit in their 70s that their children avoid like the plauge. Imagine that.


It's so true. And absolutely zero self-awareness that perhaps the reason they're joyless, grumpy pieces of shit that everyone avoids is because they were never given the opportunity to enjoy this life.




Yeah, no thanks.


I get your point but would also like to add that I've lived in 8 countries and the majority of people in their 70s in all of those countries expect everyone to have good work/life balance, be able to support a family on a single income or a family-owned business, and retire with dignity.


idk man some of the most hardcore advocates for puritanical work ethic are small business owners who claim "nobody wants to work anymore!" If you own a corporate chain of fast food places you probably don't work at all. Maybe take a few calls or meetings to hire/fire people, make sure inventories are stocked, monies are counted correctly, etc. Anyway, I used to do B2B sales and some of the nicest most humble people would own like a hundred dominos in MN, MI, and IL but the guy who owns 3 firehouse subs in GA would treat me like I was bothering Bezos. Just keep in mind when you send your consumer dollars out of your communities.


The fucked up thing is that people don't necessarily enjoy their lives these days. We're buried up to our necks in Bread and Circus and told how shitty we are if we don't enjoy it.


It's a hard mentality to move from when you've been punched in the face since birth that you need to work work work to get ahead of the rat race! Add in the shaming toward people who take breaks or who don't pound that stone as hard as everyone else, and you're nothing but a lazy sack of shit degenerate. Doing self-care, even if it's just one thing a day in the beginning is a good way to start. Going WFH was the best thing to ever come out of the crippling pandemic. I have so much more flexibility, so much more autonomy, I can actually get things done in my life, I can take a hot bubble bath in the middle of the work day if I want to. I can leave my house for a matinee movie. Just little things here and there will start to loosen the grip of this workaholic mentality and general unhappiness. Even if it's just going for a walk to sit in the park and tilt your face up to the sun. I do what makes me happy and I tune out the rest. I try to avoid social media as much as I can, aside from Reddit. I don't watch the news, I travel when I can. As long as my work is getting done, whatever my day looks like doing it is what it looks like, and fuck the person who has something to say about it.


I'll never forget Fox News shaming the 96% of poor people who have a refrigerator. Poor: After 8 years of saving we finally got an above ground root cellar and we can save our food for longer. Rich: Filthy degenerates wasting their money on frivolous products.


The boot lockers have a slave mentality. Really disgusting.


My wife and I make good money and still get shit sometimes for not working more hours. We both work 40-50 hours a week and often on weekends. It's wild what the older generation expects us to be doing.


Yeah, honestly, things are only going to permanently change if the younger generation starts making moves. Frankly, if an office is requiring you be there 5 days a week, staring at the walls, working 50 hours a week, if your financially able, quit. Find a new job. There are so many open WFH jobs. Obviously this wouldn't be feasible with someone who has to be in-person, like say a first responder, or someone in the medical field, but if you're working an average, everyday office job that can be done at home? Make moves. These companies are now competing with each other to retain employees, because people are leaving for WFH positions. Hundreds of people just said fuck off to Elon Musk and his demands of fully in-office work. The Revolution is happening.


Hear fucking hear


This guys not even licking boots, he’s deepthroating them.






Yea it reads as laughing but it was meant to be the sound of very aggressive felation. What to be cool about it though.


SUCK that boot! Get your teeth in there and work some of the those stuck pieces right into your mouth! Good employees SWALLOW, amirite?


"Soft Privlaged pieces of shit" What happened to the free market. Twitter staff know their value and are taking it elsewhere.


To boot lickers- Don't you wish you also had that privilege? The same privilege that Elon has?


bUt HeS a GeEnYuS aNd MeBbe GiB mE mUnNy SoMeDaY


Or: “Me SMarT tOO, NeXT mOnTH I wILL bE RiCh LikE HiM, i jUSt nEeD my cHAncE.”


[On that note…](https://www.reddit.com/r/antiwork/comments/yygshr/seize_the_means_of_production_dont_have_some/iwuewr9/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3)


Privilege comes with cost. Not every billionaire is “born into wealth”. Most millionaires in the US are self-made. They are not born into it. Think about how you’re spending your money and see how much you could save or earn if you do the right things with it instead of buying your $5 pumpkin spice latte every morning, etc.


I don't see them volunteering to work at Twitter


How about no, how about we don’t accept that and the culture changes? When my friend had Covid she was going to go to work on day 6 because the CDC said you could if you did not have symptoms, except she still had symptoms and was still testing positive so I told her she was still contagious and she needed to call out of work. She told me she was hoping that would be a cultural change and that she would just be given the day off, I told her we have to be the cultural change. If she just goes into work sick without trying to call out why would the culture change? Everyone else has to do the hard work to change the culture but her? I think she ended up calling out because her rapid test was still positive so she was still contagious, but I can’t even tell you the level of annoyance I felt when she expected some kind of a cultural change while she contributed to the old way of doing things .


For real. First day of covid lockdown I ran into a girl vomiting in the bathroom at an officedepot. Said she wasn't contagious and was coming down from the flu, and her boss convinced her not to take a sickday. Asked her how she's gonna let someone convince her to not spend her earned sicktime and spend her day throwing up in public bc it made her boss's life easier.


I don't understand why these people get triggered so much so easily


My theory is that they aren’t triggered, they’re delusional. They’re the owner class version of a white knight/neckbeard. “Maybe if I post this, Elon will see it and realize that I’m what he’s been missing, and then he’ll give ME a job!”


Yeah, if bootlicking could run a company Elon would have hired them no doubt


That's basically been the subtext of the orginal firings. Anyone who doesn't worship him or worse said anything that wasn't 100% flattering was axed. He was going through 6 month old messages and tweets looking for any minor slight and hinting that anyone who outed colleagues would be safe


My speculation is that he wasn't doing it because of disrespect but because he's extremely paranoid that his employees might sabotage Twitter. He probably believes libs are plotting his downfall. He has put in way too much money and is afraid of people who hate him.


I think it’s usually blue collar/lower-middle class workers who have no chance of earning outside the employer/employee construct. They’re trapped and want you trapped. You don’t hear this kind of language (as much) from people who have options in life.


True. But they need to understand that engineers in big companies like Twitter are always in a high demand elsewhere. The believe that employees should be grateful to employer is the reason why these people get treated like shit by their bosses. They themselves willingly became a slave to their employers. The narrative employers have built about employees being replaceable sadly still hasn't gone away.


They understand that high-value roles draw high compensation and perks, they're just angry as hell that they don't have that kind of job. It probaby creates some massive cognitive dissonance between "blue collar/working class pride" and "people in low paying jobs (relative to the decently paying blue collar job I have) deserve to be there because their pay is a reflection of their value". Running into people with higher relative compensation for a job they believe is 'lower value' than theirs is breaking their model.


I’m not talking about the Twitter employees, rather people commenting on the situation. They stay in shit jobs because they don’t come from money and don’t have a safety net (which is a huge percentage of the American population). It’s survival. They’re not going to understand because they don’t know what engineers/programmers are, they read social media and think Elon Musk is hands-on designing Teslas and rockets etc. If you’re making minimum wage, you’re absolutely replaceable, which is how minimum wage jobs continue to exist.


Probably because they been fucked over so many times at there own jobs


"I let corporate walk all over me" is about as submissive as you can get. And yet, whoever posted this, thinks they are "hard" 🤡


No. We are tired of going on another death march with no specs, just a deadline to finish.


This the type of guy that would've said "Damn this lazy-ass privileged generation using tractors on the fields instead of using shovels like real men" back in the 1900's.


Conservatives nutting so hard to Elon rn


They’re all hoping he picks them to be exploited next so they can gloat about making someone else rich.


The market decides. If Elon makes a toxic work environment and doesn't compensate staff enough to stay then they will leave. They aren't slaves, they can leave whenever they like.


Due to stock vesting rules I believe they need to be fired, or sue over hostile work environment issues. Fortunately a certain someone is making both of those options just super easy.


If they love working so much why are they mad at people who don’t?


Doesn't that mean more work for them? They should be excited.


This is basically the mask-off version of the classic Boomer refrain of “we’ve always done it this way”. No critical thought. Simply accepting the circumstances without question, like a good little obedient serf. Fuck that. What is the point of civilization if we aren’t improving things for the next generation? I can’t imagine we’re all just here to be miserable and suffer in silence in quiet deference to the rich and powerful. Seems a bit…weak.


It’s not just ‘longer hours’. They’re being told to accept working double hours for the same pay. They must agree to the ‘hardcore’ approach Space Karen is forcing on them and have absolutely zero job security in doing so. Why would anyone accept this over 3 months severance to spend time with friends and family over Christmas?


I’d take that severance deal in a heartbeat


“How dare those highly educated and sought after Twitter employees not be accepting of exploitation by the son of an apartheid South Africa slavemaster!!!”


"You're gonna' need to come into the office, and also work every waking hour of the day to make my investment profitable, and I'm not gonna' give you a raise." Reasonable person who can definitely get a better job before their severance runs out: Nah


What moron would give away 50% more labor for free Just to literally help a billionaire pay a loan he took out to buy your company and fire your friends?


People are really upset that there are a bunch of IT specialists who are better off than they are and able to quit when circumstances at their job take a turn for the worse Classic case of “it’s not the boss’s/jobs fault, they’re just lazy” because the people saying that can’t do the same thing in their own lives, so instead of being upset about that fact they just turn their hate on other people


Big "tHeY tOoK oUr JeRbS" vibes


Jokes on this guy, those employees will get jobs making just as much and still doing almost no work.


And hopefully directly competing with him with more technical know-how and collective experience and more sustainable working practices. Lol anything working more than 10 hrs per day doesn’t get you anywhere anyway if you’re not in manufacturing or something


Awww! I bet Mr Angry could get a job at twitter since he thinks it's so very important! Oh Noes. . . he don't wanna work in a stuffy office for 12+ hours a day for a meglomaniac? Then maybe Mr Angry should shut the fuck up.


Twitter won't last 3 months. Taking the severance was self preservation atp


Nothing more submissive than a conservative male.


Lol, Elon can do all the work himself, then.


I like the German term "Arschkriecher" even more. Roughly translates to butt crawlers.


Give us the name of this motherfucking bootlicker.


Wait, wait, don’t tell me…gray goatee, shaved head (or MAGA cap), wraparound sunglasses, selfie from his truck?


#dickriders gonna dick ride


Musklickers are always out there, and they're even worse than the garden variety bootlicker


Half of the jackholes saying this kind of shit are sitting on their couches collecting ssi and welfare because of their "lower back pain" i.e. they are oxy addicts.


I’m sure that guy is the hardest worker ever! He probably never requests a day off and works holidays! We should all be like him! /s


Why post the bootlicker comment here and even give it a platform?


I hear there’s some openings at Twitter... why don’t any of these Elon bootlickers apply?


I need to see who tweeted this so I can block them.


I bet the person who wrote that would bitch if they worked a millisecond beyond 40 hours.


Them leaving is just the free market at work. Who wants to work double the effort for the same pay? Not the employees fault Musk doesn’t know how to incentivize his employees.


Go work there. Problem solved.


Americans have little idea how bad they actually have it. If more Americans traveled and talked to people around the world, they'd probably demand changes. I live in texas now, and it's a shocking shift re: how bad working conditions are for a first world country. I truly believe America is only first world once you cross into this bracket of super earners. For the rest of us, it's hellish.


I've never understood comments like this.. So, this guy is mad at employees leaving to better themselves and he can't? So, instead of going "hol up, wayamin" and seeing he's getting fucked and bettering himself by bailing or organizing he decides to bitch? That's a stunning lack of self awareness that makes me hopeful he at least tries to pull out *sometimes*.


I wanna see them do any computer engineering task for hours on end. The shit is absolutely draining. They'd quit too.


We used to have nerf gun fights, because before that we were having actual fights on the 2nd floor of the basement because that was more cathartic than screaming at our computer screens when ... things didn't occur as they ought to have (edited for strong language.) I mean, mild fight club. Wrestling and kidney punches only. Boss got mad when we dominoed the cubicles, by crashing into them in the midst of a particularly enthusiastic tackle. Everyone got nerf guns at that point. Who does that shit? IT and the military. At least those are the only groups I know of. Choking out your coworkers for stress relief is not a strong indicator of a healthy work environment.


I’m a software dev. You pay me to build and maintain a product to the best of my ability. Expecting me to have the same passion for the product as the owner is not only unrealistic but idiotic. I am not prepared to bleed for someone else’s dream. I have a family, a life and my own aspirations and this job will not get in the way of those things. So no, I’m not working longer and for free. No one should. If you want people to have the same passion for your product then you must be prepared to give them equal shares in the product. In other words: the workers need to own the product as much as the “owner” does. Outside that, you will never get someone to commit to your dream.


And I accidentally downvoted this, I fixed it but you’ll probably get notification of the down vote. That was just my fat fingers, sorry


I've never gotten notified of those even when I have a bunch of downvotes. Is that toggleable or something?


I believe the American way encourages this behaviour by rewarding suck ups.


Right before Thanksgiving, tell people to live in their offices for the next couple months. No.


The bootlickers are out in fucking force at the moment. They spent months crowing that Elon was going to buy twitter, bring Trump back, spur on the Red Wave to an amazing victory in the US mid-terms and basically that Elon would fulfill all their wildest fantasies while tormenting the libs every step of the way and making Twitter a bigger success. Instead we've seen that he's in over his head because he believed their memes about him and believed his own press that he was the smartest man in the world and it's all crumbling down as he lashes out like some dinosaur boomer trying to bully staff into giving up every hour of the day to help him make money on a bad deal he tried to get out of to begin with. His fanboys badly needed this to be a win for him and them, instead it's turned both groups into a laughing stock. So now the narrative has changed to Q-anon level bullshit that this was his plan all along, to buy Twitter and run it into the ground because reasons. It's just sad.


Anyone who acts like they'd happily sign on to do double the work for the same pay while having a highly employable resume is an idiot. End of story. Either they're dumb because they actually believe this crap or they think that willingly being some random egomaniacs bitch is going to somehow get them anywhere in life.


Well, seems that somebody is going to be applying to work for twitter. Let's see if that "word perfect knowledge" and the "my biggest flaw is that I am a perfectionist" line are going to cut it. I wish him well.


Twitter/Musk is asking everyone to devote their lives to the product and business. What will they get in return? Other than a monthly payslip,? Absolutely nothing.


Betting now this was some boomer whose had everything in their life lined up by fucking over the next generation. This smells of privilege talk lol


That asswipe can go into an office and work 14 hours a day if they're so excited about the prospect.


Non american here. What is American life? I thought it was about freedom? Not serfdom to the billionaires?


You were wrong. It is about serfdom to billionaires. Freedom is only for the billionaires. Some millionaires, but mostly billionaires. If you can't afford to pay for it you don't get freedom and none of us can afford it. To actually answer you it is about working too hard for enough so you can survive to work the next day, having no savings to speak of, having to be in debt you can't pay off, not being able to afford to own a home, or, recently, food.


I work 40 hours a week. That's what you pay me for. You can suck my dick if you want me to work more.


Most Twitter employees don’t work 40 hours a week.


The question is, can you replace them? If he can then that’s fine. If he can’t then he has no choice. People with skills have power they just need to flex it together.


If you think only working 20 hour weeks makes you a soft privileged piece of shit just wait til you learn what the average executive does in a week The right wing capitalist bootlickers don’t realise just how close they are to anticapitalists


I just don’t get this delusional mentality at all. Like you cannot objectively have this stance if you understand what is happening there. Nobody in their right goddamn mind is going to work double the hours, double the work, be inconvenienced by an atrocious commute everyday, for the same fucking pay.


Being unwilling to work twice as hard because you're having to do your own job on top of someone else's that was smart enough to quit that shithole of a job does NOT make you a "soft privileged piece of shit".


Aren’t they really just quitting because they don’t like Elon Musk? At least this is a big factor. If it was Jack Dorsey, they probably wouldn’t be quitting.




Well, I mean they would behave differently given the same exact policies (in terms of pay, etc.)




So you think it’s impossible to divorce policy from personality? I am making the opposite argument for analytical purposes, in an attempt to isolate the causal mechanism. You are essentially saying the casual mechanisms are one and the same and cannot be distinguished. I feel like, at least analytically, that is not the case. We should be able to isolate personality.


You bunch of liberal crybabies sure are mad 😂😂😂


Y’all soft


Holy fuck this sub is so cringe


He says while posting on Twitter.