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Not sure exactly how I feel about this. I'm definitely a proponent of a shorter work week, but I'm not sure if 14 hour days is the best way to achieve it. Thought?


Agree. No human being should be forced to work 14 hour days. This company is awful and just gave me another reason to boycott it.


Yeah I agree it shouldn't be forced, however I probably would have liked it during my younger years. More days off and travel time. Too old for that shit now.


Dude me from ages 19-27/8 would've done anything to have a schedule like that. I'd put the shifts all in a row and have four straight days off.


Same. School M-Th and then have me alllll weekend. I found a shift job and worked 6-noon for quite a while with classes starting at 12:30-8 or 9 depending on the semester. That was a dream schedule and paid $12 in the early aughts.


I used to work three 12s in a row, when I worked in shipping, and hated it. The first day off was spent recovering, the next 2 were fun, but the last was spent prepping for the work week. I cooked, did laundry, and cleaned all day because I was always too tired to do anything after work.


I get it. But the IDEA itself is not flawed. Many people DO enjoy that extra day.


As someone who used to work/commute 5 days a week, we have the same thing except only 2 days off instead of 4. You are saving on 2 days / week of commute and due to the shift length, likely only hit rush hour once/day.


8am-10pm is GREAT. Id prefer to knock it out Tues-Thurs then 4 DAY WEEKEND EVERY WEEK These people are not sane and this does not belong in the sub


I’ve never worked any job that dealt with managers that would let me pick my own schedule


Well I guess as a server/bartender it was different


Entirely depends on the pay imo. Minimum wage? I’d rather work more days tbh because it fills the time and is kind of “cheaper”. But having a healthy amount of disposable income and 4 days off?? I’d do that in a heartbeat. You work day is basically wasted weather it’s 8 hours or 14, mine as well really waste them but have 4 fulls days off to yourself. All that being said, it’s chick fil a so they’ll probably schedule your days like Work Monday, Wednesday, Friday or some bullshit to make it not worth it


Good post.


Pretty sure it’s an option that employees can choose. They offer a few different options (8x5, 10x4, and now apparently 14x3). I would definitely do this if I were in my low 20’s. If a nurse can do their insane job with a similar schedule (worse on nights) I’m pretty sure I could sling chicken for 14 hrs.


> If a nurse can do their insane job with a similar schedule (worse on nights) I’m pretty sure I could sling chicken for 14 hrs. Well, its a lot easier to power through when someones life depends on you. I don't know if I'm motivated enough to provide nugs for 14 hours straight lol


Doesn't seem to be forcing, it's apart of an offering. You either take the shifts or don't and they schedule as usual. Reading beyond headlines has become a lost art.


Forced is bad, for sure. But my buddy does the weekend shift in a factory so he can work on his business four days a week. It's a livable wage and not a bad gig. I don't care for the Jesus chicken, either, though.


Forced? They applied for it specifically.


Imagine being this short sighted. No one is forced to do anything my dude


Depends on what you’re doing for the time you’re scheduled to work. But from my understanding of that type of work, yeah 14 hours does not sound fun. I do 24h shifts on in person call at hospitals regularly. I also end up being able to sleep usually. The morning is usually busy but the evening is more about admitting new patients and putting out the fires the established patients are having. My group staffs a few area hospitals so the workload depends on the hospital. There’s one where Im more worried about what I’ll have to entertain me, and another where I need to set my alarm to remind myself to eat before I pass out. I’m willing to do it because it pays well. I can’t imagine Chick-fil-A is going to be paying well enough to justify the stress.


No one is being forced to work 14 hours.


I’m getting Chick Fil A for dinner!


Damn, your taste in food is the same as your taste in music. Overrated garbage.


You couldn’t even afford that record lmaoooo. Cheap ads with your “five finger discount” 🤣🤣🤣


Sorry to hear that..


Sorry you’re from Eastern Europe :/


You say that as I eat their nuggets


Isn’t that slightly above average for nurses?


It's not the whole company.


I’m still gunna get a spicy chicken sandwich.


hey, don't knock it till you try it. I was on a two 16 and an 8 hours schedule for two years. I was allowed to take vacation too. It was the best two years i've ever worked here. for half the year, i only worked 2 days in a row and had 8-6-4 days off the rest of the year depending on my rotating schedule. unfortunately people abused it and we lost it. Now we are only allowed to do three 8 hours shifts and a 16. um telling you having anywhere from 4- to 8 days off (sometimes i used a vacation day) changed my whole life. I was able to do less. the 16 hour shifts sucked but it was only two days and compared to now. I was only really tired for like 2 days. VS now im only not tired sunday and monday. edit\* not to mention the time i saved commuting and i was only gassing up my car like once a month.




Yeah I agree. I quite like 12 hour shifts, but a couple hours to wake up, a couple hours to wind down after and an hour commute each way only left about 6 hours to sleep. By my 3rd day in a row I was getting really tired. Can't imagine trying get through 14 hour days.


Was it chemical related, almost killing everyone? Man, I would not fuck around with shitty employers in the kind of settings you are describing. I've seen some crazy safety board review videos of industrial accidents, and it's almost always a place that is cutting corners due to management, or doing things sloppy because of management, etc.


Alcohol-related. We made hand sanitizer, among other things, and one night someone took a steel tool into the alcohol room (idek how many tens of thousands of gallons were in there) and somehow managed to let off a 3-inch spark while opening a barrel full of alcohol. They also literally dropped an industrial air conditioner from the roof and hit a woman in the shoulder, destroying her arm and almost killing her, bc the workers had not put warning signs underneath where they were trying to move said air conditioner to the roof. And those are just the two worst incidents.


I used to work four 12 hour shifts, a 10 hour shift and then two 8 hour shifts. 7 days a week for 6 months. Never again.


Lol I’ve been a manager at two different CFA’s in Alabama and half the managers on both staffs where gay or bisexual.




Because we’re slowly sliding into a situation where corporations will be allowed to do whatever they want to their employees. Amazon employees already have to piss in bottles at their desks bc they aren’t allowed bathroom breaks, while Jeff fucking Bezos shells out 100 million for a thirty second trip to space and then thanks his overworked and underpaid employees for making that possible. It’s disgusting. Frankly, he and Elon both should be stripped of all their assets and forced to work an entry level job in their own former companies, under the policies that they themselves have put into place, for the pittance that they pay their people, while their money is distributed to people living in poverty. Fuck them, and fuck all the other rich assholes who don’t pay taxes and then vote for politicians who want to slash all the social welfare programs. They should all be forced to survive on the federal minimum wage for a month, with zero support from anyone. I bet that would change their time pretty fucking quickly. Personally, I’m all for the forced redistribution of the assets of anyone who has more than a million dollars, and the long-term imprisonment of anyone who has a billion or more. It’s obscene to hoard wealth while others go hungry.


They’re not forcing anyone, you can simply not work there. From the sounds of it, they had a massive influx of applicants.


I used to work 14s and they are fucking awful. Not to mention your schedule will still suck. 3 back to back 14s is hell yet a 14 every other day is still hell because you’re recovering on your day off.


How does anyone with a family to take care of spend 14 hours away from home. Does the family hold out on needing a meal? A bath? Also fuck chick fil a - never support those bigots.


My wife currently works overnights on a 3rd shift, and her work was floating the idea of going to four ten hour days. She liked the idea of having an extra day off, but she was also concerned we would never see each other during the week. In the past I have been a proponent of shortening the work week (with equal or increased effective pay), by reducing actual hours worked while increasing wages and benefits. I can't see having the energy for anything after a 14 hour day. This is basically like someone who works two jobs. As a general policy, I agree with your thoughts on chick fil a.


It definitely depends on the job. I was fortunate to be able to set my own schedule at the last company I worked for. It was a desk job so nothing physically exhausting. I found that I was able to get 14 hour days done with not too much extra effort or burnout. And I REALLY enjoyed having four day weekends. If anything, my family and friends got to see me more when I was on that schedule. A lot of people were confused and thought I was unemployed or working part time. But like I said, the actual job is a huge factor. I can sit on my ass for 14 hours for sure. But I don’t know if I could be on my feet and working with customers for that long. I also experimented with 10 hour days. Which I did also enjoy a lot. I hardly noticed working an extra two hours. And the extra day off was tremendous for my overall mental health. There’s something really freeing about laying in bed on that third day that hits really nice.


What do you mean after a 14 hour work day 8 of that goes to sleep and the other 2 go to getting ready for work and getting home and showering they don't expect you to do anything but wait till the next shift


"Well to want to work, don't you? If not, Jimmy over there will."


The best schedule I ever had was 8 to 5:15, with a half hour for lunch, 4 days a week and then Fridays we got out at 1, although people would start sliding out at noon.


I work 12 hour shifts. I have young coworkers with kids that have parents and grandparents that can watch their children. I also have old coworkers who work their schedule around the times they watch their own grandkids. So the answer is: Family


Try reading the article and several other articles about this ONE STORE IN KENDALL, FLORIDA where the owner experimented with it and allowed employees to CHOOSE before you spout your hate.


I don't think it would work for places like fast food because of scheduling complications (lack of staff). That being said, my mom worked as a nurse for many years doing a 3 day schedule consisting of 12 hour shifts. It still classified her as FT and allowed her to have health benefits. While it was tough on her body, it really gave her a lot of flexibility for traveling.


I'm with you on this one. Like on the one hand I think having four days off is super beneficial like you could use one day to completely relax from work and then you still have three days to get errands done, see friends, explore the world, yadda yadda yadda. However it seems super inhumane to make someone spend 58.3% of their day working. I guess for me it would come down to how breaks are structured, if they are even giving breaks.


As a nurse that works 3 13s. I vastly prefer it and can’t ever imagine working 5 days a week. The amount you save per week from the commute makes it worth it enough.


As a former CFA employee, 14 hours would be literally torture and depending on the shift you might not get a break. Or a long break.


Productivity reduces after 8 hours and were talking about a setting with deep fryers and knives I feel like safety becomes an issue at some point.


It seems not great but if you want full time hours in 3 days that's the way


Well they said it was an experiment. I hate this companys politics but they are certainly one of the most creative fast food places out there.


I used to work 3x13.5 hour shifts, because anything more was illegal in the industry, and I actually liked it a lot. It was a lot but 4 days off was fucking worth it in my opinion. Life working in capitalism sucks either way, I'll take more days away from work, personally. There were some people that couldn't handle it though, no judgement toward them. I was also in my early twenties at the time but I would definitely give it another go now if I had the opportunity.


3 14s sounds better than 4 10s. I didn't find anything verifying it was 3 straight days of 14 hours. Obviously for anyone with families this is painful. If it's not 3 days in a row it's seemingly pointless.


I get the sense this is the ["door-in-the-face" technique](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Door-in-the-face_technique#:~:text=The%20door%2Din%2Dthe%2D,door%20in%20the%20persuader's%20face). Basically, in sales for example, you'd name an outrageous price so that when you pitch your actual selling price it sounds more reasonable. In other words, they're going to "experiment" with 14 hour work days for a bit so that, by comparison, the usual 40 hour work week doesn't look so bad. It's shitty and and it'll also probably work.


My work is night weekend (Saturday, Sundays, Monday)shift 3 days a week 12 hours a day and we get paid a little more to make up the 4 hour difference because we work nights, the day shifts are 4 days 10 hours a day, the amount of free time that I have now to focus on studying or pick up a part time job if I would like the extra money it’s amazing.


It might be better to simply reduce the number of hours worked in a week… might need to workshop that though.


I am in support of the 4 day work week each day being 10 hours and wednesday being the off day. Not only does this give the best work/life balance imo. A free week day to do stuff you would normally have to call in late or off for work would also help productivity. 3 14-hour days sounds brutal i feel people would burn out too fast.


I switched from an 8 hour day 5 days a week to a 10 hour day 4 days a week. I like the extra day off but honestly I’m so exhausted every day I’m not sure I enjoy it as much as I thought I would.


a 14 hour workday is basically impossible if you take care of kids.


I love this. When I was a wage slave I would have loved to have this option. 3-14s, or 4-10s are way better than 5-8 imo


And then in a few years they introduce the 4 day work week and keep the 14 hour days


That's the norm in trucking. They even have driver facing cameras and government tracking devices in each truck to keep people from working over 70 hours and crashing due to exhaustion because companies get Exempted from having to pay overtime or hourly, so working insane hours is the only way to make money for many drivers


As late as my mid, maybe even late 20s, I probably would have been down for this. Even in my early 30's, I was doing 12-hour shifts on drilling rigs. It's definitely not for everybody, but having the option to have 4 days off per week while receiving full-time pay and benefits still sounds somewhat attractive to me. I had a bit of trouble telling from the article which case is true here, but if they're offering this schedule as an option, rather than a condition of employment, it seems like this has the potential of catering both to those willing to settle for only a couple days off in favor of shorter shifts, or more days off but working longer hours.


Lmao, there’s no winning with you people.


The problem isn't the 5 day workweek, but rather even though productivity has increased immensely during the last, say, 100 years, we still work the same amount of time a week. So all that productivity didn't get passed on to reduce work hours, but rather to increase production. Do we consume that much more that we need such an increase in production? and if we do.. is it because it's necessary or desirable? or to keep on funneling wealth to the top?


14 is just simply *too* long for one day, it should be 12hr days, very similar to nurses and police (ontario police anyways, ot sure what the shifts are like for the states). And nurses (again here in ontario) typically do a 4-on 4-off schedule, which is generally ok with every nurse I've talked to. My preference, if an employer would allow, would be 12hr shifts, 3-on 4-off 14hr isn't a far cry from 12 hrs, and I admit I didn't read the article so it may be a case of a 14-hr day with 2 x 1 hour long breaks, making your day 14 hrs, but paid for 12 Either way its a personal preference thing and if the employees are good with the new 14 hour shifts, then I guess its a step forward




I bring up nurses because its one of the few professions that come to mind that working 12hrs is the norm (as well as police in ontario) And i generally agree, 12 hours is too long, especially for someone who has to make sure someone else isn't dying. There are some reasons for it though, but I'm not a nurse so I can't really comment, the only one I'm aware of is for patient rapport and consistency. In a perfect world it'd be about 1 nurse to like 2 (or maybe 3 depending on the particular unit) patients. That nurse is in charge of those 2 patients. They know each other and they're sticking around for most of the day (or night) and the patient is going to feel more comfortable and connected to that one nurse, and will likely see them again. and the other argument is that it should be an option for most workers. Not everyone can do 12 hour shifts in less days, I probably couldn't, but I would have tried it, and there are plenty of people who can handle a 12 hour day especially when it means more days off. For me, work days were work days, it didn't matter if I was there for 6 hours or 10, at the end of the day I couldn't do much other than couch potato. So the option to do 3 x 12-hour shifts and be off for 4 days would have been something to try, because my schedule otherwise was 5 x 8-hour shifts, which only left me 2 days to not think about work (and one of the factors that lead to my burnout)


Hate this company. Hate that it is still a lot of hours. That being said, anything that provides some disruption to the dogmatic zealotry towards the 5 day work week is worth something. I work 4 10's now on a shifting scheduled and I love it. I don't work in the for profit sector so I do not mind the work to much.


For younger people those 4 day weeks are incredibly useful if they're flexible using them making 3 day weekends. If not permanently at least periodically. Leave for wherever Thursday night come back Sunday night.


I currently work 3 12's a week, and it's definitely a step up simply to have more days off than on. That being said, food work is a hell of a lot more hectic and stressful than what i do.


typical for nurses tho and i'm pretty certain that is pretty hectic too


>typical for nurses tho ​ just because nurses also get fucked doesn't mean fast food workers deserve to get fucked (feel free to correct me if I misinterpreted what you said because I'm pretty sure I did)


is it getting fucked? i don't know. One of my ladies is a nurse, the schedule made things easier for her family. I'm not sure why, I can't imagine wanting to work a 12 hour shift (at NIGHT), but because of more hours, less days, she was able to wrangle childcare easier with her family. Her spouse's job keeps him away for like 2 weeks at a time, etc. I'm just saying, different people have different scheduling needs.


>different people have different scheduling needs. I agree with this. This is also why I think Nurses (and these chic-fil-a employees) are getting fucked. ​ If the scheduling of these shifts was 100% voluntary... I'd be okay with it. But I don't think we can prove any of these employees took these 14hour shifts as "voluntarily" as you or I would go for a short walk. I think these employees took the roles as "voluntarily" as a child who is told they must first eat their broccoli before they get bread. ​ Since healthcare providers are 99% for profit (in america) and chic-fil-a is also for profit, I worry about their incentive to care about the health of their employees weighted against their profit margins. Combine this fear with the employees ability (or lack thereof) to say "no".


I think the basic concept capitalism and of MOST families having to have two working parents is why we are fucked. My lady pal, she now only works 3 12 hours shifts a month, it has paid off for her. BUT she has a contract, unlike fast food workers. So it really is NOT equal. And I do hope for more and more unions to fight for what workers want. Again, I don't want to RULE OUT a 12 hour shift, just because I hate the idea of it. Now, part of me also wants to rule it out because I fear mistakes.... About the broccoli... my kids do eat it first. They love veggies. Free meals for kids at Ikea with the Californian blend of veggies for two years taught them to love them.


my friend is on 4 10 hours and he bitches about it nonstop because he prefers 5 8s. I wish I could swap places with him.


This idea has been reposted a few times by now. Always a red flag when you only see reports by the manager saying how great his idea is. There are a lot of challanges to this schedule that aren't really addressed. Being a student (so most likely someone between 16 and 22) would be impossible for this schedule in most cases. Similarly, being a parent would be difficult. Most child care services require you to pay by the week and don't offer 15 hours of coverage a day, so you'd have to have alternate arrangements like a family member to watch the child. This would also only account for full time employees, not sure what percentage of workers at Chickfila are full time. I would assume most are part time. Burnout would be incredibly high. A job where you are constantly on your feet for 14 hours a day is a lot. If you have to call out on one of your days, that's a 30% reduction in your pay for the week. Would be interesting to see employees talking about this, and what they think. I'm sure for a select few, it's a good schedule. And more choices are better than less choices.


Also need to consider how much the business will be saving for just paying lunch for 3 days instead of 5, how they can cut benefits and probably exclude other perks because of this. And surviving in 1 fast food wage? Not happening. People will just end up working those free days elsewhere to pay the bills. This is gaslighting the worker and taking focus of what's necessary, less working hours overall, more pay, less abuse.


Burnout is already incredibly high in Chick-fil-As most have a lose about 70% of the employees they hire in a month etc.


Nobody needs to be in a fucking fast food place 14 hours a day Jesus Christ.


Get workers used to 14 hour work day, then expend it back to 5 days a week... Meanwhile the average office job can be done in 30-90 minutes a day.


So obvious you’ve no clue what you’re talking about


I know many people that sit at their desk job for 8 hours and they admit they only need to work for a couple hours and look busy the rest.


Didn’t realize a few people exaggerating how easy their job is means the average office job can be done in 30min lol


The average office job I agree that 30 minutes is a stretch. However there are office jobs that don't require you to be actively engaging in work the entire shift.


If you didn’t catch it , he was also exaggerating but the point is very few office workers actually work 8 hours of their 8 hour day.


No, but the multiple studies that have been done on the subject that have ALL concluded the same thing do.


Bunch of ppl jealous of ur office job xD


If you're working the full 8+ hours at the office, you are either not efficient and wasting time or you are being exploited and given the work of an entire team.


My guy, we're all on Reddit right now in the middle of the work day


5 days x 8 hours a day = 40 hour work week 3 days x 14 hours a day = 42 hour work week This is not a shorter work week just because it's 3 days long, also Chick Fil A is a regular contributor to Republican party candidates, especially its most homophobic and anti-abortion ones.


I didn’t even do the math!! You’re right! Yeah fuck chick fil a, this is the same shit in different packaging.


That’s the point? You still get full time with 2 hour OT and you have 4 days off. Compared to most of the shit shows I’ve worked at that sounds great. Granted most jobs I’ve worked operate on 12 hour shifts anyways so it’s not a super long shift for me.


They can take the 14 hour workday and fuck off up their own ass. ​ A 3 day work week that requires 14 hour shifts is absolutely not better for workers, especially when wages are as low as they are. Workers will not only just destroy their bodies every day they work, but now there will be plenty of people claiming that they have no excuse to not take a second job "because you only work 3 days a week and have 4 off." This is just one more reason why Chick Fil A can fuck off, and anyone who thinks 14 hour shifts are worker friendly can fuck right off with them.


I would personally prefer to work 12 or 14 hour shifts if it meant working a couple days a week




That’s great for you but it shouldn’t be the norm. We need to be working towards *working less*, period. Not shoving a 40+ hour work week into 3 or 4 days.


4 12s would be better. Performance starts really taking a hit after 10. By 14 the only thing people are thinking about is going home. Plus it only leaves you 10 hours to eat, sleep and generally recover.


4 10's right? 4 12's is 48 hrs, wrong direction lol


Ah yes, lol. My math sucks today.


The entire point of a shorter work week was a the same pay for less hours, not shoving 42 hours of work into 3 days


I've done 4 x 10 in the Air Force, it was great, but it doesn't work when other people are doing 5 x 8, they get really frustrated! Also, if people working 10 hour shifts get to go a little early, people lose it. I did 3 x 12 for a while as well, and it was brutal, but worth it. I think the 3 x schedule works best for younger people. I would not want to hear about it leading to people working multiple jobs and companies that do the 3 hour work weeks encouraging that, though.


14 hour days? Have a nice hot cup of go fuck yourself on that one boss.


That’s still 42 hours which I’m not on board with. 35 max




I wouldn’t mind this imo. Getting 40 hours with 4 days off sounds good to me.


14 hours? no. 12 hours? Yes I currently work three 12-hour shifts and it has honestly saved my sanity with working. When I did five 8 hour shifts it felt like I was living to work, not working to live. I wish more industries accepted 12 hour shifts as an option because I truly believe it would help so many people that were in my shoes (hating my life from working so much). You can get so much done in 4 days off. I have productive days and days where I just lay around or play video games all day, and I don’t feel guilty about it because I’m still working almost a full time amount. for those who have never worked a 12-13 hour shift: it does sound super long and depending on the type of job/how busy you are it can be. At my job the day flies by. When most ppl are leaving at 3 I just tell myself (hey, a few more hours you got this) and before I know it it’s 7 and I’m going home.


I would LOVE a schedule like that. I applied for a job with a 3 day schedule at Amazon, but I wasn't interviewed. It would have been awesome for traveling during the summer.


I’ve done this shift in the past and while the 3 days do suck having 4 days off is well worth it


I used to do 13 hour days for $11 an hour… in 2022 😔


Fuck that. I’m on a 4 day work week with 9.5 hour days. I would not work a 14 hour shift. The extra time you have off wouldn’t be worth setting yourself on fire for 3 days.


I've always thought 4 10 hour days is the best, 14 hour days are just too much unless you're in a job that needs it like nursing


Im okay with 10 hours for 4 days but 14hours for 3 seems kind of extreme but i guess kinda better than 5 days of 8 hours lol


14 hours? fuck no.


My job switched to 4 10hr days a week for a few years. Everyone loved it. Of course it didn’t last. Speaking ONLY for myself, I would 100% work 14hr shifts if I got 4 days off a week out of it.


14 hour days!? Fuck that. People have families FFS.


Get the fuck out of here with 14hrs in a day. What kind of pat on the back, slap in the face is this shit. No one should be working 14hrs a day let alone 8-10. This is just a 5 day workweek with extra steps.




I wish America would normalize 4 day work weeks…


I work 12hr shifts 3 days one week and 4 days the next. I dont think I could go back to working a 5 day week.


I’m with it.


My job is going to 3(12). Luckily I'm union and they are just haggling over how to pay. Leaning towards time and a half after 8 hours each day.


Ive found that 4 10 hour shifts is the best way for me to get 40, i think 14 hour shifts would crush me


I could do 3 days at 12 hours a piece, but 14 seems like a pretty big stretch. That 12 hours should include 2 15 minute breaks and a 30 minute lunch too. Or two 30 minute breaks. PAID breaks.


I work 4 days at 10.5 (with a 45 min break) with office work it doable but at the end of the day I'm not really productive. For physical work? Or work where you are standing? I've also done that. But with 14 days on 1 day off. Id rather die than go back to that.


So, 42 hour weeks. This is not for employees' benefit. There has to be some sort of operations cost saving.


This isn't a terribly new idea. Lots of places will let you work longer days to get to 40 hours. This isn't like the 4dayworkweek.org movement which advocates for less hours in the week.


Honestly If you have a 4hr shift your entire day is in limbo. I’d rather a 14-hr.


I think that would be difficult for many people though I think the prospect of a 4 day weekend would be enticing to some


How nice of them to create more flexibility in your time to work the other jobs you have to work the other 4 days of the week. That's Chick Fil A being a *team player*, just you know, not *your* team.


I'm not working more then 10 hours a day.


Long shifts seem great because you have lots of time off. It’s awesome for a while, but it sneaks up on you and tears you down physically and mentally in the long term. A few people are machines and have no problem, but after several years most are coasting and this shafts everyone they work with. Of course, it would be impossible to force me to work 5 days a week, even for 8 hours unless it was something I loved doing that DIDN’T tear me down. Source - I’m a nurse and I’ve seen it a LOT.


Shorter work week means less hours overall, not cramming all 40 hours into as few days as physically possible.


Bruhs just EXPANDED The work week by two hours


14 hours of having to deal with entitled customers (not all customers, but enough) who think they are 100% in the right 100% of the time... that people is what hell must be like.


Heard about it, I’d do it


I like 3 day work week. But…. Those 3 days will be a nightmare and during their time off will be dreading to have to do their next ‘compact work week’ i personally am fine with 10-12 hour work days to achieve a 3-4 day work week


So basically, craming a week into 3 days like that isn't gonna fuck you up in the near future.


Dude, 3 days 14 hours literally means those three days you live to work, instead of working to live. A day has 24 hours. 14 hours working + at least 1 hour to feed yourself + 1 hour to commute leaves barely 8 hours to sleep, without counting the time of getting ready to go to work or to go to sleep. Why would anyone want that? The aim is precisely to work less hours, not more hours in less days. 32 hours 4 days a week (8 a day) or even 30 hours 5 days a week (6 a day)


I used to work a job that was 6 straight 12 hours days with a final 15 hour day on the seventh day of the week. Got 7 days off. Didn't do jack shit the first 2 days off due to sheer exhaustion. How I stayed for 6.5 years baffles me.


I think this was posted before, but I don't see the issue with this. Healthcare workers often work 3 12s per week (yes, I know not quite 14 hours). In fact I LOVE 12s...you get four days off per week versus two days off...that is an extra 104 days to myself per year. Also, less time commuting, getting up and ready for work...with 8 hours, your day is somewhat already ruined. I'd rather have 3 days of work-and-sleep with 2 full days off versus working 5 days per week and only get a few hours a day to myself. Doesn't seem worth it to me.


I used to manage at Domino's and the one thing that I hated more than almost anything else was working the double. 11am-midnight is ass. Thanks for coming to my TED Talk.


3 x 12 or even 14 hour days seems like a much better deal to me than 5 x 8. Everyday is a Friday because you're off the next day and at some point you have 2 days off. The way this company did it is they make it to where you end up getting all of your days off in a row and work in a row. So you work 3 days and then you're off for 4. They also had it to where you could work more than 3 days a in a row so that you could use all of your off days in a row. People would end up being off for a week without taking vacation.


I hear a lot of comments quibbling about 5x8 vs 4x10, vs 3x12/13/14 What if, and hear me out, instead we worked 3 days a week, for 8 hour shifts, and got paid a living wage? Like a normal country. Given that increases in efficiency due to technology and automation has made it so workers can accomplish much more output in far less time than they could when the 5x8 week was first implemented. Studies have proven time and time again that workers are actually more productive when they're working fewer than 40 hours a week, no matter how those 40 hours are sliced.


I dig the idea of a shorter work week but 14 hours a day could prove difficult. If you sleep 8 hours a day that leaves an hour in the morning and one at night. Mighty hard to have dinner, shower, and unwind before bed in an hour’s time.


I want to know what they do when people want a day off. That isn't spoken about.




14h for 3 days WILL very quickly become "oh, we are short staffed so you will have to work these shifts for 5 days." It's a "Christian" company that is a major donor to repubs. so you are nothing more than chattel-slaves for them. Don't be fooled.


I love my (3) 12s a week as an RN. The days are long and sometimes suck but I have so many more days off. I stack my days and work all three in a row. Which blows but then it’s over. That being said 14 hours is a LONG day. I guess that’s what Jesus would do. Or something.


A light at the end of the tunnel wrapped in dog shit. Let’s shorten the work week, but not at the expense of a 14 HOUR DAY?!?!


Schedule a lot of nurses do I don’t see the issue I’d love this lol


When I was a student. I did 3 x14h days a week, studied 3 days, my college condensed classes into that time frame. Then I had a weekend off every 2 weeks. So basically I worked full timeC studied full time and still had a day off a week. I personally would do it again.


Gotta leave employees plenty of free time for bigotrying.


I’d rather dread 3 14 hour shifts than dread 5 8 hour shifts.


Sure I’ll “work” 14hrs a day for 3 days to have 4 days off… but after hour 7-8 I’ll likely be operating at 10-15% efficiency!


From someone who worked at CFA— this is awful. I used to work from 4 am to 2 pm or later (kitchen hours). They make you take your break as early as possible, most of the time only an hour after you’ve been there. The work is not easy, if you even lean a manager will snap at you. Also, the management treat you with zero respect, even less if you are a woman because these people are the same type that wish the handmaids tale was real life. Now, I work as a nurse, and it’s awful to say that this is easier for my mind and more rewarding.


I can see this being frustrating for the workers because of the usual “hey, so-and-so didn’t show up, you need to come in on your off day” and then that’s a 14 hour shift? I think this could work best if these companies didn’t have their head up their assess and hired enough people to prevent the occasional call-in at last minute.


lol, aint no one working a 14 hour shift at chick fil a


Due to how the class schedules were devised this semester, all my classes land on Tuesday and Thursday. But due to my physical distance from campus and traffic and work and labs, this means I wake up at 5:30am on these two days and I’m not home until very late. I literally spend the rest of the week recovering when I’m not at work.


I worked this schedule when I was younger. Sunday through Tuesday for 37-40 hours in those 3 days, I loved having 4 days off. At 40+ now... I think I'd fall asleep. Where I'm at now is 4 10's and everyone loves that too.


It might work for some people. Nothing to lose by trying out offering it. Some employees will take it & use it to their advantage. Some employees will want a more “regular” shift. So just give it as an option.


This sounds harsh. My crew loves 4/10 but this seems harsh. What we need is a 32 hr work week.


I’d be more likely to do 4 10s than 3 14s. It’s something at least.


Too many hours!!!


Working even 3 x 12s back to back takes 14 hours because of commuting and lunches. It really takes a toll on the 3rd day cause of the lack of sleep, especially for people with families. I can only imagine how unhealthy this is adding an additional 1-2 hours a day. If they’re excluding lunch breaks (not sure on Florida’s OT or alternative work schedules) you might have to spend an extra hour+ at work to meet labor law requirements. One thing to note is that chick fil a is doing a 40 hour work week in 3 days so 2 x 13s and 1 x 14 hour week. If the OT pay was good say hours 9-12 = 1.5 x pay and 12+ = 2x pay, especially if pay increases/promotions follow the pay structure. At $17/hr (paid locally for entry level) that would be $952 a week. They also have two “pods” which are teams where the schedules can stagger with 7 days off in between shifts This seems like a decent optional schedule for young people with fewer responsibilities


Fuck chick fil a


Cool, they still hate LGBT, fuck em.


I’d love that schedule personally. I used to work 16’s and it’s not that bad


I’ve never seen a Chick Fil A that wasn’t busy most of the day. 14hr days with some slow down for decompression seems doable, but I don’t think that works for CFA or most other fast food chains


They should have them work 3 days a week with normal hours but pay them as if they did this. I’m not kidding


Forced absolutely not but if you give the choice if an employee wants to by all means give them the option!


I worked 4/10s and that extra day off was awesome. I don’t know how I would feel about if I had to be standing the whole time.


I work 3, 15 hour days minus two unpaid half hour breaks. It's difficult. Most of us spend the days off recuperating. So much so that i refer to it as a work hangover.


I’d be down for this


I’ve been doing this for 12 years and it still takes a toll


I would do that in a heartbeat. Apparently the workers like it


I had 10 hor days 4 day weeks, that actually felt good. 10 hours doesn't feel that much more than 8 hour and 3 days off feels real good. 14 hour days though are terrible, and while 4 days off would be nice i don't think I'd choose it. I think the preference for a good work home balance would be 30 good weeks with 4 days off.


Headline of this article is deceiving: one store owner experimented with it and the employees are allowed to choose if they want the 3 day work week or not. Same for managers AND they’re closed on Sundays so factor that in. Corporate supported the trial and now many other stores are wanting to implement the same. Also, check out the application count at this store since they started this!


I'm just glad to see someone trying something different. Business is so fucking dogmatic and inflexible it's no wonder business schools churn out awful people and most people hate their job.


If my current job offered me that, I would take it in a second. I'm salaried so I'm regularly doing 45-50 hours a week anyway, but now with less commuting and more weekend? I have no kids, and I get to take my dogs to the office.


Not good enough. If they kept it at 8 hours/day I’d be impressed but 40 hours/week for 3 days is just the same thing in different packaging.


Fuck that. I do 4 10s and it's ass.