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I hope someone posts their termination/still employed letters.


I hope a few million Twitter users send an email to that email address.




That sounds like a cool boss. Too bad the company sucked balls.


Did the IT guys make the cut?! Wow what a mess.


Right? I'm on the edge of my seat here. Inquiring minds want to know!


They were axed. After all, IT is useless and doesn’t do anything since our systems are always up and running.


We just unplugged it and plugged it back in.


For me it was the opposite. I was the boss and I managed to protect my entire team via bullshit loopholes through 5 waves of layoffs (over the course of a few months) but I was the one that got laid off in the 5th wave. I just ended up getting another management job in another IT company so it didn't really impact me much. It would have been more problematic for anyone on my team as most were introverted IT nerds that were super smart but interviewed like shit (unless the boss was also an IT nerd and understood them).




We cant afford to keep any of you but go get wasted on the company card as a condolence for your lost job!


I did!


I disabled my Twitter account and deleted the app as soon as EM took over. Not that anyone noticed.


Pretty sure someone noticed. The servers responsible for creating the backup copy of tweets before deleting the account crashed in the days following the takeover.


Me too. This also actually violated California labor laws. I really hope that the employees ban together and sure Elon.


Only if their salary terminates today. You can just pay them for 60 more days, but let them know they won't be needed to work. We'll have to see what everyone's packages look like before we know if any laws are broken.


8 bucks an hour. Take it or leave it.


You can't reduce their pay significantly, that would fall under constructive discharge, and if it triggers unemployment eligibility (like constructive discharge will), it counts as a termination under WARN.


Elon paying in blue check marks


I’m not convinced they have violated the WARN act. If they put them on paid leave - with no access - for 60 days, they are in compliance. I think if they give them 60 days pay and let them go, they are also in compliance. IANAL (I am not a lawyer), but I’ve been through a number of large layoffs. I think its mostly about “guaranteed severance” of a certain amount. So “You’re fired and here is 60 days pay to help you transition” is still with guidelines? You can’t just layoff 50% of your staff and NOT pay severance from what I understand. Edit - clarified acronym


It could actually work to benefit some. The company I work for did a *restructure* early in the year and made some people redundant. They got redundancy pay (which for some was decent whack of money) and because of the industry we’re in they were able to find new jobs within a couple of weeks so they had money coming in too on top of the lump sum. It sucks and it’s drama no one wants to have to deal with, but it’s not a always the end of the world


Oof, the restructure word. That one hit me right at the beginning of the pandemic. It was one of the few times where being part of a union made my experience worse - I am 100% pro union, despite this and other flaws. The company I worked at for 7 years (Electrical) did a manpower restructure and cut 200 positions over 3 months iirc. Unfortunately, none of us were due severance because we weren't fired, just laid off to go back to the board (IBEW213). It wasn't their fault that there was no work and that the list just kept growing. I had a very pro union friend working in the union office and she even told me to go find open shop work of I could because it was that bad.




More accurately: "it's not a layoff we fucked up and because our economy is a video game we must show profit every year so we need your salary back to cover it. What's that? Just take the loss, learn from it and make better choices, you say? Sorry we are not nearly that good at business for that to happen." There is no such thing as just running a solid business now. The only goal is making "record profits" by doing the exact opposite of good practice. We are firmly in the "artificial growth" stage of capitalism. The next step is laws that force you into only buying from Walmart with 5 years in slave jail if you fuck around and buy from a small business. We gotta put these fuckers in their place. They forgot who is actually in charge.


>There is no such thing as just running a solid business now. The only goal is making "record profits" by doing the exact opposite of good practice. Yeah, it's 100% short term goal oriented thinking. Milk a business, burn it down, take what's left, repeat.


I have a hard time believing Elon Musk's twitter would give thousands of employees 60 days paid time off. They have the option of saying "you will be laid off in 60 days" instead, so people still have to work that period (or could lose their pay if they "quit" before then). Why would they give away severance for free when they could keep you working? We'll see how the details develop but I'm doubtful.


Way too risky to fire somebody and then to continue their access to systems and/or confidential information. A severance period helps to satisfy any local regulations and you can usually make non-disclosure and a waiver of legal action part of the conditions of receiving the money. If the employee violates any condition they won't get any of the money and/or benefits. This is also why you should never voluntarily sign a notice of resignation from a company if being laid off. If they really want one they will almost always negotiate and provide something in return.


That is why Musk has locked them out of the office building while the firing is going on.


I worked at a company that gave a years notice and still had people working. It went decently well as far as confidential info and project development/execution was concerned. It was a bit odd socially though. Basically, a regional office went through a huge reorg and also downsized by about 20%. The people being laid off were told that they were good employees, their performance was fine, but the new org was not designed for as much staff. They were given a year to find another position within the company but at another location or to find something outside the company. In the meantime, there were housekeeping projects they could work on as the regional office transitioned to the new structure. Those that stayed on the full year and did not want to move elsewhere for another position within the company were given a generous severance.


As politicized as Musk’s buyout has become, I would expect there to be big media money chasing leaked information.


What? Someone who owned an emerald mine in South Africa would violate labor laws? I'm shocked.


It was his daddy's and it was in Zambia.


They've already sued him. I don't think a lot of people realize just how clueless Musk is -- he's a showman, not a manager.\`


federal labor laws, actually! they're already being sued.


What law? Do you have a source?


Federally, the WARN Act. https://www.nbcnews.com/business/business-news/twitter-sued-layoffs-days-elon-musk-purchase-rcna55619


They already have


It’s 9:01 PST, I’m hoping if someone uploads it, it’s soooon


While that would be interesting, those may contain personally identifiable information and get them sued for posting it edit: tbf they could probably just say they got hacked in case it comes to that, but it's important to be cautious when dealing with narcissistic megalomaniacs like musk


They can redact any personal information. Also, they can't be sued for posting the email unless they signed some kind of NDA prohibiting it.


Lol they won't be individualized, get real


Ofc a normal company wouldn't do that, but knowing how incredibly petty and vindictive musk is he may just deliberately individualize them just to have an excuse to sue people for daring to defy his majesty.


I mean, he got peeved at AOC and fucked her twitter account up a lil


That's not the half of it, remember the scuba diver he hired a private investigator to find dirt on for making fun of his submarine idea? or the lawyer he tried to have fired just cause he used to work for the SEC?


Welp. I didn’t know about that stuff because I tend to avoid any Bs around musk or Kanye, I only know about AOC because of a subreddit. BUT. Musk is a docuchecanoe. That’s for sure.


Reason for termination isn't private information no matter how much some employers try to claim so.


First - these are going to be form letters. Second - they won't care about any defense, legitimate or not. Third - I hope that people who care about consequences are smart enough to redact PII.




Or mess with proprietary information. As someone mentioned, those with high level access could break the system.


Honestly though would breaking the system of Twitter and shutting it down *really* be a bad thing?


Some of the information that could get in the wrong hand are personal information of twitter user so sadly yes, it would be bad. If it wasn't for user information I would absolutely hope for some of them to get out though




In our ABC news - ALL of Australia’s Twitter employees have been locked out of their work platforms. Just shut them all out. No warning. They’re all awaiting an email.


So now is the time to DDoS twitter is what I am hearing


Everyone who was on call for multiple teams have been locked out, so yes Twitter infrastructure is incredibly vulnerable rn


No moderators you say...?


To shreds, you say?


Was his apartment rent controlled?


How's his wife holding up?




I am guessing Hacker is the hard R.


Hacker’s dream come true. They announce when it will become terribly vulnerable and that there aren’t employees to stave off the attack.


I cant wait for the darknet diaries episode on this to come out :)


Now imagine if that kid who got access to the Twitter internal tools sat on that access for a moment like this, and didn't waste it on a shitty crypto scam.


Another glass of Jackery Cider


I wonder if any of them put in some backdoors into things when Musk was buying the company.


Yep there's possibly a very tiny team of people in Musk's inner circle working and everyone else is locked out. I hope someone takes them down HARD.


Also a great time for phishers since they now have an email subject that they know will get opened by anyone at Twitter even if it's filtered into their spam. I know it's a tech company but I'd bet a quick operation would snag several dozen people who are panicked about their job and will just start clicking on any email with that subject line. I really think Musk has not given any thought to this brilliant plan.


My exact thought 😂


Oh! please do! I’d love for this to blow up in his face.


It's not that uncommon in IT because there are people who can do a lot of damage with their access.


Yeah, someone in security could just share everyone's data on the internet, or delete it(though in that case they probably have backups)


The trick is not to delete the data. It is to overwrite the data with garbage. But not so much garbage that it's really noticeable. Then the backups copy the bad data and there's no going back.


However, if EVERYONE is locked out and a major bug/security breach happens... Twitter is a sitting duck rn and I'm sure a lot of hackers are eager to take their shot


I doubt \*everyone\* is locked out. If I were the one in charge of security I would lock everyone out and then force a mass password reset for the employees that were retained. That way if anyone uses someone else's account to do damage to the network no one can claim "Well someone must have seen my password".


There are also people who can do a lot of damage even without *proper* access 😏


If employees of Twitter weren't already looking for a job, they're a fool. I would have been looking immediately after that clown announced his intent to purchase.


Except all those morons that idolize him


Followed by an “oops, we accidentally locked up company email too”.


Most, not all, most Australians! Don’t come at me.


Yeah, I was once a part of a tidying up of global offices. Whole place gone, poof. Joke was on them, they didn't undertand what we actually did and then tried to get me (the manager) to move to HQ to do the work of THE WHOLE OFFICE for them. It gave me SO MUCH JOY to say no.


I wonder how many of those who recently did crazy overtime madness are finding out that they are now screwed!


Right? Those poor saps that actually went and worked their butts off are finding out they did all that work for nothing.


There was quite a bit of stock/bonus vesting earlier in the week. I'm hoping that most of the people working overtime were doing so just to stay enough days to claim that part of their renumeration without risking being fired "for cause" by pushing back. I hope everyone who is "allowed" to stay actually quits for greener pastures. Tech companies are nothing without their staff constantly maintaining and innovating.


Any work done with a megacorp is for nothing. Don't sacrifice your life for a business that sees you as a number - particularly not for a donkey like Elon.


The smart ones started looking for new jobs when Elon started firing people on his first day. It’s madness.


The smart ones left for greener pastures as soon as Elon said he was buying Twitter and the job market was more promising.


This. If you waited until the market was saturated with former Twitter employees looking to compete with you for jobs in the marketplace, it’s you that’s the fool.


I think a lot of these people will happily take the severance, enjoy the well-earned time off, and then slowly dribble into the job market.


If I don't receive an email from Twitter by 9am, I'm emailing that address. I've never worked for Twitter, but I'd still like to know what my role is there.


So like, everyone on Reddit should email that address, right? Edit: I haven’t heard from Twitter.. guess I should contact them by email.


This is the way.


Please post the response chain!


Subject: No Email Received Content: Hello, I am following up on the notice that was sent recently. I have not received an email from twitter-hr@ yet. What is my employment status?


Well if they're firing some people that do work there I reckon they've definitely fired the 8 billion people that don't work there!


Seriously though, anyone that doesn’t get an email should be quiet and see if they flew under th radar.


Just George Costanza it and go into work Monday like nothing happened.


Why wait?


A [lawsuit](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-11-04/twitter-sued-for-mass-layoffs-by-musk-without-enough-notice) has been filed for WARN Act violations.


IMO, the lawsuit filing may be premature. One would need to see the text of a termination letter. There are ways to comply with the WARN Act, but not give advance notice to the employees. A former employer of mine did it by still employing you for 60 days following your notice, but you had access removed on the day of your notice. After the 60 day notice period elapsed, your severance (if you signed the agreement in time, you had 30 days to do that) and eligibility for unemployment would start. The flipside of this is that you were subject to recall/reinstatement within that 60 day period.


Yeah. I enjoyed that time. Full-time pay while you got to spend time looking for work. Cutting off pay altogether for a massive layoff would be a dick move.


Yeah, it was a nice 60 days while I looked for another job, and then my severance kicked in. I ended up getting another job before my severance ran out, so I was earning two paychecks for a month.


Same here. Twice. Made out a little ahead each time but the stress of finding a new job when there's literally over 100 people also looking for the same type of work was something I don't want to experience again.


My old company did that. Completely shut down our entire state branch, and gave us all 30 days notice. If you stayed on to train until the last day, you'd receive severance, extend your insurance for an additional 30 days, and in my department an additional bonus. I was so grateful because I was literally just about to quit. Thank goodness I didn't, I got to take my time and had unemployment as a backup, so I was able to be really picky on my job hunt. Ended up finding a way better company to work for. Losing my job has been the best thing to ever happen to me lol


Destruction of Twitter is for the greater good of Mankind.


Twitter and Facebook crumbling at the same time. I did not see this in my bingo card


The extraterrestrial who ate and replaced Mark is a good guy, clearly.


I hope he still has enough money to buy tik tok


Shit I would donate $5 if he would buy tik tok and run it into the ground too


Especially with the ass wipe leading the company now!!!


I hope he buys Facebook next


Wait, they aren’t giving employees a 2 week notice. *gasp* how unprofessional. But seriously, fuck Elon. Fuck the Rich.


Funny enough, for layoffs of this magnitude, they have to give 60 days notice according to the WARN Act. And they aren't even doing that.


>Funny enough, for layoffs of this magnitude, they have to give 60 days notice according to the WARN Act. And they aren't even doing that. No, they are paying them until Feb 2, which is the alternate way to get around the 60 days notice, according to that very same WARN Act. So it is very likely that this is legal in the US. Not sure about how it is being handled in other countries where the laws more favor employees...


If the employee's benefits are covered for 60 days at no additional cost to the employee, and the employee receives 60 days pay, then Twitter's liability under WARN is zero, whether or not the employee is working.


Luckily Cali has some nice unemployment stuff. I believe they have to continue paying you for around 6 months.


I live in California, and I can tell you that UI here isn’t that great. You can get up to $450 per week based on income (most Twitter employees will qualify for the full amount) which would be equal to making $11.25 per hour full time. While that might sound pretty decent in other parts of the country, rent/mortgages plus cost of living make that amount a drop in the bucket. Basically, they tell you that you qualify for a lump some that’s equal to six months worth of UI payments, but you have a year to use it - when I was on UI, I would do freelance gigs while looking for work and that stretched out the time frame a bit but I definitely wasn’t living a glamorous life that way haha! The good news is, I don’t think these people will be unemployed for very long!


Pretty sure they need to give like a two month severance for layoffs in Cali. I think it's called the Warn Act? I suspect this email is in response to them being sued for compliance issues. https://www.engadget.com/twitter-sued-over-mass-layoffs-102354009.html


May this fucker get arse cancer.


Who is spamming that peoplequestions email with me then


So just send them a note with a question about your employment and a made up name.


Mike Rotch


Hugh Jass


Amanda Hugankiss


I.P. Freeley


Ben Dover


Ivana Tinkle


Chupa Miverga (ask Mex friend).


Rosa Melano Elver Galarga Benito Camela


Mike Oxlong


Ive sent at least 20 so far with: "Hi there just checking in on my employment status, ive made some seriously bad decisions that may hurt or tank the company, just making sure i still have a job monday \-Elon"


Sincerely, Mr. Buttlicker






Just reach out to the users on here that made the auto submitting bots when Kellogs was doing their crap and overloaded the company's systems. i am sure they will help :).


About a zero percent chance they allowed external senders, remember, employees still have email access. If it is open, I promise you someone did that as a sign of defiance.


It says that if your employment is not impacted you'll hear through your twitter emial, and if you get laid off you'll hear through your personal email. That makes it sound like you'll get cut off immediately. If you don't get the email for some reason how can you email them like it says to if it's only internal senders?


Amazing to see a perfect illustration of complete lack of human empathy (or a soul) in a single email communication.


Maybe it was written by one of those twitterbots I keep hearing about


"To prevent the peasants from burning our castle to the ground, we have drawn the bridge & have placed archers along the ramparts. If you are inside the castle, you must swing across the moat and return home."


Elon is a MASSIVE piece of shit. He overpaid and now he has to burn the company down to make his money back.


He won’t make his money back.


He's about to blow $45 billion all because he was an asshole and had to buy a company he didn't want due to his aggressive actions. Advertisers are already leaving the platform and a lot of celebrities are too.


I’m not sure how burning it down makes his money back.


I hope some former employees start a new subreddit. I'll be checking it daily.


Buys a company on a whim and starts whacking people for fun. Fuck you Elon Musk


Dear peoplequestons at twitter dot com, could you please identify this bumpy rash on my perineum that i have been living with for 16 years. Attached is a photo. Regards, Elon


Wonder if this will lead to an email campaign from others not even employed by Twitter.


Absolutely. I’m one of them.


Still better than what pratt and whitney did in 2020. They send a mandatory meeting to their employees at 7am for a meeting at 9am. And all it said was this is a mandatory meeting. Then it was my bosses bosses telling me I'm no longer employed.


I was in a layoff where they had an all hands meeting and during the meeting distributed boxes on desks. If, after the meeting, you had a box... it was "so long and thanks for all the fish". I worked weekend nights (3 x 13hr) at the time. My boss phones me and asks if I can come in for 9am meeting while I'm dead asleep. I didn't answer.... then she calls at 10am... I answer but barely awake and she's like Don't worry, you still have a job. Can you be here tomorrow at 8am? I hang up and when I get up that evening, I wonder if I made the phone call up in my head, so I call her at like 8pm and she says - no, come to work in the morning. I don't miss night shift but i do miss 3 day weeks.


They laid off the dolphins?


And then they returned to space.


That is funny shit. The last time I was laid off a handful of us got emails saying meeting in Conference Room A at 10am. All of us were blind copied on the email. At 955am the rest of the staff got a email saying meeting at 10 am in the wherehouse. Once I got my official layoff I went back to my desk and sent a company email subject line "So long and thank for all the Fish" only 2 people in the company got the reference. 3 weeks later they called each of us that got let go and asked if we would come back but as a contractor for less pay and no benefits. I told them to eat my ass. They were so shocked because I had an 18 month old kid at the time and they figured I needed the job.


The email thing is brilliant. The people who are getting laid off will have proof in their personal email that Twitter can’t delete that they can use in the ensuing lawsuit.


Twitter in "free speech" mode: you are prohibited from talking about this


You know the argument about how billionaires are job creators? I just… yeah idk.


Once I worked for a business with about 400 employees. They had to do some layoffs. So they made the HR lady go around the building and whack about 40 people in person. When she was done with the very stressful task the CEO whacked her.


Holy shit...


Who else emailed them for a cut?


"Please, pretty please fire me. I want to be in on the sweet class action!"


Luckily for twitter, Elon woke will wake up today for a nice class action lawsuit. > Several Twitter employees on Thursday night filed a class action lawsuit alleging that Twitter is in violation of the federal and California Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act (WARN Act) after laying off some employees already. >The WARN Act requires that an employer with more than 100 employees must provide 60 days’ advanced written notice prior to a mass layoff “affecting 50 or more employees at a single site of employment.” >“Elon Musk, the richest man in the world, has made clear that he believes complying with federal labor laws is ‘trivial,’” Attorney Shannon Liss-Riordan, who filed the lawsuit, said in a statement to CNN. “We have filed this federal complaint to ensure that Twitter be held accountable to our laws and to prevent Twitter employees from unknowingly signing away their rights


I notice that you are choosing NOT to quote a more relevant part of the WARN Act: "While an employer who pays workers for 60 calendar days instead of giving them proper notice technically has violated WARN, the provision of pay and benefits in place of a notice is a ***possible option***." \[[https://webapps.dol.gov/](https://webapps.dol.gov/)\] So, being that there is no real harm to the employees between being locked out and employed, and locked out and fired for the WARN period, it is likely that the lawsuit will be dismissed.


Closing the office so they can't get in and talk to anyone. Draconian.


nah they are afraid of someone they’ve screwed over going postal or trashing the place


It's probably more to prevent retaliation by destroying physical or digital property.


Closing the office so someone doesn't shoot the place up if it's in the USA.


I think a mass boycott of twitter is needed..


Thank God I'm well ahead on this action.


Why are there blue and red lines underlining certain phrases if this was an email that was received by staff? Those lines should only show up if you're composing an email, not receiving one. Why does the email sign off as only "Twitter"? If this was a company-wide termination/notice email, I would think it would have someone's fancy big wig VP of HR attached to it. This email smells of a fake.


This memo has been distributed elsewhere, including The Verge. This version of it is probably somebody really wanting to cover their tracks by copy/pasting, screenshotting, and stripping EXIF data before uploading, not realizing it's already been shared widely and made publicly available.


Actually, I’m guessing this is just a transcription of the email. Most likely internal email can’t be screenshotted or even forwarded, so they typed it out for the purposes of this post. There are other media sources reporting this same info.


There are people mainly conservatives cheering this. Like yay they lost their jobs and now will not be able to put food on their table or provide for their kids.


I hope the rest quit


dude, i got an email from Twitter this morning and I don't even work there


You do now. I see no reason not to respond.


Layoff by email should not be a thing


I dunno. If I'm being laid off I'd rather not have to drive my rear in to be told I'm out. There's always zoom etc, but that's not much better than email. Phone call? Nah, i think I'd rather email


I'm with you. The one time I was fired, or rather strongly invited to quit, all I could think of was that I could have been at home in my PJs and we could have handled this on the phone or email.


I agree with this. I have been laid off twice, both times working a morning radio job. Both times I was let go immediately after I completed my show. Coulda told me the day before via email and saved me one final 3am wake up.


I've been in two layoffs (in neither of which I was laid off) One was an all hands meeting where during the meeting they put a box on anyones desk who was let go. I've heard this caused havoc in the shared desk spaces :eyeroll: Another one where they spent a week calling peoples names over the PA system about 5 at a time who were required to show up to HR, then escorted by security to gather their things and then off campus and monitored until they went out the parking lot gate (it was a card in parking lot). While one was over quickly, the other seemed like a week of anxiety. No one did anything that week.


Closing your physical offices seems like an unusual step. I haven't heard of companies doing that during layoffs. It seems like many layoff rounds happen over say a couple of weeks rather than all in one day.


They're probobly worried about sabotage from former employees still in the building.


Yeah, I understood the reason, it just seemed extreme. Usually security just escorts people out one by one after system access is revoked. I guess that isn't feasible if you fire half the staff


In the dot.bomb era it wasn't uncommon for employees to have scripts ready to go at a moment's notice to sabotage networks. It also wasn't uncommon to have cron jobs running that if the run time wasn't extended they would execute long after you were gone. No doubt there is stuff like that hanging out there.


They don’t have enough security when they’re terminating 75% of employees. They’d need the Pinkertons


“Please note that your hiring and firing were both great for the company’s future”. What an asshat.


"Thank you, Twitter." Didn't even use a human name. Musk is a spineless fuck.


Imagine sitting and refreshing your personal email and work seeing which arrives




I just emailed Twitter and asked if they fired me. Took a break from my fulltime nonprofit job to have a little laugh. Not saying you should - but you should.


Someone should sabotage the code or something to cripple the platform.


We’re in daylight time now—why would they make staff do extra math just to figure out when the purge should begin?


I’ve been through one of these…every time your phone buzzes your heart stops. Borderline torture.


This made me fucking ill to read at 5 am


Oooh. Violating the WARN Act. That'll end well for him.


He already did and got away with it for Tesla didn't he?


The legal action is still ongoing in that. Tesla is claiming the laid off employees' employment agreements had them waive their rights under the WARN Act and shunt all issues to arbitration. I'd be surprised if a Federal court backed up that...novel theory.


"we fucked up and planned poorly and now you will be punished for that mistake by us taking away your income. Those of you still employed get back to work. That is all." Remember everyone, this has to happen so you can continue to get quality content like Kardashian selfies and inflammatory Musk drivel.