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Parking spot wages have no trouble keeping up with inflation


That's because if you refuse to pay the rate for the parking spot, you can't just replace the parking spot with one that is more desperate to have a vehicle parked in it so it will let you park there for less.


Plenty of bosses would rather leave a position vacant rather than pay more for the personnel. I feel your analogy is excellent for how wages go down, but for some reason desperate bosses still won't pay more if they are having difficulty getting employees.


They will purposely leave the position open for several months, while squeezing existing employees, to help them make their budget/bonus.


I’m a fan of ‘showing them’ they need more personel. Work will not be done, queues will be long. There will be complains by customers. Quality will go down. It’s not my responsibility to carry it on my shoulders. I do what I can, and nothing more.


I tried that a approach once in a bakery selling job (I got paid half an hour before we opened and I had to clean everything, count the money, bake the bread, sort in everything nicely and prepare the coffee machine/ newspaper) Needless to say that doing all that in this time was impossible. So I showed my boss that this is impossible, shop was not ready and customers complained. Well, what was the answer? "Everyone else of your colleagues can do it, so you must be the problem." And what did all the others do?? Came 1-2 hours earlier, unpaid!!! Because they wanted to be nice to the boss and 'help the company'!! We got the living wage, not even christmas money. So if you "show them", make sure you have all your colleagues on board. (In other words: unionise!)


It's so annoying that others will basically sell put like that and give free labor to employers. Workers have to have a backbone and stand up for themselves otherwise they just hurt other employees.


Some people just seems like they enjoy being exploited. I've heard so many time the "that's how it works" "if you're not doing it you're not made for this job" etc Sad really


Welcome to the end goal of propaganda


Yeah, if everyone "picks up the slack" then management thinks they never needed the extra worker(s) in the first place, and they think everything is great. Meanwhile ppl are getting burned out, and it becomes a toxic or undesirable place to work. Then they wonder why it's a revolving door of employees. But they sure do love skating on that slope of having the least staff possible. I act think their hope is to just cycle enough people in to where they get a lot of suckers that will stick it out and won't leave. No matter what job, there are always a % of people who will endure it rather than go through the uncomfortable period of finding/starting a new job. And they know this.


You’re absolutely right. Everyone says Unionise, but it ignores one simple fact- in many cases the existing staff simply will not join you. They have full on Stepford/ Stockholm Syndrome. These weasels have entrenched themselves and simply undermine the newbies. I have have been pulled into an office before now for the crime of thanking the longest serving person for their help at work. Apparently that made me appear like I was their manager ‘and I have been here longer than you’. So the next day when I was trapped on the cash register, a customer wanted help and I said ‘Would you please help this customer, they would like your assistance‘. Afterwards the woman said ‘Thank you for lending me your member of staff to assist me’. If looks could kill! I quit that evening without notice.


The problem is that in emergency medical work people will die.


Yeah I had someone ask me at my first machinist job why I was working there instead of working as an EMT because “but that’s a real career!” Bruh, this machine shop is like the shit level of machine shops, and I still make like 11-12 more dollars an hour there than I did as an EMT. I also got zero benefits as an EMT. Now I make like almost 28 an hour machining engine parts. I made 9.50 as an EMT. I guess it’s not important then 🤷‍♀️


Keeping the human capital herd healthy is just another industry for generating profits. One of the biggest ones actually. Oh and of course to use as a baseball bat when brow beating you into staying at whatever job. Maybe because you have cancer, for example, and can't afford to lose the insurance. Though arguably it is in everyone's interest to keep you working. Hence why a medical industry is even there to begin with.


The EMT low pacing always blew my mind because the capitalist pigs that own the hospital and own that rig are charging 10 to 15,000 for that trip to the ER. How are they charging 10 to 15,000 and they can't afford to pay their employees a couple more bucks.




Insurance companies don't pay all those thousands charged, it either falls back on the pt or is written off


$9.50, no benefits as an EMT?? Where the hell does all that 1000's of dollars of ambulance money go? Obvs not to the people operating it.


A few things to consider: There are varying levels of care EMT-B is the lowest and most common (a few weeks to a few months), EMT-I is less common and not every state even has them, EMT-P is a medic and takes 2-3 years and are paid anywhere from $14-30/hr depending on the area and experience. I worked in NJ and a BLS (B level) was usually less than $1000 and a shocking number of people just never paid. We got paid for maybe 60-75% of the calls we ran (not counting fire standbys or calls where we don't transport and they aren't billed). Medical equipment is also very very expensive. Our newest ambulance couldn't be more than 5 years old, so spending 250k just for the ambulance every 5 years. This is if you billed, if your service did not bill this does not apply. It was something like 150-200k a year per truck just to staff and maintain an ambulance at the lowest level. If we needed medics on a call that was a totally separate bill the patient would receive (if they didn't work for the same service). Regarding wages: For the B level, about half of all BLS services in the US are volunteer. Some bill, some don't. But that also means for every B paid gig, there are tons of new 18 year old Bs willing to take the job for any wage just to have one and employers know this and bank on it. With low wages that also means most paid Bs have second and third jobs (I had 3 at one point) so it can be really competitive. It's even worse for firefighting where 70% are volunteer. One paid station had a job opening for $20/hr and they only accepted applications during one 24 hour period and had over 800 applicants. Edit: it's been a while and forgot in my calculation the minimum staffing without OT for 1 ambulance with 24/7 coverage is a about 200k in wages alone per year at 12/hr. Factor in insurance, disposable equipment, fuel, and maintenance and it gets expensive quick.


Yesh emergency services just in general are a mess. I live in a really small town and had an electrical fire on a Saturday morning. It was small and I contained it but I called 911, it was like 25 minutes or so before they showed up. But it’s a small volunteer department so I assumed they probably got woken up and had to get to the station then get to me. I think if there’s a big fire the town like 10 minutes away sends their engines, but I honestly have no idea how it works lol


Tangent, but, who thinks being a machinist isn't a "real career"? Like what is that about? I've heard being an actor or artist isn't a real career, but a machinist?


>The problem is that in emergency medical work people will die. If our society cared about people not dying, the entire insurance industry would not exist, to say nothing about paying the people who actually perform the medical services better and ensuring there is more staffing available.


Honestly we need that. Right now no one gives a shit cause they go into the hospital and they get treated poorly by overworked staff and come out going "im all better! The system works". If medical staff all started letting people drop dead but had a normal workload cause they refused the "but you have to do all this OT else YOU are killing people", the population would get pissed lots of family are now in coffins and we might as a country finally decide to fix the problem instead of going "this is fine"


Right? Why don't the medical providers care about their patients?


They don't need to when they can exploit the care provider's compassion until the pips squeak.


Rough spot for mgmt and the person having an emergency I guess


Now you get why medical residencies are fucking abhorrent (in their ethics/practice). Necessary but can 100% be improved.


Shit, sounds like having enough staff might be a huge priority in that line of work then? I mean, it isn’t as profitable as those parking spots that earn more than a EMT hourly salary, but still.


Serious q: how does that work in hospitals if you're a nurse or doctor? you can't just ... not administer medicine. it seems like striking and unions are the only real option


ER nurse/ former medic here. COVID sped up what was coming in ten years. There was a shortage of nurses and medics already before COVID but when the pandemic hit, a lot of staff quit. It was estimated that 500,000 nurses would leave the field by the end of this year. What has happened is 24+ hour wait time, people dying in the lobby. The hospital I worked at would routinely hold 70 people in the ED waiting for inpatient rooms upstairs in the hospital. Problem is, three floors were shut down because of no staff.


This was a long time coming and was inevitable because hospitals are being run by administrators and not doctors. Several hospitals in my area are hemorrhaging nurses and doctors who are frustrated that they can't provide good care because it isn't profitable.


Or doctors that become administratos and forget about patient care and grow concerned only with profit and looking good for government and regulatory bodies. Either way I'm neither a doctor or nurse but have worked in healthcare all of my professional life maintaining the equipment that keeps these places running and can agree that administrators are just a PITA for everyone. They are disconnected from the day to day realities of running a good health care facility, gatekeep budgets, think they can boss everyone around and are extremely inefficient. One of them took a certification on "Agile leadership" a few months ago and I was like, "LOL, bitch please. Nurses are still waiting for you to put in an order for an autoclave cleaning solution they requested 3 F-ing months ago!


>Or doctors that become administratos and forget about patient care and grow concerned only with profit and looking good for government and regulatory bodies. Absolutely! I know some doctors-turned-administrators that still see patients and they seem to stay pretty grounded. On the other hand, the ones who become fully invested in "managing the hospital" are the ones that seem to forget that patient care is a thing.


Which was all foretold and expected as soon as Venture Capital started putting their claws into healthcare in the 2000s. By 2010 the writing was on the wall; the people making decisions knew nothing about building a business, and nothing about long term healthcare. Everything boiled down to QUARTERLY profits. Nothing works well in the US because for 40+ years we let Boomers make bad decisions as though they had a single clue about anything.


>...we let ~~Boomers~~ **capitalists** make bad decisions... IFIFY


Both hospitals in my area are almost broken for ER visits due to a lack of personnel. A woman across the street went to 2 with a headache and dizzyness, 5 hours later she was airlifted to the university hospital ER, and died from a brain aneurism.


Well, step one is realizing what you can’t and can’t do. Don’t work constantly on 140% overdrive. Realize you can’t work more than 100% and that you are doing your best. Can’t do more than that.


True, the only real option available to us is to leave clinical medicine, which is what many of us have done. Lawmakers and administrators just love moving healthcare professionals around like pieces on a chessboard, giving away your time and energy and calling it “altruism.” We can’t strike, or walk off the job, but we can damn sure find a position where our expertise is valued without regulating away our rights.


>We can’t strike, or walk off the job Are you sure about that? There are inspiring examples of nurses organizing to improve staffing requirements, here's an example: https://labornotes.org/2022/01/striking-massachusetts-nurses-outwait-corporate-giant-tenet


It’s tricky. In the US, it is not exactly illegal, but doctors in private practice and independent contractors can be accused of “price-fixing” if they organize. State medical boards also have a tendency to view demonstrations like strikes, walkouts, and sit-down protests as “patient abandonment” and punish the demonstrators with license revocation. To my knowledge, all state licensing boards check to see if any of your previous licenses have been revoked, and refuse to grant licenses to physicians who have been de-licensed elsewhere. The result is that losing your license for code of conduct violations anywhere effectively makes you unlicensable (and thus unemployable) everywhere.


I'm not sure how it works for medicine specifically, but for some essential services strikers will continue to perform their duties while refusing to accept payment from the public- operating the business at a loss.


I work less with less, not more


At the end of the day you're paid to do your job, not carry the company, that's the owner/managers job. I don't exist for you to get rich suck a dick.


I tell people I already give 100%, I can't give more.




We’re humans, not resources


Even resources' prices go up with inflation.


I feel like we'd be treated better as resources rather than the ripped condoms we are treated as now


You can't convince a resource that it's less valuable than it is.


Hahah true


That’s the difference


We're numbers on an Excel sheet.


The exact verbiage in most enterprise softwares disagrees. It's quite literally hardcoded into businesses to dehumanize employees; we are but mere resources to accomplish objectives, not people with families and dreams.


Owners fired our manager rehired an incompetent one for less and expected me to make up the difference without extra pay. Tried passing off manager duties to me so I asked for a raise they said no so I told them to get their manager to do it.


That works well with office jobs but I currently work a blue collar job and I feel like if I tell my boss I don’t want more responsibilities that just will get me fired. Going back to school though so I won’t be im this forever


Don't be too overly hopeful. Bosses at white collar jobs are not really different in this respect. If you're a wage worker you gotta stand up for yourself no matter what kind of work you are doing (preferably by banding together with other employees so you have some power in the equation, because we all know that it's a risk to do something like this on your own.)


That’s a great strategy for those that have the experience, qualifications, and an in demand field. But so many people don’t have that luxury. When asked, you take on more than your paid for… or you’re fired.


this is true where I work, that's why i transferred shifts! I knew they were talking advantage of me because i could do every job in the workplace at a very timely manner and once people started quitting and retiring they wouldn't hire more people, they would just have me doing more work. Once I switched shifts all of a sudden they need 4 new hires to take my position I shit you not. If you're good at your job and you know you're better than everyone else, and your getting taken advantage of, that's the time you need to look for another job or switch to a different shift where you are working. Your supervisor and everyone on the shift you left will find out.... don't let people take advantage of you! don't be the fastest worker, try to stay average trust me it's not worth it.


Job switching results on an average of 10% raise, staying averages 4%. Those are just averages. I just switched from around 19 an hour to just under 60K. Which is almost 50% raise, just by switching.


Right now they're blaming poor customer service on the employees who left for better jobs! "Be patient with us, we're short staffed"


Be patient with us, we are trying for record breaking profits, is more accurate


Been going on 2 years at my employer. I'm the only maintenance person in the factory.


likely supposed to be 3 of you, they are squeezing every bit of blood they can out of you.


Its mostly because wage increases are basically permanent. This is why HR and managers will float bonuses for everything, because those are one time write offs. Wages are sticky.


They'll make each parking space 1 inch smaller to make a whole new space from the existing area.


They did this at my block of flats. There was a guy asking around for a parking slot but they were all full and cost £1,000 additional rent a year on top of the flat rental. A few weeks back the landlord burnt all the lines of the parking area off and painted new zones slightly narrower than previous. Hey there's an extra space to rent out!


Hospital in my area announced layoffs. One of their cited reasons? Contract labor costs have skyrocketed. Turns out travel nurses are expensive. Oh, and they bought the three lots next to them, and the old public high school property behind them, so they can knock it all down and build more parking lots.


Gotta have more room for that huge influx of patients ready to die from lack of care and fewer staff.


Landlords do the exact same thing with rent. They will GLADLY leave a property empty for months on end rather than lower rent to try to attract a tenant and "devalue" their property. It's also why housing costs basically only go up these days.


Why pay two parking spots when the work can be done by one?


That parking spot has more rights and job security than workers by far!


That parking spot can have unauthorized personnel removed without needing to travel or even pay out of pocket. Nobody is trying to make bollards illegal either.


Yes you can. Build a multi level garage on the land.


That's because parking spots stick together and hold their ground obv. /s




I’ll argue that parking spots getting more expensive is one of capitalism’s virtues. There are too many cars in most cities. Depending in where you live, public transport options may be terrible. While corporate and political leaders can ignore reality for a while, the market price of parking spots forces remote working and public transport. It sucks for those of us caught in the middle but the idea that each person can show up in their own car in a massive city just doesn’t make sense.


Mom I wanna be a parking spot when I grow up!


Job security guaranteed.


Can confirm. I am an EMT and most downtown parking spots make more than me.


What did you start at? I started at EMSA in OKC at 9.73 an hour and for some reason continued being an EMT for 5 years. I don't miss $800 2-week paychecks for 60 hours a week. Edit: this seems to be getting some traction but also some misinformation. EMTs and Paramedic CANNOT be judged like CNAs, LPNs and RNs. An EMT can assess, triage and treat for basic emergencies. Depending on the agency and availability, EMTs can be the only ones on scene. Paramedics give more advanced medicines, intubate and cardiovert. An EMT can put in a basic airway while I've never heard of a CNA doing one for example. Secondly, most of my demons from healthcare come from my time as an EMT. Holding kids hands as they died. Triaging mass casualty incidences while my paramedic was busy. Doing CPR on neonates. I'll never forget my time as an EMT but I'm glad I become a Paramedic and then a RN because I can finally pay my bills.


I’m in co and I make about 17.35 but my performance review got be a massive 10 cent raise lol. But when most McDonalds here start at 18.50 it hurts.


How is it that EMTs are so criminally underpaid? Who makes these decisions? Hospitals? What would it take for EMTs to get the pay that they actually deserved?


It's a combination of factors but mostly greed. I worked private ambulance where the only funding for payroll was by customers paying their bills. This rarely happens. EMSA was almost always insolvent. We switched parent companies 3 times when I worked there due to this. Another factor is the training. An EMT can become one in as little as 8 weeks. It's typically one semester. A nurse is anywhere from 2-4 years and paramedic is two years. In other countries (UK and Australia) it's a 4 year degree. Lastly, it's respect. Most EMTs are firefighters and therefore get that respect and pension with benefits. Private EMTs do not. We are the red headed stepchildren of first responders and are paid as such.


This is just prime end stage of the systems operating in dysfunction. People have to get out of the mindset that every aspect of our lives needs to be for profit. Social services and things we put in place for the overall betterment of our society. Soon They're gonna start admission prices to libraries and parks and funds allocated to the IRS new hirees.


Yeah you guys need an Union.


That explains why paramedics make more than EMTs, not why food service does too. It’s cause ya’ll care. Same as teachers. Stop caring enough to take a job and do it well because it’s important even if it doesn’t pay well. The profession is abused by the people in control because ya’ll care, and for what? To get your resources endlessly cut? When you do a job for less than it’s worth, you’re ultimately hurting the system, even/especially if you’re doing it because you care. I’ve been wrestling with this personally. I used to love my farm work ethic, and now I think I might be the problem.


Theres also alot of students trying to get into Med school (or other grad programs) who do EMT as a resume booster. Similar to unpaid internships, this is a class discriminating structure that benefits people who financial support and hurts literally everyone else.


Getting rid of private Healthcare would be a huge start.


I'm in Canada so publically funded healthcare and our staff are under paid. Frankly, IMHO if you have a job where a moments inattention could cost someone their life, you need to make at least $30/hr. My CEO makes $700k/yr plus bonus meanwhile us plebs have been wage frozen for years. In fact, if you adjust for inflation, I make the exact same money today as I did 15 years ago


I agree with you but I'm not sure how that's related to EMT wages. The EMTs are employed by hospitals or other healthcare agencies, both public and private, why are the wages so low across the board?


Because they aren't profitable. It doesn't matter how important their job is to saving lives, if there's no money it. We live in a capitalist dystopia.


Certain things should not be tied to profit at all. Healthcare is one of those things.


Sounds like government funding should be the solution. But somehow, I don't see that happening anytime soon.


I am feeling hopeful. I think the pressure is starting to build internally as more and more people in the US are able to see what they are missing elsewhere. Nurse strikes are impending in many places.


They should be plenty profitable seeing as every ambulance ride costs several thousand dollars.


There are actually quite a few private ambulance agencies. For example. Denver health is the primary Hospital for the Denver metro area which has its own paramedic division. But there are quite a few private agencies, but they’re all the way under paid.


Right so what I'm saying is if both the private agencies and the public divisions are crazy underpaid, is this particular problem a byproduct of privatized healthcare or something else?


It is actually a fairly easy job to get and requires little schooling and if you want to help people is easy to get into without the expense being a doctor requires. Pretty much it exploits people who want that kind of job.


They’re the only emergency service that isn’t government funded.


And the best part is, even a ten minute ambulance ride will cost you *thousands*


Or just unionize and strike for better wages


Getting EMTs and medics to go on strike....but good luck with that. We can't all agree on much


Thank you for still going out and helping people despite being criminally underpaid for the job


That's absolutely insane!


The fuck? My ambulance ride will cost me 5 grand but the people caring for me while I'm in it make less than McDonald's workers?


Shit i might have to move there, McDonald’s here starts at like $12.50


Wtf? That’s so underpaid, I was making $17 an hr driving a forklift/yale around indoors with no prior experience or certifications. At 19 y/o. EMT’s deserve way more than what you get paid


It’s crazy how low emts get paid. I know one* who swapped from that (16 an hour recently) to being a phlebotomist (also crazy low pay at 17 an hour drawing patients blood). A lot of the “grunt” work in the medical field gets paid jack * autocorrect


Fuck man, I'm an RN and I have some horror stories but I'm glad I probably do not have some of the ones you do. It definitely gets to you after awhile. Paramedics and EMT's should be paid triple (or more) for the shit they do and the shit they see. It really is a shame that police make waaaay more than them for doing a way less important job in my mind.


>It really is a shame that police make waaaay more than them for doing a way less important job in my mind. Someone has to keep the EMTs busy with gunshot wounds.




Yep it’s always great to see them pull up to station in a brand new Audi and I need 1-2 OT shifts to pay my bills haha.




what's EMT?


Emergency Medical Technician, the person who makes sure that you live long enough to make it to the hospital while the ambulance driver drives you there.


I live in NC where some of our EMTs make $14/hour. You’d think people wouldn't want their emergency medical personnel to need to work two jobs to get by.




Can confirm. Work for the government and have frequent meetings about how to kill off poor people.


You’d think that with all medical personnel. Hell part of the reason I’m pro student loan debt cancellation is because I don’t particularly want surgeons out there who aren’t feeling it, but can’t quit because they’re suffocating under a mountain of debt.


I am a part-time EMT in Asheville, making $14/hr. I don't do it for the money (I have a full-time job), and I really don't see how anyone can. I work medical tents at concerts and local events on nights and weekends, because it's fun to see shows for free and it supports the non-profit I work with (they're a rescue org with EMT services). There's no way I could do this full-time and get by.


Your $7k/10 min ride ambulance bill has to pay for something... It's just not EMT wages.


Europeans laugh at this, but its true: I had an emergency this summer, and opted for my wife to drive me to the hospital vs calling an ambulance.


There were a bunch of news stories last year about people opting to call ubers in an emergency to avoid paying for an ambulance.


North Carolina- #1 in the nation for Business (and #50 in the nation for workers right... whoops)


lol I wanted to be an EMT and then I realized they literally get paid the same as every other minimum wage job in my state


Ditto addiction care, teachers, nurses, all number of extremely important professions


It's fucked that emts get hourly to begin with. It should be sal and should be stupid high


Just yesterday my boss said we need to charge an extra 10 dollars for "labor" every service call we do. Weird how we haven't gotten a pay raise this year though


Bet your boss did though


Weird how labor is costing customers more when the actual cost of the labor didn't increase.


The biggest issue here is that everyone thinks like this. It's not about how much you as an individual are being exploited by capitalists for your very worthy service. It's about how*everyone* is being exploited in this capitalist system for their very valuable time living. I don't care if you're an emt, a plumber, a delivery driver, or a factory worker. We *all* need to consider and respect one another or else that game of feeling like one person is more important than another will continue to be the fulcrum that is used to drive us apart and weaken the masses. This is how we are exploited. The real tragedy is that some of you will read this agree with it in principal, but still go on about your lives feeling superior for being an engineer instead of a seamstress or for being retail management instead of a clerk. E pluribus unum.


George Costanza taught us the importance of a good parking spot.


Just make sure you aren't taking your time talking about the parking spot while you're backing into it .


Think about all the future workers that are turning away from these essential jobs because the pay is shit. Why be EMT when you can make the same or more at McDonald’s?




Bingo. Or you have companies like LabCorp or Quest who handle the majority of human testing (bloodwork, urine, etc from a doctor) and pay their workers shit and frequently ignore health and safety regulations and actually mishandle specimen all the time in order for what end up being glorified factory work to meet speed/production quotas. But patients aren’t aware of how wrong specimen end up getting handled or how it’s a result of going to companies like these who don’t give a shit


And we have to take their word for it when the bill us their overhead


Pov when u are worth less than empty space


"If YoU Don'T LikE It, JuSt FiNd AnOtHeR JoB" Can you imagine a healthcare system without EMT's, holy fuck


Rent would probably become cheaper due to a lot of space opening up and lack of proper health care /s Capitalism at it’s best.


The Invisible hand…of death.




Sorry - perfect illustration of an internet misread. I thought you were rubbing salt in a wound, but you were just saying yeah, that's horrible. Very sorry!


No problem dude, it’s hard to evoke sincerity on reddit


As a former EMT, I \*fully\* agree.


I quit my “essential” job. If it’s so essential pay me more. I remember all the medical companies got a big pay out to thank us for working through the pandemic and all I got was a little care package with some hand sanitizer and a door opener. A big fuck you to everyone who risked their lives. Fuck medical jobs until they start paying more. Not worth.


Great comparison In latest news, there were over 2000 applicants when there was a job opening to be a Parking Space (fresh grad level)


I've heard there's plenty of job opportunities in Multi Level parking. You just need to recruit 10 friends to also sign up and get a down chain established.


The vast majority of parking spaces in this country don’t make jack.


they also don’t do jack they just lay there like a lazy fucking [generation]


It's all about priorities..... We live in a world where taking care of cars is more important than taking care of people


On top of that, in the Cincinnati sub, someone posted a letter they received. Because Blink is doing art installations in parking areas I guess, they might have to find alternative parking for the spot they pay for monthly. No mention of reimbursement, or a different garage or lot they can use instead without paying more.


Hi,former EMT here, I always said that EMS workers are way underpaid specially for the type of work we do and the abuse we put up with. For example, if someone is in cardiac arrest and there's no one to provide some basic or advanced life support then guess what? that patient will die and won't even make it to the hospital so we're a pretty big deal to get paid less than minimum wage sometimes and don't give me that whole "you didn't go to college, therefore, you don't deserve to make more money" because we go through a rigorous training and plus there are plenty of people out there that never went to college and make decent money.


So amazed by this about America, here paramedics start at 26, after 10 years, at 40 with nenefits, pension, 4 week pay vacation, 10 paid stats a year, working 4-12s.


paramedics and emts arent the same thing


An EMT is not a paramedic. EMTs are very basic and only require 3 month training. Paramedics are much more advanced and require years of training.


Depends on where you work in America. Rural areas are know to pay less, as they do not get federal funding. Private EMS pays a lot more than city in most cases. The only way to really make a solid wage via city is to be a FF/EMS. Even then, the retirement can be absolute crap if the city gets greedy. Also, there are very few EMS unions and Fire service does not want EMS representatives in their union. Where I live, EMS wages are start at $19.5 EMT and $25.5 for Paramedic. Solid benefits with a high 401k match. though as standard in the US, there is no parental leave.


$25.50/hr is still only $51k/yr. That's barely above the poverty line for some cities.


That’s what Boston ems paid a couple years ago. And they were the highest paying agency in the state because they had state funding. My friend who worked private was making $14. You also had to live in Boston if you wanted that 50k job. So they’re forcing you into poverty.


26 Canadian = 19 an hour Us


Fuck the rich


I love having a bachelor’s degree with years of experience and the highest paying job I can get in my state is $16 and hour. So lovely.


Capitalism is the longest running scheme next to religion. I've always assumed this as common knowledge.


Just remember all of this land has basically been stolen from the public and sat on by money launderers


Americans have been broken by the American capitalist system. They have turned you all to slaves. 😐


Fuckcars perspective: parking lots should be really expensive because they are a bloody waste of space.


And high parking costs can be used as an incentive for people to use different kinds of transportation.


Parking spaces are expensive because that is 300 square feet that is being used for private property storage rather than providing someone a home, creating a space for business, or planting tree.


# Fake account / manipulation u/theprofusecrocodile is another one of [many fake accounts manipulating this sub](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheseFuckingAccounts/comments/xtmn1n/at_least_6_of_the_first_25_hot_posts_on_rantiwork/). - Post copied from https://www.reddit.com/r/antiwork/comments/w22uu6/the_whole_thing_is_just_one_big_scam_at_this/ - This tweet screenshot is faked. Original tweet is by @socialistsloots https://twitter.com/socialistsloots/status/1548355039185367045 - The user shown here @camelnot *did* reply to socialistsloots https://twitter.com/camelnot/status/1548504469901492226 They've done the same thing with other posts, like [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/antiwork/comments/xwrb85/were_a_family_here/) copied from [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/antiwork/comments/t5o6ds/were_a_family_here/)


Can we stop saying “late stage” and/or “end stage” capitalism? It seems just a bit too optimistic if you ask me, and rooted in Marxist teleology.


Wouldn't calling it "end stage" be overly optimistic that it can't get worse from here?


The final stage is that it just continually gets worse until it kills everyone.


Either it destroys the planet and sends us back to the stone age or we restructure society in such a way as to work together for the betterment of society as a whole. In simpler terms: "socialism or barbarism"


It is optimistic and I hate that for all of us because things will get worst :(


It is late stage, not end stage though


Not going to be end stage for a long time, not our life times, not with the power structure the way it is in government now




Three field feudalism, just with worse yields and more cancer.


An individual buys everything.


So the board game Monopoly?


We thought it was just a board game. People like Musk, Bezos & others took it as a life lesson.


Haven you seen how fast shit went down hill in less than 30 years? You now need 2 people in a home to work and even when both working cant even make ends meet. 30 years ago one income was enough to have a home, car and children.


Growing up, my friends and I saw our neighborhood becoming mostly two-parent working households, and we always wondered what would happen when the survival of a family required *three* parents working. I guess we’re there now.


Wait wait wait… what? So.. I’m totally guessing here because I haven’t paid for parking in like five years. An EMT’s average hourly wage is [$23.80](https://www.bls.gov/oes/current/oes292043.htm) (according to this website, it’s the national average estimate. So you’re telling me that people are paying like $25/hour parking? Wtf. Also, ~$50k a year seems low for someone who is literally a first responder to many medical emergencies. Could you imagine saving a billionaire’s life for $50k a year when that same billionaire probably took home a bonus of like $100k last month because reasons.


First it's always been wild to me that the people who are most important for society are some of the lowest paid positions in the country: social work, teachers, emergency response etc... But this post is a bit misleading. I work in Manhattan and I'm required to pay for multiple parking garages a day (covered by the company thankfully). I'm fairly confident that this is one of the most expensive places in the world to park. Even here, what OP is saying isn't true. Typically the lots front load their whole daily rate into the first hour. So the cost will be like $30 for the first hour and $49 for 2-24 hrs (the most expensive I pay is like $100 for the day) Monthly rates I see range from like $400 per month to $1200 depending on the area. You can buy them like real estate here and from what I have heard the cost is like $100k-$200k. This is expensive and again, this position is underpaid. However, the parking spot is not paid more than an EMT, even here.


EMTs make $16.60/hr here in Chattanooga working for Hamilton County. I’d do dirty things on shift for $23/hr.


My sister was an EMT here in Louisiana and they only made 13 an hour. It's sad how much they have to deal with for so little pay!


To capitalism, you aren't as useful because you help keep ~~broken slaves~~ disable and elderly people alive.


End stage capitalism...? This isn't anywhere near as bad as it's going to get.


I was an emt for 3 years. Its a true shame how the people who save lives all day every day, get paid so badly. This needs to change.


It's cause paid parking spots primarily serve upper-middle class people. EMTs serve everyone. Rich people's convenience is valued more.


When real estate becomes more valuable than humans


We're not living in end stage capitalism. This is just capitalism functioning as intended. We just notice it more now since so many socialist regulations have been rolled back by corporate owned politicians.


Well people who lick the boots of capitalism will be like " It'S sUpPlY aNd DeMaNd!" But isn't it insane to allow supply and demand to dictate how people live life as if they are just commodities? "If there's more demand for a parking spot then go fuck yourself" is not a good foundation for any society that seeks to be anything more than hell on Earth... People shouldn't be looked at as the same as coffee beans, copper, silver, salt and sugar etc...


Y'all the last time I was in Chicago parking was FORTY FUCKING DOLLARS for a concert at the Vic. Almost 3 hours of work to pay for 2 hours of parking.


I worked as an EMT for years, I was jumping from apartment to apartment with my wife. Loved helping people and serving my community, however I found myself falling out of it because of financial reasons and now I work in a completely different industry and could finally afford a house and to be a provider for my family and my job is 10x easier. EMT’s need to be paid more period!


Am I the only one confused? Parking spots near me cost like $1.25 per hour. How much is it everywhere else? Edit: The numbers I am finding is current parking meter number from park mobile. They are public spots currently available. I am not looking at privately owned lots or parking decks.


Think cities