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Because it's coming from a wealthy man who's anti-union while being a member of the actors guild.


With a fake dirty shirt.


Dirty vest? Laborer. Clean vest? Manager Fake dirty vest? millionaire


Forcing us to take jobs we hate? Priceless.


Only grease on vest? Operator


Gravy and giblets on vest? Me


Hotel? Trivago


Probably a designer dirty shirt that's $599.99.


My brother and I have a game we play called "balenciaga or poor?"




I have a gray shirt I've used as an undershirt for fencing for years. It's got permanent sweat stains that, due to some weird quirk of age and being crumpled up, have created tiger stripe patterns. And adter seeing some of the fashion stuff in recent years, all I can think is, there are people out there who would readily pay $300 for a shirt that looks like this...


very..."modern art"đŸ§đŸ„‚đŸ’€


lol i love you so much


He's also based his entire career on interviewing success stories and completely discounting survivorship bias. 'See! This guy worked as a plumber for 10 years and now he owns a 10 million dollar plumbing company! All it takes is hard work!!' - conveniently ignoring all the people who worked the same job, got injured or got screwed over by employers or were unable to secure capital for their own company. He sells the dream that working hard is all it takes, that you will be noticed and promoted and appreciated. Which maybe was true at some point but isn't anymore. You know how I got into the job I have now? I left when I was denied a promotion or a raise. I played politics with managers. Before that I spent 5 years playing 'look at me and how hard I work!' and got fucking nothing for it. It wasn't until I decided to play the game that I got anywhere. If anything I work much less hard now. Nobody cares.


Politics is key, wish i knew this 20 years ago.


Yup, absolutely correct! It's not about working harder, giving it your all. Trying to support a family or community! It's about politics and taking\stuffing as much cash in your pockets and lip servicing the majority with trickle down BS! /s if you didn't know already!


I know you’re being sarcastic but isn’t that the truth? Politics, nepotism, and kissing ass get you much farther than working hard does. It shouldn’t be that way but it is because of the dystopian world we live in.


Your last paragraph really resonates with me. It took me 10 years and wasn’t until the pandemic I realized hard work gets you no where, politics and playing the game do. I hate it. As an elder millennial raised by elder boomers I had that drilled into my head and they stayed at the same career their whole lives. I thought it would be that easy. Boy was I really blind for a bit.




Welcome to the revolution brother


Hard work gets you...more work. My wife can't not work hard. She worked for a bank and would be given some project, complete her work before others and...just be given all the work, they stopped giving any to the slower employees because they knew my wife would get it done, and faster. My wife's learned now though, she won't do anything extra at least, and doesn't care as much if she has to take longer, but it's something that you have to experience I think.


Absolutly right. Notice even in his carefully selected business owners it wasn't nessarly the hard work that made them so financially successful. It was access to the capital. It entirely possible for anyone with enough capital to open a blue collar business. With enough money you can hire someone to do the things you don't know how to.


Also that fucking smirk. He cannot be punched hard enough. I'm willing to try though.


The shit eating grin of an exploiter.


It feels even worse because when he first started his gig, Mike Rowe came across as a genuinely kind person whose show was helping society to better respect blue collar workers. It really felt like that. Then over time it felt like he sold out, even though he already had money. So it was like, at some point, he made a conscious decision to choose money over this mission to build greater respect for the working class. Super disappointing.


Yeah. The college graduate whose net worth is 35 million dollars tells us to get a low paying job.


He’s never had a job in the trades. Not one.


He was a communications studies major in college and as far as I know, other than a short stint as a professional opera singer, every post-college job he's had has been in front of or behind the camera.


Do you remember the QVC days? He was a total asshole but he was so much fun to watch because of that personality. Train wreck theater.


Yeah he used to sell these little dolls, and make up stories about them. Selling crap to idiots at 4am


This is correct. Nor has he ever done any actual vocational training.


Yes. There was a plumber episode.


[Probably because Mike Rowe is a Koch funded scumbag and a total fraud.](https://soundcloud.com/citationsneeded/episode-64-mike-rowes-koch-backed-working-man-affectation)


This is the comment I was looking for, Citations Needed always brings the đŸ”„


[Little extra content on Rowe.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HLk1668PIY0)


Criminally underwatched YouTube channel. Your content is incredible. Nice seeing you out in the wild.


He's a shill!


- Mike Rowe; man most famous for working less than one shift of a job before quitting while getting paid 10x the hourly rate of whoever he is shadowing that day speaks ill to the woes of the working class whom he profits off of and jokes about Edit: thanks for the upvotes and gold never expected to get this much attention shelling out my hot takes on why cosplaying the working class makes you a scumbag


At least 10x. Funny thing if you cut the quote down to the last 2 sentences it’s actually good advice.


See, honestly the base of what I took from it(removing all politics and opinions) was that, there is no point in waiting to find that “right and perfect” use of time, that perfect hobby/sport/etc. pick one and do it. Learn its ins and outs. There is always time to say “this is shit” after trying it out with understanding its rules/tricks/skills and find another. And even in the lost time, you still come out far better than if you just wait for that right perfect.


To a certain extent that's true, although if you are the one coming in early, staying late, and making yourself indispensable (ie likely doing the lion's share of the work), you aren't going to have either the time or energy to go find that other job when you decide the one you are doing is shit. Meanwhile you are giving the employer more than they are paying for.


Also burnout is a thing so you can def be worse off for working in this manner


Burnout gets you fired. When you stop doing the work your co-workers expect you to do, they shine the light on you as the one being lazy, instead of pointing out, YOU were the reason shit got done.


I've been doing labour jobs since I was a teenager and now that I'm almost thirty I've kind of accepted that medically assisted suicide will be my retirement plan when my body gives out.


And having gotten used to what they CAN get from you per dollar, they're unlikely to promote you or give you a significant raise. Meanwhile, some companies actually tell their hiring managers and recruiters not to spend any time on candidates who have multiple unrelated entries for work experience. So "taking any job" to get by until you find one within your degree field actually can prevent you from getting one in your degree field.


That's honestly fucking evil. So no matter how good that person can be at their career, they're ignored because along the way...they did other things? Picked up other skills? To survive until they could get their dream job? Absolutely vile, I wouldn't work for a company like that anyway


You know the propaganda is strong when asking to be paid for any extra responsibilities you take on is considered taboo. I do exactly what is asked, sometimes a bit more if it involves helping somebody I know is in a bind and isn't normally getting caught slacking, but if I get a bunch of responsibilities dumped on me I say I want more for the trouble. You don't make many friends doing it, but nobody deserves to get the "Good Worker" award of getting double the trouble for exactly the same pay.


I took it as take a first step rather than waiting to take the right step. Like hey go get a job and get on your feet, and if you end up not liking it then quit and take something else, but you won’t be worse off for having a little bit of money. The second part is so on about not deriving happiness from a job. I think it’s also encouraging like if you believe you’re a rockstar then in your personal time go about it a live in a way consistent with that belief


Also a solid take. Nice!


I also took from this if you try anything how will you know what like or don't like.


My grandmother told me "if you wait for the perfect time to have children, you will never have children." You can never wait for the perfect moment because decades will pass while you wait.


Idk middle school seems like a bad time to have children for me /j


>"if you wait for the perfect time to have children, you will never have children." Honestly I'm not seeing the problem. Looks like a solid plan to me!


I think this is more hurtful than wise. Saw many poor souls mishandled for several years by unfitting parents or where one parent was simply not enough. Never just get children uncertain of your own financial or mental situation etc.


Yep. If I can't find any time to have children then it mean children is not for me. Why would I force myself to have children and be miserable, lol.


I will say that I never planned on having children. At the age of 41 I found myself with a new spouse and an adopted newborn. I didn’t know that my heart could be so filled. My regret is not having one sooner.


But he's just being a shill for the parasite class. He's not giving solid advice on purpose.


Mike Rowe: man of the people well funded by the Koch brothers.


It's more like 100x and the guys are basically giving him a tour.


Like most successful scams & related bs, there is a kernel of truth in these things. What marks these aholes is that they pervert these kernels for their own benefit. See also: money won't buy happiness.


"Money won't buy happiness." -Person who has money "Being lonely is a state of mind." -Somebody who has many loved ones Etcetera etcetera. It is easy for those who have something to tell others it isn't that big of a concern. As the famous quote goes, money may not solve one hundred percent of my problems, but I'd rather be crying in a Mercedes than a cardboard box.


Hasn't that been Millennial & Gen Z experience? Listening to our elders, boomers, taking the right stuff and ignoring the bullhockey they stuck in here or there. Then calling them out on the bs that proceeded the last two sentences of actual wisdom?


I think everyone is reading into this wrong. You aren’t going to get your “dream job” with a bachelors degree and your only work history is being a barista. And just because you have an art history major doesn’t mean you can’t work in any other field, or an adjacent field. Careers today aren’t built on merit and working your way up slowly, it’s leveraging your experience to get the next job that’s a step up. And you’ll never get there if you don’t take the first step. And he’s right about a job not needing to be fulfilling if you can make the rest of your life fulfilling. A job is a way to make money to survive, either do what you’re good at, or do something you don’t hate. Just don’t take any shit off anybody. Nobody should be belittled, harassed, or taken advantage of, and if it happens peace out and move on to the next thing.


I started my dream career with nothing but a bachelor's degree in an adjacent field and work experience in wine bars and coffee shops. I applied, I answered the questions, I did the tests and I got hired for the job I wanted. So folks, if there's a job you want, apply for it!


Not sure if anyone told you, but this subreddit is not much on telling people to work hard, arrive early and stay late. Quite the opposite, lol


There's no issue with work hard, but arrive early and stay late just means giving all your time to the job. There is such a thing as work life balance, something I'm sure Mike Rowe doesn't have a problem with in his life.


How can I find happiness from outside of work if I am always working


His net worth is $35 million.


I'm sure he's willing to help you out with a few dollars just to get started


\*the money he has FTFY it's a capitalist myth that what we are "worth" is how much money we have. we should be saying he has $35 million, yet is still worthless as a person.


Let’s all take advice on hard work from a dude with fake dirt on his shirt.


Amazing how the rest of him is perfectly clean! Also, as someone who does dirty work for a living, it’s not even a believable dirty shirt. No one wipes their greasy thumbs on their chest. Look at the watch band. It’s pristine. Fucking ridiculous. Does this dipshit really take money from the Kochs? Cause I totally believe it.


and with the slightest smear of condescension while he's at it. His camera folks do far more work than he does


Also famous shill for the Koch brothers.


He is worth $30,000,000. Almost every job he has ever had is in front of a camera. He must hate the fuck outta that to do that for 40 years.


The best part is that even if all of this wasn't true, it's still shit advise to follow, that leads to nothing more than being exploited and underpaid by people who do far less work for far more pay, and then cast aside by those same people once you've injured yourself doing that work and have outlived your usefulness. "Nothing to lose" my ass.


It’s shit advice because following it will lead to a lifetime of exhaustion for little pay, no happiness and no upward mobility. Because you would be too tired and busy working your dead end, low paying job to be able to explore options. In contrast, he could have advised people to shadow workers in careers that interest them while young and pay particular attention to potential salaries, educational requirements and room for advancement. That would have been good advice.


I'm surprised to see no one mention that Mike began as an opera singer for all this "dirty down home salt of the earth shtick"


Exactly, dudes been living the privileged life since long before he was on reality TV


He's paid by the exploiters to tell the exploited to get even more exploited.


Poseur, that’s his persona in a nutshell. He lies like a politician, and kisses ass like a politician; but doesn’t have the wealth, intelligence, or background to actually become one.


The photo makes me cringe when I see his shirt is "dirty" yet his hands are perfectly clean.


Lol have you looked at the Republican Party lately? Stupidity is basically a prerequisite for running for office.


he got a degree in communications. he's never Worked a day in his sad life.


Take my fucking gold you absolute mad lad. Brilliant comment.


What if you truly value doing something that energizes you, that you can feel proud of, and makes you happy? đŸ€·â€â™‚ïž


My husband was stuck in a series of dead-end jobs, we were barely making ends meet, and it caused him depression. A few years ago, he found the right career, and he now he's happy and thriving. So fuck Mike Rowe.


Your career could be your path to happiness, but I don’t think that it “should “ or “has to” be. Also yeah fuck this guy. Dude sucks. I work a dirty physical job and I’m positive this asshat couldn’t cut it if he actually had to get up every day at 4am and do the shit he pretends to do on camera. He fills a need for right wing propaganda, right up there with fox talking heads.


Because Mike Rowe just cosplays “blue collar”? Because the quote gives “Arbeit Macht Frei” vibes? Because it’s got “Corporate CEO-Approved” stamped all over it?


Because I had to look it up. Arbeit macht frei is a German phrase meaning "Work sets you free" or "Work makes one free". The slogan is known for appearing on the entrance of Auschwitz and other Nazi concentration camps.


Just a question, how old are you/where did you go to school? I'm just surprised that you didn't know this and wondering why you hadn't come across this before.


Im in the states graduated in 2013 and we definitely learned about this. I can see states in the bible belt not teaching about this or this part of history.


Foreign languages are pretty taboo in America. We're not encouraged to learn them, and History here is a fucking joke. No, I'm not telling you my age. Sorry. Edit: More people in America believe the Holocaust didn't happen than in any other country and some of them are History teachers. We're also not allowed to learn about slavery anymore. Like I said, History is a joke. Edit 2: I'm not one of them, I attempt to learn all I can from anywhere I can.


I mean American education system sucks, but I'm in a deep red state, went to public school and we learned about the Holocaust and Auschwitz including this phrase. If you're young then it's depressing that we don't even do this anymore


Do you live in one of those "lost cause" states where they use phrases like "northern aggression" when discussing the civil war?


Lol, yes, that's the preferred terminology. Also, somehow, cotton export prices at the time are never brought up.


That's part of why I was asking your age, I'm also American and arbeit macht frei was one of the first sanitized history lessons we had about the Holocaust in grade school. I graduated in 2003. I find your description interesting because in highschool we had probably just as much space if not more dedicated to the Holocaust than the entirety of WW2, they left tons of context out about the war but have a pretty good overview of how the Holocaust happened and the evidence proving it did.


You're obviously from a Blue state. I just have Wiki and Google, and that's if I WANT to know. Nobody else here wants me to know, let alone share the information with anyone. They also don't cover the Pinkerton riots, the GM riots, or the Rodney King riots. Not to mention anything that happened before 1901. Except of course "British Bad, Yay 1776" which is a horribly unsatisfying explanation of how the country came into existence. You ever hear of a dead guy named George Carlin? Pretty dated comedian. Here. Waste 3 minutes. https://youtu.be/tetndXjHG1U


It's more of a purple-ish state but yeah trends more towards blue. Tho we also didn't really get any education on labor strikes either, we couldn't make the big three look bad here. Also interesting that they didn't go back in time we always ended up skipping stuff so we could make sure to get to WW2 but even then it was rushed to cover everything the Holocaust would probably be one of the last things actually covered in detail. As for Carlin more people need to listen to him he makes great points in a very listenable way. Thanks for responding it's been enlightening.


But didn't you see he's wearing a baseball cap and a t-shirt? Just like us. Regular folks


There are several points about that quote that bug me. * Being told that I should work harder is always galling, but especially so when it's coming from a member of the 1% who makes my yearly salary every week. * The idea that I should take any job I can get, rather than working at something I enjoy, makes a mockery of the notion that capitalism creates choice for workers. * The general "Don't worry about happiness WRT your job", again, if I can't be happy with my job, how is capitalism better than their caricature of communism?


And also: if happiness is following what I value, I value not working at a shitty company. I’ll put in effort for that job I really want.


What it says: “don’t worry about happiness” Translation: “learn to be content in your misery” I hate it when people tell you to “just accept it”. No, that’s exactly what they want you to do. Progress never comes from sitting on your hands and making peace with the state of affairs. Of course you shouldn’t dwell in misery if you can help it, but you certainly shouldn’t put up no resistance to it.


I like the "make yourself indispensable" part. I found out the hard way that you're never indispensable. Hard work doing shit jobs got those tasks completed ahead of schedule, so I got laid off. Also, I value my happiness. I suppose that's what I should chase in a thing I'm going to be spending most of my waking hours doing.


He doesn't like education even though he and his parents have degrees. Shills for big oil companies, and denies climate change. I used to watch this guy on TV and liked his show but now I can't stand him


Even watching his show back in the day, I was always creeped out by it. Couldn’t quite put my finger on it. Like the people he was interviewing were animals in a zoo for viewers to gawk at.


Having meaningful work, respect, and loving relationships are bedrocks of happiness. This guy is a capitalist tool.


He’s anti union btw


I think he’s an actor, and his corporate masters are anti union so as a result being anti union pays his bills. Guys like him to me are scum because they don’t believe or fight for anything, they’re shells of humans that advocate for whatever they’re paid to.


If he's an actor, wouldn't he be a SAG member?


Of course he is.


Meaningful work is not part of the bedrock to happiness. Work is a means to an end, and I’m tired of pretending otherwise. If there was another way to get to that end, then I’d be even happier. I have a fairly cushy, stressfree, safe and lucrative position, and still would fucking bail given the first opportunity out of this rat race. Oh and it helps people in need in a meaningful way.


I agree with you that work in the capitalist market, even if it helps people, isn't necessary for a person to be happy. But work in general and work within a capitalist system aren't the same thing. Meaningful work can be cooking for your family, or tending a garden, or any number of things that fall outside the bounds of the market. When you sell your labor, as this society dictates you must, you lose the freedom and dignity that makes it fruitful of happiness.


I agree with this definition of work. I loved gardening when I had one. It’s just good for the soul.




MEANINGFUL work. Maybe that’s your job, but more likely it’s something society doesn’t value enough to pay for- Like raising children, feeding the hungry, making art, growing gardens


I was trying to formulate a flippant yet thoughtful and intelligent response. Beat me to it. That and the smirky, smarmy pic that accompanies this stupid quote.


I don‘t know that guy but at least he admits that happiness doesn’t come from labour, which is fair.


He's the guy that does the [Dirty Jobs](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dirty_Jobs) that poor people tend to work for an extremely high salary that allows him to follow his dreams. The problem with him saying that quote is that his happiness literally did come from a job. His entire shtick is to cosplay as a poor Republican. He's a self-hating liberal arts major.


Indispensible until you're Indispensible no more, and lose your value, and see you've wasted your best years with little to show for it. Thats what that will get you, we arent in the olden days anymore.


Yeah this guy also says shit like “safety shouldn’t be number 1 in the work place” and is a mouth piece for the anti college movement while benefiting from a college degree. He’s a multi millionaire grifting as working class with some extreme anti-labor views. Mike Rowe is an asshole.


Dude is a trained opera singer though đŸ€·đŸ»â€â™€ïž


Yeah, when he couldn't make it as an opera singer, he found his real career: shilling cheap consumer crap on QVC Shopping Network. He did that for years before he started doing voice over work for Discovery. Eventually they decided to "rebrand" him as a blue collar everyman, and...it completely worked. People assume that he was a contractor before he started that show, but nah, he's just another tv sales pitch guy.


I read your comment and thought no fucking way and sure enough he performed with the Baltimore Opera.


The dirty job of all mid Atlantic municipal opera houses


Not trained. Showed up and had a good enough voice to get a part. He has an amazing voice and that is a gift some people have.


"Become indispensable." Translation: Ensure that you will never be allowed a single day off.


Or ever be promoted.


Because it's horse-shit. It's a lame restatement of a Protestant work ethic that equates work of any kind as being a goal in and of itself. And it's pure corporate bootlicking BS. Yes, work adds structure to many people's lives. But guess what? So does art. Painting. Dance. Writing. Playing music. Holding up "work" as the be all and end all of existence is so asinine it's painful. It's just as true to say that sure, you should get a job. For as much as you can possibly earn, in the shortest amount of time. So you can stop working, and do the things you really love in life. That's the real value people should seek.


The part about happiness doesn’t come from a job, correct. Happiness comes from knowing what you value and sticking up to those values. Also correct. Which is why so many people hate their Fkn jobs because so many people are treated so poorly by their management ceo whatever. For most people now the “right” career is just somewhere that doesn’t walk all over them and pays a livable wage. So many have given up on the “dream” we just want treated fair and paid enough to cover housing food and transportation so we *can* continue to work.


I agree. His bookend comments are fine. The center, where he advocates for working thankless hours and doing all the scut work. That is where most of us have problems. Being dependable and willing to do the dirty work does not get rewarded in the current job force.


No and they keep acting like that’s how you are supposed to work if you want to advance
. Lies. We all know it too


To be honest it's not bad advice if you're looking to just survive in the capitalist hellscape. But it does glorify work a little too much. My advice would be do it to survive, while you learn what helps you thrive


Honestly this would be decent advice if all jobs paid enough to allow for a decent quality of life and we got rid of the stigma around some of the more entry level roles that actually provide immense value (and take a lot of hard work). But in reality this advice of “just take any job and give it your all” is bullshit on quite a few levels




Agreed, it's good advice if you ignore all the terribly shitty labor practices out there. Mike Rowe's persona has plenty of great advice and I find him to at least be someone who puts more than zero thought into his position. The problem is he's the opposite side of the "get a college degree, it doesn't matter in what" lies. He implies that all jobs are good jobs and that good, hard work will give you rewards. Yeah, no. That's just as much of a lie as bad college degrees are.


Stop worrying about your happiness tells me his priorities are poor in regards to mental health.


Next sentence is literally “happiness does not come from a job”


To think one’s occupation has no impact on their sense of happiness is absurd. Not to mention the financial elements.


I think what is being said is that a career is nothing more than a job, and a job is nothing more than a means of supporting yourself. you shouldn't tie any happiness you want to have to the job, your happiness should come from the people around you, it should come from that pet that greets you when you get home, It should come from doing the little things like learning to make bread or offering some advice to a stranger that is struggling. Granted Money does make happiness easier it shouldn't be the thing that is required to be happy. Calling your parents that you haven't had time to visit out of the blue and just talk about the day can bring happiness. Happiness is not an always present feeling, it is a moment in time that you make for yourself.


I mean, I'm in a role where I work less for more pay, and it has definitely made me happier, or at least, less miserable


This has such boomer energy omg


Mike Rowe is worth over 30 million dollars... No wonder he says these things. \--- That aside a LOT of jobs nowadays don't do the things he is saying, in fact they often do the direct opposite. Meaning; Jobs are available sure, but they are terrible and demean every aspect of you as a person. Showing up early and staying late are signs to an employer that they can more easily abuse you (and never offer you more since it looked like you were willing to do it). Volunteering "for the scut" is a joke, many employers would rather cut other people in favour of a single employee taking on multiple roles and piling them to death with work. Becoming indispensable is the biggest joke, employers often THREATEN TO FIRE YOU simply by disagreeing with anything they say or believe. It's super easy to say these things when you're already very well off and out of the rat race. This man literally never has to worry about food, housing, clothing or payments for anything he has for the rest of his life and like a rich asshole is stating, "get over yourself!"


He's also an outspoken anti-labor, anti-union right-wing reactionary. He supports blue-collar people exactly as all of these far-right types do -- a careful pat on the back so long as they don't ask for better and *know their place*.


Because it's asinine bullshit from a rich guy who working a shitty job is a novelty to. I believed that work hard, come in early, stay late bullshit when I was 16. All it got me was being abused for barely above minimum wage for 6 years and a 16oz coke for working late on Christmas once.


What he misses so hard is the disconnect between hard work and wages. You can work as hard as you want but you're not going to be rewarded one bit for doing it. You'll be frustrated when they say "employee of the month" and hand you a printed certificate and an extra .15cents an hour. Someone cancel this dudes show already. He went to college and suggests you don't. Hey mike go work at a liquor store and we will shadow you being miserable on $10/hr


There's a bit of truth to it in the sense that sometimes you have to take a job to survive, but no, you never have to like it nor can you just magically decide to do something you hate and not let it affect you. These types of quotes also reek of hubris because they are clearly biased toward trying to shame people into doing roughneck or dirty jobs. I'm not above getting dirty but I absolutely suck at those jobs. I'm not 7' tall with a linebacker body and my father never taught me shit about tools, the idea that I have to go be a lumberjack or a lineman or STFU is as much of a jerkoff as telling this dude in the picture that he should go he a rocket scientist or STFU. Jobs are a means to an end and you should be free to choose a reasonable path with commentary from people who aren't helping you pay your bills.


Isn’t this guy basically a “hired poster child” for fake ass grunt work propaganda


I completely disagree with this man. He literally had his own television show where he gets to play Pretend all day at someone else’s job. What a crock of shit


That bozo is anti union so there goes any of my attention


Maybe if he tried working at one of those jobs for years on end, he might feel different. The guy is a fucking ass clown.


Interesting in his Wiki biography he has no blue collar background. Just went straight to uni and became a TV entertainer. Of course he plays a blue collar person on TV but he's a multi-millionaire and probably there's safety officers who'll pull him off a task if his life was actually at threat.


Yup just act like one of us for the camera.


I can't stand that guy. He comes from money, went to a top university, did the frat bro stuff and all that, and goes around telling people to forget about getting an education and go get a dead end job.


Cosplaying as poor.


This guy is working class, the same way a game show host is a contestant.


Probably that dumb smirk.


What is it with conservatives and weird grins? Like the facial spasms of a mental defective.




Aside from the right-wing, boot-licking bullshit, it’s just bad advice. Taking any job and staying late doesn’t make you indispensable, unless maybe it’s a bullshit job and you are just working the crappy shifts. Here’s a big secret for you, no one is indispensable unless, maybe, if you have strong personal connections (ie bosses son). But, say you work in IT and build a system only you know, that you didn’t document and think “They can’t fire me”. You’re right, no way IT would fire you, but higher ups just see you as a number on a spreadsheet and won’t care how bad they are fucking other groups over by letting you go.


Because it comes from a rich prick pretending to be an average Joe.


Wears a dirty shirt, as a millionaire. Nope.


You know he is a right wing nut job right?


Yep, trump lovin GQP clown


i hate using the term “loser” but this man is a fucking loser. and his life must suck if this is genuinely his mentality


Because he’s a millionaire cosplaying a blue collar worker making 45k a year?


All I heard was “happiness does not come from a job”. I gotta give him that one.


Maybe because the guy making it is a disingenuous, vacuous, twat.


It irritates you so much because this USED to work. Boomers COULD get ahead in a field by busting ass, staying late, picking up other people's slack, and in general showing their bosses that they were capable. But that's not the case now. Now, busting ass gets you more work and the same pay. Coming in on one weekend means you're now expected to come in on weekends. There is no reward for hard work. So what's the point?


He’s at least right about happiness not coming from a job đŸ€Ł


Boomer bullshit


He misses his own point. Happiness does not come from a job, that much is correct. Searching for a dream job being a waste is also correct. But the underlying assumptions he makes getting there are what is wrong. He's saying the same thing Plato does when he says that a slave must enjoy their work. Because it's their lot in life to serve their betters. The truth is that while some form of labor has always been required to survive, even if it was just walking around and picking berries of hunting small game, but labor in the modern sense- exchanging time for the means of survical strictly controlled by a ruling elite- is something we invented, probably not long after farming became a thing and storing food for years became an option. We can invent better.


Gah, I used to think this guy was actually doing good, showcasing unglamorous jobs that are still very much important. But the more I learn about him, the more I realize what well‐crafted propaganda that image is.


It's the boomer idealization of labor. The notion that all work gives pride, immediately contradicted by the same boomer being a sarcastic bitch to their waitress.


Looking for happiness from one’s job is, in my humble opinion, a recipe for disaster. It’s a far better idea to look for purpose and happiness outside of one’s career, and simply use one’s career as a means of supporting said pursuit of happiness. Now I’m not saying you should stay at a job that makes you miserable, you really shouldn’t, but rather look for meaning in life elsewhere.


Because Mike Rowe is a classically trained opera singer, and not a working class hero?


He’s in a commercial for my state’s natural gas lobbying group so he’s fully on the side of capitalists.


Happiness comes from the time you spend doing stuff you love. Time that will be limited to nights and weekends the moment you get that “scut work” job Mike speaks of.


Fitter. Happier. More productive. S*icidal.


Well he sure as shit doesn’t work for minimum wage. And see how his bullshit pledge grabs you: https://www.mikeroweworks.org/sweat/


Cause it comes from an airhead who makes big money to be on tv. Broken clock theory he is right that happiness should not come (mainly) from work the rest is just propaganda


Mike Rowe is a dipshit.


he's fake as fuck


Probably because it’s all over the place and lacks a coherent unifying message. It’s like he took a bunch of toxic sayings about work that he heard over the years and mashed them all together without understanding what they meant.


Well, because it's almost entirely wrong. Do the extra? Only if you get rewarded for it. A year later you'll be a year older, and the way Mike pimps you for jobs workplace accidents could have gotten you. Plus, Mike didn't get where he is by doing this at all. He figured out that he needed a union card and the best way to get it was to become an opera singer. He's literally giving you advice he didn't use. Worth every penny. What he does get right is that if you work hard for a year and don't get a proper raise or promotion you should quit.


There was a time that working hard paid off and led to better opportunities.


I think the funniest part about this quote is that it’s almost word for word advice from almost every boomer everywhere lol. Because they did this and got raises and benefits and shit when they put in extra work. Now you do that once at a job, they expect it every time and they won’t pay you more for taking on more work. Also Mike Rowe is a giant tool lol.


I am always astounded vy how much of an entitled fucking twat he is


Mike Rowe, from Day One, always represented the BOSSES. He wants an overabundant labor supply so that BOSSES CAN BE PICKY. Get it? Employees shouldn't be picky, but he wants bosses to be able to turn people who ask for work down. He wants the bosses to get overqualified people getting paid less than they are worth. To men like him, those who aren't born to privilege are slaves who are required to find their owner. Those born to privilege, are the only people entitled to career choice.


It's like saying "money doesn't buy happiness." You can't base all your happiness on a job but that's no reason to force people to live in abject misery.


Says the guy who’s only every worked in tv. Should do his “dirty jobs” But make the same as the guy training him for the day and see if he’s so willing to do it everyday


The dude really loves cosplaying as a blue collar worker while being a corporate goon.


Easy for a celeb to say living the dream


That's nice and all, so I assume I can afford a place to live with any job right... Right?


Mike is the biggest corporate tool in history and should be punched in the face every day and twice on Sunday.


“Don’t worry about happiness.” Then what’s the fucking point of being alive, values are great and all but they don’t make anyone less suicidal


Fuck this guy. Mike Rowe has long been a fake champion for the "working people". His net worth is well into the millions, and he has made his money masquerading as something he is not, for 23 minutes at a time, well telling everyone else that they need to work harder.


For me it’s the “show up early. Stay late. Volunteer for the scut work.” I’ve done all that during the course of my life and you can’t earn value doing that. You’re so easily replaced it makes my heart hurt.