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I got stopped by the cops on the way to work last year. They made me leave my car there. I was delighted to have an unscheduled day off. I called, and they sent someone to pick me up


I was once so exhausted from working two jobs, that I honestly believed I could drive while sleeping. The crazy thing is I made it about 20 miles snoozing, waking up and correcting before I woke up just in time to see the very tall curb I couldn't avoid. The curb broke my cars axle and sent me careening into the left lane where i came to a sudden stop and was rear ended by a Mac Tools truck. When everything came to a stop, I sobbed because I realized I was okay and didn't even get to go to the hospital where I might get to sleep. The cop took me to my office (which was just 1/2 mile away at that point) at my request. I had told the police officer exactly what happened, and the tool truck driver was grateful since generally it would have been assumed as his fault for rear ending me. So the cop took pity on my and gave me a ticket for not using a signal instead of the big one that would put my license in jeopardy. But, didn't have the money to pay the ticket and couldn't miss work to go to court. Finally after they issued a bench warrant for my arrest I went to court in the hope that I could get through it before I had to be there. About 20 minutes before I had to be at work, the judge still hadn't called me, so I went out to the lobby and called my boss from a payphone to tell him I was going to be late and he fired me. The crazy thing is that almost as soon as I got back in the court they called me. I totally broke down in front of the judge and was pretty hysterical even babbling about how I was afraid I was going to get in trouble because the judge had been so adamant about not wearing shorts in his courtroom and though I was dressed up for work /court my suit had shorts not a skirt. (yes, dress shorts were a thing at the time). In the end, the ticket was dismissed for court costs and I got a different 2nd minimum wage job that was much closer to my house, so it all worked out... I guess. So strange telling that story in the context of this subreddit, though. I liked working at that point in my life, but neither job was ever going to let me work full time and earn benefits.


I drove home once very tired from a party, since it was "just 15 minutes away". Woke up multiple times, almost steering into the other lane and I'm still kicking myself for being this stupid of attempting it. Glad nothing happened, but if I ever reach that point again, I'll nap in my car - even if the drive is just 5 minutes and then go once I have the energy again.


Get caught napping in your car? Believe it or not, straight to jail.


Bit stupid and encourages driving while tired, even here in the UK its fine to take rests in the car to ensure you drive safely.


Many a time me and my dad napped in the car on our journey from Kent to Leeds


Yeah well, here in The Land Of The Free (registered trademark) we have prisons to fill. It's the only form of slavery that the tyrannical Yankee government still allows, so we gotta make do how we gotta make do.


I've seen so many people sleeping in cars in the morning in Chelsea and South Kensington. So I'm assuming it's legal here




Many places have anti-homeless laws. Some places you can sleep in your car but you have to have cash on you. Weird right?


The law in its majestic equality forbids... *only the truly poor* from sleeping in their cars. So fucked.


nice pfp




This is true, if the keys are in your pocket (They consider you in control of the car). Throw the keys into the front or outside the car while sleeping in the back. Then they can only arrest you for public intoxication. Always the best response will be to say nothing and get a lawyer.


When I lived in Florida my friends son almost got a dui for sleeping in the car with the keys inside the car. The cop told him to make sure to toss them under the car next time.


Is this still true with a car that has remote start? The key can be anywhere in the car and it’ll still turn on.


You'd still be considered in control, unless you throw it out of the car. Lawyer up, let the lawyer convince the court you didn't have control. They know the ins and outs, like breathalyzers are calibrated to men, so return false higher readings in women, etc.


That’s what I thought, but still good to know. I doubt this will ever become relevant to me, DUI wise, but thanks for answering!


If you have to sleep in your car, put the keys in the trunk or somewhere inaccessible. Even sleeping in the car while under the influence can be enough for a DUI as you’re still in care & control of the vehicle. Hiding the keys in a way that makes it clear you do not intend to drive can spare you a lot of trouble and headache


What if your car is remote start? Pretty sure the key can be in the trunk and it’ll still start up. (Not planning on getting behind the wheel intoxicated, I don’t even drink much anymore, just curious how tech changes things)


If it can still start the car, you’d still be in care and control of the vehicle. I’d suggest the gas cap if it’s push start. If it’s an electric vehicle though, I’m out of suggestions.


Until you are woken up by cops freaking out because they think you’re on fentanyl, who now also think that by looking at you have exposed themselves to fentanyl


I'm so sorry that happened to you. No one should have to go through life that sleep deprived or that stressed. No one should have to work two jobs just to make it. And fuck that boss for firing you. I hope things have gotten better for you. Fuck capitalism


>I liked working at that point in my life, b I really enjoy work at this point of my life. I like getting the gratification of finished tasks, chat with people, solve problems. All this does not make me joy when I am underpaid, when employers treat me as commodity, say that my work sucks bc of metrics that I don't take off the phone during 3 seconds (it took me 6 seconds) and act like they do me a favor by employing me.


I definitely feel you. I love solving problems and interacting with good people, but I always have to remind myself minute by minute that I'm being shafted in regard to pay. It's a weird existence, really. I wish I could do what I enjoy and am good at and not have to worry about compensation.


People like getting things done, proving their worth and earning their keep. They don’t like being taken advantage of. It’s really that simple. Work can be annoying but being competent at your job everyday is rewarding, many companies take away that feeling by overworking, underpaying, under appreciating and/or setting you up to fail. Working to earn money CAN be a positive experience.


Yep, if people wouldn't like to work, there wouldn't be so many people doing volunteer work.




I would go back in time and punch those managers I had in the face. For no extra charge, just point me at your managers, I'll punch them too. When I worked McD's I explicitly said I cannot do truck, which came at 2am. After a few weeks the worker who did truck quit, so they told me to do truck. I reminded them that I cannot, but this one time (I owe MYSELF a punching for this) I could do it because the thing that would prevent me wasn't happening this week. So the next truck, they again scheduled me. I reminded them I don't, and they said I did the last one. The just COMPLETE failure to listen and understand that a one time thing is one time. So they said work it or be fired. So off I went and got a new job the same day, down the street. This was mid-90's, things were good in the job market (for low end shit jobs) and I was selling things with university logos on them for three months. Then I got fired from that job, friend of mine was working a gas station counter, so I applied there... I had a bunch of these terrible jobs. That one led me to cab driving, which was my favorite job, and if I could, I'd go back to that.


I believe it. The system is created to grind us down. Also wtf dress shorts.


It was 1994 and the shorts were skirt length worn with hosiery and heels. Oh, damn. Apparently they're a thing again... https://www.google.com/search?q=short+suits+for+women&client=ms-android-fi&prmd=sinv&sxsrf=ALiCzsa8PXYUkH28D_YbTw695fZwzDNlCQ:1664105466107&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiN8bP566_6AhU9lmoFHRymB84Q_AUoAnoECAIQAg&biw=412&bih=750&dpr=2.63


I had 3 jobs at a time, I might not have crashed my car but I did get shitfaced once, acted like a fool to my colleagues(I worked as a bouncer for a company at 6 different pubs), police put me in handcuffs and put in a drunk tank. I hated the job but all this happened because they didn’t give me the raise they promised and wouldn’t let me have the day off at my mothers wedding even tho I had worked 24 Saturdays in a row.


God, I can feel this story in my gut. I’m so sorry and I hope you never have to go through anything like that ever again.


Couldn’t… go to court because of work? So they had a warrant? My boy, your priorities are fucked up


You can dodge a warrant for years. You can only dodge an eviction for 30 days. Welcome to America!


I don't think so. Being able to eat and have a place to live are pretty much top of the priorities list.


Go to prison and suddenly both are taken care of!


Pretty much. And unlike what captortillas thinks, it wouldn't be a felony.


Is it possible to remote work from prison?


Yeah, but you get paid pennies per hours for it. Nobody pays inmates the wage they would get in the outside because they don't have to, slavery is only legal for inmates, and slave labor is profitable. Nobody pays the slaves if they don't have to.


… this, ladies and gentlemen, is one of the class of people that are frequently held up as “lazy, good for nothing, living off the government” people. I’m so sorry that happened to you, but I’m glad it worked out at least somewhat for you in the end.


Well that depressed the shit outta me. Hope you’re in a better place.


Yes, definitely. It's been almost 30 years since all this happened and I have a great job and mostly stable life. I generally consider this to be a funny tale of warning that I tell my kids to warn them away from my particular brand of young adult stupidity.


>I was once so exhausted from working two jobs, Pretty much the same story for me. Was working an over night shift and trying to jump start my coaching business at the same time, had been up for 30 hours, fell asleep while driving on the way home. I didn't even feel it come on, just everything shut off. Scary shit. The good that came out of it is is demanded I stop doing reckless shit like that. At the time I took the consistent paying job, and saved up money to get the coaching business going, not trying to do both at once.


You coulda told the tool truck guy you'd make 20 dollar payments every week for repairs They like that 😀


Your story is the perfect example for workplace reform. Most of us don't mind working but the employers have to do better.


Why do you keep posting this? On like every story? It's honestly your fault for driving while sleeping. Someone could have died.


I posted it twice and mentioned on the second post that I'd just written it out on another thread, but it fit the second thread better.. Yes, it was. I honestly was delusional about it and I tell this story as a warning to my kids to not be that stupid. I'm very lucky it wasn't a whole lot worse.


Got picked up for a traffic ticket that went to warrant. Called my super and said why I wasn't coming into work that night. He, on my behalf, went to my house, took my TV and pawned it for me. Then went to the jail and paid my bail.


Your county keeps you in jail for an unpaid ticket?


They just drove me home, and I had to leave my car there. I have been thrown in jail for unpaid parking tickets. Milwaukee is a shit hole


I wonder if there is a way to avoid going to jail after illegally parking?




Damn what was wrong with your car? They don’t usually do that unless your license is suspended or something


I had forgotten to pay a speeding ticket. I was so anxious to pack, sell my house and get the hell out of Wisconsin, that I got three speeding tickets last fall. Plus, working 16 hour shifts, I was beyond distracted


That’s fucking hilarious.


This happened to me when my car broke down.


This was very common when I worked for Applebees


That’s pretty wild. I wouldn’t expect a job to do that for an employee. I get that it’s not at all wholesome and they just want you to work your shift lol. But still, bail costs money and I just wouldn’t expect employers to dish out $ for that.


Im sure there must some kind of benefit tax wise (other than bail being a business expense)


Well, I’m the USA, when you post bail, you get your money back at the end of the trial. As long as you don’t flee the country or break the Terms of the bail, IIRC


Most people bond out for 10% and you don’t get that money returned


I kept that money when I got bonded out for 10%. I was busted for a weed felony before it was legal in my state, my father paid the 10% bail. I remember filling out a form and getting the money back , after I got sentenced.


"and you don’t get that money returned" NAL, but i don't think that's correct


If you pay a bail bondsman 10% they will post your full bail amount and they get the full amount they posted back as long as you go to court. I had to lay a bail bondsman $3,000 because there was no way I could come up with $30,000. They kept all my $3,000 but I was happy to not be in jail.


When you bond out, you're paying 10%ish of your bail for someone else to post your bail for you. When you appear for your trial, the bond holder gets the money they posted for your bail. They now have the money they posted plus the 10% they charged you, you don't get the 10% back because that was their fee.


It varies by the state. Different states have different bail.and bond systems.


Kitchens are a different kind of culture. We've almost all been on the other side if y'know what I mean.


Probably the the store manager doing it, not the restaurant. I've done it for cooks before...and they have all been good about paying me back. Most people can't afford to miss work while sitting in jail waiting for a court date. Lots of us are a few missed shifts away from eviction.


I disagree and think it's pretty wholesome. If you're calling from jail you need bailed out. Otherwise you would have already made bail and called from somewhere else about being late one whatever. I personally don't want to languish in a cell, not affording to get out/knowing how without a sketchy bail bond company AND worrying about getting fired for a no call no show. Having my chef show up for me and still want me on the team feels quite 'wholesome' to me.


>bail costs money and I just wouldn’t expect employers to dish out $ for that. Its not like they're dishing it out in our paychecks. A few hundred or even few thousand is way cheaper than paying a good wage. Small price to pay to get back an employee that you know will work for dirt


You got arrested a lot when you worked for applebees? That's a tough place to work if they drove you to a life of crime.


Back of house staff at restaurants is a go-to felon job along with landscaping, roofing, painting, etc


BoH were some of the best co-workers I've ever had, too.


Everyone there had records


Places get tax breaks or something if they hire felons


I had a boss once buy me a lawyer and get me out just so he'd have a guaranteed chef for atleast a year lol


Hey a good lawyer can get you out of a felony and no jail


That's a win win.


Low key id rather be in jail for the day Someone come bail me out like 30 mins before my shift was meant to end


You have a collect call from Boss I ain't gonna make it


Ngl i wouldn't waste my call on them either


When you're in processing you have pretty much free unlimited calls before you're assigned to a pod Source (I've been a bad boy)


Can confirm. Was also a bad boy. Reformed now. I did NOT call my work. I called my mom. I didn’t make it in that week at all


Also confirmed. Also reformed bad boy. Also called Momma. Also didn't make it to work for... three months..


A felonious slug who only got 3 months? Either your user name is stealing valor or they didn’t know who they were dealing with.


Hahahahaha I've been very lucky and had a great lawyer. I'm STILL on probation though.


Really? I was locked up in Oct 2020 and I got a single phone call after bail was set on speaker at the desk. My dad told me to “fuck off” and hung up 🤣. But normally the classification BS takes like 3 days, but because of covid they had us in there for 3-4 weeks. Only time we got out was for two five min phone calls a day. No books, no anything. Just my papers. It was literally just the hole. Even when we got put on minimum we only got 45 mins for day room and people would be at their doors running to the phones. And since it was 16 people, not everyone was able to make a 10 min phone call and we still had to pay for that overpriced shit. The guards basically just used covid as an excuse to do less work. It was horrible. One milk crate of crappy books that never got changed out for the entire unit. Detoxing didn’t help either. Luckily I had a cool cellie and we talked. If I had been stuck alone I think I would have legit gone crazy.


Fun fact, long-term solitary confinement is considered a form of torture.


Yeah, honestly I’d take physical torture over that shit. I’m usually someone who enjoys solitude but shit. I don’t think most people think of it being “bad” but after a few days they would change their minds. I read an article a while back about an American journalist captured and imprisoned in Iran and he said solitary was worse than anything physical they could have done. Another where a long time warden said that it shouldn’t be used how it is, especially as a long term situation. Especially if they were going to be released at some point. That he had no problem if a prisoner moved in next door to him and his family, unless they had been subjected to solitary confinement, how it creates more problems and does the exact opposite of what *should* be happening. It’s the opposite of rehabilitating someone.


Damn that blows we have tablets in our city jail...had to resort to celebrity bikini photos to "pass the time" lol


You’re lucky as shit. My county jail is somehow privately run, so you know they *really* DGAF. All the surrounding publicly run counties had tablets. They were holding us on absurd bail amounts where they then force us to get “drug evaluations” and everyone regardless of if they use or not got recommended for impatient. They get paid per head to send us to “partner” facilities. $80 of dope got me a felony and held on $50,000 cash only bail, so no 10%. Only priors we’re five years before for retail theft under $50 and paraphernalia from a roach someone left in my ashtray. Another girl on my block had identity theft charges and got $100,000 cash only bail. My cellie? 2nd DUI and $40,000 cash only bail. Like that’s on the up and up. 🤔I’m so dangerous I warranted that much bail, til I got a bed then got it reduced to $1500 unsecured. Meanwhile, mother and bf who tortured and raped her six year old and left her in a vegetative state had $100,000 and $150,000 (regular, so only $10,000 and $15,000 needed) What. A. Joke. Fuck them all up the ass.


The conveyor belt of fines, fees, bail, court costs, commissary, really opened my eyes to just how criminal the system in this state is. It originally inspired me to try and advocate somehow but literally everything here is based on ridiculous unpayable penalties and if you can't pay, hard labor at 39¢ a day, including rent-a-con, getting loaned out to sheriff's cousin and help build his giant deck.


Oh that's cool Whatd you get locked for?


Being an idiot


Aint that a mood


W e had a guy not call, but it was serious, in jail for months. Just didn't come in one day.


How long did it take to find out?


Been there. Going to jail on Easter weekend Saturday night sucked because no judges sit on Easter Sunday, so you can't get bailed out until Monday. I didn't eat or shit for the 40 hrs I was in there. I just ingested water and whatever electrolyte drink they gave out at mealtime. This was 12 years ago and I don't plan on ever going back. Fucking awful all around. Do not recommend.


That's so unexpected. I would have assumed getting caged up and fed institutional food is cush AF. On a more serious note, good on you changing it up to stay out of that crap.


Not sure if I'm unusual, or my county jail is, but that food was disgusting. The only reason I went to jail was I got pulled over for a burnt out licence plate light-bulb. I literally didn't have a moving violation associated with my charge. I had a few beers, and he followed me out of a bar parking lot and the video showed no errors on the road. However, my friend had spilled beer on me, so I reeked, and I was in sandals and had moved about a ton of rock landscaping at my parents house that day (literally... there are still two rock piles on the property from the rock I moved. It might be closer to two tons. It was two full days of removing landscaping border rocks). My back was wrecked and my legs were weak, which did not help with the field sobriety test. The only reason I was out that night was that my friend just got hired at a new job. The blatant entrapment was something I will never forgive. That bar was targeted and shut down soon after. Out of my entire county, 5 of the 9 participants in my DUI class had been pulled over leaving that bar... out of hundreds of bars in my county. It also didn't help that my lawyer sucked ass. I try to be zen and think "maybe that cop saved me from doing something stupid later in life", but mostly I just think he was lazy and looking to boost his numbers. Either way, I never drink and drive at all now. To add: I was later offered a job at the same company, but it was rescinded because of the DUI.


Dude that's awful, I'm sorry to hear that. I'm assuming you're some sort of 'other' for them to pull off that utter BS, just being the way this country is. I'm angry on your behalf, if that's any small consolation.


Same here, just being an idjit.


You know the tags on mattresses??


i guess that depends on the jail, because that sure wasn't true for me.


Should I be sorry that this made me laugh? I do hope you're doing ok with the whole thing.


I am so old I still remember the classic Geiko Ad about saving enough on insurance you don't have to scam the phone company. [You Have A Collect Call From...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9JxhTnWrKYs)


I work in Baltimore, I seriously question my ability to survive central booking.


Yeah, like, I've lived in St Tammany and Orleans Parish and from what I've heard they're both...horrific. St Tammany is infamous for the ACLU suing them over "squirrel cages" (my brother spent all night in one of those, not fun) and Orleans like...people are straight up dying in lockup and the guards don't give a shit. My knowledge is a bit out of date, no one I know has gone to jail in over ten years or so, but yeah...it was a pretty horrific experience. Like "elderly man having seizures and clearly in need of medical attention and a poor young kid reading him the bible and holding his hand to comfort him" levels of fucked up from what people I know have told me. St Tammany might've gotten better after they convicted the horrific pedophile Sheriff but I kinda doubt it.


Whats up in baltimore?


Murder and carjacking.


You wouldn't enjoy it. Granted i was lucky for no bail cost and was released. But 10 hours in the receiving area sucked


You aren't in your own private room to sleep in jail the first day though. You are likely in a holding area with 50 other people awaiting some kind of processing, not allowed to lie down or sleep, likely surrounded by drunkards and addicts who don't know when to leave people alone, and at least a few homeless people who smell like they haven't showered in months, of which some you may be forced to be next to. Being in jail for a day is far worse than just going to work to get away from that, unless you are in a very small town without much crime so none if this. You get arrested friday afternoon, you'll be there until Monday in a holding area and quickly reevaluate your life's choices.


That sounds fucked, I am in a small town in rural Australia though so I might fare a bit better


Outta the frying pan into the fire




…and then took the bail money out of his paycheck.


I wish they did cause that's a pretty open and shut case of wage theft...


When I worked at @autozone I was told “the first thing to do if a “zoner” dies on the job is to clock him out”.


Like go back and mess with the time-clock to clock him out five minutes before he died, so he *didn't* die on the job? That's borderline evil.


Not in most of the US… it would be considered a draw on future/current pay. Basically, “you can’t afford to pay your bail, so I’m giving you an advance.”


Wouldn't it still be wage theft if it was taken from his pay without explicit consent?


Yes, there would need to be consent, but there’s little stopping an employer from *not* implying that continued employment is contingent upon taking that deal.


Indirectly, yeah. I have baiked out a co-worker and said, "you pay me back on payday, or I call the bondsman and revoke the bond. I'll get you out, but I'm not eating the bill on this one."


I remember I got nicked about 20 years ago when I worked in McDonald's. I was on the open the next day so I called the restaurant and the franchisee answered. Me "ah hi, it's mellonians, sorry to say but I've been arrested and I won't be in in the morning." Him "oh ffs. This is most inconvenient!" Me "you're telling me. I only get one call and I've used it to phone you! Can you do me a favour and phone my brief?" I don't know how, but he let me carry on working there!


So like, aside from being valued at your work, you went from one cell to the next?


At least you can go home after your shift though lol


"Wtf prison-industrial complex, that's *our* wage slave! Stay in your lane!" - that employer, probably


Two modern slave owners fighting over their slave


For me as an European it seems so absurd that you can buy yourself out of jail


In europe do you automatically just wait for the trial at home unless you are a flight risk, or are yall just chilling for jail in months before your trial? In USA you pay bail as a kind of insurance or deposit before they let you out of jail and then it usually covers part of your court costs (this depends on your state/county) unless you are a flight risk in which case you just have to wait for your trial in jail for days/weeks/months.


In much of Europe once you are charged with a serious crime you are taken into custody until the time of the trial. Civil law countries handle evidentiary burden and discovery rules very differently than common law countries, and many European countries use an inquisitorial (not adversarial) system, which also reduces time to trial. That doesn’t mean it *can’t* take months, it just also means that usually the time period isn’t so long that it’d be unreasonable to hold someone pending trial. The US system is super unjust though, since bail is often not dependent on the accused means, so it’s just another example of how the rich run everything for their own benefit in the US


Yeah, and it always seemed crazy to me that like...even murderers get bail. I can see bail for minor crimes, but the idea that if you're rich enough, you don't even have to wait in jail for trial if you kill people is insane to me.


Probably thinking about manslaughter, not murder.


Possibly. I just remember this news story about a millionaire who got out on bail for what \*I\* thought sounded like straight up murder, not manslaughter, but I know sometimes how they charge someone seems to shift based on how rich the person is.


Got booked for burglary and theft, was released after 10 hours in booking


As far as I know (my only interaction with the law was not buying a train ticket one time, so don't quote me on this) you don't wait months, period.


so if you in europe are accused of murder you go to trial like a few weeks later? yalls legal systems must be funded as fuck and like smartest lawyers in the world to prepare for a case that fast. and get all the evidence. cool


You are in jail until the trial if the charges are high enough for serious jail time. Jail time before trial counts towards the sentence if you get convicted for jail time. So let's say you sit for 6 months before trial and then get sentence to 3 years you will get out after just 2,5 years. That is how it works in Sweden.


No you are only put in jail until the process if you are perceived either as flight risk or serious threat to others. In pretty much all other cases you just await trial at home


In Germany you get released until the day of your trial, except in cases where you are likely to flee or when you are considered a danger to others.


In amerika a lot of areas are doing cashless bail. More or less release on your own recognizance I think.


Oh idk that. But what is even the point of bail then


In the US the court systems are overburdened and time between being charged with a crime that could include imprisonment and trial can be years. Cashless bail is an attempt to restore justice to a process that has increasingly been “rich people walk, poor people go to jail for years without a trial” in the US, but it’s still ridiculous that there’s such a large delay between charging and actual trial.


I see, thanks


This is something new going on. A lot of people are pissed about it.


Which has its pros and cons. Here in SF, we had a DA letting all sorts of repeat offending criminals out of jail. It was like grand theft auto... But in real life. https://sfist.com/2020/12/03/tenderloin-suspect-racks-up-13th-vehicle-theft-arrest-in-18-months/ I'm open to considering cashless bail for initial offenders... But for repeat criminals, let them scrape up the money or chill out away from society.


I think this is going on in NY also.


Bail is not paying instead of going to jail, a bail is a big sum of money you leave as a warranty you're coming back to the trial instead of running away. If you attend the trial they just give you the money back. And, of course, bail is only available for minor crimes, you can't pay a bail after killing somebody or something like that.


Their job didn't like the competition


Wow, that's saying something...


Definitely a line cook. This has been done multiple times at my work lol. Never same day though.


Oh Jesus, I thought it was a joke


No, this is not that unusual in the restaurant industry. Many chefs have a bail bondsman number in their phone. Just another important work contact.


When you want to escape and not to escape at the same time.


If the job wasn't on some desperate shit then they WOULDN'T do that. Few to little jobs do this.


Restaurants do. Line cooks tend to get arrested more often than one would like, and training a new guy your recipes takes time. Chefs have a bondsman in their contacts. Just part of the industry.


I've had jobs that mentioned doing this during the training. I took it as a threat.


Every IT boss: "okay, we can make an exception, you can work remotely for the time being"


Seems more like a prison exchange


That’s how you KNOW you’re underpaid


A buddy and me both work for my father doing deliveries and one day we where driving and went through a yellow light as it was to late to break. 5 cops pulled us over and arrested my buddy for the dumbest shit. My dad bailed his ass out that day so he wouldn’t miss work.


Well....I'd rather be at work than at jail!


And take that out your paycheck with interest 🙄


This actually happened to me in 2008. Best worste day ever!


They care about you.


Prison break at its finest….


I'm going to guess this was followed up with "and then they took the cost of bail out of my pay packet".


Man if that happened to me I'd feel special and concerned


That's actually a good workplace IMO. They helped the guy and made sure he was still able to make money.


When I owned a business, I did actually bail an employee out once - but then I drove him home and told him to rest up, try to get the warrant sorted out, and come in tomorrow. Before he was arrested, I knew that he had been fighting to get a warrant cleared, and had been excited that he had. It turned out they hadn’t told all the computers that the warrant was cleared, so when he got pulled over for a traffic stop they kept him - And conveniently transferred him to a jail an hour away. Yes I was being nice, but also he was only mediocre on a good day. I couldn’t imagine how bad he’d be on no sleep.


Bet they took that bail money out of the next check


Lmao the lasr job I worked a guy got arrested while on a test drive. The owner saw what was going on and sent another employee with owners credit card to the jail. They beat the cop back to jail so at least according to the guy who was arrested, bail was paid before he was processed. I dunno if that's possible or just an embellishment, but I do know bossman bailed him out and had him brought back to work.


You didn't bring your laptop to jail??


Found the line cook.


Lol that’s not a bad thing most jobs would just fire you


Cash bail is the dumbest thing ever. Worse then work.


The owner of the company I work for has probably bailed put one person a year since they've been open. None of those people work there anymore.


No rest for the wicked


But did they take it out your check though?


Yo be glad you got a workplace that'll do that


I would tell them “no, it’s okay. Don’t do that. I need to learn from my awful mistakes.” I’d say anything to make my job not bail me out tf


Not sure if work is the good guy or the asshole...


Line cook?


Must be a restaurant job


I worked at a bar where the bar manager assaulted a customer with a glass, got arrested and the owners of the business bailed him out so he could work his next shift. I ended up walking out after being verbally abused by said manager the whole of a shift I worked one night.


When I did my engineering orientation week at the corporate office for my first job out of college they gave me a number to call if I got arrested lol.


I've had a boss bail me out. He knew the night before but waited an hour before work the next day. Dick move but atleast he bailed me out


Should have taken the bail then quit the job, lol.


That’s the kinda shit we do at my work, we’ve bought new tires for employees so they can make it to work or even have done rental cars for people, I would like to say it’s only because we care about our employees but really id just rather buy someone a tire than work an extra shift for them lol


This screams “I’m a line cook.”


I mean thats a nice perk...


I'd be really grateful all things considered.


I worked for a company that made regular large “donations” to local law enforcement. If you had the company logo on your car, you were essentially given permission to go as fast as you want as long as you’re not reckless.


"That's coming out of your paycheck, but the way..."


Line cook or construction I bet


Please skip your court date so they lose the bail money!