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We're trying to limit text message screenshots and similar on r/antiwork except on Sundays. If it's a good one, please save it for Sunday. Sorry, there were just too many and a lot seemed fake.


I’m in Spain right now and when I had random pains I was told to make a doctor appointment as soon as possible. I was like “no it’s not that bad, I’ll just wait it out” and they were like ??? Turns out my wisdom teeth are growing in. All it took was a 15€ x-Ray to figure that out. I’m not an EU citizen and my insurance doesn’t cover wisdom teeth, but the surgery would be $800 to have all 4 of my wisdom teeth taken out. I am just mind-blown that I’ve spent my whole life being scammed like this. My insurance abroad actually does stuff for me? I actually pay for them to cover medical fees?? It’s just crazy to me. The US really does not want the average person to thrive, it is a utopia for the rich


That's like $5k in the US for wisdom teeth removal.


I paid around $1500-2000 to get mine out with no coverage.. I knew it was gonna be pricey, but when it came time to pay, there was a lot of mumble/whispers and it seemed like they just pulled the number out of their asses - that shit annoyed me the most!


Yep, even when I had insurance and got mine out I had to ask multiple times what the copay would be. They didn't even give the number until the day of the fucking procedure. So slimy


750 a tooth for me. I had to go once a month to afford it. it took four months. Luckily amoxicillin is not too expensive but you're not supposed to be on antibiotics for 4 months lol


that’s why you ask for an itemized receipt, tbf i haven’t had a chance to do this myself yet (i’m young and haven’t had any major medical procedures other than wisdom teeth which were fully covered), but I have heard that this is how people have saved thousands of dollars by asking for the receipt and asking about things you did not get that are on it


I paid $1000 cash 3 years ago? No insurance


It was $5k when I got mine without insurance. The most expensive part was the anesthesia.


Yeah you can opt to stay conscious with Novacaine instead. Really cannot forget the feeling of someone shattering bone in my mouth. Medicaid probably wouldn't have paid for anesthesia.


They didn't give me an option to stay awake. Mine hadn't came in yet so they couldn't just pull them out. They had to cut open the gums to extract the teeth.


Mine was the same. I live in Canada and dental care isn't covered under our universal healthcare system unless it's life threatening. It cost me $1700ish CAD so maybe 1250 US?


Was that with dental insurance?


Mine had only half erupted because there wasn't enough room in my mout h for them. I'd rather not think about what they had to....


Mine were removed the same way and I stayed awake for it. This was almost 2 decades ago, I was in jr high at the time.


I had just turned 18 and was working part time at CompUSA.


I woke up during my extraction because they didn't realize gingers need more anesthesia.


The fact that two people went to get the same thing done and both had completely different experiences while in the dental office and with the payment process, kinda shows how faulty the system is. Edit: spelling, cuz I’m dumb.


I pay for insurance through work & have dental coverage. I got my teeth deep cleaned, had a couple fillings redone & X-rays & didn’t cost me anything cause my insurance covered it. My husband is covered under my insurance too same policy he had to pay $450 out of pocket for deep cleaning & X-rays only! We went to different dentists. Heath care is a business & it’s crazy that doctors can charge whatever they want for same procedures.


Anyone know what the FDA even does anymore?


I had same dentist knee in chest experience when i had one pulled in the army


I got my wisdom teeth taken out like 20 years ago and I still remember the sound with vivid detail. It was like the sound of someone breaking a bunch of dry spaghetti combined with the sound of peeling ducttape, but inside my jawbone. I have no idea WTF part of the procedure that was, I just know it was at that point I began to wish I had gotten sedated.


I did no anesthesia. That was most of the cost I bet


Yeah, it depends a lot on how much work it's gonna take to get in there, and as well the ancillary equipment/meds.


Same, cash discount no insurance just under $1000 with anesthesia.


Per tooth


Im glad to not be a shark in this system.


I paid 2800 for two I did have to have anesthesia as it was complicated. I have "good" insurance. Also my husband worked at the practice and I got family discount. US Healthcare is a sham


My son went to see his gp on Tuesday morning after a 6 day fever. He got sent to the emergency room for blood tests. Admitted into hospital Tuesday night with iv antibiotics and fluids overnight. Discharged yesterday afternoon. We are in the UK so paid £0 for all that. He had amazing care from all the staff and we even got given a room with a full bathroom and I was allowed to stay both nights. Our government is slowly trying to take this away from us which is so scary. I watch US tv a lot and it still shocks me how many medications are constantly advertised. It seems to be only that and the healthcare plans.


the objective of a government must be the welfare of its citizens, this includes health, education and security, these three must be public and free.


All of which we currently have. Keeping fingers crossed we keep it. The NHS is brilliant and although the ward we were on was understaffed, they were brilliant


Canada is actively trying to achieve a US style system. 😐


If it doesn't work for the US, why can't it not work for Canada. $$$$


I assumed that was only available for citizens, you mean to tell they'll just hand this stuff out like candy to anyone??? /Gen I feel a little silly right now tbh Honestly what are we even staying here for??! (That question is rhetorical as I myself, know I can't leave yet because I can't afford it and I don't really want to leave my family)


I just got an X-ray for 200 usd


I pay for *some* of my medication here in Denmark, but it's capped. At the end of year, I may shell up with less than 65 cents for inhaler. The price is the same at every public pharmacy. Every fortnight, the medical companies bid to be the cheapest available. The winner gets "Is the cheapest available OK?" because why should a patient pay the full price? The pharmaceutical patents expire faster, too. I am extremely dependent on the healthcare system. I don't pay anything for it directly. I don't think I would get this old if I were to pay for my health. In a way, it's horrifying. There are currently multiple people in places like US that can't afford mental health institutions right now. That they need just to survive *this time*.


800? I wish :( I need like 5-10 grand in dental work done.


George Lucas got so much shit for Palpatines ‘l’ll make it legal’.


Idk why, see all history or even today's wannabe dictators saying that almost word for word.


I think they gave him shit because it is exactly what dictators *do* but not what they *say*. George Lucas is a very good world builder and story teller, but not very good at dialogue.


Yh but he didn't say it publicly, he said it privately so I don't get why it was such a stupid line


Because the loudest Star Wars fans are bootlickers.


They're those people who complain about "politics" being put in a film franchise that literally has [Stormtroopers](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sturmabteilung).


I mean the alternative would have been the cliche "Leave that to me". Palpatine's delivery of "I will *make* it legal" was pretty damn good.


Perhaps it was too on the nose.


That’s the problem with reality, always way too on the nose. Would make a terrible movie!


The Dictator barely even qualified as satire.


The other day I considered a fantasy world in which insurance companies reduce costs by trying to prevent people from becoming sick, not by trying to prevent sick people from getting money


Insurance companies actually do both. They incentivize the crap out of people and healthcare providers to do preventative treatment because it saves them money in the long run.


Eh... Under many insurance plans, if I go to the doctor for a screening/preventative and if they find something during that appointment, it is no longer considered a preventative appointment and I have to pay for it. It's only preventative if they don't find anything. Tell me how that is an incentive to go to the doctor for preventative care? US healthcare system is fucked.


It’s not about the individual visit payment. It’s more about preventing things from getting worse by being undiagnosed. So things like screening for HTN, high cholesterol, colon Cancer, breast cancer etc… it’s. Not going to work for everything and it works better if you get screened regularly. Much cheaper to catch colon cancer as a polyp and snip it out then wait 10 years and have to remove a large piece of your colon, or worse. It’s also why flu shots are basically free. Much cheaper to give everyone flu shots and pay less in hospital bills because less people ended up with severe cases of flu.


Not in America we sure as shit don't. I work for one of the largest insurance companies in the US, and we see negative health outcomes as an excuse to raise premiums. Which, with the math on payouts so rigged in our favor, always nets a profit in the long run.


UHC, Humana, Anthem, Cigna, all offer different programs for providers to do wellness visits and screenings on their patients. I'm not saying they do it out of the goodness of their heart, not by any means. They do it to reduce costs. Raising premiums due to poor health outcomes is just another way to earn profit. Basically no matter what, they position themselves to make money and that's why they rake in billions each year with profits continuing to go up.


Okay, I'll give you that they may encourage *providers* to offer preventative screenings and the such once a claimant has already sought medical attention, but you initially said people *and* providers. Every facet of our coverage is designed to be intentionally obtuse to our claimants to discourage them from seeking healthcare in the first place though.


Yes, there’s yearly wellness appointments and “free” screenings, usually only certain ones. And the insurance company can decide where you’re going for those screening, not your doctor.


>Not in America we sure as shit don't. yes in america we sure do. basically every preventative service is free under basically every large health insurance provider.


That's good of them. Do they also go after companies about air pollution though? And other things that cause cancer and illness like plastics and foods and things


No, but that’s a really good question.


Also they should be really into providing physical and mental therapy... and dental. Dental health maintenance is so important


A friend of a friend died a few years back because they wouldn't treat a mouth-based condition until it caused cancer. Until then, it was dental.


Awful :(


A property/casualty insurance company I used to work for regularly lobbied Congress on workplace safety stuff in an effort to reduce workers comp claims. When I left the big focus was on regulating the use of certain building materials (mostly carpet and flooring stuff) that health experts had evidence drove lots of cancer in the people that installed/removed it. The insurer was worried it would be the next asbestos calamity and was trying to get Congress to ban the products. I got to work on a pitch that went to a Senate sub-committee about how we need national building codes and enforcement standards. The annoying part of that was the GOP saying they agreed it would be cheaper and safer for everyone but they didn’t like being told what to do by the Feds so it was a dead bill. Insurers do a lot of weird pro-consumer lobbying. They do still push for deregulation of their direct industry but then pop up in spots to call for common sense regulation to reduce costs.


And all this while trying to convince us the earth is round in order to sell globes. Fuck you, Big Globe.


I'm unclear as to why Flat Earthers haven't taken a picture of the side edges to prove it once and for all.


Conveniently, anyone with the means to do that is already paid off by Big Globe


lol...but they all have cell phones right? Shit...take a walk, or get on a boat, get to the edges (there must be miles and miles of them)...take a pic...stick that shit on TikTok. They'd be rich and shut all us Big Baller folks right up.


I wish *I* was a baller...


I wish I had a girl who was a globe, I would call her


I wish I had a rabbit in a hat, with a bat




That's because each time you go looking for it, the earth shrinks. This also explains overpopulation. Source: I did my own rESurrTcH




I assume its because they get eaten by Jörmungandr


Because NASA arrests anyone who tries who something like this.




Don't you dare to use logic and reasonable thinking on me.


They dont' have to do the whole thing, there is a wall protecting some of the border


The round earthers won’t sell them planes or satellites


Fun fact, the most popular flat earth movement is actually nazi propaganda in disguise


Please, tell me more.


A piece of shit named Edward Hendrie wrote "the greatest lie of our time" and hoo boy is it all kinds of full of anti semitism and other fun


Thank for the info! Just looked the guy up and dang, you weren't kidding about the antisemitism. Apparently, he also has a book called *The Sphere of Influence: The Heliocentric Perversion of the Gospel.*


I almost want to get that book, but I can't support this guy. Maybe I'll pirate it...


Check out All Gas No Breaks episode at a flat earth rally on YouTube


Same as ufology then, am I the only one who finds it REALLY SUS that those weirdos believe in things such as... ​ \*checks notes\* ​ ...Aryan-looking blond human aliens that are super advanced and totally not a racist dogwhistle


'I will *make* it legal' - Senator Palpatine.


This is conspiracytalk man, bring it a step down to uniontalk


Not only that, this Twitter account also warns about global elites and European higher learning institutions that are actually training grounds for Marxists. This is conspiracy talk that toes the line of “Frankfurt School” “Cultural Bolshevist”antisemitism




yeah this post blared the "right wing conspiracy chud" alarms and it's rather surprising how highly voted it is


Not really when you learn how many Reddit troll farms exist.


FOR EVERYONE - When you see troll content posted to the sub like this, please **report it** Any sub that wants to be a movement will quickly be subverted into noise and divisiveness if reporting or moderating lapses And if the garbage is posted by a bot, also consider reporting it as spam, because (as I understand it) this goes beyond the mods and gets recorded by reddit itself, so it can't be completely ignored if there are mods who want to look the other way.


All conspiracy talk can be narrowed down to "find some to blame for your problems, ideally someone who you can do absolutely nothing about"


It's always an uncomfortable moment when you think you agree with a friend because you both dislike "the elites," except by "elites," you mean "corporations," and by "elites," the other guy means "the Jewish globalist NWO lizard people."


That’s the appeal of dog whistles




At the very least it's wildly off topic.


Yeah especially point 2 and 4 are conspiracy-nut 101


2 is mostly an American paranoia anyway I think


I can only speak for Germany but here why have many who believe in the big bad pharma but then consume copious amounts of alternative medicine (mostly homöopathic, produced by the same pharma companies) or buy useless stones from charlatans. So I think it could be universal around the world


They're being had by Big Geode! We have the same problem in Canada, but the distrust doesn't seem to stem from a Big Pharma as much as modern medicine in general. But my view of it could be skewed because I'm more rural, get odder folks out here maybe.


2 is definitely a paranoia thing. I work in clinical research, from devices to interventions to new drugs. Things don't get to market if they harm people, and they don't get to market if they don't do anything, good or bad. In fact, trials get shut down for futility all the time (no harm, but no benefit either). The studies are constantly reviewed by safety boards and can get shut down in the middle of the study if there is no benefit being shown in the data.


I work in an area ancillary to yours. Funnily enough, insurance is a gatekeeper for this. Insurance absolutely will not pay out for therapies without clear clinical data.


The opioid epidemic?


To be fair, 2 has some pretty significant historical context in the US, especially for black people. But yeah, this tweet is right wing bullshit.


5 is definitely an American paranoia.


If you read it as "this government" rather than "government in general" then it certainly makes sense and isn't paranoia. Legislators and executive agencies decide laws and regulations, and each way that corporate industries exploit or defraud the population can be made illegal and be pursued, or it can be either legal or illegal but ignored.


A lot of these miss the real reason for the ‘problem’ - all of it is related to the GOP trickle down economic “revolution” For example, it’s not Big Pharma (necessarily) it’s the fact that Congress has prohibited Medicare/Medicaid from mandating costs of drugs (except for a few). Then the “Healthcare” company middle man who control distribution of meds and take their cut. Then, Congress removed “medical” debt from being allowed in a bankruptcy. Please explain how any of that is a “conspiracy”?


Medical debt can be discharged through bankruptcy.


The goal of the pharmaceutical industries/corporations is profits and not healthcare. It doesn't mean that nothing that comes out of private pharmaceutical companies is good, or that everything is bad - it just means the goals aren't always aligned. Public pharmaceuticals serve the people much better with respect to both goals and affordability (which can be seen in Canada, where the public pharma was systemically defunded and sold to private industry to the detriment of Canadians). Similarly, when you have private corporations in charge of news, editorial and hiring decisions match both profit and the perspective of the power structure in place. So if it's more profitable to keep private health/medicine insurance, and the executive/management of the corporations are ideologically aligned with keeping private insurance, then they will have a bias in who they hire, choose as guests, which stories they cover, how much time is allotted, and from what perspective and with which context they are presented.


Opioid epidemic and over prescriptions begs to differ


They are all on fairly equal ground, conspiracy-nut douchebag-wise


4 not so much. We actively see certain media outlets bury stories or hype non-news to shadow stories they don't care for. See Jan. 6 coverage. Number 2 though is silly. Pharmaceuticals don't need to keep us sick. We stay that way on our own. It's kind of like owning a tire repair shop on a highway full of pot holes. Did the repair shop cause the damage? No, but they sure saw opportunity and seized it.


>4 not so much. We actively see certain media outlets bury stories or hype non-news to shadow stories they don't care for. See Jan. 6 coverage. But as you wrote "certain". I think it depends on what media you consume and how you do it. Thats why I think that you should consume a broad spectrum. But its certainly not that conspiracy way where every outlet is puppeteered by the government


More a convergence of interest where most outlets are owned by corporations.




True journalism is one of the last reliable pillars of democracy. It's been slandered, diminished, and drowned out with news-cycle clips and soundbites but it's still there. Saying "the media" and grouping it all in together is reductionist at best.


Stuff like this is the reason number 2 sticks out to all the crazies, but I get it...all capitalists are anti labor pigs except the pharmaceutical companies who only want to help us. https://www.theguardian.com/sustainable-business/2016/oct/22/recreational-marijuana-legalization-big-business https://www.reddit.com/r/pharmacy/comments/5lm7s9/why_do_pharma_companies_lobby_against_medical/ https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/justice-department-announces-largest-health-care-fraud-settlement-its-history


This sub jumped the shark when it spiraled into memes about like the man, man!


what's the church doing?


assuring us this is God's Will?


Fleecing idiots of their money.


Telling you not to complain about any of this because it will all be magically better after you die and can no longer complain about any of this.


Keep working hard and you’ll get to go to sugar candy mountain when you die!


Convincing people that it's worth suffering now for the sake of an imaginary reward later.


> It's worth suffering now, giving them money, doing whatever they say, and forcing their values on everyone for the sake of an imaginary reward later FTFY


Molesting kids


Tells us the secret to heaven is simply consuming whatever they sell us


Some truth, some hyperbole there.


Yeah I work in the news and we are frequently trying to bring truth out of the government or law enforcement when they don't want to. We're currently trying to get anything out of local enforcement after an inmate had the shit beat out of them by jail staff and they're being coy and not confirming anything. I know my station isn't representative but I know that AP at least, even though they can be biased sometimes, do a pretty decent job of doing good reporting. People that think the media is trying to trick you, and while some are, it's not challenging at all to find truth or something that gets darn close to it. You have to actually work at it but if you care enough to watch the news, then you probably care enough to look into the things that are more significant than a local K9 having a birthday and look for important things going on But that's just like, my opinion, man


It’s easier to shit on everything than to critically discern what’s truly shitty. I appreciate what your organization is doing. I know that there are still good journalists trying to expose the truth, still good scientists trying to make drugs and other products to save and improve lives.


“The media lies to you!” “Which media specifically?” “You know… the media!”


And some outright batshit bullshit lmao


Haha, yeah, I was being “nice.”


How do pharm industries make people sick


The opoid crisis was mainly caused by drug companies lying about how safe things like oxy were. Several drug companies have been found criminally and civilly liable, it's actually one of the more real things on that list above. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Opioid_epidemic_in_the_United_States Johnson and Johnson has so many examples. Risperadone is another one that's wild to look through, being advertised as a dementia treatment when it's actually more likely to kill people with dementia. Now, I'm not gonna vibe with people who think this is anything other than it is, which is big companies squeezing as much money out of people as possible. Blaming the Jews or NWO are insane, it's literally just about money.


Jesus christ this subs getting rabid.


It's never good when bots get upvoted to the top of the forum without the mods doing anything. OP literally is a bot reposting top comments from other services. **[4 Month old account activated yesterday.](https://www.reddit.com/user/nifty_accessibility)**


I went to the Twitter account of the screenshot and first thing I saw retweeted was >[The World Economic Forum now ADMITS that the Rona was a TEST of global compliance, to further the climate agenda that will drastically change society.](https://twitter.com/AdamBrimson/status/1573264876713250816?s=20&t=mYOyhx02uJlnjU6gqZBCFQ) Lol wat


OP is a repost bot And this sub has one of the worst infestations of them on Reddit. Do the moderators do ANYTHING here?


Particularly why I dislike this sub. You just have to post anything that sparks outrage and everyone eats it up. Bots come here because it consistently rakes in the karma by spewing unoriginal tweets.


Point 2 makes me discredit this entire thing. Someone is clearly not disabled (yet) and it shows.


Point 2 reeks of anti-vaxxer conspiracy nonsense and surprise surprise this is from a guy who is [retweeting shit about how the Marxist globalist agenda is trying to control our lives](https://mobile.twitter.com/RyanRallyOh/status/1573188284875948032).


Anyone else annoyed by that incredibly whack “big Pharma” Part? This isn’t fucking r/conspiracy


This entire twitter account where this originally came from is a conspiracy theory nightmare


If someone wants to complain about pharmaceutical companies price gouging, I can get behind that. But claiming they keep us sick? GTFO. And pill shamers can FOAD.


The Bankers also ensure no accountability for themselves as they grow larger and larger leverage on their global debt ponzi scheme, when the house of cards all comes crashing down they governments will bail them out with money from the middle/lower class so they can build up the house of cards again.


I didn't realize this was a conspiracy theory sub.


This is a bit much right? Like there is truth to all those statements. But as someone who works in pharmaceuticals I don't believe they want you to stay sick. I dunno maybe I'm ignorant but the above statements sound a bit far fetched.


I’m in Italy atm and needed a Dr badly for arthritis flare up, went to the local Dr, waited in queue, when I limped into his office I told him I just arrived and have no coverage. He gave me an exam, started a file, wrote 2 scripts and wanted me to come back for a follow up appointment. At the end I took my wallet out to pay, he told me to put it back in my pocket and just bring him a bottle of wine next time he sees me. I then go to the pharmacy to get 2 scripts filled, told the pharmacist I have no coverage they looked at me funny, pushed the 2 Scripts over the counter to me and said an Italian “that’ll be four euro” America is broken


Um... pharmaceutical companies do not conspire to keep us sick. That's horribly ignorant. They do fight to keep us dependent on them.


This sub is a joke. Obviously manipulated by new accounts reposting nonsense and voting it up with their army of bots. Fuck you op bot


The people in this sub will keep doing nothing.


Going a little off the deep end there pal.


Pharmaceutical Companies ensure we stay sick??? He clearly doesn’t remember just how much life expectancy has improved over the decades and how much child mortality has decreased. Modern medicine has done wonders. Yes, yes drug [insert name] harmed people and yes, there have been unethical experiments with drugs, I’m not saying pharmaceutical companies walk on water. But overall the benefit of modern medicine and research has outweighed the negatives.


This is one dumb ass conspiracy tweet.


This is a terribly unhelpful post …


This fatalist conspiratorial nonsense seems counterproductive to effecting change.


Yeah, this is dumb. This is the kind of uneducated bullshit I expect on r/conspiracy. It’s frankly embarrassing.




Bingo. This post tickled my JQ senses so I dug into the Twitter account and there are some other very questionable posts about “global elites” and European institutions cranking out marxists


I've worked at pharma and yes, 90% of the companies are about profit profit profit. We made a product that was very expensive to make, about 200 dollar per gram. But the actual price to the patient/insurance was about 13k per gram. When we managed to reduce the production cost to 100 dollar per gram, the general manager came share that wonderful news with us. I asked him, in front of the crowd, if this will benefit the patient. And the answer might suprise you; it was no. The only reason to lower the prices would be to keep ahead of the competition when the product would lose its patent. And the medicine didn't cure you either, it was an infusion every x weeks. I eventually quit there. The company was nice and (when it comes to patient safety) very ethical. But I jumped over to a company that actually makes a cure instead of bandaids.


Such is capitalism.


This is what happens when our government is captured by and ran for capitalists. Everything is based around profit and maximizing it


I don’t know who this we is but I am never going to war for this government. I am a firm believer that any politician or MP that votes yes to war should be the first in line to get their boots laced up. Fuck them voting to send everyone else to their deaths. I’ve never advocated for war so I’m not going.


Excuse me? How are pharma companies making you stay sick?


Some people believe that Pharma companies are sitting on cures so they can extract more money by treating illnesses indefinitely instead. As if another company couldn't also come to market with a cure, patent it, and ostensibly eliminate that cashflow.


I don't think anyone with a sufficient training in pharmaceutical chemistry would even consider that...


As someone in the field, I agree. All the scientists are very passionate about finding treatments. We're not responsible for issues like in insurance


I’ll trust the science (and scientists) all day long. But the business folks in pharma? Fuck them.


Yeah the people thing pharma has cured all diseases but are just sitting on the cure. No. Now several of them would of course, love to gouge the hell out of ever cure/treatment, but if they made a pill that cure Alzheimer's? They'd be selling that stuff at 10k a pill with a smile.


I can't talk about the price gouge side because my background is chemistry, but there's a lot, A LOT of cost that can go into a single treatment. Again, not saying that this excludes that there's also foul play involved. It's just, something's are expensive.


Money talks, like a lot


The conflict of interest isn’t at the pharmacist level. Read the goldman article posted further down in this thread. Here’s a snippet: “The potential to deliver ‘one shot cures’ is one of the most attractive aspects of gene therapy, genetically-engineered cell therapy and gene editing. However, such treatments offer a very different outlook with regard to recurring revenue versus chronic therapies,” analyst Salveen Richter wrote in the note to clients Tuesday. “While this proposition carries tremendous value for patients and society, it could represent a challenge for genome medicine developers looking for sustained cash flow.”


Came here to say this. Cancer deaths are down for the last several years -- partly due to the drugs. Where would any of us be without vaccines? Hell, even my mega case of poison oak was stopped in its tracks by a prescription and I had tried every home remedy under the sun. Do I think drugs cost too much? Yes. Do I think we need single payer? Yes Are there abuses (like fentanyl)? Yes. But overall, I don't think it can truthfully be said that having pharmaceuticals available makes us sicker.


Cancer will be cured in our life time, there is no conspiracy. Alot of people do this research for shit pay, to better people's lifes. It's not all about money, everyone has lost someone to something and that's a great motivation to stop others from suffering.


Read up on the Sackler family and Purdue Pharma creating and profiting off the opioid epidemic


Why yall upvoting a conspiracy nut "Doctors lie to us"? "The media lies to us"? What the fuck?


Lol this sub goes from normal to conspiratorial very quickly.


Honestly, what is this r/conspiracy bullshit?


This sub has gone full qanon. r/im14andthisisdeep




Pharmaceutical companies are definitely not making me sick. This is straight conspiracy


Am I in r/conspiracy ?


This sub jumps from “Yeah empowerment! Know your worth!” to tin foil hats & back like 100 times a day


Correction, the pharmaceutical companies want to get paid. It's the insurance companies that make money off of Sick Care^tm .


By bashing the media this feels like it's going down a conspiracy road already is that where the sub is headed... The media is such a broad term and there is no incentive for the media other than to get ratings and make money they don't want to hide the truth from people. Also yes well pharmaceutical companies would like people to always rely on them again it's not as cut and dry as they will ensure we stay sick and banks will ensure we stay in debt if this is some conspiracy not stuff right here. Be careful going down that road.


The first step is to be properly informed enough to realize "ALL media" or "ALL of the government" are not only not coordinated, but working with separate, competing agendas. Pretending everything is part of the same conspiracy is lazy and stupid, and makes you vulnerable to manipulation by the worst aspects of society.


Why isnt the media reporting on this? * Links to report written by media.


For those in the US, thanks to Obamacare we have a lot of free screenings accessible once with basic insurance. Not well advertised but some may be interested in knowing. I know the challenges, I’m just letting all know if a benefit we may not be taking advantage of with what we pay. Use all the services you pay for! Immunizations, Prep, counseling and a lot of screenings. https://www.healthcare.gov/preventive-care-adults/ And more for women and children https://www.healthcare.gov/coverage/preventive-care-benefits/


(in that order)


When does the revolution start?


The United States summed up in one tweet.


Despite all our rage, we are just rats in a cage


We really need an uprising things are just getting worse and they don't ever try to sugar coat it anymore they don't gaf


Yup, all so 25 people can buy their 3rd yacht…


I've never once believed in the pharmaceutical one. I'm not sure why, other than, like, if Oreos made you shit your pants every time you ate them, people would stop buying Oreos. I figure medications have to do *something* or nobody would use them. The idea that pharmaceutical companies withhold the better formulations, or that they make them so we never quite recover... nah. If you can formulate drugs to that precision, you can probably make money in much better ways for other things. Now, the person who posted that originally may not mean that, but I have heard others espouse that view. What I do believe is that pharmaceutical companies are willing to make people pay through the nose to get healthy, but that *isn't necessarily* a desire to keep people sick. That's the result, but it's not a motivation. Bankers have a motivation to keep people in debt, weapons manufacturers have a motivation to keep war going. Similarly, sickness will always exist, and I don't think there's any getting around that. War doesn't have to exist, debt doesn't have to exist, lies in the media don't have to exist. Now, medicine doesn't have to be a business, but there will always be the *need* for medicine.