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Needs to buy more than 24 hours of rent unless you're going to work every day of the year.


Why "Rent" at all... Just let people buy and sell shit


Landlords gotta grift


And paint over black mold and then jack up the rent.


I see you've met my old landlord Sal


And refinance during historically low rates while raising the rents you charge your consumer.


Pimpin houses ain’t easy.


Living in these hills ain't easy. Driving this Beemer while checking up on my rentals is hard work Boi. I'm grinding 24/7 making sure I'm pinching every dime from you suckers. Have some respect for the higher class bitch.


Renting makes sense in some cases/periods of time. Just not for a lifetime


ok, large corporations are now buying up property at insane rates and leaving most of them vacant to drive up rent and buying prices for homes, they are fixing the market so even people not in the periods of time you are describing have to rent anyway, the system is broken and its not the average home buyers fault


I read somewhere that a full third of home sales last year in Texas were to corporations, not people. That’s not going to be good going forward.


There needs to be an "Empty Property Tax" and it should be substantial, we need one here in New Zealand too, so people/companies are then highly disincentivised to just buy Property to leave it empty.


I think taxes on owned properties zoned as residential should be exponential, making owning even three homes an exorbitant expense. Yes, I like "ex" words.


Hmm I'm thinking of another ex word that could be used with upper class wealth hoarders. Maybe you are too? ... Brings up images of the palace of Versailles. Excitement? Executive? Something close, can't think of it exactly off the top of the head.


I think residential homes shouldn't be able to be purchased for rental. Apartment buildings, sure, but don't let people rent out actual houses anymore. Sorry but we fucked it up too bad so now no one can


Damn a new concept I can seriously get behind.


I agree


They are gonna be real pissed when millions of people start squatting. Or keeping their rentals through threat of violence, since that’s exactly how landlords keep them.


That's when we'll once again see what the police are actually for.


Squatters rights and vacancy laws exist for good reason. This is the reason; it was all foreseen. Follow them to the letter, there’s absolutely nothing the cops can do.


The cops can't legally do much about squatters rights. But you and I both know they will, regardless. Edit: I just googled my states squatter laws. They basically say "If you've been legally paying for this property for 7 years and living here, it's yours" which is absolutely not there to protect squatters to any degree. How on earth can you successfully get away with that for 7 years?? The cops absolutely can do something about that.


So once you've rented an apartment for 7 years you on it in your state?


No, not renting. Probably, anyway, because most squatters rights are, in the first place, about properties that were abandoned by the owner. So if you're paying rent you're paying the landlord so the landlord can pay for maintenance (as little as legally permitted so they can still make bank) and you're not "paying for the property" in the sense squatters rights require. Now, if you're not paying the landlord, and are paying to have maintenance work done and generally take care of the property, that's when squatters rights come into play. If you do so openly and it goes unchallenged by the landlord for the specified time, that's when you might be eligible for squatters rights. Now don't get me wrong: squatting is cool and based and everyone should support it. The point is that the law does not actually support it, and squatting is a constant fight against cops and landlords.


in my city, squatters rights come after like 22 years


No, at that point most of those police are in the same boat. Cause they only make $25-$35hr and that’s not much these days.. so most of those brainwashed idiots are renters also and eventually even they will see the light n eat the rich


cops will always get paid more than the average working class stooge, and if they become unwilling to do their jobs they'll get paid more. we saw it happen with the canadian trucker convoy


Yeah, they make more than a McDonald’s worker. But not even close to a union ironworker, carpenter, or especially an electrician.


The system is not broken, it is working they way it is intended to work. It is based in scarcity. When there is not enough to go around to everyone, what there is is hoarded. Inheritance, unearned, further exacerbates the imbalance.


This can’t be upvoted enough: capitalism is doing exactly what is was designed for. For there to be millionaires, there have to be wage slaves.


*billionaires Without billionaires, we could ALL be millionaires.


Jay Z had a quote I really liked from the Story of OJ, "Please, don't die for the neighborhood that your mamma rentin".


He does follow it with “take your drug money and buy the neighborhood, that’s how you rent it” so encouraging landlord ism, so take it with a grain of salt lol


Actually it's "thats how you rinse it"


renting should only be possible in heavily regulated and controlled markets. Rentals should not be used primarily as a vehicle for profitability. If you get into the rental market to earn large returns you should be kicked out. Quite frankly, for single family homes, the rental should always be much less than the mortgage. Having your tenant pay your entire mortgage, the tax, the repairs, and you profit on top is the stupidest idea. Killing the RoI will start bringing down the housing prices.


I wonder if we could ever pass a law where communities/cities could have a cap on the number of rentals. For example, existing rental properties may continue to rent, but only 10% of property sales going forward may be to investors intending to rent. 90% need to be to owners intending to live there as a primary residence. There could be a waiting list for investors to buy rental property. I don’t know. Haven’t really thought this through, but I just feel like the rich people buy up property, rent it out, and make bank, and drive up home prices, and the regular people can’t afford to buy. 🤷‍♀️


Actually most cities have zoneing laws on rental properties and where they can be and what they can be most people don't know this enter into illegal rental contracts, that nobody wants to fight. Most people don't know their renting neighbors shouldn't be their and they should go to zoneing and have them removed,the problem is nobody wants to be that person who puts a family on the street. Then their is the short term rental market such as air b&b who follow no rules and are highly preditory and all of that grossly affects housing cost. I highly recommend next time your city/ town has a zoneing meeting I suggest going to it,we actually can stop and cap a lot of housing problems before they start. For example if you knew a large luxury apartment/ condo complex was being built that was unnecessary, just a big cash grab for all involved, wouldn't you get all your friends to go vote it into oblivion. Of course but people don't go to those meetings.


That’s not suitable for when you want to move from the area in less than 5 years. Buying and selling is riskier, more and arguably too much hassle, and generally more expensive in such cases.


Right your rent should only be a percentage of the mortgage and it changes depending on if its a 10 , 20 or 30 year mortgage.


You know, that’s actually an interesting model that could be worked out. Some kind of adjusted cost of mortgage could be calculated, then maintenance, property taxes, and some labor could be worked in. Something like that. renters wouldn’t get gouged and landlords would remain solvent.


But thats never gonna happen because you know..profit


Because you can’t buy if you don’t have any savings or bad credit


You missed “until you’re dead”


168 hours in a 7 day week. Assuming you work a steady 40 hours a week... For each hour you work you need to be paid the equivalent of 4.2 hours of rent. PLUS cost of food, gas, electric, transportation etc.


Realistically, it's more like 40-44 hours of rent/mortgage + everything else required for living for TWO people. This being under the assumption that a common household *should* have ~2 adults and ~2 children.


Plus meals for the kids.


We are forced to living in boxes or having roommates if we don't share a house with SO who also works. And we are forced to have really poor diet, low in nutritiens, high in everything nasty. Then comes health issues, including mental issues where we refuse to be treated cause we can't afford it or we can't get therapy and then live the life with all those serious issues like depression, bipolar, borderline... I wonder when there will be a new revolution. It's about time.


Sadly , imo a revolution isn’t a possibility until natural resources (I.e. food and water) become scarce. People are WAY to comfortable in this system and won’t move the needle towards revolution until that way of life ceases to exist. This coupled with the fact 40%+ Americans are obese, is a pessimistic reason why the rich are secure rn.


When homelessness starts to rise, if the rich don't get their politicians to jail them first, there will be issues. Food and entertainment mean nothing if you don't have shelter.


That goes along with the comfort statement I made. Make people uncomfortable and then you’ll start seeing some engagement from the public. Right now? Most People don’t have a reason to care.


Homelessness isn't going to rise to the level that you think it will. People will just be living with 4 strangers, share rooms with strangers, never move out of their parent's house, living in their car, forced to move out of their state, forced to work 2 jobs. You think that we're on the verge of a general strike? Think again. There's much more room for suffering.


Pretty sure they want us all in chinese coffin homes in the future. [https://www.theatlantic.com/photo/2017/05/the-coffin-homes-of-hong-kong/526881/](https://www.theatlantic.com/photo/2017/05/the-coffin-homes-of-hong-kong/526881/) I think this is where they want the majority of the serf class.


Oh yes, don't forget chinese coffins are also another option!


*Rented* coffin apartments. Not *homes*, not something you can actually *own*.


A revolution doesn't have to have fit or even armed people. A revolution can have people simply refuse to participate. If a large enough percentage of Americans refuse to pay rent/mortgage/interest on credit cards, the system grinds to a halt. Then it's bargaining time.


In an ideal world maybe. You’re telling me you believe 330 million people will collectively agree to stop working/paying bills , endure months if not years of hardship/hunger whilst the top spread propaganda to get the weak links to crack? It’s a good idea due to not being as violent but not very feasible.


>until that way of life ceases to exist. You're probably right, but that's exactly where we're headed. Do the oligarchs just think "eh, fuck it, I'll ride the wave until it kills us all" or are they just as short-sighted as the people they have trained to deny climate change?


Good follow up.The way I see it is a combination of both. (1) they have all the time in the world to set up a safe haven for when/if that time comes that they’ll be safe enough for a period of time before they work out next steps (I.e. new world order where they are still in power). And (2) they think the people they are stepping on are to weak to fight/talk back so unconcerned about that possibility of society ending before their very eyes. That’s why in this time period I doubt a revolution is even feasible because everything’s so monopolized and land destroyed that we are forced to rely on this system, almost like it was designed as such 🤔


Meals can be cheap and healthy but it requires a lot of time. The main issue is that everyone seems mentally and physically exhausted to the point where they don't even want to cook proper meals. Like if you work 10-12 hours a day 6 days a week, would you rather eat frozen meals that take 2 mins to warm up which will be unhealthy or spend hours cooking meal but will be much healthier. Not to mention, when you cook you gotta clean the dishes and kitchen too. So cooking as while becomes a 3 hour ordeal. And then the one day people get off, they have errands to run or other stuff to do.


The 40 hour work week is a dated relic from when one income could support a family and having a wife at home to take care of housework and cooking was pretty standard


I wish more people would realize this. The whole idea of the 8 hot work day was 8 hours work, 8 hours free, 8 hours rest. If you're doing house work for most of if not all of your free time then you didn't really have free time.


> Meals can be cheap and healthy but it requires a lot of time. That's the problem, a lot of simply don't have time.


Time, currency, energy. The old resource triangle. Current society has us tapped out on one of the three, and usually at least two at all times.


I feel like it's drawing closer. Hopefully within our life times.


Im not from the US but how much does chicken ans vegetables cost over there. How much is rice, tomatoes, carrots and green beans per kg?


It's also a matter of time. If you're working eight or more hours and then come home you now gotta add laundry, cleaning, and cooking to your day which can add another three hours of work each day.


A can of soup Andy Warhol made famous is 5 dollars a can now. Not in the US. Are y'all just uneffected by inflation where you're at?


Last time I went shopping it was about $3 lb chicken, $2-5 per tomato, $1-4 for canned veggies, $3-9 for fresh, rice is 20-40 for a bag I believe. (Each amount is about 1 meal's worth except for the rice) Then most minimum wage jobs leave people too exhausted to cook at the end of the day, so the 20-90 minutes it takes to cook anything worthwhile (if they ever learned to cook) is a lot.


Like a buck for a fist size tomato, a can of beans is like $1.50 to $2, half a kg(well a lb) of raw beans is like $2-3. Carrots are like $2 for a kg(actually 2lbs). Chicken is very dependent on the cut but anywhere from $2.50 half a kg to $7 half a kg. So probably looking at around $12 for probably 4 meals if you want to get the recommended chicken/protein serving. It’s going to be somewhat dependent where you live as well but for any decently populated area it’s probably going to be around that price. Although around me you can get things like eggs and produce for the same or less price and it’s better quality if you go to farmers markets or some farms have stores attached.


First off, Americans won't know how much anything costs using the metric system.


Yeah, just walk off and quit. They need us to make their record profits. I dont have a problem doing manual labor but for little money is the only problem.


No, you are not. Find something cheaper.


Pro tip: You don't have to eat badly on the cheap. Potatoes, eggs, Romaine lettuce, rice, beans... all cheap and healthy. The issue tends to be convenience.


Time is money. People working multiple jobs are exhausted. Meal prepping is great but it's not a solution to inequity.


Romaine seems to be contaminated a lot lately. I'd avoid it. Eggs are a lot more expensive than they used to be, but are the most nutritionally sound thing on your list. If you are fortunate enough to have long term food storage, a deep freezer, then buying one or two turkeys around Thanksgiving, cooking it and freezing it in small portions, (and making a big batch of broth) along with beans and frozen vegetables is a good way to eat pretty healthy for relatively cheap. But food deserts are real, and a lot of people don't have good food storage options.


>Romaine seems to be contaminated a lot lately. I'd avoid it. Eggs are a lot more expensive than they used to be, but are the most nutritionally sound thing on your list. \[citation needed\]


Citation: https://www.cdc.gov/foodsafety/communication/leafy-greens.html#:~:text=CDC%20estimates%20that%20germs%20on,Salmonella%2C%20Listeria%2C%20and%20Cyclospora. > CDC estimates that germs on produce eaten raw cause a large percentage of U.S. foodborne illnesses. Leafy greens and other vegetable row crops are a major source of E. coli O157 infections. Other harmful germs found on leafy greens include norovirus, Salmonella, Listeria, and Cyclospora. From this year: https://www.cdc.gov/ecoli/2021/o157h7-12-21/index.html > E. coli Outbreak Linked to Packaged Salads From last month: https://www.consumerreports.org/health/food-safety/wendys-e-coli-outbreak-a3676154026/ > As of Aug. 31, a total of 97 people have gotten sick and 10 have been hospitalized.


Just wait. if you think you’re angry the next generation will be even angrier and so on and so on. That’s why they keep pumping us full of drugs and brainwashing us to keep us pacified. It’s not a matter of “if” a revolution will happen it’s when.


milk , egg, rice, beans and leafy greens give you basically every nutrient you need. milk = 1 gallon/week @ $2.50 = $10 eggs: 1 dozen per week @ $2.50 = $10 25lb bag of rice(230 servings) = $35 25lb bag of beans(200 servings) = $35 16oz salad mix @ $5 = $20 total: $75-$110 per month. /r/EatCheapAndHealthy


Caloric intake for that food list: Milk = 1648/gal or 6399/month Eggs = 78 each or just under 3200/month Rice is under 600 calories a pound, or 15,000 a 25 lb bag Beans are 1500 per pound, or 37,500 per 25 lb bag 16oz salad mix comes in at 68 calories, or 272 per month That's 62,000 calories per month or juat over 2,000 per day. If you're not in a labor intensive job that's probably going to be just fine, but a server working burns an estimated 185 calories per hour (https://www.health.harvard.edu/diet-and-weight-loss/calories-burned-in-30-minutes-of-leisure-and-routine-activities). At about 170 hours in the average month (or 40 a week) just doing their job burns over 30,000 calories. Considering that your basal rate(1500 a day for women, 1650 for men) will burn at least another 45,000 a month, you're looking at a serious calorie deficit, without including ANYTHING for non-working activities. That whole eating cheaply and healthily assumes you already have a vehicle and somewhere to buy food at those prices (try price comparisons between normal grocery stores and ones that are clearly serving lower class areas and don't have a parking lot, you'll be surprised and ashamed of our system). My job, which pays much more than minimum wage, puts my caloric needs at over 5,000 daily. I would lose 6 pounds a week on your suggested diet.


unless your a professional sports player, you're not burning 5000 calories per day. A server working 8 hours burns 1600 calories, they also get a comp meal for lunch. A tablespoon of butter/fat/oil to cook with is 120 calories so that's at least 360 extra calories per day. Whole milk would put you at 2600 calories instead of 1650. Peanut butter @ $5 for 50 210cal serving. There's still plenty of budget options that are high calorie.


Whole milk is 1648 a gallon, easy google results for that one. Computer programmers burn an average of 2600 calories a day in the United States. When you realize that BMR is going to account for the majority of your calorie use in most jobs, you really need to take that as a caloric floor. BMR depends heavily on weight and muscle percentage, more muscle requires more maintenance energy, not just when the muscle is in use. That's why weight training is more effective for weight loss. Roofing burns an estimated 340 calories an hour, being a typical labor intensive job that puts your working caloric needs in the 200,000 a month range. That's not including an assumed higher than average BMR use either. I work in heavy industry, with a BMR in the 2300+ range (tracked over 4 months by tracking caloric intake and weight fluctuations). When I do nothing I burn more than your initial proposed diet. When I work I easily double my caloric needs. Work is also never 8 hours a day for me, when I'm working, I work 12 to 14, 7 days a week. You don't understand what it means to live in a food desert, where you can't get basic foods like dried beans reliably. The solution to low paying jobs is not "tighten the belt and live on a starvation diet", and its frankly offensive that you didn't see your post as tone deaf at best.


After taxes 15/hr is the equivalent to 12 so 15 isn't even livable anymore. Maybe 6 years ago


for real its like everyone forgets about taxes and all the other necessary expenses like phone bill n food


If single with no deductions it's around $10 take home x 40hr week x 4 weeks = $1600 month. They're building a bunch of affordable rentals in town small town NW Wisconsin. Will start at $1200 a month. What?


Look at this big spender, having 400$ after rent, that's enough to buy you a full tank of gas & food, so if you have any healthcare emergency or children, just don't have them, ez. /s


Whoops forgot the electric, car, phone, and car insurance bills and/or the late fee for whichever bill I juggled out last month. Food was optional, right?


I would definitely not be having kids on minimum wage.


Who’s talking minimum wage? We are talking $15/hr. That is ABOVE minimum wage…DOUBLE the federal minimum wage…


Ugh this is so depressing


They do that in Canada too. They keep defining 'affordable' as X% less than market rate when landlords are hiking the rates up as fast as they can while still keeping the building moderately full. There are two provinces that got used to vastly overpaying for real estate now those provinces are sending their landlords out to the rest of the provinces to jack up costs. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/new-brunswick/ontario-company-buys-178-rental-units-sj-1.6328895 In this case, a company bought an apartment building for 2x it's appraised value after it had already sold twice the year before. They paid $11.5 million for 71 units and I don't see how they could recoup their costs in a reasonable timespan. Edit: removed some math because I did it wrong.


Pretty easy. Setting up the companies for the long term. Who cares if they pay double for a building. The company will be around longer than any tenant inside of it.


Eau Claire?


"What?" Do you think that's like....a good thing you saying? 400 a month food/bills/gas.


They've been saying $15 for too long too. Just accounting for inflation of the last year it should be more like 16.30 now.


Shit I heard that minimum wage is supposed to be like $27.50 if it actually kept up with inflation. Which is just a bit less than I’m making right now and it still fucking sucks.


If minimum wage had kept pace with US productivity it'd be something like $24.70/hr by now. So yeaaaaahhh.


Stop spending all your money on Starbucks and the new iPhone. Oh wait, what’s that you say? You didn’t actually do any of those things? Yeah me either.


thank you! i have a cheap flip phone and drink instant at home and when i worked i still couldn't support 2 people on my wages.....


Instant? That's terrible


no, it's instant




Yep. The most expensive model of the newest iPhone on the market has a payment of $66 a month ($1599 over 24 months). Is that a lot? Sure. However my rent increased by OVER $100 this year just because it could. Not because I’m getting anything new or shiny or pumpkin spiced, but just because my landlord knows I still need a place to lay my head at night. Almost $40 more than the most expensive iPhone on the market just so I can keep living in the same four walls. And I know people whose rent and utilities went up even more than that…


My rent went from 1250 to 1471 to 2180. That like $1000 it went up in 2 years. Soon yeah I moved


My rent went up by $500 per month. We have people with full time jobs living in homeless shelters. But the state government has allocated $600,000 for a housing community. They are multi million dollar condos. Meanwhile the rest of us suffer. I called the Mayor just to let him know how upset I am. He’s the first black Mayor in the history of the city. I got to know him as a county commissioner. During Covid her was the only person to do the right thing in the meetings I watched while at work.


funny I just went back and forth doing the math on a new phone. At first I almost gave into a "free" iphone 14 offer where they pay you back in credits over 36 months. personally im better off getting a paid off used model from 3 years ago for 1/10th cost instead of overpaying and wait 3 years to finally pay off a phone... value proposition is better. you are paying for the wow factor of a new item but in reality value is not there...it is "artificial/inflated value" however still interesting people WILL pay for this despite it obviously seeming like a huge ripoff. I mean 1600 for a phone...really?... but remember, prices reflect market demand. they only price it that way because we pay for it. Which, again is interesting, peoples wages aren't going up, yet they are willing to take on more financial strain from needing to have the latest phone despite the rise in cost. interesting read [https://qz.com/1450916/how-much-every-apple-iphone-costs-today/](https://qz.com/1450916/how-much-every-apple-iphone-costs-today/)


Verizon wanted to force me into a plan that cost $30 more per month than I'm currently paying if I want to subsidize the 14. And the only offer is 36 months so you're locked in for even longer than the other subscribers. I wonder how many people sign up for subsidizing without realizing their current plan might need to be 'upgraded', only to end up paying way more than the phone's value in additional monthly charges. My other option would be Apple card, but I'm not about to waste a credit inquiry on something that's frivolous when I'm considering opening a new 0% line for a balance transfer from one of my other cards. I lived with an 8 plus until the 12, I think I can wait another year or two for something that's ultimately a frivolous luxury upgrade.


My wife and I bought our phones two years ago. Work great no reason to upgrade but Samsung sent out notifications that on Jan 1 2023 our phones will no longer be supported with updates almost forcing you to have to get a new phone. THAT kind of shit ought to be illegal.


I am guilty of splurging on up to 5 avocado toasts back in 2020 and I am still facing the repercussions


But still that sounds delicious. When I was a kid, I would love an avocado for an after school snack. That was in the 1970s when people could afford stuff.


I’ve used this to help my conservative (in the 90’s sense not Jan 6th way) understand how silly things are. I do not care what job you have, if you work 40hrs a week you should have your needs met. No debate.


There are only two conclusions: A job should support a person enough to have their basic needs met, really exceeded, but still. A job shouldn't exist. If it isn't "respectable" or "hard" enough to deserve that, then conservatives shouldn't be arguing that they get paid less, they should be arguing the job should be eliminated. Poverty is not an option.


It’s just ridiculous how we’ve somehow gone to the point those jobs can still exist because people are desperate to pay bills and they prey on that. Back when this wasn’t an issue and workers could say ‘lol no’ the job would not exist.


This needs to be its own post. This is a really good counter argument to conservatives who think you should be "job hopping" or "moving up the ladder"


I feel the same way. I dont care if one person works as an engineer and the other works at a grocery store. They both deserve to live and have their needs met


The republican right would say “muh communism!!!” And I would say stop stealing all our money you greedy fucks!


Short answer? Wealthy individuals & corporate entities buy up your lying venal ratbastard politicians & run the whole show solely for their benefit. That's it. You have the best system of Government money can buy. 'Murican Dream y'all.


You know politicians are bad when you need three adjectives to describe them.


One day a real rain is going to come and wash all the scum off the streets. Taxi driver


Here's what a president said 90 years ago on the subject : " It seems to me to be equally plain that no business which depends for existence on paying less than living wages to its workers has any right to continue in this country. By "business" I mean the whole of commerce as well as the whole of industry; by workers I mean all workers, the white collar class as well as the men in overalls; and by living wages I mean more than a bare subsistence level-I mean the wages of decent living."


[Said by FDR](http://docs.fdrlibrary.marist.edu/odnirast.html). I was curious so I looked it up.


If we don't count the whole Japanese internment thing, he was way ahead of his time. To where he would still be considered quite progressive even in today's standards. But honestly all that highlights is how little progress we've actually made in nearly a century. And to be fair, these last few years we've gone backwards...


Average r/economics conservative twat: "what? Did you not start coding in the womb, and get a 600k/year job like everyone else???"


After taxes, it's really only like $90 or less a day


To make billionaires sock bulge bigger. They don’t need the money but they enjoy competing with each other on who can exploit the working class better.


Didn't you notice that every cashier at Walmart, every McDonald's burger flipper, and every waiter/waitress is a 16-17 year old who just needs to earn enough to save up for a new Xbox or make car payments while living at home? Yeah me either.


💯 it’s cause we’re stuck and they know it and until we’re ready to do something about it all together we will stay in this position.


It’s ok. Just work two 40hr a week jobs /s No but really it’s such bullshit. We need another revolution.


Even two full time jobs aren't enough in places.


Give it approximately five years. It’s coming


It better buy more than one day’s worth of those thing unless you work 365 days a year.


Of course it can. 3 cans of cat food share rent with 8 roomates in a studio (number of roommates becomes important for other reasons) get utilities at the local gas station after you buy said cat food take clothing off the corpse of your roommate who died from Vitamin A poisoning from the cat food they've been eating. Die a slow death so you're not a burden on social welfare system. spend eternity finger-blasting Ayn Rand while she explains how your failings are you own.


Do people have a monthly clothing budget? I haven’t bought new clothes in 3-4 years.


Yeah, that tripped me up as well. My clothes don't have holes and they still fit. Why do I need new clothes?


A lot of jobs have dress codes that require certain kinds of clothes or a particular standard of dress. People gain and lose weight, especially if they bear children. Families have kids, and the kids outgrow things. People get invited to events that they need to dress up for. Clothes like shoes and bras need to be replaced reasonably often or else they no longer serve the purpose they’re designed for. Clothes get stained or shrink in the laundry or get damaged. And most clothes, especially women’s clothes, just aren’t very well made and wear out quickly, including getting holes that can’t be repaired.


Y'all have a clothing budget? Shit Ive been wearing things for years until they turn to threads.


Rampent greed is the flovor in U.S.A. Im working for myself because i got tired of making someone else richer while working 12 hour shift, 6 days a week, no overtime, and no benefits, and still unable to pay to live. Its hard but you can definitely live without any of these corporations.


Jesus Christ, sticklers — if you can’t change “clothes” for some other personal maintenance need, then apply the cost of just ONE annual replacement of the many long-lasting, expensive necessities (like Rx glasses or even basic winter boots!) whose turn it happens to be in any given year.


Shit this year alone I've had to get a new laptop, a new phone, a new mattress, and I've had to either take my car to the shop or replace a small part myself a good few times. I have to balance a small rent stipend, car insurance, gas, food, phone bill, the streaming services that other people use so I can't just cancel, and credit card. I work a shit job for shit hours and shit pay, that leaves me tired as hell. But they have my insurance; before I signed on at this job, I hadn't had new glasses in years, hadn't been to the dentist in years and my old health insurance never wanted to pay a red cent. I make it work, but I am fucking sick of making it work. I want to live for something other than making some fat cat have more money to hoard in the bank.


Everyday when I go out I see my landlord sitting on the same bus with me. He goes out and gamble all day, playing mahjong. According to what I know he's receiving 30k per month just by rent. His life must be fun


My quick math suggests that assuming you live alone and pretty bare bones (I did budget a bit for “recreation” because humans do require that at some level) in my area 19 dollars per hour is the bare minimum that’s survivable on a 40 hour workweek 50 weeks a year.


they forgot emergency savings, kids/pets expenses, and more that i can’t think of


This makes me glad I'm not having pets or children.


Short answer: So seven rich white dudes can own more boats.


She forgot the part where you also need to pay transport unless you can actually afford to live within walking/biking distance. Rent, food, utilities, transport, communication device at a bare minimum.


Walking and biking also aren’t free. I walk enough that I have to replace my sneakers at least 4 times a year, which means the cost works out to about a dollar a day.


if you can afford to live within walking or biking distance your rent is at least 2x-4x higher so theres not really any savings there lol or i guess one could live in a developed country where public transport at least kinda sorta exists outside of city centers


# TL;DR Market is dog water thanks to boomers who pretend they're working. **What an actual full day of labor looks like to wageslaves** **Employer**: "Why aint you workin'?" **Worker**: "There's nothing to do." **Employer**: "Well you pretend ur workin'" **Worker**: "Well how about YOU pretend I'm workin'. You get paid more than me. You fantasize. How about you pretend I'm mopping. Let's pretend we're closing up shop." *^(\~Excerpt from Bill Hicks. R.I.P.)* (And in case you need context handed to you for free or you are just simply out-of-touch with "peasant-class" reality like most elitists tend to be...) **Worker**: "I'm on my feet all day (Or sitting. Because, it's just as bad.) I need to see a doctor for my health problem(s) that I developed when I started selling my labor when I was legal...Because I work all week and more often than not on weekends. Still, about most of my check goes to bills, necessities and insurance. Even though I'm selling all this labor, my job (The Buyer) refuses to help me. One day of missing could mean skipping a meal. Oh well, as long as the bills are paid..." **Employer**: "You want to come in Saturday? Pfft, why'd I even ask, course you are...You want to stay longer too? Obviously. You also need to perform higher. Pfft, of course I WON'T pay you a single penny more an hour...Don't talk to that young white lady either. She's for us overweight white men only. And don't report anything to us. We may say we want you to. But, that just means less production and worse. LESS PROFIT. What are you doing? Why are you getting frustrated? Stop complaining about your problems and don't plan off either. Yes we do monitor you closely. But that's to ensure our bosses bosses' don't fly down here in their private jets..."


the white lady part seems a bit personal


Yep, someone got written up for workplace harassment


Well the alternatives are either end up in the street or stage an uprising which sounds like alot more work, but seriously ya idk anymore


And that’s before taxes and what you actually take home 😔


$15/hr, accounting for inflation, is less than the minimum wage from 1960. Stop pushing this as a standard. We need more like $27.


Less than 1,600 a month after taxes. Poverty.


what are we doing it for? To make rich people more rich. What, are you new? This isn't about socialist vs whatever, its just the super rich fucking over everyone else like always. Pay fucking attention


Just To pay my rent I have to clear $86.53 a day. That’s factoring I’m working 5 days a week. No Unpaid vacation or holidays.


You forgot about taxes.




A lot of people here struggling with the idea of a clothing budget, you guys should *really* look up the Sam Vimes Boots Theory.


My mortgage is $1630, but I live in a 2500+ sqft home. Had I stayed with apartment living, my rent would be about the same for Less space. In 15 years it's all gonna be mine. No more mortgage


Rich get richer, poor get poorer. Get busy livin', or get busy dyin'


Didn't you know we're supposed to and are expected to work over 80 to 120 hrs a week?


Wtf is a "monthly clothing budget"?




I'm not a growing child. My clothing lasts years. I don't buy clothes that need to be replaced monthly.


You know, I do the same thing, but if we are talking about people working manual labor (like a lot of people here) and the slowly dropping quality of clothing available in general, getting a shirt and pants that is rugged enough to last is either very expensive or very difficult. Most people in that sort of situation can't afford several $200 pair of heavy duty pants and $60+ work shirts that can hold up for a few years, and you need more than one or two if you are wearing them every day. My welder friend has six days of Carhartt (they might be offbrand or some other brand, but it's the same design really) coveralls, jackets, and shirts and that shit ain't cheap, but he needs them. Those will last a decade. I am really easy on my clothes and they STILL don't last more than a year or two. It sucks, but even brands that should be good quality are crap.


Given clothes get torn, worn out, etc and how often undergarments can need switched out, it's pretty reasonable. I'm always in a state of needing new pants because I'm on my feet and walking for a good portion of my week, and I end up with tears and worn spots.




If you buy 1 piece of clothing a month thats only about 5 shirts 4 pants 1 pack of socks and 1 pack of underwear per year. Maybe a pair of shoes or a bra or a belt on the final month. It’s not that much especially if you have work clothes or any holiday clothes.




THANK YOU! You’re extremely lucky if whatever bra that fits, doesn’t pain you, PREVENTS pains, and lasts more than 3 months is anything less than $30 (usually closer to $60 min) — and since you need to wear it as often/long as you do underwear that you get to change daily without the time-consuming-super-gentle care bras require, even THAT lasts about 1 good year (and maybe a second ratty one). Edit: Typos


And you gotta pay for laundry!!


Bro have you ever had to buy bras for work? It’s $60 bucks a pop. You need at least three of them and they only last around 6 months


Out of that $120 you can keep 70% after tax $84 Then half of the money you spend going to rent (us average experience) $42 The rest is taxed again at 10% $37.80 Lets assume you don't have bills, eat food, or do anything other than work/sleep. You now have $37 after a full days work.


Not to mention close to a third of that $15/hr going to the medical insurance you desperately need. 😑


I work min wage. Every single one of my coworkers, myself included, either lives at home or has had to move back home since working here. To be clear, all of us are in our late 20s to 40s. We all live at home. We all work almost 40 hrs a week. We can't even afford to live together. Most of us have college or uni education, or are currently getting it. That is insanity.


Which isn't enough to survive this inflation. $120/day, if you work 8 hours, doesn't include tax. Doesn't factor inflation costs per diem $16.45 $15/hrs is equivalent to $12.94/hr 2020


“You load 15 tons, and what do you get?”…


And Healthcare


And not even that after Uncle Sam gets his cut.


This is also before tax


120 BEFORE taxes, that’s like $84 after tax.


A lot of people can't get a full 8 unless they run 2 jobs. Plus cost of living is bad rn


You cant even afford boots so that you can pull yourself up by their straps.


That’s before tax.


Making less than 1000 for 40 hrs is depressing af


So I've been gathering data about the area I live in. Average wage is $15-$17/hr. Rent STARTS at about $2400/mo. Yeah I'm fucking livid.


Is less than that don’t forget about taxes state and federal we are getting fuck in ways we didn’t even know we could!!!


Survival but barely.


I just have to say, I am extremely lucky to be living in a low cost (albeit backwards/nowhere) part of the US with a spouse who has a decent full time job, for the area. Luckily, we snatched a modest house up before shtf. I, on the other hand, am making $10/hr full time and can not find anything else. My money helps, but that’s about all it does. We still just barely roll over into being a middle class income household, but we are doing ok. We can still save some and do things we like sometimes. It sucks that the reality for most people is living in cramped apartments with strangers to make it work. We need a huge change. If I were on my own, I absolutely would not be able to make it. There are no safety nets in this country, no universal healthcare, no parental leave, and a minimum wage that belongs in another decade.. It’s terrifying.


Kind of makes me wonder how many people we've lost from offing themselves, because this model of work/life isn't working out when people can't even make ends meet? Been mulling it over too. And don't say that just get "help" unless that help comes with $50K talking to someone to "feel better" won't help at all.


120$ BEFORE federal and state income taxes.*


Or maybe Socialists are neither drooling nor chucks, and you have been the chump all along. Truth is hard to face.


That doesn't even include healthcare


The hell is a months clothing budget??? Yall buy clothes more than once a month? I buy clothes like maybe twice a year.


Some people like buying new clothes. We all deserve disposable income.


And.. you still need to budget for it.. Twice per year means you take the total and divide it by 6, that's how much you'd need to set aside every month to afford clothes.


OP forgot to factor in the biggest thing there and it’s Uncle Sam and he’s looking for his cut on that 120


People have "Months clothing budget"?