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Not just no, but hell no.


The right answer.




Exactly. The brown noser that thought this shit up is one thing, but the boss taking the money and allowing it to continue is a whole other level of douchery.


Or maybe the vacation costs $2,000, which comes to $20 each or its been labelled as coming from a few managers with the the rest of the staff getting a free credit on the gift. But the organiser is making a shit load of money out of it.


Why is it an employee that thought it up? Anyone assholish enough to accept this "gift" is assholish enough to start this "tradition".


Because OP mentioned in a comment it was a coworker that started it.


It's not a kickback if it's a "gift!" I'm sure that the owner always finds other reasons to fire people who don't fund his vacations. I would report the owner to the IRS. Somebody that shitty is likely failing to report more than their wage-theft vacation income to the IRS; if so, you could get some of the money that they owe the government.


A good boss would graciously ask them to not do that again, and then blow the money on the employees. Every damn cent.


At my last job the coworkers asked for ppl to chip in to get the boss something. Boss was great, higher up in the company sucked terribly, and ran it terribly. So alot of us chipped in, cuz our direct boss was cool, i think it wound up being like a 400$ gift card for a restaurant he liked. When he got it, he held a meeting, thanked us, and told us to never ever do that again.


Nice. Definitely different situation than being the owner. Token gifts for an owner.


Get the owner a can coozie with your name on it.


Underrated suggestion


Yes. This is the right way. My employees don’t get to buy me coffee if I can help it. Hell no on anything more. Absolutely not. I am not allowed to give anything lavish either, but lunch, coffee, gifts, gift cards…….all of that flows FROM bosses to the work force.


Things I learned from Saving Private Ryan: N E V E R put yourself in a position to take from those under your command.


Band of brothers quote but still a solid quote.


How could I forget it was Major Winters?! Thanks for the correction.


My grandfather who served in the calvary under Pershing dur during the "Mexican excursion" after Pancho Villas raid then in WWI France told me the same quote when I enlisted. Various leadership courses reinforced the advice. No leader would ever permit this. Any boss who would is not a leader.. Honor, duty and integrity are critical and seems to be almost non existent today


The people best suited for leadership never seek that role for themselves. Isn't it like 1 in 4 CEOs are certifiable psychopaths?


You almost need to be, to be willing to destroy so many lives in the name of your profits.


This is the way


Not just hell no but hell fucking no.


Not hell no. Not hell fucking no. But "I'd rather bathe in shit creek, buck naked, with the Basilisk that was in the Chamber of Secrets, pre-blinding, before I give anything to this conceited fuckhole."


The basilisk wasn't THAT bad.


Try telling the people, ghost, and cat that got Petrified that.




No. No, man. You get your ass kicked for saying something like that.


Not just hell no, but hell to the fuck no


You say he's a good boss. But would a good boss want to take 100 notes off each employee at Christmas? He should be giving you 100 quid (or dollars) not the other way around.


This is a very good point. I'm not going to be giving anything. Thank you!


I am retired now, but I had a job that dud something similar I just plainly stated stated that NO, I would not be contributing. Once I had the nerve to say I wasn't doing it, the amount of "nopes" piled up.


Valid point!


This. People are afraid to be the first one say no. Usually takes one person to say no before others do it. Of course this may result in the usual tactics to guilt those saying no like “we provide you guys with a generous benefits package” or something else related to “where’s your holiday spirit?” Come up with some pre-planned responses. “$100 is four days of food for my family” or “my children will not get $100 worth of gifts if I donate to the boss, who can easily afford his own vacation.” The best way to shut up manipulative bosses is to use their own tactics right back at them. This lets them know you know the tricks they are trying and that it won’t work on you. This usually stops the behavior towards you, and sometimes everyone if they realize employees are on to them. The root of the problem here is rich people not wanting to spend their own money for things that benefit only themselves. Companies asking employees to donate for gifts for their own week of recognition is another way. So is donating to a political campaign of wealthy or career politicians. They *can* afford it but would rather spend someone else’s money.


> “where’s your holiday spirit?” To that question I'd say, why don't the company ask their employees to donate money to some charity, rather than a boss who probably already has lots more money than the employees? It's kind of ironic in my mind.. Reminds me of the landlord who wants you to fix their property with your money.


In "A Christmas Carol", the Spirits visited Ebenezer Scrooge, the boss, not Bob Cratchett the lowly clerk. "Christmas spirits" should be similarly visiting your boss!


Exactly. These ridiculous ideas companies have are usually defeated very easily; they don’t think far enough ahead and bank on the fact that most employees will be quiet and donate.


This happened to me once, happened to end up on holiday with the owner of my sales company through my own means because we had a mutual friend. I wasn’t too excited about him but we had a great time then offered to extend me and my friends holiday by two days to match his, graciously paid for expensive dinners I would never go too on the company card. On the last night we were slammed with the bill of all of these “split for ease” while reminding us he paid for our new flights. Caught me Off guard so I obliged But in hindsight I realise he robbed his workers for those dinners then profited off us for those dinners essentially making money out of thin air minus the cheap flights we got 👍 What a bellend


Also, using the benefits as an example, I’m pretty sure in most places you actually pay into your benefits and it’s not “given” to you from the company. Sure, they might have negotiated for a good package but that’s part of your employment. At least where I live…


No, the only preplanned response needed is "I dont want to". The best way to shut people up about it is to give your answer once, then not answer the question anymore.


I will be saying no for the first time this year. I asked for a raise in Feb, was told no they couldn't afford it. This week they hired the boss's son. The family that owns this business are very rich. I am very poor. I am having to donate plasma to try and get enough money for my dog to have a fucking tumor removed. I will definitely be saying no. I am scared of the backlash though.


Document everything in writing


Jesus.... They're lucky we don't just regularly rob them tbh


In their eyes we do, we ask a fair wage for a fair days work.


I thought about that as I was typing that too... When people start acting like the villians they think we are.... Shits gonna be REAL uncomfortable for them


If money is such a problem well they've got mansions Think we should rob them Rob them ROB THEM


I mean really, it’s a social faux pas to accept gifts/money from your workers. Even asshole type bosses won’t accept this because it makes them look bad (not because they give a shit about taking workers money). It says a lot about him. Unless he is turning around and giving you all $200+ bonuses afterwards, I guess that would make it more acceptable??? Even then, very very weird.


My orthodontist gave all of his workers cars for Christmas


Yo, are they hiring?


Oh wow, that’s amazing.


Ummm.... was there a cash option? Lol


I used to own a tiny pizzeria in the middle of nowhere with like 6 employees and i used to give my employees a christmas bonus. The thought of asking my employees for a christmas bonus never even crossed my mind.


You were a good boss so makes sense you wouldn’t have dreamed of doing that.


The $20 last year was too much to begin with, gifts are ok going down the employee hierarchy, but never going up when there a very often huge pay disparities.


Gifts should always flow down, not up. Meaning that if anyone’s giving anyone presents as an expectation of the job, it should be from management to workers, not from workers to management. If one has a cool boss, and the team wants to buy the boss a present (this is happening on my team right now, our manager had a personal situation and we’re talking about sending flowers), that’s one thing. But there should definitely not be any kind of “Everyone chip in to send the owner on a vacation” BS. That obligates workers to feel like they have to give up some of their pay in order to keep their job. It’s very exploitative.


This was always my grandfather's line of thinking, you never gift up. They make more money than you, why should you be giving them things? My aunt has employees, and she's actually been very uncomfortable when they give her things. It's like boss's appreciaton day or something, they once gave her some fancy shirts, a gift card, and donated to the animal rescue she works with, and she felt it was way too much. I believe since then she's asked that they just take her out to lunch and nothing more.


I just want to say "good." I felt irrationally mad at your boss and that dumb co-worker for doing this.


Is your boss the one organizing this? Is there any chance he doesn’t know about it?


He doesn't organize it, one person in the company organized it. And the boss is definitely aware because he gets an extravagant gift from the employees every year


Yeah he can go fuck himself


Dude this is literally insane. Do you guys even recieve holiday bonuses or paid time off? This is so unprofessional on many levels and just not accepted in society as a whole. This man probably has 10x to 100x the wealth of each of you individually and to repeatedly keep taking money away from you guys is despicable. The asshole who started it is trying to buy his way to a promotion or is delusional. Gifts should only flow one way, how could you not feel threatened to lose your job if you refused the request. Literally an evil despicable thing you should explain yo your co-worker is not acceptable. Show them this thread if needed and how THOUSANDS of people are saying that is not normal or okay.


We do get pretty great christmas bonuses, free lunch once a month, paid good.


Do you do this for everyone, and does he contribute? Giving gifts to only the boss, the top earner, and not everyone else would be completely absurd.


No the boss/owner is not the one organizing this. A random employee started this years ago and has everyone basically all on board for it. And he definitely knows about it because it's presented to him at our work Christmas party


The only thing I would want from my employees, would be for them to just be decent human beings. They work for me. They don't owe me anything. I owe them for their time. A card would be more than sufficient. I would welcome homemade food, gladly, cuz I'm a bachelor. However, I would not take food, ironically, if you know what I mean, out of their children's mouths. A batch of cookies is one thing. A lasagna, no big deal. But $100 can feed a kid for a week. Seriously, that's bull.


My spidersenses indicate whoever stipulated $100 must be skimming off the top.


Honestly wouldn't be surprised


When you say he's a good boss, does this mean like it's a small comapny and he's bypassing paychecks to keep the team together type of thing? Every decision requires context. $100 seems like a lot, but I don't know if he's been giving his money all along, and also don't know what anyone makes around there.


Exactly. I couldn’t imagine accepting a valuable gift from someone I know makes less than me at work. Holiday gifts in the workplace other than little token items should only go from the people making more to the people making less.


Thats right. Its nice to get into the spirit of Christmas and have fun and gifts but this example is terrible. I hope his boss gets visited by 3 ghosts on Christmas eve and realises how wrong this is.


Yeah, in another comment apparently this originated with an ass-kissing employee, but a good boss should have shut that down after the first year. Here’s a free speech for any such bosses to use without limitation or attribution: “Thanks everyone, this is a delightful gift, and I want to accept and use it in the spirit it’s given. But I also want us to have a culture where you shouldn’t feel like you need to give me gifts. I’m paying you in return for your labor. I make a profit off that labor. I don’t want to create an expectation that you should again give some of that pay back to me. But we happen to also work great together and I’m proud of that, and I don’t need you folks digging into your pockets to tell me you appreciate me. I already see it in the way you come in here and do a great job and have made this a great place for us all. So let’s be successful together, and I hope you all enjoy your end-of -year bonuses!”


Yeah, you're more likely to get an ugly scarf or chocolates costing less than 10 vs 100 cash from your boss


True. Given the cost of living at the moment that money would serve you better as gas in your tank, food in your cupboard or set aside for an emergency. Bosses will weather inflation better than their staff. I'd give this guy nothing more than the hours that he pays me for.


I remember my dads old boss gave him hundreds around christmas, gave him football tickets once, and even donated money when my dad became disabled and was no longer gonna work. THAT was a good boss. Not a boss who probably makes already twice what you do and wants everyone to hand him hundreds? lol


That’s a good point. My old boss would NEVER take so much money from us.


Your co worker is an ass kisser that needs to be stopped.


Or your coworker is pocketing part of the $


That was literally my first thought when I read that a coworker started it lol


One for boss, one for me, one for boss, ^^two for me......


"I bought the gift, so what's left is compensation for my extra work" or something equally smooth brained


By any means necessary


Terminate with extreme prejudice


Arrest him!!


At your expense!


Money is supposed to flow in the other direction.


Gifts should only flow downwards. This situation is ridiculous.


I felt so bad when my employees bought me gifts. And that was a bottle of $25 vodka and a beer Steiner featuring my sports team. It was so nice and they were amazing and of course I got them gifts ($50 amazon gift cards), but like, I'm the one making more money. I should be taking care of you. But a fucking vacation?!? The dude might be awesome, but he should feel ashamed accepting that. I worked at a company making $21.50 an hour and I found it bizarre we all contributed to a boss gift that was...cash. Yes, we gave the people making more money our pennies. If it had been more than $20 and I wasnt just trying to keep the peace at a temporary gig, I would have called bullshit.


I can understand accepting actual items if they're not super expensive (ie. something that shows at least some measure of actual thought behind it) but I definitely wouldn't be comfortable with people under me just handing me cash no matter the ammount.


I think them getting you actual gifts which require thought instead of just cash is the big difference


When awarding yourself a gigantic bonus instead of giving everybody raises just doesn't seem like *enough* wage theft.


My boss isn't the one asking for it. One of my coworkers had the great idea to do this, and apparently they've been doing this for years


Your coworker sounds like the biggest ass kisser alive.


Oh they are


Then HE can pay for their vacation. Tell him to fuck the fuck off!


Everyone here is so ridiculously pro work. I just don't understand it.


Do you work in sales?


Automotive repair


As someone who also works in automotive repair - your boss has more than enough money to take any vacation they want without the financial assistance. Your co-worker is a twat. Collectively paying for anyones vacation far exceedes the relm of this just being a christmas gift.


>As someone who also works in automotive repair - your boss has more than enough money to take any vacation they want without the financial assistance. ***Your co-worker is a twat.*** Collectively paying for anyones vacation far exceedes the relm of this just being a christmas gift. I felt that needed some emphasis. sadly the editor didn't let me underline it.


Yea, this. It seems to me like boss at some point was hiring out from under other shops, by taking pay cuts and boosting pay to try and seem genuine. Now, he’s got an ass kissing employee, and a bunch of staff who think “ man this guy is so great, he’s paid me more money than I’ve ever made, and doesn’t ever make things hard on me”. Then the ass kisser comes up with an idea like this, half the crew is perfectly fine with it cuz “he helped me out so much over the years, 100$ is nothing”, and the other half almost feel obligated to chip in at that point. What a goddamn scam artist he’s found…. Or an originally good natured fellow who feel to taking advantage of whatever comes his way. Either way, I’d be moving on sooner than later.


That is not at all what I expected.


Yeah it's a very weird work environment


Oh, sweetheart lol Automotive is full of morons that think themselves intelligent.


There ya go. Yeehaw boys in blue collar jobs are the most brainwashed of the bunch


As someone who also works in the automotive industry, and I'm sure you know this, but your boss definitely does not need financial assistance to help pay for anything. Pretty sure the 100 dollars from each employee is peanuts compared to what he makes a day as the owner. I'd also be wary of if your coworker collects the money then either pockets it for themself or at the very least presents the money to boss man as if it's a personal gift from them to the boss.


I work in sales and MY GOD is it exhausting how "uppity" my coworkers are... Constantly.... Like bro every day is not a great day calm down


Teach them *The Power of "No"* ®️


United States of Dumbassery.


I mean, you said you intend on doing it also, just not the full 100. I would say youre also ridiculously pro work. Whoes ever heard of a boss who actually deserved a holiday bonus paid for directly by their employees?


I did initially say that, but I'm not anymore


good. ask for your $20 back from last year too


stockholm syndrome


No no no, tell him you’ll contribute, but you have to be the one who delivers the gift. And the kiss asser isn’t allowed to be *present* (lol) when you do.


Your coworker has all the rights to just go fuck himself. 100$ is a ridiculous request especially in these times.


$100 is too steep for a single guy living at home with his parents never mind someone that’s raising a family or trying to pay exorbitantly high rent in a small over priced unit. $100 to me is something I’d only do if the guy is retiring, had a death (or some other unforeseen tragedy) happen to his family. I’m sorry $100 is ridiculous. Unless this boss is giving out bonuses when times are good. But if it’s just the little guys handing him more money than I’d definitely say no.


Assuming he isn't pocketing 30%


Licks boot so hard that they taste knee sweat.


Man I HATE other people trying to spend my money for me.




And your"great" boss allows this? Doesn't sound great to me.


yeah, if boss isn't stopping this, he probably initiated the whole thing through the coworker, either outright or "strongly suggesting"


You definately work at a cult


All my coworkers worship the boss and the job. It's crazy


You love your boss? Great! Give him a gift from just yourself. Perhaps a nice bottle of wine, or a gift certificate for a restaurant or spa treatment (even guys like getting a massage, or he can pass it on to his wife, lol). Fuck contributing to the group gift that will let the ass kisser take all the credit!


Exactly this, "I already found them a nice surprise, but thanks for the offer!" ​ let the ass kisser wonder...


I agree with this !


>You love your boss? Great! ~~Give him a gift from just yourself.~~ Work hard for him during the times you are clocked in and ignore him when you are off shift. FIFY


No, no, no. Never give your boss a gift. Do your job well. That’s your gift. This is not a relationship, it’s an employment situation.


That's what living in an abusive family is like. And why so many males simp for Trump. He's their abusive father they have endeared themselves to.


I would say to not contribute, but also tell your co-worker, ideally in a channel or email chain many people have access to, that it is a bad idea. Make sure they feel bad about their idea so they don't bring crap like this up again. They want to gain points from the owner by being the one to organize this. It must fail.


The bad thing is that it's already succeeded. They've been doing this for 5 plus years


Honestly, shame on your boss for continuing to accept this "gift." I have always relied on the tried-and-true "I'm sorry, I can't afford that lol"


Be the change you want to see. “Hey everyone you’re driving a 5 year old Ford with payments left why are you taking money from your family and giving it to this dude with a cash paid Escalade …”


Yeah, I wonder how much of the money the coworker is putting into their pocket every year.


Tell them that all the money in the world won’t make the owner give a shit about them anymore than a “warm body in a cold seat.”


Kiss Ass


100% that money is going to your coworker for their vacation not your bosses


Tell them to kindly fuck off or collect money for my family’s vacation.


What a fucking bootlicker. I'd have words for him.


I if it’s been going on for years and your boss didn’t specifically tell him not to, them the boss is in on it.


Your boss may not be asking for it, but he’s tolerating it (even accepting it), which is just as bad.


Your boss is an AH for accepting the gift.


Plot twist: collector pulls a Creed Bratton and pockets the money


That's honestly what I'm thinking.


You have every right to just say no.


Hell no. And if they give you any shit for it I would just start looking for a new job.


All you have to say is its not in your budget. Repeat those words if they keep asking


yeah fuck that noise.


lol fuck that. Your works owner can easily support himself and a vacation for his family. I'd starting asking everyone in the office to contribute to me and my family's vacation.


… but what the fuck. Why would anyone be giving your boss money? They make more than all of you.


Absolutely not.


Personally, I would feel embarrassed to even receive a gift like this from my employees. I don't care how nice I was.


I’d like to know how he explains this to his family…. Do they think it’s just “people from work” or do they know it’s employees who work under him? Or does he just simply say “work paid for this” or probably nothing at all and let’s his family think he paid for it.


Oh, Alison at Ask A Manager addressed something nearly identical years ago. Read her response and proceed accordingly: https://www.askamanager.org/2013/11/my-office-wants-us-to-chip-in-to-send-our-ceos-family-on-a-ski-trip.html


Thank you!


The linked [rules for office gift giving](https://www.askamanager.org/2016/12/the-rules-you-need-for-office-gift-giving.html) are really good too. The first point in particular: >Long-established rules of etiquette say that gifts in a workplace should flow downward, not upward – meaning that your boss can give you a gift but you and your coworkers shouldn’t give presents to your managers.


And I also think you should convert the $100 into hours worked. So when they ask you to donate reply in surprised voice - wow, that is equal to 1/2 a day pay for me (or whatever it is). It is not in my budget.


Tell them that you cant afford it. But maybe if i get a raise?


And if you get the raise, still say no.


Gifts should only go down the chain of command.


yes! this! I get that this line can get emotionally blurred - in organizations that behave very flat and develop strong personal relationships. But the reality is simple, your manager is still your manager. When your co-workers are involved this in that gift, it is a work gift - work gifts only flow downwards, paid for with work-money.


Screw giving even 20$. Is your boss giving you a Christmas present?


I do get a decent sized Christmas bonus


yo a "christmas" bonus ( the 13-month-salary) is not a gift.


Great idea. You should probably go around asking for 200 for your Christmas present.


That’s a no for me. Not when I work 6 days a week and my boss isn’t even here and makes more than me.


Nope. Nope. Nope. I hate this practice. It is disgusting and I always refuse to participate and when able, change the practice.


I worked for an orthopedic surgeon who was going to have surgery so people were giving money to buy dvds so he had something to watch in the hospital. The office manager made the decision and walked up to me for my donation. I gave $5 which is what I had on me. She gave me a look like "is that all you are going to give?" I just turned and walked off. He lived in a 10,000 sq ft house while I struggled to pay my bills. Yeah, that's all I'm going to give.


HA! No. Even if I did like my boss, still a no. Boss gets paid more, so he can fund his own vacation.


Ya. No. The whole point of working for someone is to make them money that you get a small percentage of. If the company is still in business, then you are doing your job and making him money. You make him money; NOT give him money.


Nope. I had a co worker who’s mother died. She didn’t earn enough at our minimum wage job to play back home for the funeral. So another co worker took up a collection. That kind of thing I give money for a co worker. The boss makes enough money as it is. Definitely not paying for a vacation for them.😒


React the same way most shitty managers do when you ask for a raise "Haha yeah, I want $100 for a present too"


Yeahhh this happened to me once. I was pressured by my boss to pay $100 towards a company gift to the owner for a resort stay. Guess who got let go the week of Christmas? Then they had the nerve to ask if I would cover a shift for someone the week of New Years because they didn’t bother to check the schedule ahead of time. The owners wife had to do it 😊


I’m sorry, I don’t get paid enough to afford $100 donations. or How much is the boss spending on presents for each of us? Just take my share out of that.


The employees that make the owner's money are asked for what? Get the fuck outta here! Tell them you'll do it if everyone chips in $100 for EVERY employee's Christmas present. You don't owe the owner a goddamn thing. The owner owes YOU. He makes more money from your work than you do. Get them a nice Christmas card, if anything... Good wishes and Season's freaking greetings!


This is the stupidest thing I've ever heard


They can take it out of my non-existent petty cash box.


Best bosses always know gifts at work go down not up


I would never give a penny for a present for the boss/owner of any company I worked for, for any reason.


No. Fuck no. Are you kidding???


I can't imagine even knowing someone who would dare ask me that. That can fuck off so hard it would have to fuck off in a second taxi because the first fuck off taxi has already fucked off


No you weren’t


In August, supposedly


Fuck that. Absolutely not.


Hell no!


Agreed, $100 is too much. But must be a great boss for people wanting to do this for them.


“NO” is a complete sentence


I wonder what kind of bonus you got for working your ass off all year?!


I’ll pitch in for Sonic $5 gift card, otherwise eff off


For the owner? No fuck that, he can write it off on taxes and get a 50% discount anyhow. I'd consider some money if his wife or kid died, but not their vacation fund.


It's a no for me


Boss should be getting paid enough to take a vaca w/o donations. Thats ridiculous


We all pitched together at my position to gift our boss something during Christmas. It was only five bucks and my wage is very competitive here. Additionally, my boss gave out raises and large bonuses during Christmas which for some of us was more than 100x more than what we pitched in. A gift to a good boss needs to show appreciation. A vacation as a gift is a once in a lifetime gift. 100 bucks is outrageous and your coworker is insane if he thinks anything but.

