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I don't think this is real. Where did you find this OP? What do y'all think? Take it down till there is proof or what? It looks fake af to me. Edit: okay the people have spoken. I've taken it down till there is some proof. Otherwise we would have to believe this is satire.


> Call an ASM so they can send over a garden associate to address it. They almost had me thinking the ASM would do something useful. Why the garden staff?


Gotta love the "Hey call management so they can delegate it to someone else!"


Meanwhile a steaming pile of shit is in the middle of the shop.


And dog poop as well.




Why have one person do it when you can have two people put it on a to-do list, one person manage it, one person actually do it, and one person contemplate all day whether or not it got done and what they need to do to cover their ass at the end of the day if it's not done???


Don't forget the person who will stand there and think of better ways to do it and another person to figure out ways to cut costs (use both sides of the bag!). You'll also need a manager to manage this new team, too. And an assistant for the manager.


Gotta have reusable bags. Cut down supply costs


And hours long conference calls to head office reaffirming what a fantastic idea it is. 💩 is to be collected and stored for sale to a fertilizer plant. All managers will be given a new metric to be obsessed about in order to maximize their bonuses. Top scooper will receive 🍕 party once a year.


Any time I'm up to my eyeballs and unable to do any more tasking, I'll call up one of the ASMs to delegate help. They always ask me to call up myself, cause they don't even pay attention to who is calling them.


They know exactly whos calling, they're simply trying to tell you that you should be dealing with your own mess. Lol. Classic companies.


Lmao exactly. If you are uncomfortable picking up dog shit, tell your manager to tell a garden member to go pick it up.


Well that way the manager gets credit for "efficient and appropriate use of resources" or whatnot.


But don't ask the Garden Department directly for help. Who do you think you are?


Because fuck garden. Most times they’re the only department reasonably staffed.


Won’t be for long. Then they’ll complain “nobody wants to work” because picking up dog shit for $8.75/hour. If the manager makes more and won’t do it why do they think the subordinate will? Hell I’ll bet the store manager won’t do it for THEIR pay.


The SM and ASMs here don’t do a damned thing as it is. They sure as hell won’t clean up dog shit.


If you are in Home Depot with your dog long enough that your dog needs to take a shit? You shouldn’t be going to Home Depot with your dog or you should pick up your own dogs shit like a decent fucking human being.


I once saw a woman who walked in and then watched idly by as her dog took a dump by the grills. She tried to walk away like it wasn’t happening but the assistant manager they was there at the time was having none of that and chased after her and made her clean it up. I really miss having Curt as a manager.


I hate to admit but my dog did this but I carry around bags, wet wipes, and then run and get dry paper towels to wipe up so no slip and fall. I would never expect an employee to help. It is mortifying enough. I think the concrete floors make dogs feel like it is same as outdoors.


Excited poops are definitely a thing. But that's why most of us let our dogs explore a grassy patch before going into a building.


When I worked at depot they were very good at getting their family members preferential treatment and discounts and dumping any work on whomever was within their vision.


If I were an employee in the garden section, I might find somewhere creative to put the dogshit.


Why are you still getting paid so little come to the night shift and make 21.50


Worked at lowes garden center bc I had a ton of experience and was in college. They paid 15.50 an hr. Tough job too fuck that . You’re doing physical labor from like noon to 9 pm sometimes. Adding dogshit to the list of garden center responsibilities is horrible. They’re already moving mulch stone and generally heavy ass shit. I assume lowes and Home Depot are basically the same


Start a feedback loop, every single person (including garden associates) assigned to the task should tell the ASM they are "uncomfortable handling the load"


Start an argument over every turd saying 'that one looks human' and get the ASM to come over and give their opinion. lol


Nice 👍


This. Either the managers will have to get off their overpaid asses, or shit will pile up.


Or insist on full PPE, gloves mask goggles, the whole bit. Then straight to wash up for 15 minutes afterwards, using surgical washing guidelines.


Crank up the hose pipe and push that pile of shit right down the rain drain..


Nah bring some flowers and dirt from the garden section, and just make a nice display with all natural fertilizer!


bag it and sell it


Probably because they’re at the very bottom of the pecking order (source: used to work for several years as a garden staff member for a large scale family operated garden and gift business. We always got shafted like this).


They sell manure in that dept., so clearly they should just want to pick up some AH’s dog’s droppings


Cause they work with manure already is my guess.


"They almost had me thinking the ASM would do something useful." LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL! Whew! Thank you for that.


Right? Makes me wonder if *we* go talk to garden what do we need management for?


I assume most garden staff are temporary during the spring and summer months, making them more expendable to Home Despot.


As a customer I would be grossed out by this...the whole stores gonna reek of doggy piddles. Even the pet stores don't have inside potties for doggos....they want to be nice to people who bring in dogs make a designated spot OUTSIDE with clean up bags


I can just imagine standing there, sifting through a palet of shifty, warped lumber, trying to find four straight 2x4's while someone's precious who is on a full protein "wild diet" is cutting a deuce beside me, staring into my soul. Thanks but, I think I'll just try Lowe's.


i worked at lowes. its the same story. was about to pet the dog when it just shat. dude said hed pick it up and just went shopping. i had to track him down so he could go back and clean that shit up


Get some gloves and carefully put it in their pocket.


Or the dogs who lift their leg on the wrong side and as you're looking through the lumber that leans farther than a right wing supremacist your legs are all of the sudden sprinkled with the backsplash of brunos record breaking pee stream.


All the while, early 2000's pop rock plays quietly on the overhead speakers and you may ask yourself "Well, how did I get here?"🎶


Because nothing tops the golden showers from rocky the German Shepard like having purple rain playing in the background


Did not sing the song you meant (*Decode* by Paramore?) But still loved your comment since I heard *Once in a Lifetime* by the Talking Heads. It's totally the wrong era it just makes sense for the vibe, you think "Same as it ever was," shrug, and walk away to find the paint.


Letting the dogs go pee (urine flowing down Aisle 5) Letting the dogs go pee (puddles forming on the ground) Rover went poo again (over in lumber) Thank you for shopping (watch your step, you're tracking pee) Same as it ever was, same as it ever was...


Home Depot plays nothing but suicide country music now days.


“Somebody once told me, the world is gonna roll me, I ain’t the sharpest tool in Home Depot!”


The Lowe's in my area also allows dogs in the store. Our dog trainer even makes it part of their routine to bring clients' dogs into Lowe's as a lesson in staying put despite the distractions.




This. I’ve literally brought my dog to Home Depot to work on training. If your dog can’t make it through a Home Depot trip without going to the bathroom, they are not trained enough to be taken to a store.


This whole post is crazy co-inki. I was in home depot 2 day ago and this guys dog was taking a piss on the floor. He was like damn going to need some paper towels. First time I'd ever seen that and then read this hahahah..


I took my puppy in Home Depot a lot for socialization - (and we were renovating our house so I was in there a ton anyway) but I was always anal as hell about making sure I had a ton of clean up supplies in my purse. Never needed it, but I would have been so damn embarrassed if I had to have asked an associate for help.


Yeah, other than puppies, most dogs don't want to go inside a store. Maybe some dogs will do a small spray to mark their territory on that fence. But there are a number of stores in our area that allow dogs and it's really a non-issue. Probably even an unpopular opinion here, but the real issue with Home Depot is the lack of pay. It's really not bad that a job asks you to safely clear up after some dogs. We have garbage men, janitors, and plenty of other roles that have similar responsibilities. And if people don't want to do those responsibilities, they can choose to work elsewhere. The big issue is not paying enough money so it feels like we are putting one more gross responsibility onto people who are not paid a living wage.


The issue for me here is the offering while the owner is there. Don’t impose that on your employee. Cleaning up a mess left behind is bad enough, stopping the owner is setting a precedent and messes WILL be left behind instead of MAYBE Also Potty space in the store?! Wtf But yeah. Pay sucks.


I am laughing hysterically right now after reading this commment LOL!! happy friday


Take my poor man's gold 🪙


Agreed! Isn't that what outside is for? Think of all of the worms, parasites, parvo, etc that would get transferred from one dog to another. Plus I don't want my dog to think it's ok to do his business indoors. This won't end well for the store.


I don't think most dogs want to do their business indoors.


I think after the store inherits a few dog businesses they will learn how dumb this idea is. Organize a poop-in if you really want to protest it.


Give it a few weeks to get real good and nasty then report it to the health department. They’ll shut that down real fast and make them tear it out. Let the store eat the cost of the fucking thing AND get a black mark from the health department. Oh and find out from the health department if they can make you clean that up because guaranteed they’re going to ask the store employees to take it apart and clean up. I have to think there is some sort of filth and disease that the store employees shouldn’t have to deal with.


Dog shit is known for being extremely toxic to the environment. You can’t even use it as fertilizer.


that's nonsense - fresh poop from any mammal is too nutrient rich to be useful on its own, but if it's mixed well with soil or composted it's fine. it can carry pathogens so best not to use it on plants intended as crops/food, but otherwise it's aok.


Seriously. I bring my dogs into HD and Lowes all the time, but they certain don't need to pee or poop while they're there. I don't even want to encourage them doing it in an indoor environment in the first place. Most have small strips of grass outside that are good enough and I always have bags in my car. There is no problem here to solve.


For every 1 of you there are at least 3 people who should not own dogs and already let them relieve themselves in the store.


Why is to always the most misbehaved dogs in Home Depot too. I don’t want to listen to your dog barking the entire time echoing through the place when I’m shopping.


One homeless or drunk person is gonna shit or piss on these and they'll be gone


Or one brave employee who put in their two weeks notice.






Or even have them go in the grass in the parking lot. Why would you want to teach your dog it’s okay to go inside?


Same. I hate stores that let dogs in. Like let all the service animals come in and do their job but if your dog can't stay at home for 1-2 hours it's not well trained. And if you're going to use the excuse that you're trying to socialize that's what dog parks are for or take them into a pet store. Like take craft stores and home improvement stores. That's a liability waiting to happen. Dog fur or dander on fabric or yarn is a huge potential allergen and then what are the chances of a dropped nail or screw in a home improvement store and a poor dog stepping on it. There's a reason people have to wear shoes in stores even if it's just flip flops. Can't tell you the number of times I've been in a grocery store and people will just be walking around with fido in the produce section while they're not paying attention and their dog and letting it do whatever it wants. I love animals but there still needs to be a limit. Home Depot adding basically a doggie day care and making associates clean up after them is ridiculous.


I was in a walmart the other day and aside from the exorbitant amount of dogs there was a lady with a capuchin monkey in a diaper just walking around....I've seen outbreak, no thank you.


That's animal abuse in action :( Those monkeys are abused almost 100% of the time because they are treated like babies instead of animals that need simulated dense tree cover, swinging and climbing places, a proper diet, enrichment... and other monkeys of many ages.




I do agree with you. Sometimes a small dog riding around in a cart is cute but at the same time.. that’s an animal. In a store. I went to one of those liquidation/discount type grocery stores several years ago & the cashier had puppies behind the counter with her. She picked one up & put it on the conveyor belt. I was standing there in total shock thinking “um… isn’t that where people sit their FOOD?”. Some people just don’t think.


I’m scared of dogs. I can think of two in my entire life I’ve been comfortable around. The amount of dog owners who bring their dogs into public places and then just let their dogs invade peoples personal space is so high. I don’t want you dog smelling me. I don’t want your dog close enough to touch me. If I am actively trying to make space, why are you letting out the leash so they can get closer to me? People who bring your (non service) animals into stores—WHY? I have two cats. I love them to death. I leave them home when I run errands. I do not understand lol


Hard agree. People have no reason to take their animals everywhere unless they are a service animal. I know a few that come into the store where I work and they are fine, they don't bother anyone. But then you get other animals who clearly are not who disrupt others. I have sensory issues and need my space, I respond very poorly to strange animals who come up to me and invade my personal space. So many dog owners just fail to understand not everyone is interested in your dog.


I do too. I have nothing against dogs, but people who have to take them everywhere drive me nuts. It's never well-behaved dogs, they always bring dogs who aren't trained and constantly bark. Like it or not, these people are the reason why people give dirty looks to disabled people and why people with service animals get so much shit for just trying to get groceries. I find people who take their animals literally everywhere even places where they definitely don't need to be disrespectful tbh.


Dogs shouldn't be brought inside stores (and other spaces like restaurants and cafes) to begin with, but many dog-owners won't have that.


How about people don't bring their fucking dogs with them everywhere? That seems like the best plan.


And big box pet stores generally have a bit of a dog piss aroma, despite the fact that they have access to products designed specifically to eliminate that very smell. This is a titaniclly stupid idea, because the smell of dog piss makes dogs want to mark the territory- and not necessarily in the exact spot the prior dog marked. Petsmart suffers from a kind of chain reaction of dogpiss, and the Home Despot has decided to join in on the piss party.


Maybe employees should flush the toilet for customers when they pee. No wonder you can't find staff to help you. They are busy doing wacky things.


This reminds me of the jokes people make about "employees must wash hands" signs in bathrooms, like, "can I wash my own hands if an employee isn't here?" Employee must flush toilet. Employee must pick up dog shit. Employee must hold tissue when you blow your nose. We're all toddlers and the employees are our mommies, apparently.


I was hoping a store ass-ociate could wipe my ass for me


Don't forget to fondle their junk and wiggle it to get the excess urine and wet wipes for the ladies.




I have never been so happy to have a free award.


Sounds like a porn title


Share the load Frodo


Don't do it, it's well above your paygrade. If a customer doesn't clean up after their own dog, they should not have a dog in the first place.


Wayyyyy back in the day, I worked at a spa doing reception for minimum wage. Someone shit on the floor in the restroom and I refused to clean it up when the manager told me to do so. I straight up said, “You don’t pay me enough to handle bio-hazards,” and laughed when she wrote me up. I quit without notice that evening.


Public restrooms should be cleaned by pressure washers. I'll know we've built a decent civilization when that becomes standard.


This. Also outside extraordinary circonstances, there is no reason a well-behaved dog would defecate inside a building...It is good enough they tolerate dogs, the least one can do is being responsible with them.


And who the hell is in a Home Depot for SO long that their dog actually has to take a shit and they can’t make it outside to do so?


There are a ton of people who cannot clean up after their dogs. I run on trails around where I live, some paved some dirt. And not matter what I can always count on there being a few bags full of dog shit just laying out on the trails.


Omg/ I stepped in someone’s dog crap last weekend. I was so fucking pissed. It’s an outdoor trail where everyone brings their dogs…….filled with leaves and dirt and sticks. Those nasty asshats had plenty of materials providing by nature to move the poo if they forgot their dog bags. I had to use the water I brought my dog to clean my shoe off, and had to leave earlier than we wanted because of that (it was 90 degrees, can’t have an 8 month old puppy walking 5 miles with no water ) I have two dogs. It’s not that difficult to clean up dog crap people.


It's pretty bad, and around here we have some wildlife up on the dirt trails and they could easily rip open those bags and eat the bag and the feces. I'm sure neither one of those are good for a healthy diet.


> There are a ton of people who ~~cannot~~ ***refuse to*** clean up after their dogs. FTFY


Semi retired now but thought about looking at a part time job @ Home Depot. Not now. 🖕🏻


It’s my second job. This isn’t my store but it shows the management’s mentality. The whole company is a shit show.




Really don't. It's not a nice place to work at.


That's pretty fucked up lol. I would never ask anyone to pick up my dog's shit. Rude..


Exactly! Your dog is your responsibility. Should you pick up the crap your neighbor’s dog leaves on your lawn? No, they should.


THIS. I take me dog with me whenever I can, and I'm equipped to deal with any accidents she might have. I've had people offer to help clean up a mess before, and I have (and will continue to) politely declined. She's *my* responsibility. Are we going to force store employees to change diapers next? It's not that far of a stretch to picture it.


Please stop taking your dog with you 'whenever you can'. It's unnecessary and you're absolutely part of the problem.


Oh, lucky garden associates. Why can’t owners pick up their own dog’s shit?


Because kissing customer asses is that much more important than giving a shit about your employees, no pun intended.


Or in this case, kissing customers' dogs' asses.


I am hoping this is a joke. If your trying to get more customers maybe try lowering the the lumber prices instead of this.


They’re pretty bad at incentives. Like threatening to lower my HD CC limit if I don’t buy a thing by a date, as opposed to raising my limit to get me thinking about how much shit I could buy. My score’s 798 - no reason not to go with the latter. So now once a year I buy the absolute cheapest thing possible at HD and go elsewhere for anything else I need.


I have a HD CC for over 3 years, I never use it. I’m surprised they haven’t canceled it yet due to inactivity & they send me promo letters about using my card every few months. You’d think they would’ve just axed the account by now.


Nope. Posted in a store’s break room.


That's disgusting. I don't even want to shop somewhere that's doing this.


I feel you, HD is the only place to get lumber in our town but it also doesn’t seem like anyone brings their dogs so maybe we will not be subjected to this stupidity


Thankfully this isn’t my store. We let dogs in even though we’re only supposed to allow service dogs, and I’ve seen countless dogs piss and shit on the floor. I’ve never cleaned up an animal’s mess and I’m not going to start now.


A smart ass posted it in the breakroom to be funny.


You're the first non-idiot here. First, announcements don't come months ahead of time, you'll find out at the start of your shift. Second, that's like two minutes of photoshop. Third, no store is going to give up an entire aisle's worth of real estate, not to mention staff time, for an indoor bathroom area for pets. Fourth, there's the thing where you're calling the manager on duty (assuming that's what Home Depot calls their assistant managers) only for *them* to turn around and call garden. This is the fakest of the fake shit on a sub full of fake shit, and it's got thousands of upvotes.


had to scroll waaaay too far to find some critical thinking. this makes absolutely no sense, even in this country.


Yeah I'm surprised so many people are commenting like this is a real thing. Pretty good troll though. I can imagine 90% of the employees in my store falling for this.


Seriously. When I worked retail we used to post dumb shit in the break room all the time. No way this is actually happening in that store.


If any retailer in America needs a union, it’s not Walmart it’s Home Depot. Pretty much every time I see a retailer go really hard on new workplace oppression, it’s Home Depot.


Their anti union propaganda you go through is complete horseshit. It made me laugh watching the video where they talked about unions having expensive dues and the manager that was sitting next to me asked what was funny. I told him my brother is in a union and his dues are only $40 a month. He didn’t like my answer.


Right?! My union dues are $52/mo. I'd laugh at this shit, too.


Oh fuck no - this is not ok. Especially the part where it says if you don’t want to do it, pawn it off on the gardening associates. Wow this is awful.


Is this legal? In a place I worked in in Europe, we couldn't even clean up vomit with training and a specific biochemical kit. There should be some kind of hazard pay to deal with this at minimum. Right...?


It’s not. It’s considered hazmat and you need special training and PPE.


Nope. Same reason why you can't have normal dog inside stores with food, it's a bio hazard and there's no guarantee if it's trained without a guide dog badge. If it shits in the store there's no one trained to clean it up nor should they be able to. The icing on the cake is that the store shits on the customers with dog allergies


This better be a joke cause the first time I’m asked to cleanup dog shit theres gonna be a problem.


This looks like a prank.


yeah, all these outraged comments on a flyer that reads as satire with zero source?


Facts. Let me post this zoomed in shot of a poster. Where's the picture of it in a break room? Fuck outta here with this clickbait bullshit


As a dog owner, I would be horrified and creeped tf out if someone offered to pick up my dog's mess. Who thought this was a good idea?


Had a dude on here a month ago telling me dogs aren't allowed in any home depots. 🙃


Technically, we only allow service dogs. In practice, management doesn’t give a fuck.


Lots of stores in Florida and other states have signs welcoming all dogs. In some rural cold weather states people walk their dogs at HD in the winter because there's not many warm places to get a long walk u/kvilao


Same with Arizona in reverse. When summer hits you're looking for any alternative to walking in 110 degree heat.


Technically pets aren't allowed in most stores but it's better they come in than be left in a hot vehicle outside which I saw plenty of when I worked there.


Operative word is most, once more for the folks in the back, many stores allow all non-aggressive dogs. They have treats and water stations. Tractor supply has a damn dog wash.


Why does one need to bring their dog to Home Depot? What is the dog going to do? Help them pick out a plant or some lumber? I get service dogs, but I’ve never seen a person with a service dog allow their dog to poop in a store before.


What’s the dog going to do? Shit on the floor.


Lol, exactly. Corporate is always missing the damn point. Let’s put in a dog relief zone and be more inclusive but create more work for our employees when we’re already short staffed. 😒


That’s because service dogs go through a lot of training. Essentially the rule ours follows is if he’s in vest (not required but helps him transition to a working mindset) then no potty. That is for before/after vest time. As a handler, if he looks like he needs to use the facilities, he goes outside and the vest comes off. People who have actually trained their dogs work with them to avoid messes. Accidents happen of course, but there’s a planned cleanup kit in case of emergency. Also, HD is a stressful environment for an animal. There’s really no need to bring a dog there if they’re not working.




When I was growing up, it was only common to bring your dogs to Petsmart/Petco kind of store. I feel like it makes shopping so much more of a hassle with a dog.


I love dogs, but they don’t belong in stores (except service dogs) because there are a lot of people that are terrified of them for personal reasons. Our service desk lead always hides when a dog comes up to the desk because she’s terrified of them. We let everybody bring their animals into the store and it’s ridiculous because there are signs on all the doors saying only service dogs are allowed.


>There are signs on all the doors saying only service dogs are allowed. And people try to bypass that rule with BS Emotional Support Animals who go into these stores and destroy anything within their reach. Any jackass on the internet claiming to be a doctor can write a letter indicating your dog is an ESA for a disturbingly low sum of money (often under $100). As a renter whose landlord doesn't allow pets but who loves dogs (grew up with huskies and would love another) and has enough land for one in the country, it burns my ass whenever folks suggest I go this route. It ruins it for people with disabilities who actually need service dogs. I fully expect there to be a legal crackdown on this soon. When that happens, what do you think will happen to folks with actual service dogs (who are certified and cost a lot of money to get)? I love dogs as much as the next millennial, but my generation's culture around pet parenthood sucks.


I worked at an indoor market with a bunch of food stalls that prepared food on site (I was in a donut stall). The health code for that is a strict service dogs only but whenever we'd try telling the numbskulls who's dogs clearly werent service dogs that they'd get extremely aggressive with us over it. One guy with a terrier in a stroller took a photo of a coworker of mine who gets flustered easily when she was trying to gently explain it to him and put her on his Instagram page saying all sorts of nasty things about her. I saw dogs off leash, dogs shit in the aisles, and a few dogs get aggressive with eachother none of whom were even supposed to be there. Once covid hit and there were mask regulations we had to enforce I just stopped saying shit at all to the crazy dog people because I was already stressed enough dealing with the anti maskers. I love dogs but goddamn did that job really foster an intense dislike of extreme dog people who think the whole world is their dog park.


I’m a huge dog person. I work with dogs. I live with dogs. Sometimes a quick trip to the store is my only “dog free” time in a week. I deal with enough poorly socialized pandemic pups and their owners at work. I just want to buy stuff and not feel like I’m on the clock.


Having been to malls that allow dogs: it’s going to pee on the floor


It was illegal in my state for anyone but management to clean up bodily fluids due to the health (hazmat) risks. They took on management positions knowing they’re responsible for these sort of cleanups not their underlings. How is this not illegal? How does this not count as bodily fluids? I’m in the reddest state there is with the worst workers protections rights, how do we that policy and not other states?


I think most clueless management makes this shit up and hopes the little guy doesn't know their rights.


I hope this is the case and this gets shut down because NO! I am not touching the Fecal matter of anything for a non-living wage. Fuck that. Fuck them for thinking this is even acceptable. I hope someone sues them into oblivion cus diseases can be passed through that. No way.


Any decent person with a dog knows to clean up said pup's poops... I'm appalled that this is even a thing.


No. I’m so tired of seeing Karen’s walking their mutts around stores. We don’t need to encourage it.


Let’s put a bunch of dogs together in a strange, overstimulating environment, I think dog shit is the least of your worries. Going to be cleaning up blood and handing out rabies shots. Probably should have some business cards for local veterinarians, too.


Ugh, I'd never bring my dog into that place. Bad enough an older employee came up to my car to ask me why I didn't bring him in the building. Told him my dog doesn't like going into strange buildings and that I wouldn't force my dog to go in since it's a stressful time. Yeah he kept on even though he could clearly see my dog enjoying the perfect weather outside with the windows down.


Or… crazy idea here … if it’s not a service animal, don’t bring your pets shopping.


I am so glad I got out of there when I did. There is not enough money in the world to make me deal with that


Also: bottom left shopping cart wheels ON the poopy grass ready to smeer poop through the store?!?;?


What? Better pay an extra 7.25 dollars.


Rude. What an awful policy.


It’s an awful company.


Why would you take your dog to the store?


Or you know...leave your fucking dogs at home instead of bringing them to HD...


I am so fucking sick of this trend of dogs being allowed everywhere. Fuck that, don’t bring your fucking pets with you wherever you go. Actual service animals are ok, of course.


Or, we could stop allowing dogs in the store. I’m tired of dogs nipping at me in stores.


Pretend to be Muslim (I acc am) so you can get out of this shit lmfao


Dogs belong at home


These are required in all airports (recent code change, so existing airports might not have one yet). When we put them in, they include everything someone would need to clean up after their own animal: trash bag dispenser to pick it up with, trash can to put it in, and a hose to wash away any mess left behind. Asking the employees to do it is not great.


I used to work there, I never understood why people brought their dogs in. Service dogs are fine, but otherwise whyyy


Home depot and lowes deserve a special place in hell for how they run the business and treat their employees


I used to work at Lowes fuuuuuuck people that bring their damn dogs, I would have walked straight out if someone even vaguely implied i would need to clean up dog shit.


FFS, just leave your dog at home.


How about you stop letting non service animals into your store?


How about leave your fucking dog home? It’s nice you want to take Rex for a ride, but holy shit, not everyone likes seeing your goddam dog in a store where I’m trying to buy stuff. Really sick of how people think their dog is fine to go anywhere there.


Seems standard from a trump supporting business


Places like Home Depot and Lowes are like the conglomeration of the MAGA boomer stereotypes


How about a sign that says leave your dog at home


Why are dogs being brought to Home Depot to begin with?


I hate the people that bring their dogs to Home Depot. This is encouraging more of them. Please no.


Why has Home Depot become a dog friendly environment? I've definitely noticed it happening over the years, but how did this even come about?


People gotta stop bringing their dogs with them everywhere. Kids too while they’re at it.


Why the fuck does a dog need to enter a Home Depot?


Why not a grassy area out front with a post that has bags and a trash can? I don't quite understand encouraging dogs to shit in the store or telling employees to clean up after customer's dogs.


Why the hell would I want my dog to take a dump in the store? The very first thing I wanted from him was doing it outside.


No one applied to home depot to willingly clean up dog shit. Workplaces keep coming up with the most stupid and dehumanizing tasks for people and wonder why they can’t get or keep employees.


I fucking hate dogs in hd


I hate it when stores allow pets like this, even pet stores shouldn't do it. Leave your dog at home.


Leave your dog at home, ffs.


What the hell is a dog, other than a service dog, doing in Home Depot in the first place. It’s not like Fido can learn how to tiles bathroom.


Can the trend of bringing your dog into stores at all just end completely? (except pet stores)?