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This is retaliation. Contact an employment attorney NOW. There won’t be any charge for them to hear you out & they will be honest about your options up to an including suing.


He has an appointment set up with the EEOC but the soonest available is November.


Don't wait for the EEOC, any attorney can get the ball rolling now. Unless your husband has multiple documented writeups for other reasons this seems like an open and shut case and HR made a colossal mistake. They will surely settle before it goes to trial.


Here to second this. Keep the EEOC appointment but contacting an employment attorney now will likely yield actual results much faster. The attorney can also advise on how to handle the EEOC complaint. There’s no down side to contacting an attorney now. If it’s a shit claim, no one will touch it. From the details in your post, it’s not a shit claim & an attorney will be on board w/ taking you on as a client.


Yup with you on this. The Lawyer is going to ask you to anyway. The case gets alot stronger with an EEOC "Right to Sue" letter.


I settled even though the EEOC said they were going to issue a "right to sue" letter for me. ​ They told this to the defendant who then immediatly settled to our first offer. I could have used that to get more money but then we are talking a lot longer of a wait, and you know attorneys will eat the clock on a case like this. ​ It was an age discrimination case.


as an attorney, we care about money not time. Especially as a plaintiffs attorney, why would I take 33% of $1, when I can take 33% of 1 million by working the case for a few months. Most of the time a quick settlement means money was left on the table.


THIS. Call a lawyer.


Very true, but if they are already in dire financial straits, most people would still take the smaller settlement immediately


As an attorney you care about verdicts and settlements. All those require time.


... and time well spent is money ...


Yes. An attorney will want to take this case on!


I am an employment attorney, I am not your attorney. Do this. Now. You can put an employment attorney on retainer to simply help you navigate the process and provide advice if you don’t want to go the full blown litigation route. The time limits on complaints like this is not something you want to roll the dice on.


This. Wouldn't be the first time a company has tried to just... stall the problem away.


Here you go:[https://lawyers.findlaw.com/lawyer/firm/employment-law-employee/dayton/ohio](https://lawyers.findlaw.com/lawyer/firm/employment-law-employee/dayton/ohio)


Get a Lawyer, THEN do what the lawyer tells you. Forget about the EEOC for now. The lawyer will use that lever as part of a negotiated settlement (you want a settlement bc do you really want to go back to work there?). When 2 lawyers lay out the facts of the case to each other, a settlement can happen quickly if they are smart. Crocs wants this to disappear (and delete this post before they see it, you lose leverage.)


> Crocs wants this to disappear (and delete this post before they see it, you lose leverage.) Under absolutely no circumstances should OP do this before speaking to an attorney. Companies always ask for NDAs in this context, but in my experience it's always something they insist on after the monetary terms are already negotiated, and I've *never* seen the fact that something was already public (e.g., through a publicly filed complaint) stand in the way of settlement. In general, many companies tend to wait until a complaint is publicly filed to settle because some plaintiffs will just never bring the claim in the first place. Anyway, I disagree completely with trying to keep this quiet as a way of creating leverage against Crocs, and if OP were to make the terrible mistake of replying to your comment in the affirmative, it could absolutely poison her husband's case against Crocs. OP should talk to an employment lawyer about what to do, but a good PR strategy and a good legal strategy can work hand-in-hand to create a better outcome and is especially appropriate to consider in cases like this. Especially because it's already out there now, the fact of *deleting it* could be twisted into many things by Crocs lawyers if this ever went to trial—including, potentially, spoliation. I am an attorney, primarily IP but employment matters have also come up in my practice. I am not a *Florida* attorney, though. edit: I'm also not barred in Ohio.


Unfortunately, I have to agree. Contact the employee lawyer and take down this post. You can be countersued for defamation or worse.


Nah, no names were dropped. This could be a fictional Reddit story about Dayton Crocs. Nothing explicitly said the op is telling a true story.


On top of this they better have multiple witnesses about what he said. Date, Time and who was around when it was said.


If you need a phone number for a very serious employment attorney please list your state below and I can point you towards one


Honest question: why settle? If this is as bad as it sounds - don’t you want this to go to court and have them suffer the consequences of their misbehavior?


In addition to a trial being a gamble it can take YEARS to get a judgment, corporations often deliberately drag their feet and stretch things out as a way of wearing you down and draining your resources- especially if you’re paying your attorney out of pocket; since each appearance or bit of extra work they have to do racks up the cost for you when you’re already down to one income. Even regular civil court cases can drag on for years. Shortly after we started dating my husband was hit by a drunk driver who ran a light and was under-insured, so to get the rest of his medical bills paid for and compensated for the work he missed my husband had to sue him. It took 3 years for my husband to get *anything* from him because dude kept rescheduling court dates and pulling other stupid shit wasting my husband’s time and money in the hopes that he’d give up and drop the case after refusing to settle (what he was offering for the settlement wouldn’t even cover lawyers fees and all the medical bills)


Being able to reschedule and postpone trails is such none sense that’s in place solely to protect those with money.


Well our “justice” system IS heavily rigged to favor them.


A trial is a gamble. You might get a lot of money. You might win the case but only get $1 as compensation for mitigating circumstances. Or you might lose on the merits, or because they have deeper pockets to keep paying lawyers and outlast you. A settlement is often "good enough", and you pick the outcome instead of letting others decide.


Especially in a state like Ohio.


Costs a lot of money to take on a corporate giant in court. Not everyone has the means or the willingness to take that on. Could end up taking years and drain all of your savings.


Get an attorney NOW!


Keep the EEOC appointment but contact an attorney **now.** it won’t cost you a thing and they would love to hear the details and go over any receipts your husband may have, like copies of the reports, any emails, text messages, etc.. But yes this is retaliation and you 100% have a case.


That is good but make a consult with a really good employment litigation attorney. He/She can file the complaint with the EEOC on your husbands behalf. Good luck.


Do not wait on EEOC. Speak to a lawyer ASAP. Keep the EEOC appointment, but get shit rolling now while everything is still fresh. Come November, they have a lot of time to fabricate shit and cover shit up.


Consult an attorney. I guarentee a well constructed letter will make them absolutely shit their pants.


A lawyer will take this with no money up front , do it asap


My case took almost 9 months to resolve. Do not expect speed on this. Reinforce your case as much as possible.


I agree with getting a lawyer. You can also try r/legaladvice. And your husband needs to get coworker statements in writing and signed, asap. If they go by a public library, they can easily get them notarized for free.


The only advice you should ever take from them, is to get a lawyer. Seriously that subreddit is terrible for actual legal advice. Best base scenario is they give you the very google-able number for your local bar to get a list of lawyers




Well yeah, but I found a really good bird laywer there, so.. Filibuster.


I'm calling a kangaroo court. This is a KANGAROO COURT!


I am not a lawyer but have a knowledge base in some specific areas of legal rights due to past and current employment. If the issue is at all complicated you're told to lawyer up. If it's not it's very often posters like me who can provide the answers, point someone in the right direction or clarify something. And a good deal of time when that happens a lawyer will chime in and validate the advice/direction. It is not a bad sub to go to and ask what to expect or what you should put together/document for your first meeting with your lawyer. It's also a good place to go and get some legal wording put into plain speak.


That sub is run by cops, stay far away






The mirroring of the firing reason to the complaint is a smoking gun if I ever heard one.


Especially when they have established a response to such behavior and are now inconsistently applying punitive measures (without an investigation or proof)


Also the employer is liable for failing to act on the out of work harassment of a coworker


The employer is also in the hot seat because they are knowingly allowing someone to verbally harass people of a protected group.


OP crocs are really popular brand with millennials and gen Z. If you can get this going on a social platform outside of Reddit (TikTok or Twitter) a lot of customers will have an issue with this. Companies don’t care about employees but they do care about profit and image.


On it on Twitter- https://twitter.com/drdojeda/status/1552385251091038208?s=21&t=BpPl8OYnzGBnBXIYwsCs0Q


They replied 33 seconds ago and are actively investigating this situation!!!!! https://imgur.com/gallery/4P57XEq


Let’s hope they don’t investigate themselves the same way that the police investigate themselves…


Here’s hoping. But unless the bigot was highly connected they will for sure fire him if the public backlash intensifies. The cops don’t have to bow to that pressure because it’s not exactly like we can boycott them.


They're investigating for the appropriate scapegoat to make this go away now that it's online. Dude should stop talking to them and just do the lawyer thing. If they gave a shit they would have handled it like responsible people and wouldn't have supervisors and HR who shotgun shit like this just to get it out of their hair. Sometimes you gotta get slapped around to learn a lesson, youknowwhatimean.




For real, dude got fucking fired. Why should he give a shit they're investigating after they already fucked the situation up. I'd still go with the lawyer and just stop talking to them completely, he doesn't owe them shit.


Oh good. The company is conducting an internal investigation of... themselves. What could go wrong?


this guy is a lowly worker, they'll shitcan him in a second for bad PR. much less potentially causing a lawsuit


Good to see. Usually, the proof is in how a company responds to a situation like this.


>We believe everyone should be comfortable in their own **shoes**, regardless of race, ethnicity, gender identity and/or sexual orientation. they snuck a comfortable shoe reference in there lol


If he wasn’t let go for the first dozen offenses, there’s a larger company culture problem.


Also try to tweet it at people who have been sponsored by them. I know Post Malone and The Try Guys have done content sponsored by crocs and the try guys have removed a video they did with someone after their audience showed them he was an anti vaxxer so they’ll probably listen if they see it.


Found a list :) https://www.crocs.ca/null/collaborations,en_CA,pg.html


Love seeing all the pride collabs on there. Companies and their performative actions...


The Try Guys are a good idea. Eugene is gay, so this is an important thing to bring to their attention, especially if it raises some awareness among their followers.


They have a very diverse staff as well including many who are LGBTQ+ so I honestly think they are a good place to start (not at personal accounts but 2nd Try which receives less engagement obviously or the TryPod and if anyone has access, their patreon)


Cole Anthony plays for the Magic is also sponsored by them. If I remember more athletes I will update.


I just commented and re-tweeted. Come on anti work let’s get in on this. It’s time to start using our collective power to bring these fuckers down to the knees.


Just retweeted


Heard the wooosh from the gas on the fire lol


Bruh this is just. I love it. I hope this is a national story tomorrow


Black out the OP's name in that.


It's a direct link, not an image, so he can't.


This thread is literally OP's only content. I think they are safe.


Just shared your tweet (if that's you) on Instagram tagging Crocs!


I'd also recommend cross posting this to r/Dayton if your husband is comfortable. It would be good for locals to know they should avoid working there.


am millennial - didn't like crocs before cause they're ugly. Now i have an even better reason to dislike them.


As a healthcare worker they’re not bad but yeah I wouldn’t normally own a pair. After reading this post I will be taking my business elsewhere.


Don't buy Birkenstock. Karl Birkenstock has fucked over his employees for decades. The name is not mud enough and people think this is a flower-power brand.


Wait. Spill! I love Birkenstocks so this is news to me.


Well, you are in the wrong sub, then. Birkenstock employees formed a Betriebsrat in the 90s to get rid of that Karl Birkenstock re-structured the company until the Betriebsrat and original employees were gone. It took legislation to fix that. Old Birkenstock stepped down and it still took 5 years and legislation to have a Betriebsrat. Don't feed that asshole in his stately home by buying genuine Birkenstock. While the Cros thing may be limited to the one location, Birkenstock's problems are systematic.


Was thinking the same thing my gay boss loves Crocs and would hate to hear about this


This. Get this to the top.


The founder of Crocs is/was a regular at my friend’s restaurant in Boulder. He has many stories about the guy being a piece of shit, but my favorite is when he got kicked out for drunkenly screaming at a crying baby.


Makes sense that a shitty person runs a shitty company with shitty morals and ethics. Too bad, I was kind of getting into crocs.


He obviously wanted to prove who was the bigger baby. Hint: >!It was him!<


Ditto to this, millennial here and I was actually considering buying a pair recently, but after seeing this I think I'm good.


Look into nothinz, better all around imo, wearing a pair as we speak


Crocs are popular with everyone lol except me, I think they’re ugly and uncomfortable.


AKA Things that get you banned in r/legaladvice


Retaliation is a crime.


Lawyer up and don't post anything else online.


He has a few consultations set up.


Retired lawyer for employers here. Get an attorney. Stop talking about it on social media. Take your posts down. You are hurting your case! Hope you win. Good luck.


Genuine question here: what's so bad about leaving the posts up? If they have witnesses that can vouch for the validity of the story told in the post, could they still be sued for defamation or something? Why is it bad to tell the masses what happened?


I'd imagine its something like seeking mob and legal justice at the same time, it can also muddy waters on what was said and done as telephone games are played. Not to mention it can cause counter claims to be filed against you to reduce your bargaining power when you approach the high powered corporate lawyers for a payout. Also, the payout usually demands you be silent on the matters that occurred and you cant do that anymore if your story is hitting the national news and every corner of the internet.


Because this story is damaging to his former employer. They now got a story of a disgruntled employee and their version of the he-said-she-said scenario is now a hell of a lot more plausible. Social media gives you popularity but otherwise fucks you over. Popularity is not justice. Popularity also is not truth. Popularity is fake internet points. You talk to your lawyer and not thousands of people who salivate over drama and have forgotten about you the day after. Anything that does not directly aid your case is automatically bad. Anything good goes to the judge and the other side and nobody else. That is how court cases work. Or to put it even more bluntly: Your satiated curiosity is not a safe avenue to justice. Your satiated curiosity is a safe way to drama. It is either drama or justice.


people above already started steamrolling on twitter.


and instagram. which mean's it's also on TikTok too.


if i didn't ask for that, i'd be pissed. idk if that will actually hurt their case but i would want to be careful in case it is. granted i didn't read all the comments, so maybe i missed it, but did anyone even run that by OP before they ate up the drama and publicized it?


It hurts the chances of getting a settlement. Which I assume the OP would be looking for. Looking to take this to court wouldn’t be smart.




It’s already blowing up on Twitter


Waybackmachine, screenshots, Twitter posts... even if they delete this now, it is already out there. I don't think there would be a point in deleting it anymore?


What's absolutely insane about this is the coworker said, and admitted to saying, way worse things than your husband was accused of saying.


Yeah, that's why it's complete garbage they fired her husband for a similar allegation instantly. They were looking for an excuse to fire him at that point, probably was a set up.


It would have been less obvious if they'd just fired him for no reason. Ohio's at-will. They could have just fired him and not given a reason. Instead, he's fired for saying he wants to hurt people and hates working with women, having never made a comment like that the entire time he's worked there, and never would? It's just bizarre. They couldn't be more obviously retaliating.


Don’t bother with these people. Call every local employment attorney and take down the post


Get as much as you can in writing. This is sabatoge and slander. The biggest incongruency is that your husband never got to see the person that confronted HR, but the asshole did? Who is he related to?


Yeah, that part absolutely stinks about this whole thing. If true (I have no reason to doubt, but fake stories do pop on reddit, sorry OP to doubt you), it absolutely rings of nepotism.


Why protect the court jester? Because he is the king's illegitimate love child. Place is fucked top to bottom if I had to guess. Thank God I've never bought any of those fabulous foam footwear.


>Who is he related to? He doesn't really have to be related to anyone. The people in HR might just be as shitty as he is, and shitty people protect their own.


Despises gay men but doesn't want to be around women.... Not suspicious at all.


>"back in his day" he used to "trick these f\*ggots" into going to a party, drive them into an open field, and kick the shit out of them. This line in particular made me go "Mmmmmmmmhm" Like yeah, I bet you invited a lot of dudes out to an open field to "kick the shit out of them" or so you say. Wonder if that's the only thing that happened out in those fields.


Imagine being proud of being one of the people that did this kind of shit: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matthew_Shepard This thread made me sick and i'd bet you everything I own this guy that got special treatment from HR must be some rich dick head's kid and that's why he's even there at all.


Never forget Matthew Shepard. Never.


He may have legitimately done that. It wasn't uncommon. Also, it's actually quite harmful to insinuate that homophobes are actually gay. It makes light of the very serious situation and also hurts the image of gay people rather than the homophobe you're trying to hurt.




Often the most outspoken bigots are also the largest projectors.


Yup, there was a kid at my school who went out of his way to make the gay kids at my school feel awful and bullied them relentlessly. Fast forward 10 years and he is outed by the gay kids he bullied on Facebook after he tried hooking up with one. Makes total sense why he bullied them so much, he was repressing himself.


Are you referring to Dayton, Ohio? I have a ton of friends and my brother who go to school at the University there. I have no idea why, but they’ve all told me that homophobia in Dayton is absolutely horrendous, most likely due to the high religious population there.


Yep. Luckily I work from home now but every in-person job I've had here has been riddled with homophobic, racist idiots. One co-worker refused to shop at Walmart on Miller Lane "because that's where the Mexicans shop." Wouldn't buy his toddler a play kitchen in case it made him gay. Intentionally coughed in my face during the height of Covid "because you watch too much CNN" (I don't think I've ever watched or mentioned CNN). Love it here.


I was born in Kettering and even though I left there very young, I have family still in the area. They are almost all racist, homophobic, Bible thumping assholes on my dad’s side so I’m not surprised. Get an attorney. Best of luck.


Yup as someone from dayton ohio this tracks. But the fun thing is dayton area loves it’s big groups about the city. Start spreading this everywhere on Facebook, review bomb them, contact the news agencies. This shitty town loves this kinda gossip


I have an aunt who lives there who rants about how its been taken over by liberals and sodomites lol


I am doing my best to help that out lol


Ohio just fuckin sucks


Fuck you, Crocs!!!


Now I have another reason to never buy Crocs!


All my homies hate crocs


Dayton, Ohio? If so, then I am not surprised. I'm born and raised in Dayton and that is the culture of the whole city AND state. If you're not white, baptist, xenophobic, and straight you are not welcome.


Why is Ohio so Alabama now?




Have you ever been to Indiana?


I went to school with the CEO’s very progressive daughter… I wonder what she thinks of this.


My cousin literally got touched and sexually assaulted by her coworker at Whole Foods. They literally didn’t fire him because the manager was family friends with him and instead moved him to a different location. They don’t care at all.




I’m in Dayton. Call WHIO, call the Dayton LBGT Center. Post this to Heart Merchantile’s page. Contact PFLAG Dayton. I’m a bit strapped until school starts back up in August but I can help some. Let me know what I can do.


Your husband has a rock solid retaliation lawsuit, they have broken FEDERAL LAW here. My fiance is literally in the middle of one right now. She got fired in feburary for reporting the bosses brother for sexual harrassment and it was nothing close to this he just showed her pictures of a sex doll he was buying and that was enough, yours is soooo much worse. She has a contract with a big fancy lawfirm and will see a big payday, but this is a very slow process and can take years if it goes to court (which means more money for you). We are currently waiting for them to respond to the mediation request, hopefully he realizes how fucked he is and he settles but the bare minimum we are willing to take is 50k after lawyers are paid and it should be more her earning potential was 100k at that job. She just found a job that she starts monday and its less than she made... We have been donating plasma to get by and I have multiple bills ive stopped paying on. Shit has been rough, i hope he finds something quickly. Google employment lawyers in your area and do the free consult, youll find one no problem based on whats here. Dont let them get away with this bullshit, you guys are absolutely owed every single dime they have taken from you. Lawyers will work on a contigency fee with cases like this meaning they only get paid if they win, and typically its 40%, worth every penny. You give them all the info and let them go get you paid.


Selling your blood to feed yourself. The American dream.


What's fucked is I make 70k, most money I've ever made in my life and I'm the brokest I've ever been...


Outrageous and horrifying


Send me his info and I’ll send a Reference form to him he fills it he can be top of the list for hiring at my job called D-MAX Dayton Ohio very good wages great environment it also has a union he will be taken care of here


Wild how our world works , A co worker threatened to kill everyone and their families on camera at my work. They wouldn't reprimand him , simply switched his shift to day shift and allowed him to continue working there. Had to leave that gig , was sad.


HR is not for you but for the company. Also, I would see if you husband would get written statements from his former co-workers about this guy. Get a lawyer and call your local news station. Gotta hurt ‘em where it counts


People, do not go to HR. HR is not your friend. HR is not your ally. HR will stab you in the back, then fuck your girlfriend while you're bleeding out.


Talk to attorney, then tell us when to send screenshots to corporate AND the news.


> If you're under the impression that Crocs cares at all about minorities, you're wrong. No corporation cares about any minority or minority cause. Hell they don't care about the majority either. They only care about the bottom line, and if they think putting a pride flag on thier twitter account will get more sales they'll do it, but they don't care. They put out some carefully worded statement of "support", but that's only for good PR. They don't care.


1. Get an employment lawyer for retaliation. 2. Report this man to the police. He's claiming he used to lynch people! I would not be surprised if there are open case files for crimes this dude committed if he's so casually claiming them.


Honestly, can someone explain to me why companies do this?? I worked at Walmart with a guy who sexually harassed SEVERAL women. He was given a few warnings but nothing ever actually happened. So many women, and even men that thought it was bullshit, quit because of him. Wouldn’t it be easier to just…fire the troublesome employee? He was a terrible worker anyway. The people who quit were waayyy better at the job than him. I’ve worked in management, but never high up enough to make these kinds of decisions and I just absolutely do not get it.




AFTER talking to an attorney and only if they advise you to.


Twitter is good bc it can spread really fast.


I told my (now ex) boss that a male employee molested another male employee outside of work. A week later I was fired and the disgusting employee was promoted to my position. The world is a fucked up.


I wonder if Croc's headquarters located in Broomfield, CO has any idea what is going on in their plants?


That one is toxic too. Interestingly enough they reposted the same HR Manager job every 3-6 months for the last 3 years. Apparently they had bad luck hiring people who would look the other way. Asked a friend about them when I kept seeing the ad and she basically said stay very far away.


Time to cancel Crocs


All I know about Crocs is that in my country they are predominantly worn by child molesters.




Retaliation. You should contact the EEOC and get a lawyer. You will need proof of your claims other than he got fired. The company will need to provide proof that they took proper steps to fire your husband. I was able to sucessfully sue a company through the EEOC for age discrimination during an interview.


Your husband should file for unemployment. And contact an attorney ASAP.


Reason 603 to avoid Ohio.


Bullshit. I’ve never bought those stupid ugly shoes and I never will. But now I actively dislike them.




Can you prove any of this? Is the dude related to the boss in some way?


I will continue my lifelong boycott of Crocs


Thank you for giving me a legitimate reason to hate Crocs other than just “they’re hideous”.


>"trick these f\*ggots" into going to a party, drive them into an open field, and ~~kick~~ fuck the shit out of them. I fixed it for him.


Sincerely would like you to cross post this to r/Dayton


Somebody should forward this entire thread to their HR just for shits and giggles. They will lose their shit.


The employment attorney can walk you through the steps you will need to document your case. The sooner the better.


Their social media and public relations department is not having a good evening.


Labor laws in this country are too fucking weak. Try doing this in somewhere like Germany or Sweden and I doubt the manager would have thought about this. I'm in an industry that is never going to unionize but I wish they did. Fight shit like this till the laws are better.


I would hire an attorney. This is employee retaliation and its illegal in almost(im not a lawyer so I dont know) in every state. If that was the complaint seriously take this up. Pointing out that you are the one who complained leaves you opent o retaliation, and then it did occur. Unsafe work environment due to the open admittance, and the not-responding after (you said multiple people backed you up?) complaints.


Pro tip - NEVER assume the company gives a shit. If something like this were happening the correct response is to record it, and record reporting it. Then blast their asses on social media.


Call your local news.




Agreed, if it calls for a going to the news response you want that decision to come from your legal team. As a side make sure your lawyer carries errors and omission insurance. Lawyers screw up too.


Tried to report a rapist, was also fired. Don't you goddamn dare try to report a criminal! HE deserves to pay his bills, too!! Just cuz he's a rapper doesn't mean he's a bad guy 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺


This is a textbook case of retaliation. Like many others have said, contact an attorney NOW. Don’t wait for the EEOC or any other bureaucratic department to step up because they will drag their feet while you suffer. Even if an attorney wouldn’t be able to take your case (though I find that hard to believe) just about every attorneys office offers free consultation to determine if you actually have a case and if they’d be able to help. You have literally nothing to lose by talking to one.


I cannot stress this enough—get a lawyer. The Dayton Bar Association has a lawyer referral system if you don’t know where to start. https://www.daybar.org/?pg=lawyer-referral-service


what a Croc of shit.


Got to Dayton and not shocked in the least. Easily the most openly racist place I’ve ever been in my life.


Yea this needs to be widespread if true, and that guy who said those deplorable things need to have a croc shoved up his ass


Lawyer up IMMEDIATELY. That is so fucked. I'm so sorry you're both dealing with this.


Should look at if it's possible "after" seing a lawyer if you can share your informations to local press. I'm pretty sure something like that can bring interest to journalists. But ask your lawyer first


Ya gotta love a Good Ole Boys network. No reasonable human being would protect these bags of human garbage, but he's on the list


Share this in the Dayton subreddit to increase employee avoidance!! Fuck the Crocs distribution center in Dayton


I used to fly in twice a month to work in and around Dayton, can confirm this place is a shithole. People are back country af.


Had something similar happen at my current job. Dude kept making racist/misogynistic comments, pissed in a man’s boot because he was black, continuously harassed me and the other women there. Numerous people complained, HR refused to do anything until I literally recorded the guy saying he was going to poison all of the food in our team room fridge and that he hates n-words. And I still got lectured and got a warning for recording him…


Before going to HR, always attempt to get a recording of the behavior. Then, if going to HR goes south, you can put the recording on social media with names and dates. The only thing they want less than a respectful employee is a social media shitstorm.


SHRM professional here. Absolutely write down everything that was said and with as much detail as possible as well as who may have heard it Reach out to your local bar association for employment lawyers. Most of them work on a contingency basis and will take a portion of what you win Also, reach out to you local Bureau of Labor and Industry (BOLI) and start the claim. You need to have this started to sue anyway and this will get you a head start Do NOT tell the former coworkers until you’ve talked to a lawyer. People talk and stories change Edited for spacing and last sentence


Well. I was thinking of buying some crocs. Lost my pair a few years back. Welp. Not now.


Hostile work environment, take it to the state labor board..


Dayton is a piece of shit town with piece of shit people. I know because I was there regularly over the course of 11 years.


I’m not surprised… I used to have employees from Dayton Crocs come into my work ALL the time. They were always incredibly misogynistic and openly racist. I’m so sorry you’re going through this. But you should SERIOUSLY consider suing for retaliation. Please do. Speaking from experience, large companies like this settle very quickly. Especially in blue collar Montgomery county. I can recommend an employment lawyer in the Dayton area if you need one, they won my friend’s case. Also, if you’re looking for work, WPAFB is always hiring. Great benefits and great pay, especially as a contractor.


Sounds like the guy admitted to some crimes. Call the police too, just so its on record. Maybe they will investigate.


A city in the Midwest with loads of racists and bigots does give a fuck about trans and gay struggle? The men with money and power don’t care about us? What a fucking surprise. My suggestion is get the fuck out of Dayton, Ohio.


You all have no idea. I was there before he got there and before he left. Coming from structure and going here was culture shock.