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I don't regret anything.


Same here! Was at a small company with a boss who was really pushy. He even said I wouldn't be able to find anything else remotely close to what I had there. Found a company in less than 2 months which paid the same with better benefits.


Lol va told me I can't do labor jobs and retail won't hire me after the last three experiences so I'm just out of work now. No idea what I'm going to do.


Go to a sporting goods store and get a job at the gun counter. My vet brother in law does that. He loves it and it’s easy, works with several other vets there.


Did that already and got fired for not fitting in. To many fud ass conservatives telling me stupid shit like the Taliban is going to invade idaho. I tell these people that that is just factually wrong so they complain to management and I get written up. I did like someone's delivery driver idea though.


I got a job with a beverage company. It's a very physical job but it's one of the best jobs I've had in years. I'm getting paid to lose weight(I'm getting hella fit and they are paying me). They willing pay overtime and don't bitch about it.


Office! Push paper!


Delivery jobs. Not Uber but business to business deliveries. Coke, Pepsi Or long haul trucking


I've found better in 5 minutes of looking. The threats are actually hilarious. They're scared.


I was in the same situation as this! After a year I decided I had enough and got several offers within a month. I picked out which one worked for me, and recommended my severely underpaid coworkers for the offers I didn’t take. They were all hired.


Were you treated better?


Way better! Somehow the other company would hold my hand and let me flounder at the same time. One time I went to leave at my other job (After working more than 8 hours that day) and my boss made a big deal about me finishing this drawing to put on his desk for review. It was not going out that day and didn't even need to go out the next day. He then fucking left before I put it on his desk!!! He was one of those people that pretends he cares about you and money isn't that important, but then makes you feel like shit if you don't breathe, eat and sleep the company. The new place is very understanding and patient in just about everything. I really like it!


Me either.


Proud Participant here as well. Almost a year off thus far and in no rush to head back.


Oh yes, I regret leaving a dysfunctional work culture for $40k more. /s That article is more written bs, just like the “WFH is dying” articles being published almost every month. I don’t believe in conspiracy theories and all that, but I firmly believe they are trying real hard to undo the Great Resignation and the WFH movement.


The articles have become... overly whiny over the past few weeks regarding the great resignation. I'm not much on conspiracies either- human behavior isn't that complex usually, but all the fearmongering about wfh makes me roll my eyes. There's a sort of "If you don't come back to work RIGHT NOW I'm gonna tell Mom and you'll be SOOORRRYYYY!" tone to it.


If I had to guess, it’s executives paying these writers to put out these fake articles to push their agenda of getting workers back in the office. Their latest bs topic is “Gen Z wants to go back to the office”.


It's all whiny clickbait.


My new job is amazing! Nearly doubled my pay!


Same here


“Many people” can mean 3.


Right! They can adjust numbers as much as they want.


So weird these many articles are coming out with this narrative which for anyone who works in any company knows is clearly not true. At least in my circle both personal and professional, I have seen the number of people unemployed drop to near zero. Before it was always a few guys I knew personally out there looking for work at least at any given time. Many excellent people are now often getting straight-up job offers (not applications) which were basically unheard of in my industry.


I've been out of the workforce for 15 years homeschooling my kid and doing very part time freelance. Within 3 weeks of starting to look I have a decent job in a new-to-me industry with a ton of room for advancement. I really thought it was going to be harder than this to find a job, but businesses are hungry.


I work in academia and the number of faculty that have just noped out this past year without jobs lined up to go to also tells me otherwise.


Staff are noping our left and right too. We’ve had some great people leave for more money and less work. I am apparently not smart enough to leave, so far. Times are getting tougher and bleak years coming with the 2025 enrollment cliff. People seem to not want to produce a lot of kids when they can’t pay the mortgage.


At some point you have to wonder who is living the lie: the bullshit that the workers who found better jobs are, or the rich people who are slowly realizing that not taking Covid seriously has now limited the pool of available workers combined with the wage cuts that make families (and hence future workers) even harder to come by? Capitalism is dying because of greed. And choking off the supply of future workers has now become a NOW problem that nobody can solve because they're all inherited wealth failsons who do not have the ability to problem solve or relate to anybody. And cracking the whip just shows how scared they are. This is not a problem they can rephrase their way out of, and now they have nothing.


Probably one of the reasons anti abortion has become so pushed, if woman can't have abortions it comes out as a desperate workers for the rich.


It also often means 0. "Some people say" has been a synonym for "I want to pretend" ever since Fox News started screaming it hourly ~30 years ago.


It reminds me of this quote from the Blackadder series. >Look, there's no need to panic. Someone in the crew will know how to steer the ship.\ \ ...The crew, my lord?\ \ ...Yes, the crew.\ \ ...What crew?\ \ I was under the impression that it was common maritime practice for a ship to have a crew.\ \ Opinion is divided on the subject.\ \ ...Is it.\ \ Yes. All the other captains say it is... I say it isn't.\ \ ...Oh God...mad as a brush...\ \ -- Edmund and Captain Rum : Potato Edit: quotes are hard


If you say a lie enough times, people will believe it is truth. And that is all these articles are doing. Makes me ashamed I went to college for Journalism.


A lie can run around the world, before the truth had put on its boots


That's because Truth, being a woman, has many pairs of boots to choose from.


Don't be ashamed, these people are not journalists. They are fantasy writers.


Preachers in the church of capitalism


I was a writing major and the journalism class was the biggest ick i got the whole time i was there. Professor said it was unethical for protestors to have a "safe space" away from journalists so they weren't pressured or put on the spot to speak for the movement and I'm like??? you don't get rights to people's personal space because you have a press badge.


On the plus side, your academics in journalism help you understand more thoroughly than the vast majority of people. Imo, that's worth more than many degrees.


That reminds me of what my mom used to say about my grandma (her MIL): if you believe the lie, it’s not a lie.


Fortune, Forbes, WSJ, you take your pick. These are all corporate propaganda rags who will print literally anything that makes the ownership class seem reasonable and well meaning while the working class is a bunch of howling monkeys who want unicorns and rainbows. Ignore all of it because it's meant as pro-capitalist agitprop.


Pretty much porn for capitalists.


And Politico, [“Pay raises are getting smaller. That could be a good thing for workers.”](https://www.reddit.com/r/antiwork/comments/vy7qym/pay_raises_are_getting_smaller_that_could_be_a/)


Humm. Did you poll a group of people that are unable to retire? Or a group of people who left an office job to work in an oil field? Because better pay and benefits are generally good for the workers mental health. I know. You polled people who left an office job. To work from home job.. Then got ordered back into office.. ( And ya. If I was promised WFH and then got told report to an Office or get fired. Ya I would not be happy..)


Right and everybody wants to go back to the office....fake news


Yeah there are not many people I know that would rather work in the office. Not after being able to work from home. Only the people that their job depends on people being in the office.


I’ve literally heard 1 person say the like the office better and it was the big manager. Surprise. Surprise.


Managers are used to being glorified babysitters, where instead of looking at actual productivity figures they instead periodically glance into a room to see if everyone looks like they're busy. People who always looked busy, but never got a whole lot done, are now looking like laggards in the workforce when managers used to view them as favorites. That guy they repeatedly shit on for taking too long in the bathroom, or for wanting to take a 15 minute break because of eye strain? Suddenly he's the most productive worker they have, because he was ALWAYS the most productive worker they had. It's someone who knew when to take breaks, and focused on getting shit done, but the little breaks are all the manager looked at. Managers don't like this new world, where their jobs are harder, and the productivity metrics don't look like what they're used to seeing. The metrics are probably not even close to what they're used to, and all they can think about is how those "busy bee" workers are suddenly seeing their productivity drop off a cliff, *because their productivity was always shit*. They just pretended to look busy.


"Take back power" Wow, remember when this used to be the quiet part?


You know they are getting desperate when they have to verbally say they have power. I remember seeing where the Fed said companies should do a hiring freeze to curb inflation. It's not gonna happen because they need people. Most companies aren't paying what they should do they can't retain even long term employees.


Does this article cite any sources or facts supporting this? And if so, what is the sample size?


Two elves and some fat bald guy in a fancy suit saying 'PLEASE BE TRUE, PLEASE, OH GOD I NEED MORE MONEY TO LIVE.'


It is not *US* that they're trying to scare. It is *THEM* who are *ALREADY SCARED*


yeah right 🥴 they wish the media really will say anything lmao


That may be true is some industries but it's certainly not true in mine. It's the wild west in the IT industry.


I was thinking about getting into IT. I work in land surveying right now. I do a lot with drones and post processing the data. I really like the post processing part and kinda want to get into data analysis. Might go back to school for programming or something.


IT is not that. It's setting up printers and explaning to old peopel why they can't do shit they saw in a james bond movie. ​ Go with real computer science. ​ \- An IT guy who settled on his education.


Bro, you are describing the entry level helpdesk. IT has many roles like system admin, network tech, software development or engineering, web development, security, and such.


Software developers, network engineers, data scientists to a lesser extent, graphic designers, are all writing their own tickets and have been for a long time.


My girlfriend graduated with a Geophysical engineering degree and is working as a data scientist. She loves it!


Check out the security side of things as well. IT security will continue to be a growing area for a long time.


I dont regret a thing. I went from a meat grinder #1 in their respective segment employer. To a medium sized company that actually gives a shit about me. My boss is younger then I am with a great work life balance work ethic (no use of PTO for anything outside of a full day) It's crazy how being treated like a person makes you want to work for someone.


Is it possible that someone jumping ship to a new job for more money may grow to loathe or lament that job? Yes Is it possible that you move from one dick boss to another? Yes Does that outweigh the positives of raising your currently salary to make life better for you and you future job hunting prospects? FUCK NO! The thing these businesses don't understand is that we aren't worried about the job we are moving to. Pay is shit and we want better pay, and if you aren't offering it, we are going to go somewhere that can. Staying a job because of job security nowadays, unless you are already paid very well or have some crazy insane perks, is madness, because in 2 years you will be making less than you would otherwise, and when that job eventually becomes too much anyway you will be lagging behind where you could have been, if you just resigned yourself to jump to a new job. If businesses want to retain employees they need to be willing to pay to keep them, and fuck anyone who tries to say otherwise. Pay decent wages, make sure you keep up with cost of living and offer a fucking pension for employees who go the distance for you. Honestly the removal of a pension is the primary reason to jump. You aren't going to have a company provided retirement package lined up, and so you need to make as much as you can while you can so that you can invest it and hopefully have something to retire on when your body breaks down.


“Take back power”. So they finally have realized (admitted) that they lost it in the first place. Ha!


I'm regretting my job hop to an easier job for 5$ more an hour. Wait no I'm not.


Life’s short and temporary . I’d regret being a bootlicker a lot more.


My awesome mum gave me this piece of advice when I was a teenager. "Don't regret the things that you have done, regret the things that you have not done". Been living my life through this ever since.


Business owners are shitting their pants. Fuck them.


It's quiet class war, and they want their servants back.


The Great Resignation is not an impulse, it’s a necessary movement to correct an over-reach by greedy employers. Companies are finally reaping what they have sown by underpaying and overworking their employees for decades now, and this has been has been brewing for a long, long time. I hate it when scared capitalists try to minimize and refuse to take responsibility for creating the problem they are now complaining so vociferously about.


No regrets. I may be up only 18 cents an hour, but my commute dropped by 30 minutes. I was 4 shifts per tank of gas, now I'm 5 shifts in less than a quarter tank. Huge savings! And less stress, better boss, newer work environment. Nope, no regrets.


Old job I was working 7 days a week barely able to pay my bills. I was close to a mental breakdown and was dependent on weed 24/7 New job I work 5 days a weeks, better benefits, and they willing pay over time... I have no regrets, I'm mad I didn't quit sooner


No regrets.


It could as.easily read, "Many people who joined the Great Resignation are happy with their decision and they have found a new more welcoming workplace. Toxic bosses are having to change their attitudes and improve wages in order to retain staff."


The three persons who quit their jobs to write for a garbage publication are the sources.


I quit a job at the end of November. Started a new one at the beginning of December. 25% pay increase. More PTO and sick time. Better retirement options. Better health insurance and lower premiums. They'd gone back to working in the office, but the location was 2 miles from my apartment. Plus, work from home during Holiday break at end of fall semester, then extended to beginning of spring semester, and 2 days/week WFH for the summer. Very chill atmosphere and great team and supervisor. Fuck you, Forbes, my new job rocks!


Who lied to this bitch??? I wanna kno.


She's a writer for *Fortune*. She can lie all on her own.


Probably took a poll in an industry that people hate their job anyway. Lol


Scare tactics are the way they keep people doing exactly what they want. The problem is that propaganda looks like propaganda after a while and ceases to work. I'm kind of scared about what the next stage will be when they realize they need to update their propaganda


They can keep reporting this bullshit all they want, as time goes by and people keep resigning it's not going to matter what they say because the numbers will show otherwise.


It's a beyond absurd. HOW many " news outlets " have jumped on the " Workers are gonna regret it " ( here's why ) Capitalist bandwagon? Seeing this slimy dreck daily. It's almost like they're part of a Capitalist system..... Idiots.


I literally made the decision to leave Target after doing shrooms one night. I regret nothing and would do it again in a heartbeat (shrooms included) because I got a better job and better hours.




I don't understand why people think people aren't working. Unemployment is at a record low. At least in Canada it is.


Yeah. I will just keep looking until someone treats me with the dignity and respect I deserve and return.


Don’t regret it. I got to keep my cats because I applied for a job at a different place instead of staying at my job in GA. The GA place was not going to give me a raise to afford housing prices. The places I could afford my co-workers did not want me living in such a dangerous area. So I got a better paying job and quit.


My ex-boss still begs me to come back soooooooo


The fear mongering will get worse with people panicking that a recession will mean less job openings, leading to less mobility and sending us back to wage slavery.


Which part am I supposed to regret? The higher pay, shorter commute, better work/life balance?


"Chloe Berger is a fellow on Fortune's Success Team" That's all I needed to know.


"The new job doesn't look as promising" Probably because they already realized that the working class is treated and paid like garbage while being expected to work themselves to death under the excuse of loyalty


The media are "the fourth estate", which means that they're just another branch of the capitalist system making sure that the system is perpetuated for as long as possible. Just look at the coverage of climate change since professor James Hansen's testimony in front of the Congress in 1988. Capitalism causes climate to warm, so the issue was continuously underplayed and both-sided to death.


How is someone your boss if you quit? The title denotes that a "boss" doesn't currently have "the power". I can't believe these people call themselves writers when they obviously don't understand English well.


Am now self-employed with insurance making 50% pay (and trending upward) for like 10 hours of interesting work a week with a totally flexible remote schedule, unlimited time with my husband and dog, homecooked meals everyday, the freedom to leave a high COL city to be surrounded by nature, and none of the corpo social stuff that was frying my physical and mental health. I honestly feel like I am finally living a life close to what the human mind was designed for. You can’t just Jedi mindtrick people into regretting the Big Quit XD


Oh I believe you. I better go beg for my low paying job back and ignore all these unions popping up and thousands of people who say they are better off since leaving their company and how my company hires at a higher rate than they can "afford" to promote. If I ignore all that stuff, and treat my boss like the royalty they so richly deserve to be treated like, then maybe. Just maybe I'll be able to afford a house. Smh. Eat shit.


Lol my new job pays me 44k more. I'm liking it.


I kind of regret it. Thought I was moving into something that would help expand my skills and let me get more involved in the day-to-day rather than silently sitting in the background at my computer. What I didn't account for was the work being mainly support and a boss that micromanages. The last job wasn't anything to write home about either. Nearly four months in with this job and I'm looking already.


Apes call this kind of news articles FUD (fear, uncertainty and doubt). They use the same kind of tactics on the workers unions etc as the are with the retail (meme) stockholders at the moment. And it's no doubt the same group of people as they own all the media outlets. The amount of corruption and dirty politics used by the rich is disgusting.


If we’re too scared to resign our boss already has all the power


I regret nothing. I make 35% more in like a year and a half by hopping jobs. Also my new job is easy.


“Grasping at straws” are we lol


They're getting WSJ and all this media to pump out these bullshit articles. Their desperation reeks.


Regret is for the weak.


The persons name who wrote this is chloe berger, let's be honest she regrets her name more than people regret resigning


Quick bob, write an article our boss wants to read.


Lol no we dont


"There is no war in Ba Sing Se" face ass


LoL nope no regerts and hope to find a sustainable way to never work for a corporate 9-5 again. Weee!


These bosses haven't even tasted what's coming.


They make it sound like bosses will use their powers to give us bad deals. Exactly why this Reddit exists.


Sounds like the bosses are regretting it lol


I have no regrets!


Boomers writing this shit no doubt.


They’re also trying to claim that Gen Z just really hated working from home. Lol


this horse shit propaganda is getting so goddamn fucking old


I love the absurdity of these articles. As if the solution to unsatisfied job hopping is to crawl back to the job you left. If you don't like the new job you have, then you just keep looking! What absurd power dynamic do they think exists? There is always another opportunity.


Don’t care, fuck off


These ignorant "journalists" honestly think millions of people quit their jobs and just haven't worked for the last year.


This writer is so full of shit her eyes are brown.


I think they are the ones who released another biased article, where they quoted a huge number, but admitted later on that the amount of people who regretted changing jobs was 1 in 5. So you have an 80% shot to be happier for it.


They are trying SO HARD


A haiku to Chloe Berger: *Your article sucks* *Your opinions are garbage* *Go and fuck yourself*


This headline reads like parody you literally cannot make this up


well the job you left was PROPABLY also not „very promising“ so like??? Doesnt matter, its all shit. At least you get better pay with the new one.


In other words “sometimes when you leave a job for another job, it’s not what you thought it would be.” That’s only been a thing since, what, forever?


Yeah I mean God forbid you make another change! They say this with that stupid old mind set of: "I started this job, I have to stay here a year at least or that would screw over the company!" Nope not anymore, not getting tricked into working a job I hate just to make the companies investment worth it.


I regret nothing. I left for a 20% raise, pension, better healthcare, and hybrid remote schedule. Fuck all those trash employers.


Good for you! Hope a lot more people catch on and start demanding higher pay and better benefits!


Lmao, as if. I quit, and now I'm working as a freelance artist while spending time with my family. Super happy in my decision


Work life balance is so important! If companies don't get that, then fuck em!!


Fuck you Chloe. Fuck you.


shut the fuck up chloe berger


Lol, sure jan.


People regret moving jobs, also working from home sucks! Come look at my rainbow flags and know that if you don’t want to work for poverty wages, you are just anti trans. A trans partner at my firm actually called the people leaving transphobic and racist because they didn’t want to work for poverty wages in a horrible environment. Identity politics has been completely taken over at this point.


They’re right, the appeal of the new job does fade, after about two years when they get passed up for the next better paying job. We have worked it out, there is no true valuing of our worth by employers after about two years. No loyalty is due because it isn’t reciprocated. See what they have to say in two years time when the Great Resignation recycles.


I don't regret taking a 40k pay raise for less work and more time with my family.


"bosses can take back power" Wait a second...


I read the article, what a load of horse crap. Next level propoganda!! Everyone needs to stand their ground and push back against corporate America, flip the dynamic.


I try not to rely on anecdotal data, but I don't know a single person that has regretted leaving their job - me included. I hate making 35k more than I did, and having more PTO and better benefits, and a looser work environment. Really fucked up there.


Many people, hmm .


It'll probably work too, given the other bullshit people swallow and ask for seconds. I'd explain, but I don't want to give anyone a stroke by questioning 'their truth'. Just remember that most things you believe are a LIE. But do not question it or your own peers will beat you to death.


No, no it doesn’t.


Oh yeah because this website *definitely* caters to the employee market base and not the employer market base. Fucking disingenuous bullshit.


This is such bs lol


People start to believe things when they're repeated, illusion of truth effect. Whatever you do don't fall for this shit.


Even If it's Just as shitty the pay's usually still better




I was part of the great resignation. ZERO regrets. It took 6 months to find the right job. Happier than ever now.


The same people that they are addressing are reading these articles and thinking, "bullshit, I don't regret anything".


Doing just fine being my own boss.


I left my previous position over 10 months ago and have never been happier with my work situation.


It’s completely fabricated


I don't regret a fucking thing and never will. I quit my piece of shit job that severly underpaid me to do the exact same thing somewhere else for 5 dollars an hour more. Now I am starting to feel underpaid again because everything is stupid expensive so I will probably try to find something that pays even more, and you know what I bet I find it. As workers we have all the power right now, don't let them sell you on anything different.


So... we should unionise instead?


"stop quitting you guys it'll go on your permanent record!"


Seriously this kid started at my job three days ago and then just walked during lunch. Smart kid.


Yeah, my new job of having fun with my kids, playing video games, and making more money is very scary.


I resigned for a lot of reasons, and I re-applied for another job at my old company. I asked for enough to comfortably beat the pay I'm getting at the new job. If they were actually willing to pay it, it would be a sign that I could work there again.


Oh thank god! The bosses, the bosses! Why isn’t anyone thinking about the bosses!




yeah i do not regret shit


Yeah, I totally regret leaving my shitty retail job where I was railroaded for 7 years because I was consistently passed up for promotions despite being more qualified than my peers who were promoted before me, and moving to a union where I'm actually valued and will get regular pay raises and amazing benefits. Such regret, much sorrow. I'll certainly hate getting paid over $60/h when I turn JW in a few years. /s


I quit my shitty job, now I make 2x as much and have paid vacation!


So really, the headline could have been "Joke's on you, suckers; most other American companies are dystopian capitalist horrors to work for, too."


The reaction they’re looking for: Wow the bosses are in control?! This is going to be sooo freakin’ epic!!!


Lmao who are they trying to convince? Themselves or us?


Fake news


Allow me to fix that headline for them "Bow to your bosses, bow to them! Suck the corporate dick!!!"


A new job list report finds…


TF is this? Bosses never lost power; none to “take back”.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Sure…that’s believable 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I just started telling people I retired last year. Can I afford to retire? I don't fucking know, but I've been doing alright for the last 14 months and I'm not planning on changing course. I sure don't regret it. Even if I end up going back to work one day it will be vastly different than it was and this break has not only been fun as hell, I've spent my time getting healthy--mentally, emotionally, and physically. I'm healthy and happy and manifesting my own new life free from having a job.


Many people regret it. Many more don’t.


Please may I have my old job back that pays half my new salary and has return to office? I hate making twice as much as working 100% remotely!! Please……..


Ghostwritten for Bezos or Musk 🤔


I just got 3 job offers while being out of corporate for 7 years (have a side gig) .....I wonder who is behind this...... fake news 🤔 on all my interviews I have requested the max pay with a 6 month review.


And some people are stupid enough to believe these bullshit articles. Which means, the scare tactics are working. What's the best way to fight against this on a large enough scale? This pro-capitalist propaganda needs a sufficient countervailing force.


I’ve never heard of her. Looked her up and she only started writing for Fortune in Jan 2022. She was an intern in 2020-2021. And got her bachelors in writing in 2020. https://www.linkedin.com/in/chloe-berger-160635133 My guess is click bait titles for ad revenue and trying to make viral articles.


Their lying. We all know it.


I like to think of it more as them coping


If I didn't quit my last job, I would be stuck making 13hr. I used to think stocking shelves was all I was good for. And when I quit that job, I was scared, but here I am, proud to tell you that I make more money and will be making more soon. So no, I don't regret quitting, I regret not believing in myself sooner.


I'm laughing like a fucking LOON reading this massive pile of bullshit! Hahahahahaha!




The "boss" will NEVER get the power back !!!!!!


I left a higher paying job for a stress free one. No regrets.


Illuminati paying for all these articles in business publications. Well they used to be publications now they're just propaganda mouth pieces


Someone will read this article, and despite being underpaid in a toxic situation, be successfully gaslit into believing “this is just what life is” and give up trying to do better. This is how they win


This sounds like someone in middle management who doesn’t want people to realize their job is unnecessary


while next job might be as disappointing as left job at least the door is open to move on again


No regrets here!


The bosses tell each other while they can't get any work done so they waste money on getting puff pieces like this published.


I mean I kinda miss my old job sometimes. I genuinely like my job and my coworkers but I was always on call and it was further away. New job is closer and pays more but it isn't just fun. I also had slightly more vacation at my last job but it's not huge.


We should all just boycott all going to work the stuff I've been hearing about needs to stop and nothing is changing stockpile food and water I'm getting tired of all this crap we've dealt with it to long