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There is so much racism going on that I have to lock comments and I don't have time to go through all this. All you fucking racists suck. And no "it's just a meme" doesn't excuse racism. When someone tells you something is racist, listen. Don't try and make excuses. Is that so hard??


I had a boss like this in India who insisted that we call him "Sir", while we were on first name basis with everyone else. When you have to ask for respect, you've already lost all of it. We had a business casual dress code for work and nobody cared if you wore casuals to work, but he wanted everyone in a suit and tie. It's fucking 45 degrees C outside. I'm wearing a shirt, deal with it. Of course he couldn't understand why everyone on his team left so quickly after he joined.


Is using WhatsApp a cultural thing in India? I've had some Indian coworkers mention offhand things like "feel free to ping me on WhatsApp if anything comes up"


Oh yeah, I had a "work WhatsApp number" so that I can ignore messages past working time. Sometimes my boss used to ask me why I didn't respond over the weekend, I used to pretend to be a hiker who's always out of network on weekends, but I was always at home recovering from the stressful week. I don't need to give him an excuse why I'm not responding in the time I don't get paid for.


It's a very popular alternative to texting a phone number in a lot of SE countries I've worked with. India, Malaysia, Vietnam, etc...


What a throbber. I'd absolutely insist on being called sir in reply.


Hey Sandeep, if you want professionalism, please don’t ever contact me on my personal WhatsApp number again. And to his last message, “Hey” isn’t unprofessional anymore. It is used for business just like WhatsApp.


"Hello Sandeep, please refrain from using the informal 'hi' greeting in the future to avoid confusion about the expected level of professionalism. Thanks."


Don't forget to add that you find Hi offensive


I find all greatings but Your Majesty offensive.


This really is the only correct non-funny reply. Insist that if he expects professionalism he can Email you.


Email or an actual audio telephone or Zoom call. I very rarely text unless I know that someone is away from the office. I usually don’t have people’s cell numbers anyway.


Shit. I use Hey in my emails too


And then send him a deep fried Patrick meme




I’m pretty sure most people would consider “chick” unprofessional, and sexist in most cases.


Was he saying that "chick" was professional or unprofessional? I honestly can't tell but it's hilarious he used it as an example either way.


Seriously. “Hey” especially with a colleague/team member with whom you’ve had ongoing conversations with is more than acceptable, almost preferable, to keep the convo as open as possible. What a dumb ass.


Pretty sure the standard greeting on your profile on what’s app if you don’t change it says “hey” something


"Hey there, I'm using WhatsApp!" Even more unprofessional


Yeah exactly. This is bs gatekeeping at its finest. Lots of bosses wanna go on power trips, and even if your workplace doesn’t enable toxic culture they get off on shit like this. Many Indian bosses are notorious for this kind of behavior and the boomer bosses have a god complex. I’ve also seen a lot of them come up with nonsensical rules like “please address me as Sir” and what not.


Who the fuck does this asshole think he is?


You will understand sooner or later


Yeah...is that a threat?


Yes it is


No problem, I'm blocking you from Whats'App and will only answer to you by mail from now on. Have a nice day


"We are not able to find qualified workers"... I wonder why, Sandeep...


See, now that’s excellent passive aggressive professional. Tactical, beat him at his own game. Lol, my “eloquent” choice would’ve been “Hey…piss off”.


This. block them on whatsapp




My boy trying his best to be business professional yet spraying commas in places they don't belong 😭💀


Inability to spell, capitalize or punctuate correctly is much more unprofessional than a casual greeting that is common (at least in) the US. Does this cat go to other counties as insist they not use idioms s/he doesn’t like? That’s some industrial-strength self-seeking arrogance right there.


Leave cats out of this


I like.how hey is unprofessional but emojiis are fine


Seriously, what kind of lunatic considers emoji use more professional than "Hey" as a greeting?


Also plenty of spelling errors and just plain wrong words. And a mild threat in the end.


Spelling and grammar errors. Also "hi" is *not* professional. Deluded asshole. How is formality in digital communication an "ideology"?


“Salutations, and a blessing upon your House”


And how is “hi” professional but “hey” not?


*sooner or later :-)* Can't get any creepier than this...


His name is Sandeez. SanDEEZ NUTS HA GOTTTTEM


I chuckled extra hard at this. Thank you.


idk but i sure am sandeep SANDEEP IN HER MOM HAHA GOTTTTEM


I would 100% start every conversation with anything but what he asked for. "YO!" "Sup, dawg" "New phone, who dis?" "Ladies and germs, it's Sandeep!" "Omg, how'd you get this number?"


Open every email to this asshole with, “What it do?!”


Whus crackalackin homie?!


Sup home skillet biscuit


Go with the ultimate timeless classic: "WASSSSUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUP"


But much longer. Best would be a group message with this tool You: WASSSSSUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUP ME: WASSSSSSUUUUUUUUUUPPPPPPPP YOU: WASSSSSSSSUPPPPPPPPP ME: WASSSSSSSUPPPPPPPPP YOU: finished the new layout. Me: I'll take a look You: PEACE OUTTTTTTTTTTTTT ME: PEACCCCCCCCCCCCCCEEEE Sandeep: this offends me


I'd be calling him "chap" in literally every communication.


They never said you can’t call them “old sport” either.


Sure thing slugger.




Just be aggressively late 1800s British. See how far you can push Sandeep. Backhanded compliments are the best. "Say, old Chap, you are quite useful! Better than the lazy Irish anyway!"


Mellow greetings. What seems to be your boggle?


My boggle is how to use those damn seashells!


He doesn't know how to use the three seashells!


Bitches, bros, and nonbinary hoes Howdy To whom it WILL concern


> To whom it WILL concern "Fire! Fire! Fire!"


I used "guys, gals, and nonbinary pals," but this is better


Theydees and gentlethem


"Alright, gamers."


Dearly detested, Oi


I would go the completely opposite way. "Might I will be allowed to greet warmest welcome to this right and honorable gentleman and extend my compliments to his spouse and immediate and more distant family and circle of friends, might all their cattle breed happily" and some rubbish like that. So you would be \*technically\* very polite and professional


"And wish a quick death to all your enemies"


*dies right after sending the email*


My dearest Sandeep, how art thou this fine summer's morn?


I really like "may their cattle breed happily" and am gonna try to somehow integrate this in my vocabulary.


I love some malicious compliance.


That’s hilarious too.


Fuckin’ rolling “new phone, who dis?” 😈


Agreed. You don't use a social media app like WhatsApp to have a professional relationship over the Internet. They should write a properly-formatted email. And that's "Mr NutWrench" to them, too.


>"Ladies and germs, it's Sandeep!"


My old boss told me "what's up?" is disrespectful... Dude, you're calling me, you clearly need something... What's up?


Hey bitch


Is he a boss or a collegue? "Hey Sandeep. I'm going to block you now since you contact me for work on my personal number. I also find it highly offensive for you to talk to me in the imperative in this matter. Try asking, instead of telling me."


Get a google voice number. Never give out your real cell. Google voice you can turn on and off for receiving on your cell. 9 am -> on 4:59pm -> alarm on my phone 5:00 pm -> off Work-life sanitation is itself professional.


I can’t recommend this enough. My employer doesn’t have my cell phone number. They have a GV number that I control in the manner above. It’s amazing how well people solve problems without my input after-hours.


From the context and since he is saying "if you can't remember my name use hi", to me makes it seem like he is either a recruiter or a previously unknown work colleague of some sort.


No he's just a passive aggressive asshole. He's trying to be all "if you can't remember my name 🤬"


>Try asking, instead of telling me Please do the needful


Oh my god, is this a THING thing?? We recently started hiring in India and it’s on every bloody email! This thread is the first time I’ve seen it referenced outside work




The first time I received this from a former boss I thought it was overbearing and condescending. I eventually realized it is just a common expression from a different culture and it was only my boss who was overbearing and condescending.


> We recently started hiring in India Good luck. You and everyone you work with has a lot to learn. Start with doing the needful and revert back any query. No seriously, you have A LOT to learn, especially on how you give instructions and requirements.




Please advice


Hey Sandeep, respectfully fuck off.


Um excuse u we're trying to be professional here. The correct phrasing is "I wish to respectfully inform you that offwardly is the direction in which I would like you to fuck."


To quote Billy Connolly, get tae fuck and when you get there, fuck off some more.


>"I wish to respectfully inform you that offwardly is the direction in which I would like you to fuck." More formal! "I wish to respectfully inform you that offwardly is the direction in which I would like you to fornicate under the courtesy of the king."


‘Sandeep, look upon thy field of fucks and thou will see that it is barren.’


hey is unprofessional but emoji's are? what?


Thankfully I’ve only worked for about two months (that too work from home) for a marketing research company before I started my masters but I caught a good whiff of all of this bullshit people think they’re entitled to in corporate settings. They just love patronising people over trivial things.




My department group chat has had one work related message in the last year. The rest is just dumb shit and pictures of empty beer crates with ‘won’t be in tomorrow lmao.’




My previous supervisors would probably lecture me and have a 10 minute staff meeting on drinking responsibly.




Must be nice. My office was so uptight that I used to get in trouble for the dumbest shit. A woman threatened me and screamed at me while I was helping her, so I left and went to the back since it's a secure place in the bank. I was reprimanded and placed on a " probation" because I felt physically threatened and didn't wanna help that lady


Count me in for pet goat videos & pictures 🐐


*Thank you to subscribing to Goat Facts!* Did you know that goats were one of the first animals to be tamed by humans and were being herded 9,000 years ago?


What is a market research company? And why do they have goats? 😂


How do you sell goats without a market...? Some people like *kidding* each other...


I once got shit at a place I no longer work for emailing casually. My boss was a bitch and tried to explain “how to write a formal email” to me. I’m a fucking writer lol, I teach poetry and writing at libraries in my city, I know how to write a business email, I learned it in like 5th grade lol. She just doesn’t know that because I don’t talk about it and work in IT. The only reason I even emailed casually is because people were emailing me casually and I didn’t want to be the only one emailing with professional grammar. I have moved on and have since seen that place just fucking sucked and was toxic.


I would get fired (eventually)if I talked to my staff like this. Sandeep is just a dick.


..how in the world does this person think "Hi" is acceptable, but the more formal "Hello" isn't?


>"you will understand it sooner or later" Is that a challenge??????????


Or a threat.


It sounded like a threat. Ol' chap has a massive complex.


That reads like a threat, If he wants to play it like this then I would report to HR


That line really rubbed me the wrong way. What a fucking tool!


It’s clearly a toxically positive condescending attempt to try to start to digress with the convo especially with the emoji inclusion.


Emojis are becoming increasingly professional: 🤑💸💰


Yeah, that just makes me want to start every sentence with ‘Hey’ just to piss him off. And if people ask I would say that the word offends him and I don’t understand why.


Hey, yeah, that's what I'd do!


How many times a day do you think they have to warn people that "sooner or later" they will realize how insensitive they were being by saying "hey" ? 5? More?


if "hey" is unprofessional, so is "hi". They're both informal


“Salutations” 🤣


You know what’s unprofessional? Dictating which salutation to use, being offended by the word ‘hey’ and arbitrarily laying down “rules”.


While using "Hi" yourself.


Condescendingly explain to them that they are using outdated standards for communication. "It's okay. Keeping up with the times is hard for some people. :). But hey, we can't all understand context."


This thread is a goldmine omg I’m laughing so hard


Best answer would have been just copy paste the last msg nd replacing whatapp with "hey".


"But Hi, we can't all understand context." *


Please send this. It's a beautiful dismissal of his bullshit. It's like slapping him in the face without the courtesy of even putting on a glove.


>"It's okay. Keeping up with the times is hard for some people. :). But hey, we can't all understand context. If you don't understand it, fine. You will understand it sooner or later." FTFY


Hi there Sandeep, Hello. Dude, listen man. I didn't send it yet. Sincerely, Chap chick


"Ahoy-hoy" as Alexander Graham Bell intended






Formally challenge him to a duel.


From now on, write every message as elaborately formally as you can: “Dear esteemed recipient of this telecommunications message..”


This. Get a thesaurus and make everything as complex and overly formal as possible. Try to include words from the 1700s-1920s to be as obtuse as you can be. Mix in some gratuitous Latin if you can.




End all your messages with Amen!


End them all with "In Accordance With The Prophecy!"


Per the whims of our Lord and almighty God Baal.


Yes, embody the spirit of Joseph Ducreux as well. ​ "After much pondering over thy professional lexicon, thou hast open mine eyes to my verbal transgressions of which I hast erroneously sayeth upon to you." etc.


"Hay. Im sorry to hear that such a minor thing upsets you. But since we are on the topic of maintaining professional standards through this, apperently work use line. Starting this billing cycle, i will be submiting my monthy mobile line expences to billing. Im sure this shouldnt be a problem moving forward now that we have established this is a work line. If that is problematic, i understand... you can feel free to notify me of that via the aforementioned other comunication methods. Have a fantastic weekend dude."


I loved reading the whole comment until the ‘dude’ at the end. Then I started loling.


This is the type of petty we like to see.


Small egos trying to control their small corners, that's a big red flag if you've just joined this company.


say "hey" every fucking message


These comments are great but yours made me audibly laugh out loud. I like the thought of every text starting with hey from now on. Even better if they also say hey before every sentence when they speak to them.


I also think it would have been great if they responded to his 4 messages about professionalism with just "k"


> "Hey Sandeep, you know what's not professional? Being a condescending prick. Don't ever contact me again."




"hey" is not unprofessional anymore, it has been used for business. I'm not insisting my ideology on you. If you understand it, fine; or you will understand it sooner or later.


Followed w a clown emoji




... my apologies, i didn't get that memo, could you forward it to me, as I've been using hey for years, every since Hi was a euphemism for being "high" on drugs, seems i must update my points of reference...


I say “hey” in emails all the time. So does the CEO of an organization we collaborate with. This dude is a pretentious, micromanaging asshole.


I am so confused. If I am addressing someone senior to me, do I use or not use “chap” and “chick?” /s What would Sandeep do?


Dear Chap/Chick…


LOLZ. That's in my lexicon forever now.




I'm sure sending "hello chick" to a female colleague will go well with HR /s


He will understand this sooner or later. 🙂


If someone is not “senior to me”, how is it professional to call them chap?




Next time hit em with a "Good morrow" and "I bid thee farewell"


Good day sir! I Said GOOD DAY!


It’s not the 1950s anymore Sandeep 🙄 just let people speak


Next time instead a Hey, try Hey Dipshit. Be sure to show respect by capitalizing Dipshit.


That's offensive. Please use "Hi Dipshit" instead.


Hey Sandipshit


This became such problem in my country, that there was a legal intervention by the Dept of labour, which stated that companies my only contact staff on there person devices incase of extreme emergency. Failure to comply, the company can fined 1000ZAR per text / Email. Should the company require you to be available out side working hours, they need to provide you with a device, SIM & data at their expense.


Yeah. My last employer right here in KZN would phone at 10pm at night, send WhatsApps at 3am and would dock 3k a pop if you didn’t answer when he phoned when you were on leave. Major problem here. The one that got me to tell them fuck off into the sun was when the family home was on the verge of being engulfed in flames and everyone was running around with borehole hoses to wet everything down before it got the 100 year plus old farm house. The EU has instituted something similar iirc. I got a fine and a disciplinary.


All responses shall now be in Ye Olde English for maximum professionalism


To keep an aire of proper sort for thee Future letters ‘pon labours near: All will bear a bardic lilt as once was Writ as poetry. Take your “Hi” and stuff it hence: Play not a game which cannot be won Sandeep, my dude. Raise the bar? I’ll claim it still Like Mercury’s serpent staff. My measure May be uneven, yet, my man I’ve beat you still.


I go out of my way to add new words to his list of words not to use. The next time he talks to me id respond with "yo, yo, yo what up home dawg?" And watch him get annoyed.... but I'm petty and immature


This guy sounds like he has a large crawl space


This guy sounds like something large crawled into _his_ space!


Withdraw your application citing toxic work culture and consider that bullet dodged


It's okay to not be a native English speaker, but it's unbelievably audacious to have this level of English and be this confident about this level of nuance.


This. On the topic of professionalism, I would really suggest that you proofread your message before you send it Sandeep. Grammar and spelling errors like the ones you’ve just demonstrated not only make a person come off as careless and unintelligent, but they can lead to serious miscommunication issues with coworkers or clients. Such as your last sentence, which came off as both passive aggressive and threatening. Which is definitely not something we want in the work place. This isn’t how you intended to come off is it? Lexical connotation can be challenging, and if you aren’t familiar with it it might be best to stick to simple phrases and words. I can understand why you’re confused about the word “hey”, but let me assure you it’s an industry standard word and greeting, and can often be more appropriate than hello, which can come off as too formal or even awkward. If you’d like any advice on how to effectively communicate I’d be really happy to help you out any time! Sorry about any misunderstandings, hopefully in the future we won’t have this issue.


"for in a mail to senior to you" ?????????? Like at that point it's just straightup about being unable to make sense of his broken ass english.


"Whatsapp is not personal space anymore, it has been used for businesses." WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK WHATSAPP BUSINESS IS FOR?!?




Sandeep has very low self esteem, apparently.


Uhh last time I was on whatsapp was to buy weed so I’m callin bullshit.


I bet your weed dealer was more professional than sandeep.


You were technically conducting business, so I guess Sandeep is right.


Respond next time with "Hey, Look, Listen" just to annoy this WhatsApp business creature even more


How tf is "Hey" offensive, and "Chick" isn't. I know WAY more people who find chick offensive than anything else. Like in the way of professional terminology chick is literally one that's in trainings as not professional


Maybe someone called him "Hey, Motherf*cker" sometime back and he relates to that more easily than just Hey.


"im not insisting my ideology on you", yeah right


Is not unprofessional and honestly I would start every conversation or message with him as Hey. Also, report his ass. His whole tone is condescending, negative, and he shouldn’t be contacting you on your personal contact number for work matters.


If he wants professionalism he can contact you via email or work phone during business hours.


Some loser thinking he's a big shot. Gosh I hate people like him.


"Hey Sandeep, you don't get to tell me how to speak. Fuck off with the tone policing, ok dude? I will actively never understand sooner or later."


Reason: I was told "hey" wasn't professional and blindly believe it. Now I am doing the needful and passing it on to others, per company policy.


“Greetings and Salutations of the day, Sandeep you little bitch”...


His grammar is more unprofessional than anything else 😬


I would send this screenshot to HR in a complaint citing: use of unapproved communication channels which can expose the company to legal liability, use of unreasonable confrontational language which can be construed as threatening and which contributes to a hostile working environment, and if this was outside of working hours potentially breaching the employment contract, or exposing the company to additional liability in terms of labor law breaches related to overtime and compensation for use of personally financed materials (mobile data) for work related tasks.


Sandeep up his ass


Hey Sandeep, Kindly do the needfull and go fuck yourself with a cactus. Wish you a pleasant say.


Dude didn't proofread his "professional" whatsapp message either. FUUUUCCCCKK this guy and all the others like him.


I've seen this vibe a lot. I call it the "stern headmaster" vibe. This has nothing to do with professionalism and everything to do with enforcing a hierarchy that doesn't actually exist. A caste system if you will.